Sitxsfa 101Use Hygieniuc Practices for Food Safety Quiz PDF

Title Sitxsfa 101Use Hygieniuc Practices for Food Safety Quiz
Author Anonymous User
Course International Business Operations
Institution Macquarie University
Pages 12
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SITXSFA101 Use hygienic practices for food safety SITHKOP101 Clean kitchen premises and equipment Topic Quiz (To be completed under test conditions) Time Allowance: 60 minutes + 5 mins reading STUDENT NAME/Number

Use Hygienic Practices for Food Safety Questions For this assessment, learners will need access to:    

the internet your state or territory Food Act and Regulations Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (FSANZ) current organisational policies and procedures relating to the Food Safety Program including safe hygienic practices for the production and sale of safe food products

1. What is the legislation that governs the preparation and sale of food in your state or territory?     

The legislation which controls the food of the Queensland state are as follows: Food Act 2006 is the basic food safety legislation which acts in Queensland (Queensland Health, 2020). The goals of this act are to ensure safe food and avoid misleading sales processes. Food Regulation 2016 provides licensing value to different food businesses. Food Production (Safety) Act 2000 promotes food safety schemes and it also investigates the sales of the food. Food Production (Safety) Regulation 2014 controls the quality of the food.

2. Each Food Safety Program must comply with state or territory legislation. Describe 2 procedures a food business must implement according to the legislation of your state or territory. The two procedures of the food business according to food safety programs and legislations are as follows: 

The food business in Queensland has an accredited license by the local government. The conditions are the food business involves off-site catering. On the on-site, the license is given more value and premises (Queensland Health, 2020). The premises for the catering are based on the food safety program. The parameters are 200 or more human beings, 12 or more occasions and the time period of 12 months. The license in the food business process is not required if the business is granted by the Food Production (Safety) Act 2000. The food business like the sales of unpacked, beverages, vegetables and other food items does not need the license as they are most probably under the grant of the Food Act of 2000 and 2006

3. Indicate whether the following statements are true or false. Statement

The state government sends officers to inspect local food premises.T The local council enforces food safety in food premises.F Local government councillors are personally responsible for inspecting food premises.T The Environmental Health Officer (EHO) is responsible for inspecting a food business and enforcing legislative requirements.F All businesses preparing and selling food need a Food Safety Program.T Staff skills and knowledge must include food safety and food hygiene matters.T

4. Multiple choice question: What does an Environmental Health Officer do? (Circle one answer). 1. 2. 3. 4.

Inspect businesses for health and safety, food hygiene and food standards. Write food safety plans for businesses. Make staff inspections. Enforce industrial relations laws.

5. Describe 3 possible consequences to a food business if food safety requirements are not met. The three possible consequences are as follows:   

The occurrences of the fines are the most concerning consequences in the food business in Queensland. The imprisonment can also occur if the rules of the Food Safety Act are not followed. The loss of reputation may occur which may also lead to loss of potential staff in the business. This will also lead to loss of time and productivity in the food business.

6. Describe 3 possible consequences for employees or food handlers if food safety and hygiene requirements are not met. The three possible consequences of the employees or food handlers are as follows:   

The litigation is one of the major consequences (Implement food and safety procedures, 2020). The implementation of fines will also hurt the employees or food - handlers. The loss of occupation will also happen when the employees and food - handlers are not meeting the rules of food safety and hygiene.

7. What are food safety procedures? The food safety procedures are as follows:   

The checking of the food levels on the basis of the Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ). The safety of the food is also checked by the Department of Health and it follows the licensing granting process. The Food Act 2006 initiates the license of food safety and business. The Notice of isolation of as prescribed contaminant form is required. The intentional contamination and reporting requirements are executed to test the food safety of the food business in Australia and New Zealand. This allows the testing of food quality and nutrients.

8. Multiple choice questions: Who is responsible for food safety in a food service business? (Circle one answer). 1. 2. 3. 4.

the local council the supplier everyone who works with food The cleaning staff.

9. What specific responsibilities do you and your fellow workers have in relation to food safety? Identify 4 different responsibilities or obligations. The four different responsibilities are as follows:    

The workers must have the skills and knowledge of food duties. They must follow the rules and protocols of the Food Safety supervisors of the Food and Safety Department of the FSANZ (Queensland Health, 2020). They must take all measures to preserve the integrity of the food and be safe to the customers. The workers are also allowed to undergo through the rules of the Food Standard Code.

10. What specific responsibilities does your employer have in relation to food safety? List 3 of these responsibilities. The three responsibilities are as follows:   

In order to ensure the food business is executed by the Food Safety Supervisor and who is available in most of the period. The proper food safety plan and process is mandatory. The food handlers are required to be properly trained by the employer. The appointment and use of the Food Safety Supervisor are compulsory for 30 days. This can help to restore the statement of attainment on the premises as proof of the safety of the business of food.

11. Provide 3 examples of organizational food hygiene procedures you must follow as a food handler. The three examples of the procedures of the food hygiene organization are as follows:   

The food-handlers have to provide the information on the hygiene rules to the staff. This also provides development of the rules with the concerns with the supervisors. They can provide in house training for the balance in the food sully and deliveries. The recruitment of food safety and hygiene consultant is required.

12. Multiple choice questions: What should you do if you notice a potential hygiene hazard, an unsafe hygiene practice or breach of food safety procedures? (Circle one answer). 1. Nothing. The health and safety officer is responsible for reporting breaches. 2. Report it to your manager or supervisor straight away and complete an incident report as evidence. 3. Tell your colleague so they can rectify the situation or change their behaviour.

4. Fill out an incident form. 13. Complete the table below by listing 2 examples of each type of contaminant and 3 ways you can prevent the hazards from occurring. Type of contaminant Physical

Examples Prevention 1. The transmission of germs through hands 1. The weari (Kent, 2020). kits is com 2. Dirt from the food ingredients, plastic 2. The prope wrapping and utensils can cause materials o 3. The uses o contamination. and hand w compulsor

Type of contaminant Microbiological

Examples Prevention 1. The transmission of the germs through the 1. The prope files and pest. kill the ger 2. The contamination of the germs through 2. The prope the body and kitchen clothes of the food and utensi 3. The follow handlers. have to be


1. The use of pesticides in vegetables and crops creates chemical contamination. 2. The use of non-safe plastic also creates chemical contamination.

1. The food s ensure by (Kent, 202 2. The food i are handle 3. The instru followed t plastic ma

14. For each of the given scenarios, identify the types of microbiological contamination and the effects on the consumer. Scenario Sneezing and coughing when preparing food products

Type of bacteria Effects/sym The species named pseudomonas aeruginosa is These bacte the bacteria. temperature sneezing as Not washing vegetables properly Salmonella bacteria are found in the unwashed The sympto vegetables. and fever, a dehydration Using food products that have damaged The bacteria named Serratia is found in the The sympto packaging damaged packaging. cholera. Th dehydration Reusing utensils used for raw food products to The bacteria like Shigella spp are found in the The sympto prepare or handle cooked food products without un-sanitized food product and utensils. diarrhoea w cleaning and sanitizing first

15. Describe how cross-contamination can occur. Cross-contamination happens when the germs are transported from various materials like dirty clothes, utensils and food ingredients to the food preparation system. This leads to many numbers of health threats and food poisoning. This phenomenon occurs when the bacteria and other microbes get in contact with the prepared meals which are stayed under any noncovering or protection for some periods. The ingestion of the food from those cooking items leads to infection and diseases. 16. Identify 3 causes of food contamination. The three causes of food contamination are as follows:   

The use of raw and semi-cooked seafood contains some presence of microbes in them. The use of un-pastured milk and dairy products contains microbes in large quantities. The use of the spoiled meat and non-vegan items as these are multiplication bases of the microbes.

17. How can you, as an employee, avoid contaminating food products? List 4 personal hygiene requirements. The four personal hygiene requirements are as follows:

    

Following the guidelines of the personal hygiene programs. This will help to make the cleanliness process more disciplined. Frequent washing of both hands with soap and sanitizers after all possible physical contacts. The refrigerator must be properly cleaned and sanitized. The stale and un-sold food must be eliminated without any kind of processing. The working environment of the food business has to be repetitively cleaned and sanitized to reduce the multiplication of germs.

18. Match the disease to its definition by drawing a line connecting each box on the left with the correct answer on the right.

Disease Food-borne disease is: An airborne disease is:

An infectious disease is:

Any disease that is caused by pathogens and air. Caused by pathogenic microorganisms, such a parasites or fungi; the diseases can be spread, one person to another. Any illness that results from consuming conta

19. Name the 3 types of hazards that are most likely to contaminate food products. Give an example of each hazard. The three types of hazards which cause food contamination are as follows: 

Biological hazards: It is mainly caused by the spread of the diseases through the bacteria, virus, protozoa and fungi. The spread of malaria germs is such an example through the mosquitoes.

 

Chemical hazards: it is caused due to harmful chemicals. The example is the use of unwashed vegetables which have harmful pesticides. Physical hazards: The use of unhygienic rules may lead to physical hazards. The example like the spread of the germs through the dirty hands of the cook in the food industry to the customers and resulting in food poisoning.

20. In a Food Safety Program, you are required to follow procedures which will help prevent food poisoning. List 3 procedures you must follow to remove or minimize any potential hazards that could cause food poisoning. The three procedures to remove the food hazards in the Food Safety Program are as follows:   

The proper inspection of the cooking materials, utensil, gloves, accessories and protective wearing will help to reduce the physical hazards. The hard boiling of the food materials and pasteurization will prevent biological hazards. The proper washing of the food ingredients and vegetables will remove the harmful chemicals which are the pesticides and will prevent chemical hazards.

21. Bacteria need a number of conditions to multiply. List 6 conditions bacteria need for growth. The six conditions for the growth of the bacteria are as follows:     

Food: The materials of the food like meat. Dairy products, eggs, fish and rotten vegetables provide the nutrients which are essential for the growth of the bacteria. The nutrients like the proteins and carbohydrates help the bacteria to multiply and breed. Acidity: The pH scale determines the level of acidity in any materials. The acidic range is based on a scale of 7.5 to 4. Thus provides the ideal multiplication for the bacteria. The acidic property provides a scenario for the bacteria to grow and spread. Temperature: The bacteria require the temperature as the medium of surviving. The temperature from 40 degrees Fahrenheit to 142 degrees Fahrenheit is the best for the growth of the bacteria. Crossing this temperature level is not perfect for the bacteria. Time: Bacteria need time to grow and survive like all living beings. Bacteria have a lifespan of 20 minutes. This time is the ideal period for the multiplication of the bacteria. This may result in doubling their number. Oxygen: This is the vital element for all living beings to survive. Bacteria as the other living beings require oxygen. Bacteria perform anaerobic respiration in many cases. Many bacteria can grow and survive without or minimum oxygen presence. The growth of the bacteria can also increase without oxygen. Moisture: It is one of the specific elements of the growth of the bacteria. This gives the water balancing and metabolism support for the multiplication and breeding of the bacteria. The decay and spoils of the food and other biological materials are the best breeding grounds as it contains some levels of moisture. 22. Indicate whether the following statements about handwashing procedures are true or false.

Correct handwashing procedures include these steps: Use handwashing facilities designated for handwashing only. Clean hands thoroughly using soap or other effective means. Only use cold running water.

True True True

Rinse hands underwater first before soaping. Dry hands on a tea towel or other cloth. Wash hands in the closest sink for speed and efficiency. Dry hands thoroughly on a single-use towel or paper towel, or in another way that is not likely to transfer disease-causing organisms onto the hands. 23. Food handlers are expected to wash their hands whenever their hands are likely to contaminate food. Provide 8 different circumstances that would require a food handler to wash their hands. The eight different circumstances for the food handlers to wash their hands are as follows:         

Washing the hands before cooking and preparing the food. Washing of the hand is also essential during the process of selecting the food ingredients for cooking. Washing the hand is also required during the serving of the food to the customers. After the sneezing and coughing the washing of hands is also essential. After any kind of smoking and chewing habits, the wash of hands is compulsory. Washing of the hand is also essential after any kind of physical contact with the customers. Washing of the hands is also performed after the use of mobile phones and other electronic accessories. The washing of the hand is also required during any faults like cuts and bleeding. 24. Describe a personal health issue that requires you to cease working with food and report it to the appropriate person.

The food handlers must work with proper concern and efficiencies. The health issues like foodborne diseases like cholera, diarrhoea, etc which can be contagious can lead to the cease of their work. These types of diseases are caused by the microbes which can easily spread from one body to another body. The food handler must understand the disease which he or she is having. The symptoms have to be identified with proper medical checkups. The food handlers can report to the supervisor or manager about the disease which is the health issue leading to the spread of diseases to the other members of the food supplies and customers. This may hurt the reputation of the food business. During such cases, the food -handlers can cease from their work.

25. Your badly cut finger has become infected and the adhesive bandage you used to cover it has fallen off since you started work. What should you do?

This type of incident is quite embarrassing and problematic. The panic situation has to be avoided. This incident can lead to the loss of the reputation of the food business if the precaution and cure are not taken seriously. The customers and other members can get affected by any infection or germs from the wound or cut. During such time the first step is to find some alternative materials and first aid for the bandage which has been lost. The items like the use of cotton and ointments can be applied. If the wound is severely injured and blood is coming out frequently then it will be better to inform



the supervisor and take a leave or cases for the little recovery. This would save the customers and other members and the reputation of the food business.

26. Multiple choice question: Which of the following is both an item of personal protective clothing and a method of protecting food from contamination from your clothing? (Circle one answer). 1. 2. 3. 4.

A chef’s hat An apron Enclosed shoes A hairnet.

27. Describe 2 ways that a food handler can ensure hygienic personal contact with food or food contact surfaces. The two ways for the food handlers to ensure the hygiene of personal contact with food or food contact surfaces are as follows:  

The proper maintaining of clothes and dress is essential. The dress and clothes must be approved by the hygienic and food safety organizations to ensure safe and hygienic conditions. The unhygienic cleaning and food preparation practices are to be eliminated. The cooking ingredients and utensils have to be properly sanitized and washed before and after cooking (Illés et al., 2018). The serving tables are also required to be properly sanitized and washed and this would prevent the spread of diseases to the customers.

Time Allowance: 60 minutes + 5 mins reading STUDENT NAME/Number

SITXSFA101 USE HYGIENIC PRACTICES FOR FOOD SAFETY SITHKOP101 CLEAN KITCHEN PREMISES AND EQUIPMENT Section I ~ Multiple Choice For the following Multiple Choice question circle the most accurate response.

1. As a food handler you are about to start your shift and wash your hands. What is the correct temperature for warm water that should be used? A)25 oC B)30 o C C)40 oC D)50 o C 2. There are many hand washing products on the market available to food handlers. Under the Food Standards which is NOTan essential item. A) Warm running water B) Ordinary solid bar soap

C) Foaming anti bacterial soap D) Sink 3. Your supervisor has been verbally informed that an expensive food item may have been contaminated by food handler who has an infectious virus. What procedure should now occur? A) Discard the food item B) Give it away C) Cook it at a high temperature to kill any ba...

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