Sign test worksheet - This is psychology revision for component 1 which includes the research methods PDF

Title Sign test worksheet - This is psychology revision for component 1 which includes the research methods
Course Research Methods
Institution University of South Wales
Pages 2
File Size 106.9 KB
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This is psychology revision for component 1 which includes the research methods for conducting an experiment. ...


Sign Test – Step-by-Step Procedure AIM: To investigate whether a stress management programme is effective. Alternate Hypothesis: Blood pressure (measured after the stress management programme) will be lower after participants undergo the stress management programme. Null Hypothesis: There is will be no difference in blood pressure before and after the stress management programme. Any difference found will be due to chance. 1) Give the pairs of scores a plus (+) if condition B is greater than condition A and a minus (-) if the condition A is greater than condition B 2) Ignore the ‘no changes’ and add up the number of the less frequent sign, call this ‘s’ 3) Calculate the number of participants who score changed in either direction, call this ‘n’ 4) Use a table of critical values to see if your result is significant. You will need: a. The number of participants who score changed (n) 11 b. One tailed or two tailed? One tailed c. Level of significance 0.05 5) In order for your result to be significant, your observed value (s) should be less than or equal to your critical value. 6) Participant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

BP Before 05 110 118 101 90 95 125 87 96 92 88 120

BP After 100 99 120 95 89 101 125 85 108 100 80 124

s=5 n = 12 - 1 = 11 Critical value = 2 Is it significant? Yes / No Which hypothesis will you reject? Alternate / Null

Sign + + + No change + + +

1.Sammy wanted to know if people are happier after they had a holiday than beforehand. She asked fourteen individuals to complete a happiness questionnaire which gave them a happiness rating out of 10 before and after their holiday. Ten participants had increased scores after their holiday, one participant stayed the same and three participants had reduced happiness scores after their holiday. Complete below: a. b. c. d. e.

s=3 n = 13 (14-1) Critical value = 3 Is it significant? Yes / No Which hypothesis will you reject? Alternate / Null

For the following, calculate S, look up the critical value and write an appropriate conclusion A. H1: Participants will score higher on a fire safety quiz after undergoing fire safety training than before the training. No. of participants: 16 13 No. who scored a higher mark: 8 No. who scored a lower mark: 5 No. who scored the same mark: 3 S=5 Critical Value = 3 Not significant  reject alternate, accept null B. H1: Participants will feel better about taking a psychology exam after an hour long revision session. No. of participants: 20 No. who felt better: 15 No. who felt worse: 4 No. who felt the same: 1 S=4 Critical Value = 5 Significant  accept alternate, reject null C. H1: There will be a difference between the participant’s ability to be able to work in a noisy or quiet room. No. of participants: 10 No. who worked best in quiet: 4 No. who worked best in noise: 5 No. who worked the same: 1 S=4 Critical Value = 1 Not significant  reject alternate, accept null...

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