Self-regulation CNO PDF

Title Self-regulation CNO
Author Sarah Peebles
Course Nursing Professionalism and Ethics
Institution Algonquin College
Pages 1
File Size 23 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 19
Total Views 148


Summary of CNO Self-regulation...


Aboutt heCol l egeofNur ses ofOnt ar i o TheCol l egeofNur sesofOnt ar i oi st hegov er ni ngbodyf or Regi st er edNur ses( RNs) ,Regi st er edPr act i calNur ses( RPNs)and Nur sePr act i t i oner s( NPs)i nOnt ar i o,Canada. Thenur s i ngpr of es s i onhasbeensel f r egul at i ngi nOnt ar i os i nc e1963.Sel f r egul at i oni s apr i v i l egegr ant edt opr of es s i onst hathav eshownt heycanputt hei nt er es t soft he publ i caheadoft hei rownpr of es si onali nt er est s .I tr ec ogni z est hatOnt ar i o’ snur s eshav e t heknowl edgeandex per t i s et or egul at et hems el v esasi ndi v i dualpr ac t i t i oner sandt o r egul at et hei rpr of es si ont hr ought heCol l ege. TheCol l egef ul fil si t sr ol eby : 

es t abl i shi ngr equi r ement sf orent r yt opr act i c e

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admi ni s t er i ngi t sQual i t yAss ur ancePr ogr am

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TheCol l egeal s osuppor t st her egul at i onofnur s i ngi nt hepubl i ci nt er es tby : 

par t i c i pat i ngi nt hel egi s l at i v epr ocess

s har i ngst at i s t i cali nf or mat i onaboutOnt ar i o’ snur s es

TheCol l egewor k si npar t ner shi pwi t hempl oy er s ,educat or sandgov er nments ot hat ev er y onei nOnt ar i obenefit sf r om qual i t ynur s i ngs er v i c es ....

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