Site Popularity Trend in Share Point-casestudy PDF

Title Site Popularity Trend in Share Point-casestudy
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This case study has Site popularity Trend in SharePoint....




Case Study : Site Popularity Trend



Steps for Site Popularity 1. On the site of SharePoint to open site settings. 2. Select Site information at the top right corner and Click View all site settings. 3. Under the column Site Administration, look for Popularity Trends. 4. Now click Usage. 5. Click Open to open the report in excel format.

Reports These reports are very beneficial for the organisation to perform better and to get future decisions easily that are described below. 1. Usage Report – Usage report is the way to see the analytics of the site, It shows the historical usage of the site such as unique users per day or in a month and number of hits on the site. It also gives the view to the user about the times when the activities on the site are low or high. The usage report comes under the two categories: 

Usage – A usage report is very beneficial for the company to get the overall activities; it provides the usage statistics of the site including monthly and daily traffic on the site. Hits are the views on the site, and unique users are those who accessed the additional resources.

CASE STUDY #6 3  Number of Queries – This counts the number of search queries that happened in the day or in the month and it shows data in the chart and in the tabular form. 2. Search Report – It is a great way to get access to the overall view of activities, one can know about the top queries in the site of a day or month. It also gives the average number of search queries that users performing and about those queries which are getting low clicks. Includes: 

Top Queries by Day

Top Queries by month

Abandoned queries by day

Abandoned queries by month

No result queries by Day

Query rule usage by day

No result queries by month

Query rule usage by month

Query rule usage by day

3. Audit log report – Audit log reports is used to view the data of a site collection in audit logs, one can filter, sort and analyse the data clearly to see who is behind the editing of libraries, sites, lists, list items, and library files.

CASE STUDY #6 The events come under the audit log reports are: 

Edited items in the site

Checked in and checked out items

Copied and moved items

Removed items

Search queries

Changes of permissions

Custom events

Workflow events


Consideration 1. Audit reporting- I recommend audit reporting for the site, lists and libraries, it is easy with audit reporting to track and manage the data. It gives information who is responsible for a following item and for an organisation, it helps to achieve its requirements such as records management and meeting regulatory compliance. 2. Storage metrics – As this tech company is at the growing phase and it is necessary to manage the storage properly and to do so, storage metrics shows the usage of files, site, folder and subsites, basically, it gives the information about the storage that each files are using. Through the statistics, it is easy to delete the data that is of no use for the company which further improves the storage for other files. 3. Add Indexes – As we can store many items in the SharePoint lists or library but sometimes, it is necessary to manage large libraries and lists and one can add indexes to manage data properly.

CASE STUDY #6 Indexes are created automatically when: 

Columns used for filtering or sorting.

Sorting is done in the modern experience.


Data 1. Usage Report - These reports help the company to view the business aspects of it and to understand the customers better, reporting tools are the first thing to give better results to the customers. It tracks the customer behaviour, what services they want. For example, many hits on one product shows the value of that product, hence, company increases the stock of those products. It is used to study our business and customers, further, it tracks the traffic on a site. Usage report benefits: 

Visitor engagement- monitor your site visitors visit length on the site and what they are doing on the site.

Traffic sources – it checks how much percentage of visitors are coming from different sources.

Visitor locations – To get the clear view when the visitors used the website and from where.

Pages – identifies the most popular pages, lists, and libraries on the site, it also shows the popularity of items in the site.

1. Search Report – It will show the company statistics of search queries that happened within the day by employees. Through this report, the company can do

CASE STUDY #6 6 further research on it to improve productivity and increase turnover, it will also give the hit search queries on the site. 2. Audit log report- if we see from the company’s perspective, it is the great tool, it records single things that are going on in the site. It tracks the time, date and other activities of the user on the site. Audit log report benefits: 

Security – One of the benefits is security, and it will help the company to monitor data for any security issue or any other IT related illegal activity on the site. It gives the users right to follow the proper rules to prevent scam.

Deep analysis – As an audit log checks the time of each user on the document, through an audit log, it is easy for the company to know the interest of users.

Manage risks – It helps to observe activities in the site and detailed observation is the key to prevent the risk before it occurs.




This is the site analytics in bar graph which shows the total number of lifetime visits on the site and this is divided in the last 7 days, last 30 days and last 90 days. As you can see above that company has 4 unique viewers and total 110 site visits. In the last 30 days, it has been noticed that visitors had decreased on the site.

Site visits – Helps to view the number of visits to your site.

New items –Check the number of items that have added in the last 7 days.

Popular items – Give the view of most popular items on your site.

Permissions – Check what other users can see on the site, so it is necessary to share data properly.



References Plumley, M., Shumate, K., Withee, K., Vangel-MSFT, D., Kvadsheim, A., Gorzelany, A. M., & Seward, T. (2018, June 21). View Popularity Trends and Most Popular Items. Retrieved June 19, 2019, from Larsen, T. K., Gorzelany, A. M., Shumate, K., Plumley, M., & Seward, T. (2017, May 16). View search usage reports. Retrieved June 19, 2019, from Hendrickson, J., Gorzelany, A. M., V., Seward, T., & Pasternack, I. (2019, March 11). View usage reports in SharePoint Server. Retrieved June 19, 2019, from Carvalho, F. (2019, January 10). SharePoint Online - Storage Metrics - Monitor storage usage in your Site Collection. Retrieved March 23, 2017, from Caruana, V. (2019). Why You Should Already Be Using SharePoint Usage Reports. Retrieved June 19, 2019, from Zelfond, G. (2017, September 28). 6 ways to check SharePoint Usage reports. Retrieved June 19, 2019, from

CASE STUDY #6 9 Kashman, M. (2017, June 29). Establishing a new Site usage page in SharePoint Online. Retrieved June 19, 2019, from

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