Secret notes for ATI PDF

Title Secret notes for ATI
Course Nursing
Institution St. Petersburg College
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How to get level 3 and 4 with this secrets...


Few secretes how to get level 3 on any NCLEX RN ATI exam: med surg, mental health, foundations, maternity, childcare, community and leadership PDF/ no refunds

1) Please note there is no easy way out you need to read ATI books, so read ATI book 2) After each chapter review Cathy Parket video review and make note what you need to know per sure 3) If you can afford it buy Cathy Parker prep cards, in there you will find way more information jammed in few cards. 4) Practice ati questions as much as possible. Download official FREE ati program on your phone, name of program RN Mentor (go to create new quiz, start by clinical area) there is about 800 + question you WILL see few of them on your ati exam 5) Do ATI book questions in the end of the chapter , read areas correlated with quizzed 2nd time and make notes. 6) Utilize practice questions and topic reviews, do not just google questions do it for real and topic review will tell you what chapters you need to review. 7) Incorporate Saunders latest review book to your study 8) Complete Saunders questions to enhance your understanding

9) Practice random question for your ATI exam from day 1 , you will remember and would be able to use it in semester and on exam. (I suggest to spend 1 hour every day just on RN mentor) 10)

Enhance your memory by using picmonic (Please let me

know if you want to try it, I have referral link with free trial and 20 % discount code if you decide to purchase membership) 11)

Lastly, if you know someone who was taking ATI exam ask

for their topic’s review chances are you will have the same questions on your exam, so you would be able to read this questions topic before exam and answer them correctly. LPN and RN ATI exam are a like, they want nurses to know almost the same topics. (Like digoxin toxicity patient sign and symptoms ) I will include all ATI what I was able to find from different students who was taking ati before

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Just a couple things to remember for NCLEX PRIORITIZE PATIENTS Who is healthiest who is sickest Disaster in town, if you have to discharge someone, who do you discharge- lowest priority client Received report on 4 patients, which will you check first- highest priority Age- irrelevant Gender- irrelevant Diagnoses- what do they have Modified phrase- what are they doing In PEDS pay attention to the age not in priority questions Young is not more valuable than old or men more than women Modified phrase is the most important! If patient has angina with unstable BP vs patient with MI with unstable BP -angina has highest priority bc modified phrase is unstable 4 rules of prioritization 1. Acute beats chronic (acute is higher priority) COPD CHF Appendicitis - highest priority bc it’s a cute 2. Fresh post op (12hrs) beats medical or other surgical (fresh is highest priority) Doesn’t matter how bad the surgery, if you aren’t in the 12hr post op you aren’t priority, you are recovery. 3. Unstable beats stable (unstable is highest priority) Words that make you stable- 1. Use of the word stable 2.Chronic illness makes you stable

3.Post op greater than 12hr you are stable 4.Procedure with Local or regional anesthesia 5.Lab abnormalities of an A or B level 6.The phrases “ready for discharge” “to be discharged” “admitted longer than 24 hrs ago” 7.Unchanged assessments 8.Experiencing the typical expected S/S of the disease with which they were diagnosed Words that make you unstable- 1. Use of the word unstable 2.Acute illness makes you unstable 3.Post op less than 12hr makes you unstable 4.General anesthesia makes you unstable 5.Lab abnormalities of a C or D level 6.The phrases “Not ready for discharge” “newly admitted” “newly diagnosed” “admitted less than 24 hours ago” 7.Changing or changed assessments 8.Experiencing unexpected S/S Who is the highest priority? 1. 16 yo F w meningitis who has had a temp of 103.8 since admission 3 days ago (stable) 2. 67 yo M w IBS who spiked a temp of 100.3 this afternoon (unstable) Things that are always unstable REGARDLESS whether it’s expected or not1. Hemorrhage 2. High fever over 105 3. Hypoglycemia 4. Pulseless or breathless The tiebreaker on highest priority is- the more vital the organ, the higher the priority (the organ of the modified phrase) The most vital organ is your (in this order) Brain Lung

Heart Liver Kidney Pancreas With the exception- If there is a scene of an UNwitnessed accident, if someone is pulseless or breathless, they are of low priority. 3 things that result in a black tag of an unwitnessed accident- 1. Pulseless 2. Breathless 3. Fixed and dilated pupils ABC’s of priority. (High to low priority) Airway Breathing ability Circulation If an airway is blocked their breathing abilities and circulation doesn’t matter. You must intervene in the order of importance. Create an airway first. DELEGATION LPN’s can notStarting an IV Hang or mix IV meds Pushing IV push meds Can’t admin blood or mess with central lines Not allowed to change central line dressing Can’t plan care (RN makes care plan) Can’t form or develop teaching Can’t take care of unstable pt Can’t do the 1st of anything Not allowed to do the following assessments: admission, discharge, transfer, the 1st assessment after there has been a change LPN’s can-

Maintain and document the flow of an IV Can implement the care plan Reinforcing teaching Random- Thyroid storm s/s delirium DON’T DELEGATE TO A UAPcharting (they can chart what they did but can’t chart about the pt) Can’t give meds except (topical, OTC, barrier creams) Can’t do assessments except for vitals and accu checks Not allowed to do treatments except enemas Be cautious of allowing UAP’s to catheterize (if there is anything else they can do, do not pick allowing them to cath. Only choose this if you are sure they cannot do any other answer) Look at your verbs, is it asking to evaluate or do something? UAPS can doADL’s (except they should never do the 1st of any of these) In extended care LPN’s can do many of the things we stated not to do, because I’m extended care the pt’s are considered “stable”. Do NOT delegate to the family safety responsibilities. You CAN delegate safety to the sitter. You have to teach them and document that you taught them. They can only do what you taught them. HANDLING STAFF How do you intervene with inappropriate behavior of staff? There are always 4 answers you will see 1. Tell supervisor 2. Confront them and take over immediately 3. At a later date, just talk to them about it. 4. Ignore it Ignore it is NEVER the answer. How to chose between the remaining options. 1.Is what they are doing illegal? If yes, tell your supervisor! 2.If not, is anyone in immediate danger of physical or psychological harm? If yes, confront and take over immediately.

3.If it is bother illegal and harmful, 1st confront, 2nd tell. 4.If it is illegal but not harmful, tell supervisor. 5.If no one is in harms way, not illegal, but simply inappropriate, at a later date talk to them. AuscultationsAortic 2nd right intercostal space Pulmonic 2nd left intercostal space Tricuspid 4th intercostal space at the left sternal border Mitral/Apical 5th intercostal space at the mid clavicle line HOW TO GUESSPsych question: The nurse will examine their own feelings about something Establish a trusting relationship Nutrition: In a tie, pick baked chicken If not chicken pick fish, but not shellfish Never pick casseroles for children Never mix meds in children’s food Toddlers- always chose finger foods (what they can eat on the run) Preschoolers leave them alone (one meal a day is okay. They eat when they want, what they want) Pharmacology: If you know what a drug does but don’t know the side effects, pick a side effect in the same body system where the drug is working. If you got a question about a GI drug, would you pick drowsiness, tachycardia, or diarrhea? Diarrhea. In the same situation except a drug working on the heart, you would pick tachycardia. Same situation except a drug working on the CNS, you would pick drowsiness.

If you have absolutely no idea what the drug even is, look to see if it’s PO, pick a GI side effect. Never tell a child that medicine is candy. OB: Check fetal HR Med surg: what’s the first thing you assess LOC. Next, establish an airway. You’re in a code doing CPR, check LOC, then do your ABC (airway, breathing, circulation). PEDS for growth and development: They are all based on always giving the child more time to grow (don’t rush it) Normal, older, easier!! 1. When in doubt, call it normal. (Ex. Some 6 yo can read and some can’t. Give it more time.) 2. When in doubt pick the older age when you narrow it down (ex. 12 and 14 months, pick 14mo, give them more time) 3. When in doubt pick the easier tasks (ex. 6 month old rolling over and sitting up. Pick roll over because that’s easier than sitting up) GENERAL GUESSING SKILLS 1. Rule out absolutes (absolutes can be correct but if you are guessing rule them out) 2. If two answers say the same thing neither one of them are right. 3.If two answers are opposite, one of them are probably right. 4.The umbrella strategy- which answer is more global? An answer that covers all the overs without saying it does. 5.If they give you one patient and asks you which of the following needs is highest priority, don’t use earlier rules. Take each option, which would leave you with the worst consequences. If you didn’t do it, what is the worst thing that will happen? This is the best answer. Which is highest priority in caring for a suicidal patient? (One pt) A. Give him a tranquilizer

B.Orient them to the unit C.Put on suicide precaution D. Introduce him to the staff C. If you don’t do this, he could kill himself. 6. When you’re stuck between two answers, reread the question. 7. The Sesame Street rule: use when and only when you have no other option when nothing else works. Right answers tend to be different than the other answers because it’s the only one that is right. The wrong answers always share something similar. Chose what is unique and different. DO NOT USE THIS UNLESS LAST RESORT...

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