Server - This is the COMPLETED socket programming assignment. All the blanks have been PDF

Title Server - This is the COMPLETED socket programming assignment. All the blanks have been
Course Network Fundamentals
Institution University of Technology Sydney
Pages 1
File Size 26.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 82
Total Views 137


This is the COMPLETED socket programming assignment. All the blanks have been filled out and this is fully functional. All you have to do is copy and paste it into a text document, then convert that into a .py file...


#import socket module! from socket import *! import sys # In order to terminate the program! serverSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)! # Prepare a sever socket! # Assign a port number! serverPort = 8000! serverSocket.bind(('', serverPort)) # get and bind server address to port number! serverSocket.listen(1)! while True:! print('Ready to serve...')! connectionSocket, addr = serverSocket.accept() #establish the connection! try:! message = connectionSocket.recv(1024) #receives the request message from the client ! print 'Message is: ', message! filename = message.split()[1] #extract the second part of HTTP header identified by [1]! f = open(filename[1:]) # because the second part of the HTTP header includes a '/', this instructs to read from the second character expressed through '[1:]' ! outputdata = #store the entire content of the requested file in a temporary buffer connectionSocket.send('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n'.encode()) #Send a HTTP header line ! ! ! for i in range(0, len(outputdata)): #send content to client connectionSocket.send(outputdata[i].encode())! connectionSocket.send("\r\n".encode()) ! connectionSocket.close()! ! except IOError:! connectionSocket.send('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n404 Not Found ☹')! connectionSocket.close() ! ! serverSocket.close()! connectionSocket.close()! sys.exit() #Terminate the program after sending the corresponding data !...

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