SDN Document - reading notes for academic use only..... PDF

Title SDN Document - reading notes for academic use only.....
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reading notes for academic use only........




Software Defined Networking based on 5G

INTRODUCTION SDN also, referred to as software defined networking is an important paradigm in the networking sphere. The technological advancement has been driven by emergent technologies that have altered networking requirements. SDN has provided opportunities to initiate network innovations, automate robust networks and simplify several aspects of network programming (Foukas et al, 2015, p.1). Network programmability can be traced back to the 1990’s with the adoption of Active networking. Consequently, control plane differentiation was done in the 2000’s. Computer networks are quite complex and tough to manage. They are characterized by routers, firewalls, server load balancers, intrusion detection systems among other vital components. Standardization and interoperability analysis have been common especially to the network protocols. Configuration of individual network devices and interfaces is made easy. SDN has also, altered the design and management of networks. Centralized control and command of network facilities is the most crucial phenomenon that provides opportunities for innovation. The changing networking needs is depicted by the emergence of data centers and trends in cloud computing, virtualization and cyber security aspects. This has encouraged the departure from the traditional architectures (Nick et al, 2014, p.1). The SDN implementations meet the existing demands of the industry.

Software Defined Networking based on 5G

Software Defined Networking based on 5G

SDN BASED ON 5G Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has emerged as a new intelligent architecture for network architecture to reduce hardware limitations. The main idea of introducing SDN is to separate the control plane outside the switches and enable external control of data through a logical software component called controller. SDN based on 5G is a promising method for these links, which will be a key component in the design of 5G wireless networks. The 5G is going to be based on user-centric concept instead of operator-centric as in 3G or service-centric as seen for 4G. This mean that we have upcoming issues that need to be looked into as it coming up. It’s also going to answer the question, how SDN can improve the security of 5G's network in SDN based 5G.SDN provides simple abstractions to describe the components, the functions they provide, and the protocols to manage the forwarding plane along with Mobile IP from a remote controller via a secure channel. As time has been slipping away, there are advancements in place and is based on SDN based on a 5G network. It is expected to save wiring costs to achieve higher convenience and efficiency. Principals of virtual network management and operation, which can be implemented by network function virtualization (NFV), and Software-Defined Networking (SDN) are the main element of the network architecture to support the new requirements of the new powerful wireless communication in the future. Therefore, the 5G technology bandwidth will face inevitable challenges in the future. In the long run, it is important to note that the virtualization brought by software-defined networking (SDN) to 5G allows administrators to control and change the network remotely. 5G can cache content locally, which requires an SDN controller to manage the traffic accessing the cache and orchestrate how the devices are communicating with the network A good example to show this will work can be demonstrated in a hospital. A patient comes in late and some images are taken for diagnostics to take place. The only doctor who can interpret the images has already checked out, and is at home. If the doctor has the access of the image while at home, courtesy of SDN, 5G based equipment, installed at his/her place, there will be no need for the doctor to drive back to the hospital to have access to the images. This makes a positive

Software Defined Networking based on 5G

Software Defined Networking based on 5G

impact by saving a life in that specific scenario. The technology advancement will be highly appreciated and as time goes by, there will be more.

The value of SDN in 5G The value of SDN in 5G wireless networks lies specifically in its ability to provide new proficiencies like network virtualization, automating and creating new services on top of the virtualized resources, in secure and trusted networks. Also, SDN enables the separation of the control logic from vendor-specific hardware to open and vendor-neutral software controllers. Thus, it enables implementing routing and data processing functions of wireless set-up into software packages in general purpose computer or even in the cloud. These services courtesy of SDN in 5G draws very important aspect in relation to users who will benefit from the services. Other necessary evil drawn by the wireless network is that it will strengthen other network services include the following as listed below. 1. The virtualization brought by software-defined networking (SDN) to 5G allows administrators to control and change the network remotely. As long as the administrators have the access to internet, they can do the service with ease without having to go back to the work station. This will save them time to do other things that they had in mind. 2. 5G can cache content locally, which requires an SDN controller to manage the traffic accessing the cache and orchestrate how the devices are communicating with the network. Having the ability to cache content locally, this means that the system cannot lag or nudge in the middle of a process. This makes it have a very good network connectivity since the traffic is contained locally. 3. The advantages of the virtualization technology and the next-generation network include automation, the creation of new services that use virtualized resources, lower costs, and higher bandwidth. New service having being virtualized means that everything that one user had to worry is absolutely no more. The technology will have done all the tasks and will save much resources as it is expected.

Software Defined Networking based on 5G

Software Defined Networking based on 5G

Clearly, it’s shown how the matter can be so wide, flexible and everyday discovery by the interested parties. There are more researchers right now working on any possible outcome, as they continue scrapping off good information about the SDN based on 5G.

Software Defined Networking based on 5G

Software Defined Networking based on 5G

Security of SDN-Based 5G In this era, there are malicious things everywhere, even in internet, we have security threats and to be on the safe side, we need to protect the system in one way or another from malice activities like hacking and others. Basically, we need to add authentication that can verify whoever is accessing the system. The security involves concept underlying our security authentication synchronizing secret. In our scheme, all of the 5G devices will maintain a secret key, which is a value generated by the encryption algorithm. These keys will also be recorded in a backend system. During the communication process, the back-end system will check whether the device has the same secret as the it recorded. Since the attacker cannot obtain this secret in advance, its requirement will not pass the authentication process, namely, we have successfully found an SDN security attack and is malicious to the system since an attempt was made, so the system will advance its blocking capabilities from a second attack attempt. The system is well deigned to protect the information stored and will not be accessible without permit or identification by the authority. These attacks happen on a daily basis and the SDN based on 5G is being jeopardized if in one way or another, there are more than one vulnerability under the technology and we hope a solution will be in place since every day, a research is in place to cover all potential threats. In the meantime, all is well with what is there. The partying short for these shared ideas is very important since, it open and gives hope to other researchers to continue discovering and improve the current system and make it much better. Free from any threat and make it friendlier to even those who don’t have the knowledge on how to use it. There have been proposed changes resulting in the use of SDN in anomaly detection. Dependency checking tools have been deployed to evaluate the general path of the entire network thus guaranteeing security. Also, the dynamic policy checker implementation provides additional security features and evaluates the policy violations (Jammal et al, 2014, p.18). In conclusion, SDN based on 5G is a wide field and we cannot miss even speculations to where it is heading to. We only hope that the stats of vulnerabilities will not rise to be a threat because SDN is the only hope in boosting the 5G security. Even as other researchers are still working to make things better, it is always good to anticipate for any kind of threats as they come up.

Software Defined Networking based on 5G

Software Defined Networking based on 5G

REFERENCES Foukas, X., Marina, M. K., & Kontovasilis, K. (June 19, 2015). Software Defined Networking Concepts. 1-33. Jammal, M., Singh, T., Shami, A., Asal, R., & Li, Y. (October 29, 2014). Software defined networking: State of the art and research challenges. Computer Networks, 72, 1-24.

Nick, F., Jennifer, R., & Ellen, Z. (April 08, 2014). The road to SDN: an intellectual history of programmable networks. Acm Sigcomm Computer Communication Review, 44, 2, 87-98. Hyunwoo Nam, Doru Calin, Henning Schulzrinne,” Intelligent Content Delivery over Wireless via SDN”, IEEE WCNC, 2015.

Software Defined Networking based on 5G

Software Defined Networking based on 5G

HOW VULNERABILITY IN SDN COULD BAD FOR 5G IN SDN BASED 5G SDN technology is an approach to network management that enables dynamic, programmatically efficient network configuration in order to improve network performance and monitoring, making it more like cloud computing than traditional network management. In this era, there have been advancement in SDN technology. 5G has found itself side by side with SDN and that means that, it has been considered very useful since, network management will be at its best for over the coming years. In the long run, in every advanced technology, there has to be a risk and a measure has to in place to coupe with it. Vulnerability of SDN can cause a major threat to 5G network. In that, it can expose the network to malice users with high intentions of hacking or corrupting with the SDN based on 5G. The current security vulnerabilities 5G and what 5G might be facing are as follows: Security threats in SDN based on 5G; SDN is the main source that enables programmability techniques in communication networks with the help of its centralized platforms of network control. Because of these features, it makes opportunities for different level threats like Denial of service (DoS) to crack and hack specific communication network [ CITATION Agi16 \l 1033]. With these kinds of threats, users who may be benefitting from SDN based on 5G services might be putting their work or documents in jeopardy. The system may even be endorsed with a VIRUS which can rip of the system if the security isn’t checked and put under heavy shield. Privacy threats in SDN based on 5G Privacy can be a major issue from user perception. There is plenty of smartphone android and IOS application that required user information before installing or using an application deprived of mentioning the usage of information. Since 5G advancements is moving in the direction whereby handsets are going to be able to have access to the 5G network, it might emerge a scene whereby customers privacy will be invaded and might even lose much more important credentials to hackers, since they will use the customers detail. This show that still SDN based on 5G can be vulnerable if it is not secured well. An example, a customer uses mobile banking, then wonders who else has been using his/her money, little did he/she know, hacking was done and some thief took the chance without cracking a whip. Forwarding Device Attack: The network traffic can be disturbed by access points or switches, which results in malicious users launching denial of service (DoS) attack that can result in network failure or disruption. In that case, there will be interruption to network usage to any user at the moment and may even result to loss of data in the process.

Software Defined Networking based on 5G

Software Defined Networking based on 5G

Threats in Control Plane: Due to the use of central controller, any problem arising in the network results in the failure of the central controller. The approach that is being used to solve this problem is to use either horizontal or hierarchical controller distributions. Since the control plane is responsible for holding data in different pools, it may lead to data loss if the threat turns into attack. Having the SDN based on 5G network, it may interfere too with what it holds at the data center. Fake Traffic Flows: A non-malicious faulty device or an attacker can launch this or DoS attack to dissipate the resources in forwarding devices or controllers. This threatens the 5G since having the ability to launch these kinds of attack to a system. This makes it hard to tell how to manage or control the traffic since no one can notice earlier if it’s a fake flow or it’s a normal one. Authenticity: It refers to the property that entities in networks are actually the ones they claim to be. The issue of authenticity for forwarding devices in SDN networks is similar to that in traditional networks; it can result as hindrance in network performance. Coming to the 5G, authentication is very important so as to block malice activity, if there is a problem in authentication and it can result to an unexpected problem. (C. W, L. A and W. P, Computer Networks," pp. 1-30, 2014.) Confidentiality: It prevents from the expose of information to unauthorized users, if not ensured can lead unauthorized users to access network information or data. If there is any interruption between the SDN and 5G, confidentiality might be hit and may cause expose of private information to attackers. There has to be a confided confidential system for security purposes. Availability: It means that authorized users can access data, devices, and services whenever they need. Threats emerge when a user forgets maybe to log out immediately after working, attackers may retrieve vital information that they will be using to cause problems. It’s very important for every available authorized user to always remember to immediately log out and secure their login passcodes from any potential attackers. Open Programmable API: The open nature of API makes the vulnerabilities more transparent to attackers. Application programming interface is a connection between computers or between computer programs. It is a type of software interface, offering a service to other pieces of Software Defined Networking based on 5G

Software Defined Networking based on 5G

software. Any attacker with enough knowledge can cause a wreck on an open API. It’s always important to instill and secure any open API from potential attackers.

Man-in-the-Middle-Monitors: The switches and the controllers are not directly connected for the transmission of information, any which switch monitors can steal or misuse the information without being caught thus leading to black hole attack. Getting a solution to this will help cover up before any scene appearing in the near future since there are no records showing a black hole attack. With the some of the vulnerability, it doesn’t mean that SDN based on 5G isn’t a better option since, they have solutions every day on making it better from all the bad encounters. Every researcher is working on it to ensure these threats don’t exceed the way they show up, they even try to reduce and shut them down, completely. Proper communication channels are helpful for not only get rid of the identified threats of security but also it provides advantages to software-defined networking (SDN) [Gaw13 et al \l 1033] To maintain privacy, 5G should stand with an improved mechanism to its transparency, data minimization, and accountability. There should be global visibility of suspicious users and their activities regarding the behaviour of network traffic [Roy99 et al \l 1033].

In conclusion, the emergence of the Software-defined network has overcome the requirement and need of secure, trustworthy, flexible and well-managed networks. SDN is vulnerable to more attack vectors than traditional networks. This means that the availability, consistency, authenticity, confidentiality, and integrity of network and control traffic could be rigorously affected especially now that it is based on 5G. In that case, I’ve only managed to mention just some few aspects about the security and the vulnerability of SDN based 5G, there are more others and others are yet to be discovered. REFERENCES T. Bakhshi, "Securing Wireless Software Defined Networks: Appraising Threats, Defenses & Research Challenges," in 2018 International Conference on Advancements in Computational Sciences (ICACS), 2018. C. W, L. A and W. P, "A roadmap for traffic engineering in SDN OpenFlow networks. Computer Networks," pp. 1-30, 2014. K. D, R. F. and V. P., "Towards secure and dependable software defined networks," in Proceedings of the second ACM SIGCOMM workshop on “Hot topics in software defined networking, 2013.

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