Should the Texas Constitution be Rewritten Essay PDF

Title Should the Texas Constitution be Rewritten Essay
Course Texas Government
Institution Sam Houston State University
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Should the Texas Constitution be Rewritten The current constitution of Texas came into effect from the year 1876. The state, after replacing a number of earlier constitutions, is governed as per the 1876 constitution, but a number of people have started raising their voices against this constitution and they demand to rewrite the constitution for the state of Texas (May). On the other hand, there are people who refute that the constitution should be rewritten. This paper intends to discuss whether the Texas constitution should be changed or not. People from various sections of the society argue that the existing constitution is unable to bear out with the changing society, and this is the high time when Texas constitution needs to be changed. People, who argue to change the constitution, suggest that every document including constitution, is man-made, and if it cannot fulfil the demands of people, it should be changed (May). Today many Texans feel the same about the constitution of the state of Texas due to a number of reasons. Texas constitution is one of the lengthiest constitutions of the United States of America. It becomes difficult for people to read it and understand the constitution. The constitution, written in the year 1876, is ill organized, and many find it very complex, and confusing document. This constitution has been amended several times in order to deal with the growing needs of the people of the Texas, but all efforts are decimated (May). The current constitution is unable to provide an effective system to govern an urban state that is growing rapidly. The constitution cannot fulfil the needs of Texan people in the twentieth century (Newell et al.). Provisions of this constitution are proved to be ineffective and outdated. These old and outdated provisions are required to be changed, and the constitution should be

rewritten in order to provide a clear, effective and progressive system that can deal with the people’s lives in the existing time (Milbank). Certain vague provisions and distribution of powers among state administrators worsen the situation and makes Texans life difficult. It causes situation like policy paralysis and creates confusion among officials. One example of such provisions, is the provision of Texas constitution that confines the executive powers of the Texas’s governor. The chief executive shares some specified powers with other elected officials of the state which creates confusion regarding rights. It further causes executive branch members to invidiously protect their rights, powers, jurisdictions and their prerogatives instead of working for the state and welfare of the people (Newell et al.). Part time legislature of the state of Texas provisions for 140 day periodic sessions that almost confines the legislature to assemble in two years for a small tenure. Such confusing provisions create confusions and also create hurdles in governing a big and growing urban state like Texas. The legislature also has a liability to prepare a budget for a term of two years instead of annual that leaves scope for some calculation related errors. Such complexities finally affect the interests of people of the Texas (Brown et al.). Voter’s participation in Texas elections for the constitutional amendment is very low. This trend is not a healthy sign for a democratic society and is a matter of concern for policymakers. The lower participation and lower turnouts of youngsters in the state of Texas in elections are also something to worry and notice. In these circumstances, all steps are required that strengthens the democratic system of the state. If the rewriting of Texas constitution can improve the current situation, it should be exercised.

Another aspect of this issue is that there is no need to change the constitution of the state of Texas. There are people in the Texas society who say that the constitution of the Texas is very much effective and competent in governing the state of Texas and any effort or demand of rewriting the existing constitution is baseless. There may be some flaws in the existing constitution of the Texas but why do people forget that there are several good things in the constitution of the state that ensure smooth functioning of the state (Kraemer et al.). Like other constitutions, there are certain ways of amending the constitution and by such tools, the constitution can be made effective and up to date. People who oppose rewriting of the constitution oppose such steps and question the intentions of the people who want the Texas constitution to be rewritten. The provisions of Amendment process is the most effective way to remove the outdated part of any constitution and make it working in the modern circumstances. The constitution of the state of Texas has amendment provisions, and there is no need to rewrite the Texas constitution in presence of such remedies. Rewriting the constitution is not a guarantee against all impediments of the constitution as well as the ruling system. Rewriting the constitution may deprive certain sections of the society because in the growing state of Texas not every individual is growing, and there are people who need the protection of the constitution and not only the growth oriented policies. There are people who cannot live without the constitutional assurances and by rewriting the constitution these people may be left in a lurch. There are probabilities that the influential people will manage and manipulate the constitution as per their own interests. These people, by influencing legislators and other people, may manipulate the constitution that suits to their vested interests. If such things take place while rewriting the constitution, there is no remedy for the common people who are weak and cannot

influence anybody. The existing constitution ensures their rights, life and liberty in very explicit ways and these may not be the same when the constitution is rewritten as per the demands of new and growing Texas (Brown et al.). Having observed the succinct analysis of the abovementioned subject, the paper concludes that there is a need to rewrite the constitution of the state of the Texas. A huge number of Texans believe that the current constitution is not effective enough for them and their state. If people of Texas demand to replace the existing constitution and rewrite a new one, there is no harm in doing that. The constitution makers did their best when they wrote the existing constitution, but it was almost impossible for them to foresee the changing and growing situation of the Texas. Today, situation is different from what it was two hundred years ago. Today, people of Texas need a constitution that can provide them an effective governance along with fulfilling their various needs. Nothing is wrong in rewriting the constitution if it ensures the growth for everyone and where rights of every individual are intact.

Works Cited Brown, L., Langenegger, Joyce A., Garcia,Sonia R., Lewis, T., & Biles, Robert E. Practicing Texas Politics. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning, 2013. Kraemer, R., Newell, C., & Prindle, D. Essentials of Texas Politics. Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning, 2008. May, Janice C. The Texas State Constitution. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. Online. Milbank, D. "Milbank: Where are all the liberals?" 4 June 2014. Statesman Journal. 8 June 2014. . Newell, C., Prindle,D., & Riddlesperger, J. Texas Politics. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning, 2010. Online....

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