Skin hair nails PDF

Title Skin hair nails
Author Karl Payoute
Course Nursing Assessment
Institution Indian River State College
Pages 35
File Size 294.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 75
Total Views 139


Shadow Health. Tina Jones Skin, hair, and nails assessment...


Ski nhai rnai l s

Subj ect i veDat aCol l ect i on:23of23( 100. 0%) Hover To Reveal... Hov erov ert hePat i entDat ai t emsbel owt or ev eali mpor t anti nf or mat i on,i ncl udi ngPr o Ti psandExampl eQuest i ons. 

Found: I ndi cat esani t em t haty ouf ound.

Av ai l abl e: I ndi cat esani t em t hati sav ai l abl et obef ound.

Category Scored Items Exper t ss el ect edt heset opi csasess ent i alcomponent sofas t r ong,t hor oughi nt er vi ewwi t ht hi s pat i ent .

Patient Data Not Scored Acombi nat i onofopenandcl osedques t i onswi l l yi el dbet t erpat i entdat a.Thef ol l owi ngdet ai l sar e f act soft hepat i ent ' scase.

Relevant Medical History 

Finding: Ask edaboutf ootwound

Finding: Repor t ss wel l i nghasi mpr ov ed

(Found) Pr oTi p:Speci ficquest i onsaboutTi na' swoundcanhel py out oass es st hecar et hats hewi l l need.Ask i ngTi nai fherwoundhasanys wel l i ngspeci fiest hesy mpt omsshei sexper i enci ng.

Example Question: Doesy ourwoundhav eanys wel l i ng? 

Finding: Repor t swoundwar mt hhasi mpr ov ed

(Found) Pr oTi p:Speci ficquest i onsaboutTi na' swoundcanhel py out oass es st hecar et hats hewi l l need.Ask i ngTi nai fherwoundi swar mt ot het ouchs peci fi est hes ympt omsshei s exper i enci ng.

Example Question: Doesy ourwoundf eel war mt ot het ouch? 

Finding: Repor t swounddi s char gehasi mpr ov ed

(Found) Pr oTi p:Speci ficquest i onsaboutTi na' swoundcanhel py out oass es st hecar et hats hewi l l need.Ask i ngTi nai ft her ei sanydi schar gecomi ngf r om herwoundspeci fi est hes ympt oms shei sexper i enci ng.

Example Question: I sdi s char gecomi ngf r om yourwound?

Finding: Repor t swoundi ss t i l l al i t t l er ed

(Available) Pr oTi p:Speci ficquest i onsaboutTi na' swoundcanhel py out oass es st hecar et hats hewi l l need.Ask i ngTi nai fherwoundhasanyr ednesss peci fiest hes ympt omsshei sexper i enci ng.

Example Question: Doesy ourwoundhav eanyr edness ? 

Finding: Ask edhi s t or yofs l ow heal i ngwounds 

Finding: Deni eshi s t or yofsl owheal i ngwounds

(Found) Pr oTi p:Speci ficquest i onsaboutTi na' swoundscanhel py out oas sesst hecar et hatshewi l l need.Ask i ngTi nai fshehasahi s t or yofsl owheal i ngwoundsspeci fi est hes ympt omsshei s exper i enci ng.

Example Question: Doy ouhav eahi st or yofsl owheal i ngwounds ? 

Finding: Ask edc ur r entwoundheal i ngt i me 


Repor t swoundhadbeenget t i ngwor seov ert hepastweek

(Available) Pr oTi p:Speci ficquest i onsaboutTi na' swoundcanhel py out oass es st hecar et hats hewi l l need.Ask i ngTi nahowherf ootwoundhasbeenheal i ngs peci fiest hes ympt omsshei s exper i enci ng.

Example Question: Howhasy ourf ootwoundbeenheal i ng? 

Finding: Repor t swoundhasi mpr ov edwi t hhos pi t alt r eat ment

(Found) Pr oTi p:Speci ficquest i onsaboutTi na' swoundcanhel py out oass es st hecar et hats hewi l l need.Ask i ngTi nai ft hehospi t al t r eat menthasi mpr ov edherf ootwoundwi l lcl ar i f yt he s ympt omss hei se xper i enc i ng.

Example Question: Hasbei ngi nt hehos pi t alhel pedy ourwound? 

Finding: Ask edabouthi s t or yofsk i ncondi t i ons 

Finding: Repor t sacne

(Found) Pr oTi p:Sol i ci t i ngar el ev antmedi calhi st or ywi l l hel py out omor eeffect i v el yt r eaty our pat i ent .Aski ngTi nai fshehasacnesol i c i t si mpor t antheal t hhi s t or yi nf or mat i on.

Example Question:

Hav ey ouev erhadacne? 

Finding: Repor t sdr ys ki n

(Found) Pr oTi p:Sol i ci t i ngar el ev antmedi calhi st or ywi l l hel py out omor eeffect i v el yt r eaty our pat i ent .Aski ngTi nai fherski nhasbeendr ysol i ci t si mpor t antheal t hhi s t or yi nf or mat i on.

Example Question: Hav ey ouev erhaddr ysk i n? 

Finding: Deni essk i ncancer

(Available) Pr oTi p:Sol i ci t i ngar el ev antmedi calhi st or ywi l l hel py out omor eeffect i v el yt r eaty our pat i ent .Aski ngTi nai fshehasev erbeendi agnosedwi t hski ncancersol i c i t si mpor t antheal t h hi s t or yi nf or mat i on.

Example Question: Hav ey ouev erbeendi agnosedwi t hski ncancer ? 

Finding: Deni essk i nr ashes

(Available) Pr oTi p:Sol i ci t i ngar el ev antmedi calhi st or ywi l l hel py out omor eeffect i v el yt r eaty our pat i ent .Aski ngTi nai fshehashadski nr ashessol i ci t si mpor t antheal t hhi s t or yi nf or mat i on.

Example Question: Hav ey ouhads ki nr ashes ?

Finding: Deni essor esot hert hanf ootwound

(Available) Pr oTi p:Sol i ci t i ngar el ev antmedi calhi st or ywi l l hel py out omor eeffect i v el yt r eaty our pat i ent .Aski ngTi nai fshehassor essol i ci t si mpor t antheal t hhi s t or yi nf or mat i on.

Example Question: Doy ouhav esor es ? 

Finding: Repor t ss ki nhasonl yi t c hedduet ocatexposur e

(Available) Pr oTi p:Sol i ci t i ngar el ev antmedi calhi st or ywi l l hel py out omor eeffect i v el yt r eaty our pat i ent .Aski ngTi nai fherski nhasbeeni t chi ngs ol i ci t si mpor t antheal t hhi s t or yi nf or mat i on.

Example Question: Hasy ours ki nbeeni t chi ng? 

Finding: Deni esbr ui s i ng

(Found) Pr oTi p:Sol i ci t i ngar el ev antmedi calhi st or ywi l l hel py out omor eeffect i v el yt r eaty our pat i ent .Aski ngTi nai fherski nhasbeenbr ui s i ngsol i ci t si mpor t antheal t hhi s t or yi nf or mat i on.

Example Question: Hav ey ounot i c edunusual br ui si ng? 

Finding: Fol l owedupons ki ndr yness 

Finding: Repor t sar msandl egsgetdr y

(Found) Pr oTi p:Est abl i shi ngi nf or mat i onaboutanys ki ncondi t i onTi naexper i enceswi l lhel py out o mosteffect i v el yt r eathers ympt oms .As ki ngTi nai fherski nget sdr ysol i ci t si mpor t antheal t h i nf or mat i on.

Example Question: Whatpar tofy ours ki nget sdr y? 

Finding: Repor t susi ngl ot i on

(Found) Pr oTi p:Est abl i shi ngi nf or mat i onaboutanys ki ncondi t i onTi naexper i enceswi l lhel py out o mosteffect i v el yt r eathers ympt oms .As ki ngTi nahowshet r eat ssk i ndr ynes ssol i ci t s i mpor t antheal t hi nf or mat i on.

Example Question: Howdoy out r eats ki ndr yness ? 

Finding: Fol l oweduponacne 

Finding: Repor t shavi ngacnesi ncemi ddl es chool

(Found) Pr oTi p:Acnei sas ki ndi sor derr es ul t i ngf r om hor monesandv ar i ousot hersubst anc eson t heski n' soi lgl ands .As ki ngTi naaboutherhi st or yofacnesol i ci t si mpor t anti nf or mat i on aboutherheal t hhi s t or y .

Example Question: Howl onghav ey ouhadacne ? 

Finding: Repor t sc ur r entacne

(Available) Pr oTi p:Acnei sas ki ndi sor derr es ul t i ngf r om hor monesandv ar i ousot hersubst anc eson t heski n' soi lgl ands .As ki ngTi nai fshec ur r ent l yhasacnesol i ci t si mpor t anti nf or mat i on aboutherheal t hhi s t or y .

Example Question: Doy ouhav eacnenow? 

Finding: Repor t sacnehadbeendor mantbutgotwor ser ecent l y

(Available) Pr oTi p:Acnei sas ki ndi sor derr es ul t i ngf r om hor monesandv ar i ousot hersubst anc eson t heski n' soi lgl ands .As ki ngTi nawhens hedev el opedacnes ol i ci t si mpor t anti nf or mat i on aboutherheal t hhi s t or y .

Example Question: Whendi dy oudev el opacne? 

Finding: Ask edaboutacnet r eat ment

Finding: Repor t sl astseei ngadoct orf oracnei nhi ghs chool

(Found) Pr oTi p:Acnei sas ki ndi sor derr es ul t i ngf r om hor monesandv ar i ousot hersubst anc eson t heski n' soi lgl ands .As ki ngTi nawhens hel as tsawadoct oraboutherac nesol i ci t s i mpor t anti nf or mat i onaboutherheal t hhi st or yandanyt r eat mentpl anshewasf ol l owi ng.

Example Question: Whenwast hel astt i mey ousawadoc t oraboutacne? 

Finding: Repor t sdoct orpr escr i bedant i bi ot i csf oracne

(Found) Pr oTi p:Acnei sas ki ndi sor derr es ul t i ngf r om hor monesandv ar i ousot hersubst anc eson t heski n' soi lgl ands .As ki ngTi nahowt hedoct ort r eat edheracnesol i ci t si mpor t ant i nf or mat i onaboutherheal t hhi s t or yandanyt r eat mentpl ans hewasf ol l owi ng.

Example Question: Howdi dt hedoc t ort r eaty ouracne ? 

Finding: Repor t sant i bi ot i cf oracnewast et r acy c l i ne

(Available) Pr oTi p:Acnei sas ki ndi sor derr es ul t i ngf r om hor monesandv ar i ousot hersubst anc eson t heski n' soi lgl ands .As ki ngTi nawhatant i bi ot i cs hewaspr escr i bedf orherac nesol i ci t s i mpor t anti nf or mat i onaboutherheal t hhi st or yandanyt r eat mentpl anshewasf ol l owi ng.

Example Question: Whatant i bi ot i cwer ey oupr escr i bedf ory ouracne ?

Finding: Repor t sant i bi ot i cswer ei neffect i v e

(Found) Pr oTi p:Acnei sas ki ndi sor derr es ul t i ngf r om hor monesandv ar i ousot hersubst anc eson t heski n' soi lgl ands .As ki ngTi nawhatant i bi ot i cs hewaspr escr i bedf orherac nesol i ci t s i mpor t anti nf or mat i onaboutherheal t hhi st or yandanyt r eat mentpl anshewasf ol l owi ng.

Example Question: Wer et heant i bi ot i cseffect i v eony ouracne ? 

Finding: Repor t sonl yc ur r entt r eat menti swashi ngherf ace

(Available) Pr oTi p:Acnei sas ki ndi sor derr es ul t i ngf r om hor monesandv ar i ousot hersubst anc eson t heski n' soi lgl ands .As ki ngTi nahowshet r eat sherac nesol i ci t si mpor t anti nf or mat i onabout herheal t hhi s t or y .

Example Question: Howdoy out r eaty ourac nenow? 

Finding: Repor t swashi ngherf aceev er yni ght

(Available) Pr oTi p:Acnei sas ki ndi sor derr es ul t i ngf r om hor monesandv ar i ousot hersubst anc eson t heski n' soi lgl ands .As ki ngTi nahowshet r eat sherac nesol i ci t si mpor t anti nf or mat i onabout herheal t hhi s t or y .

Example Question: Howdoy out r eaty ourac nenow?

Finding: Ask edacnel ocat i on 

Finding: Repor t sacnei sl ocat edonherf ace

(Found) Pr oTi p:Acnei sas ki ndi sor derr es ul t i ngf r om hor monesandv ar i ousot hersubst anc eson t heski n' soi lgl ands .As ki ngTi nawher eheracnei sl ocat edsol i ci t si mpor t anti nf or mat i on aboutherheal t hhi s t or y .

Example Question: Wher ei sy ouracnel ocat ed? 

Finding: Repor t sacnei sl ocat edonherbac k

(Found) Pr oTi p:Acnei sas ki ndi sor derr es ul t i ngf r om hor monesandv ar i ousot hersubst anc eson t heski n' soi lgl ands .As ki ngTi nawher eheracnei sl ocat edsol i ci t si mpor t anti nf or mat i on aboutherheal t hhi s t or y .

Example Question: Wher ei sy ouracnel ocat ed? 

Finding: Ask edi fpat i enthasmol es 


Repor t smol es

(Found) Pr oTi p:Moni t or i ngmol esi sani mpor t antst epi ndet ect i ngsk i ncancer .Ask i ngTi naabout hermol essol i ci t si mpor t anti nf or mat i onaboutherski n.

Example Question: Doy ouhav emol es ? 

Finding: Ask edaboutmol echanges 

Finding: Deni esmol echanges

(Found) Pr oTi p:Moni t or i ngmol esi sani mpor t antst epi ndet ect i ngsk i ncancer .Ask i ngTi naabout changesi nhermol essol i ci t si mpor t anti nf or mat i onaboutherski n.

Example Question: Hav ey ourmol eschangedatal l ? 

Finding: Ask edaboutmol eappear ance 

Finding: Repor t smol esar e" j ustr egul armol es"


Pr oTi p:Moni t or i ngmol esi sani mpor t antst epi ndet ect i ngsk i ncancer .Ask i ngTi nawhather newmol esar el i k esol i ci t si mpor t anti nf or mat i onaboutherski n.

Example Question: Whatar ey ourmol esl i k e? 

Finding: Ask edaboutmol el oc at i on 

Finding: Repor t smol esar el ocat edonherback

(Found) Pr oTi p:Moni t or i ngmol esi sani mpor t antst epi ndet ect i ngsk i ncancer .Ask i ngTi nawher e hermol esar el ocat edsol i ci t si mpor t anti nf or mat i onaboutherski n.

Example Question: Wher ear ey ourmol esl ocat ed? 

Finding: Ask edaboutc hangesi nsk i nc ol or 

Finding: Repor t sf ol dsi nneckar eget t i ngdar k er

(Found) Pr oTi p:Changesi nsk i ncol orcanbet hes ympt om ofv ar i ousdi seases ,di sor der s ,or condi t i ons.Ask i ngTi naaboutchangesi nsk i ncol orsol i ci t sr el ev anti nf or mat i onabouta s ympt om shemi ghtbeexper i enci ng.

Example Question:

Howhast hes ki nony ourneckchanged? 

Finding: Ask edaboutnec kski ns ens at i on 

Finding: Deni esi t c hyneckski n

(Available) Pr oTi p:Est abl i shi ngi nf or mat i onaboutt hechar act erofTi na' ss ki n,l i k ewhet hert heski non hernec ki si t c hy ,wi l lal l owy out ocompar ehers ympt omsandass es shercondi t i on.

Example Question: I st hesk i nony ournecki t c hy? 

Finding: Deni esnec kski nt i ngl i ng

(Available) Pr oTi p:Est abl i shi ngi nf or mat i onaboutt hechar act erofTi na' ss ki n,l i k ewhet hert heski non hernec ki st i ngl y ,wi l lal l owy out oc ompar ehers ympt omsandass esshercondi t i on.

Example Question: Doest hes ki nony ourneckt i ngl e ? 

Finding: Deni esnec kski npai n


Pr oTi p:Est abl i shi ngi nf or mat i onaboutt hechar act erofTi na' ss ki n,l i k ewhet hert heski non hernec khur t s,wi l l al l owy out ocompar ehers ympt omsandasses shercondi t i on.

Example Question: Doest hes ki nony ourneckhur t ? 

Finding: Repor t sbel i eft hatnec ksk i nhast hi ck ened

(Available) Pr oTi p:Est abl i shi ngi nf or mat i onaboutt hechar act erofTi na' ss ki n,l i k ewhet hert heski non hernec ki st hi ck eni ng,wi l lal l ow y out ocompar ehers ympt omsandas sesshercondi t i on.

Example Question: Hast heski nony ourneckt hi ck ened? 

Finding: Ask edaboutnec kski nc hangeonset 

Finding: Repor t saphot ogr aphf r om y ear sear l i ershowsdar k eni ngs ki n

(Found) Pr oTi p:Est abl i shi ngi nf or mat i onaboutt hechar act erofTi na' ss ki n,l i k ewhenshenot i cedt he s ki nonherneckc hangi ng,wi l l al l owy out ocompar ehers ympt omsandassessher condi t i on.

Example Question: Whendi dy ounot i cet hes ki nony ournec kchange ? 


Repor t sper cei vi ngt hats ki nwasdar k eni ngi nt hel as tf ewmont hs

(Found) Pr oTi p:Est abl i shi ngi nf or mat i onaboutt hechar act erofTi na' ss ki n,l i k ewhenshenot i cedt he s ki nonherneckc hangi ng,wi l l al l owy out ocompar ehers ympt omsandassessher condi t i on.

Example Question: Whendi dy ounot i cet hes ki nony ournec kchange ? 

Finding: Ask edaboutc hangesi nbodyhai r 

Finding: Repor t si ncr easei nbodyhai r

(Found) Pr oTi p:Changesi nbodyhai rcani ndi cat eac hangei nhor monel ev el s .Aski ngTi nai fher bodyhai rhaschangedsol i ci t si mpor t antheal t hhi s t or yi nf or mat i on.

Example Question: Hav ey ouhadchangesi ny ourbodyhai r ? 

Finding: Repor t si ncr easedhai ronf ace

(Found) Pr oTi p:Changesi nbodyhai rcani ndi cat eac hangei nhor monel ev el s .Aski ngTi nai fher bodyhai rhaschangedsol i ci t si mpor t antheal t hhi s t or yi nf or mat i on.

Example Question: Wher edoy ouhav ebodyhai r ?

Finding: Repor t si ncr easedhai ronabdomen

(Found) Pr oTi p:Changesi nbodyhai rcani ndi cat eac hangei nhor monel ev el s .Aski ngTi nai fher bodyhai rhaschangedsol i ci t si mpor t antheal t hhi s t or yi nf or mat i on.

Example Question: Wher edoy ouhav ebodyhai r ? 

Finding: Repor t si ncr easedhai rar oundni ppl es

(Available) Pr oTi p:Changesi nbodyhai rcani ndi cat eac hangei nhor monel ev el s .Aski ngTi nai fher bodyhai rhaschangedsol i ci t si mpor t antheal t hhi s t or yi nf or mat i on.

Example Question: Wher edoy ouhav ebodyhai r ? 

Finding: Ask edaboutbodyhai ronset 

Finding: Repor t sbodyhai rhasbeeni ncr easi ngf oral ongt i me

(Found) Pr oTi p:Changesi nbodyhai rcani ndi cat eac hangei nhor monel ev el s .Aski ngTi nawhen t heamountofbodyhai rst ar t edt oi ncr easesol i ci t si mpor t antheal t hhi s t or yi nf or mat i on.

Example Question: Whendi dt heamountofbodyhai rs t ar tt oi ncr ease ?

Review of Systems 

Finding: Ask edabouthai randscal ppr obl ems 

Finding: Deni essc al ppr obl ems

(Found) Pr oTi p:Est abl i shi ngi nf or mat i onaboutanys ki ncondi t i onTi naexper i enceswi l lhel py out o mosteffect i v el yt r eathers ympt oms .As ki ngTi nai fshehassc al ppr obl emssol i ci t si mpor t ant heal t hi nf or mat i on.

Example Question: Doy ouhav esc al ppr obl ems ? 

Finding: Deni espr obl emswi t hheadhai r

(Found) Pr oTi p:Est abl i shi ngi nf or mat i onaboutanys ki ncondi t i onTi naexper i enceswi l lhel py out o mosteffect i v el yt r eathers ympt oms .As ki ngTi nai fshehadpr obl emswi t ht hehai ronher headsol i ci t si mpor t antheal t hi nf or mat i on.

Example Question: Hav et her ebeenpr obl emswi t ht hehai rony ourhead? 

Finding: Deni esdandr uff

(Available) Pr oTi p:Est abl i shi ngi nf or mat i onaboutanys ki ncondi t i onTi naexper i enceswi l lhel py out o mosteffect i v el yt r eathers ympt oms .As ki ngTi nai fshehasdandr uffs ol i ci t si mpor t antheal t h i nf or mat i on.

Example Question: Doy ouhav edandr uff? 

Finding: Ask edaboutnai l s 

Finding: Deni eschangei nchar act erofnai l s

(Found) Pr oTi p:Est abl i shi ngi nf or mat i onaboutanys ki ncondi t i onTi naexper i enceswi l lhel py out o mosteffect i v el yt r eathers ympt oms .As ki ngTi nai fshehashadchangesi nhernai l ssol i ci t s i mpor t antheal t hi nf or mat i on.

Example Question: Hav ey ouhadnai lchanges ? 

Finding: Deni esnai lf ungus

(Available) Pr oTi p:Est abl i shi ngi nf or mat i onaboutanys ki ncondi t i onTi naexper i enceswi l lhel py out o mosteffect i v el yt r eathers ympt oms .As ki ngTi nai fshehasnai lf ungussol i c i t si mpor t ant heal t hi nf or mat i on.

Example Question: Doy ouhav enai lf ungus ? 

Finding: Ask edaboutt anni ngandsunexpos ur e 

Finding: Deni est anni ng

(Found) Pr oTi p:Sunexpos ur ecandi r ect l yaffectapat i ent ' sski n.As ki ngTi naabouthersun exposur ehabi t s ,l i k ewhet herornotshet ans,wi l lhel py out odet er mi newhet hershei satr i sk f orski nc ancer .

Example Question: Doy out an? 

Finding: Repor t susi ngsunbl ock

(Available) Pr oTi p:Sunexpos ur ecandi r ect l yaffectapat i ent ' sski n.As ki ngTi naabouthersun exposur ehabi t s ,l i k ei fsheusess unbl ock,wi l l hel py out odet er mi newhet hershei satr i sk f orski nc ancer .

Example Question: Doy ouusesunbl ock ? 

Finding: Repor t ss unbl ocki sSPF35

(Available) Pr oTi p:Sunexpos ur ecandi r ect l yaffectapat i ent ' sski n.As ki ngTi naabouthersun exposur ehabi t s ,l i k et het y peofs unbl ocksheuses ,wi l l hel ...

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