SET 5 - Hauer PDF

Title SET 5 - Hauer
Course Applied Microbiology
Institution Nova Southeastern University
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SET 5 4 Types of Eukaryotic Microorganisms 1. Protozoa 2. Fungi 3. Algae 4. Helmiths

What are eukaryotic flagella made of and how are they arranged? Microtubuals in a 9+2 arrangement

What are cilia? Shorter and more numerous than flagella; but similar

In what organisms are cilia found? Certain protozoa and animal cells

What are cilia used for? motility, feeding, and filtering

Which eukaryotic microorganisms have a cell wall? 1.Fungi 2.Most algae

Which eukaryotic microorganisms do not have a cell wall? 1. Protozoa 2. A few algae 3. All animal cells

Where do eukaryotes have membranes?

1. Membrane around the organelles inside 2. Membrane on the outside

What is the function of the membranes? Acts as a selectively permeable layer

Describe the nucleus and what it does -Surrounded by double membrane (nuclear envelope) -Contains Chromosomes (DNA) -Protects DNA

Describe eukaryotic chromosomes -Linear -2 or more -large units of genetic information in the cell

What happens in the nucleolus? Where ribosomal RNA and ribosomes are made

What is the purpose of mitosis? Lines up and sorts out double chromosomes in preparation for nuclear and cell division

Do prokaryotes carry out mitosis? Why or why not? NO - because they only have one chromosome and its easy to divide.

Eukaryotic ribosomes -Ribosomal RNA and protein -larger than prokaryotic ribosomes

Rough ER -Called rough because ribosomes are attached -Package up proteins to be shipped far away inside the cell -Connected with Rough ER

Golgi -For transporting proteins -Takes ribosomes from rough ER and ships them -Sacs are not continuous unit

Smooth ER -Smooth because no ribosomes attached -Where lipids are made -Detox of metabolic waste

Lysosomes -Function in digestion -Stomach of the cell

Vacuoles For storing things

Mitochondria -Energy production -Divide independently of cell -Have their own circular DNA -Prokaryotic sized ribosomes support endosymbiotic theory of how eukaryotic cells came about


-Energy production -Sunlight to Energy (photosynthesis) -Found in algae and plant cells -Prokaryotic DNA and Ribosomes -Divide independently of cell

Describe the role of endosymbiosis in the informoration of mitochondria and chloroplasts to create modern eukaryotic cells -Mitochondria and Chloroplasts used to live independently, but got taken inside a larger cell, where they live together symbiotically.

Cytoskeleton -Internal support fibers -Functions: anchoring organelles, providing support, permitting shape changes and movement -Two main types of cytoskeleton: Microfilaments and Microtubuals -Movement and transportation -Structural support

Name structures that both prokaryotes and eukaryotes have and the ones that are unique to eukaryotes BOTH: cell membrane, cytoplasm, DNA, cytoskeleton, ribosomes EUK: nucleus, (mitosis), golgi, ER, mitochondria, chloroplasts, cilia

Which types of fungi are microscopic? -Molds -Yeast

What are 2 forms (morphologies) of microscopic fungi? -Hyphae --long threadlike cells that make up the bodies of filamentous fungi or molds -Yeast--round ovoid shape, asexual reproduction

What does it mean to be dimorphic? can take either form - yeast or hyphae - depending upon conditions such as temperature

Describe nutrition of fungi -All are heterotrophic -Most are saprobes - meaning they obtain nutrients from remnants of deat plands or animals. -Fungi can also be parasites

What structure to fungi in the hyphal form feature? -Long threadlike cells -Woven intertwining mass

What 2 ways can fungal spores be produced? -Asexual --primarily a product of mitotic division -Sexual--formed through a process involving the fusing of two parental nuclei followed by meiosis

How are fungi identified? -Sexual spores and spore-forming structures are one basis for classification -Isolation on specific media (ex. Sabouraud Dextrose agar) -Macroscopic and microscopic observation of: ---Asexual spore-forming structures and spores ---Hyphal type ---Colony texture and pigmentation ---Physiological characteristics ---Genetic makeup

How are fungi detrimental?

-Mycoses, allergies, toxins -Destruction of crops and food storage

How are fungi beneficial? -Decomposers of dead plants and animals -Antibiotics, alcohol, organic food, vitamins -Making foods and in genetic studies

What areas of the body can be affected by fungi -Feet; athletes foot -Skin, nails, lungs

What are protists Eukaryotes that arent plants, animals, or fungi

What are the types of protists we study -Algae--usually unicellular and colonial; photosynthesize -Protozoa--unicellular; lack similarities

What are some unique characteristics of algae? -Photosynthetic organisms -Microscopic forms are unicellular, colonial, filamentous -Macroscopic forms are colonial and multicellular -Contain chloroplasts with chlorophyll and other pigments -Cell wall -May or may not have flagella -Most are free-living in fresh and marine water - plankton -Provide basis of food web in most aquatic habitats -Produce large proportion of atmospheric O2

-Dinoflagellates can cause red tides and give off toxins that cause food poisoning with neurological symptoms -Classified according to types of pigments and cell wall -Used for cosmetics, food, and medical products

What are some unique characteristics of protozoa? -Diverse group of 65,000 species -Vary in shape, lack a cell wall -Most are unicellular; colonies are rare -Most are harmless, free-living in a moist habitat -Some are animal parasites and can be spread by insect vectors -All are heterotrophic - lack chloroplasts -Cytoplasm divided into ectoplasm and endoplasm -Feed by engulfing other microbes and organic matter -Most have locomotor structures - flagella, cilia, or pseudopods -Exist as trophozoite - motile feeding stage -Many can enter into a dormant resting stage when conditions are unfavorable for growth and feeding - cyst -All reproduce asexually, mitosis or multiple fission; many also reproduce sexually - conjugation

Mastigophora Mastigophora - primarily flagellar motility, some flagellar and amoeboid; sexual reproduction

Sarcodina Sarcodina - primarily amoeba; asexual by fission; most are free-living

Ciliophora Ciliophora - cilia; trophozoites and cysts; most are free-living, harmless

Apicomplexa Apicomplexa - motility is absent except male gametes; sexual and asexual reproduction; complex life cycle - all parasitic

Important genus of pathogenic flagellated protozoa Pathogenic flagellates Trypanosomes - Trypanosoma T. brucei - African sleeping sickness T. cruzi - Chaga's disease; South America

Infective amoeba and what it causes Infective amoebas Entamoeba histolytica - amebic dysentery; worldwide

Main sources of protozoal infection water?

What are helminths? -Multicellular animals, organs for reproduction, digestion, movement, protection -Parasitize host tissues -Have mouthparts for attachment to or digestion of host tissues -Most have well-developed sex organs that produce eggs and sperm -Fertilized eggs go through -larval period in or out of host body

What do helminths do to host tissue? Parasetize it;

2 Major groups of helminths with ex

1. Flatworms - flat, no definite body cavity; digestive tract a blind pouch; simple excretory and nervous systems ---Cestodes (tapeworms) ---Trematodes or flukes, are flattened, nonsegmented worms with sucking mouthparts 2. Roundworms (nematodes) - round, a complete digestive tract, a protective surface cuticle, spines and hooks on mouth; excretory and nervous systems poorly developed

How do people get infected with helminths? -Acquired through ingestion of larvae or eggs in food; from soil or water; some are carried by insect vectors

How are helminths identified microscopically? -Identify by microscopic detection of adult worm, larvae, or eggs

mitochondria Evidence to support endosymbiosis: This organelle is different than others because it: divides independently, contains circular strands of DNA, and has prokaryotic-sized ribosomes.

mitochondria This organelle generates energy in animal cells. It has its own DNA.

endosymbiosis The theory of______________________ states that eukaryotic cells evolved from prokaryotic organisms. Organelles originated as prokaryotes trapped inside of other prokaryotes. (mitochondria and chloroplasts)

chloroplast Evidence to support endosymbiosis: This organelle is thought to have originated from intracellular cyanobacteria. It has own ribosomes and DNA.



mutation rates In estimating age of eukaryotes, scientists can measure _______________ _____________. There is no really informative fossil record, but there is some evidence.

cyanobacteria ___________________ are though to be the origin of photosynthetic eukaryotes.

DNA, mutation, prokaryotic Three reasons provide evidence to support the idea that Eukaryotes arose from endosymbiosis events. 1. Mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own _______. 2. We can measure ______________ rates to figure out age. 3. A large __________________ cell enveloped smaller bacterial cells.

membranes Chloroplasts have double _____________________.

glycocalyx Most eukaryotic microbes have a ______________________, an outermost boundary.

adherence, protection, signal A eukaryotic glycocalyx has functions in _________________, ________________, _______________ and reception

not present A glycocalyx external structure is _____ ________________ in all eukaryotes.


A glycocalyx external structure has _____________________________ fibers.

cilia ___________ are short, hair-like projections found only in certain protozoa and animal cells.

flagella _______________ are long, whip-like projections that may be found in fungi, protozoa, algae, and animal cells.

9+2 Flagella and cilia both have a _______________ arrangement of microtubule pairs.

length Cilia and flagella are distinguished by __________________.

protesta The kingdom _____________ is not a monophyletic group. It's a catch all category.

dynein _______________ is a motor protein that can produce movement by way of confirmational change.

membrane The cell ____________________ surrounds cilium.

chitin Fungi have a cell wall that is primarily made of _______________.

cellulose, pectin, minerals Algae have cells walls that are primarily made of _____________, _____________, and __________________.

shape, support, lysis Cell walls provide _______________, structural _____________, and prevention of __________________.

all, phospholipid, permeable Plasma membranes are present in _____________ cells. Have a ___________________ bilayer, and have a selectively _________________ barrier.

nucleus Identify L.

smooth ER Identify

chloroplast This organelle generates energy through photosynthesis. It has its own DNA.

rough ER Identify

ribosomes This isn't an organelle. It is a protein synthesizer.

golgi apparatus This organelle collects proteins and packages them for transport to their final destination.

golgi apparatus Identify

Smooth ER Organelle which lacks ribosomes and is tubular. It synthesizes non protein molecules such as lipids and detoxifies metabolic waste products and other toxic substances

mitochondria Identify F

Rough ER Has ribosomes. Synthesizes proteins which go to the golgi apparatus.

chloroplast Identify

nucleus organelle which governs and regulates all cellular activities

ribosome Identify. They are not considered an organelle because they do not have a membrane.

cytoskeleton The _______________________ is a network of filamentous proteins in a cell.

heterotroph A(n) ____________________ is an other feeder. It requires an organic carbon source.

autotroph A(n) __________________ is self feeding. It can use inorganic carbon sources like CO2 and incorporate into molecularity.

cytoplasmic membrane Organelle which has a bilayer of phospholipids. Contains sterols. Confers stability on eukaryotic membranes. Good for cells that lack cell wall. Selectively permeable barrier.

heterotrophic All protozoa are _____________________.

cytoplasmic matrix This organelle has a cytoskeleton -microfilaments and microtubules.

true cell wall All protozoa lack a __________ _____________ ____________, so they exhibit a variety of shapes.

unicellular, rare Most protozoa are ______________, and colonies are __________.

organelles Protozoa have highly specialized _____________________.

locomotion Protozoa have organelles for _________________ as their hallmark.

vectors Some protozoa are animal parasites that can be spread by insect _______________ like malaria.

pseudopodia _______________________ are temporary specialized structures in protozoa for locomotion.

trophozoite _________________ is the motile feeding stage of protozoan.

cyst ______________ is the resistant dormant stage of protozoa. They are easier to destroy than endospores, and they degrade over time.

transmission For protozoa, life cycle and forms dictate __________________.

mitosis, fission All protozoa reproduce asexually by _____________or multiple _____________. Sexual reproduction also occurs in many protozoa.

motility, reproduction, life cycle Protozoan Classification: simple grouping is based on method of _______________, ____________________ and ________ ______________.

mastigophora ____________________ have motility by flagella or ameboid motion. Most form cysts and are free-living. An example: Giardia

sarcodina ____________________ primarily move by amoeboid motion. Most are free living.. Radiolarians are examples of one type. They have shelled ameobas the form chalk deposits.

ciliophora _______________ move by cilia. They are trophozoites and cysts. Most are free-living, harmless. They multiply by conjugation.

apicomplexa _________________ are protozoa which aren't able to move. All are parasitic. Example: plasmodium causes malaria. It uses a parasite alternating between human and mosquito.

mastigophora, sarcodina, ciliophora, apicomplexa Four classifications of Protozoa discussed in class:

radiolarian The ____________ and foraminifera is a shelled ameoba which are both sarcodinas.

amebic dysentery Entamoba histolytica are protozoans which cause ________ ___________.

algae ___________________ is a photosynthetic protist.

plankton _________________ is not a taxonomic organization. It is a community of organizations that floats.

algae _________________ provide a food web in most aquatic habitats.

red tides Dinoflagellates cause ___________ _____________ and give off toxins that cause food poisoning.

emulsifying Algae have many practical uses. One example: they can be used as ______________ agents.

specialization True multicellularity is marked by cellular _______________________.

hyphae Identify this fungi morphology.

yeast Identify this morphology.

dimorphic _______________________ fungi can exist as yeast or hyphae.

septate Identify this type of hyphae.

nonseptate Identify this type of hyphae.

budding yeast Identify as a yeast morphology.

pseudohyphae Identify N as a yeast morphology.

heterotrophic All fungi are _______________________.

saprobes __________________ acquire nutrients from something that is dead.


_________________ means fungal infection.

some, none ___________ fungi are parasites, but ____________ are obligate.

substrate _____________ is the organic matter that a fungus grows upon to extract nutrients.

spores Reproductive hypae produce ________.

vegetative _________________ hyphae digest and absorb nutrients. They are responsible for visible growth.

mycelium _____________ is a mass of hyphae.

fungus myc=

protista, fungi, animalia Kingdoms represented by eukaryotic microbes: ___________ (algae, arthropods), ____________, and ________________ (helminths)

spore formation Most fungi are classified according to _____________ ______________ after that, they are classified according to sexual reproduction.

unicellular, tissue General characteristics of protists: ________________ or colonial organisms. Lack true _____________ structure.

photosynthetic Identifying characteristics of algae: ___________________ protists.

encystment _____________ is when a protist transforms from a trophozoite to a cyst.

excystment _______________ is when a protist transforms from a cyst to an active trophozoite.

platyhelminth A(n) _____________________________ or flatworm is a helminth with a long segmented body plan. Most aren't parasitic.

aschelminth A(n) ___________________________ is a helminth has a protective surface cuticle, spines on mouths. Uses the mouth to burrow into tissue.

shape, organ Helminths are classified according to _________, ________ development, presences of hooks, suckers, mode of reproduction, and appearance of eggs and larvae....

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