SLG 2 (Library Management System). This is the documentation of the Library Management group with complete stakeholders, user requirement, functional requirement, Sequence diagram and many more. PDF

Title SLG 2 (Library Management System). This is the documentation of the Library Management group with complete stakeholders, user requirement, functional requirement, Sequence diagram and many more.
Author Esha Afzal
Course Software and Information System
Institution Fanshawe College
Pages 51
File Size 2.8 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 48
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This is the documentation of the library management group. It includes all the user requirement, functional requirement, and business requirements with sequence diagram ,class diagram and many more...


CS366/CS364-Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

SLG # 2 “Library Management System” Project Team: Group Member Name

Roll Number

Bisma Ali Muhammad Muneeb Ahmad Eman Nadeem Hadia Jamshaid Sana Jameel Faran Ahmad

181370150 18137004 181370023 181370158 181370147 181370159


Library Management System

Table of Contents Problem Statement:............................................................................................................................................................ 2 Scope: ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Stakeholder ............................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Requirement Specification: .............................................................................................................................................. 3 Functional Requirements: ................................................................................................................................................ 4 Non-Functional Requirements: ....................................................................................................................................... 5 Tools and technology: ........................................................................................................................................................ 5 Use case Diagram: ............................................................................................................................................................... 6 Use Case Scenarios: ............................................................................................................................................................. 7 Prototyping: ......................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Storyboarding: ......................................................................................................................................................................... 26 Sequence Diagrams: .............................................................................................................................................................. 36 Project ERD: .............................................................................................................................................................................. 46 Relational Mapping: .............................................................................................................................................................. 47 Class Diagram:.......................................................................................................................................................................... 48 Test cases: ................................................................................................................................................................................. 49 Test Case Summary: ............................................................................................................................................................... 50


Library Management System

Library Management System Problem Statement: Library management system is a project which aims at developing a computerized system to maintain all the daily work of the library. The problem occurred before having computerized system includes: • Data lost • Difficult to update • Difficult to search record • Space consuming • Cost consuming Overall, this project of ours is being developed to help the staff of the library to maintain the library in the best way possible and also reduce human efforts.

Scope: The Library Management System is a Web-based system for assisting both the students/teachers and librarian/staff in borrowing and supervising the books. The Library Management System is supposed to have the following detailed features that Add user, update user, add and update books, getting the list of books, getting list of registered users, categorizing the books, finding out the list of books currently checked out, reserving and borrowing books. The early release of the new system will contain an online registration form for the user, an online E-Book portal and a backend database to process and store registration information and the Library System’s information, a secure internal network, and a Library’s administrators’ portal.


Library Management System

Stakeholder • •

Admin User

Requirement Specification: ● Business Requirements: According to the business requirements collected from the User, the system should be able to: ⮚ BR-01: keep record of user ⮚ BR-01: keep record of issue Books ⮚ BR-02: keep record of fine charges ⮚ BR-03: keep record which books assign to which student ⮚ BR-04: keep record of returning books ⮚ BR-06: keep record of registered users

⮚ BR-07: keep record of books that are available for users. ⮚ BR-08: keep record of non-returning books

User Requirements:

According to the requirements collected by the Administrator, he should be able to:

UR-01: Administrator should be able to add a new Category of Book. UR-02: Administrator should be able to manage the category of Books. UR-03: Administrator Should be able to add a new Book in the system. UR-04: Administrator Should be able to Manage Book record. UR-05: Administrator Should be able to issue a new Book. UR-06: Administrator Should be able to Manage all the issued Books. UR-07: Administrator Should be able to View all the registered users. According to the requirements collected by the User, he should be able to:

UR-08: User should be able to register him/herself in the system. UR-9: User should be able to view book issue details.


Library Management System

UR-10: User should be able to update his/her profile. UR-11: User should be able to return the issue book. UR-12: Users should be able to reserve a book in the library.

Functional Requirements: Admin Details: FR-01: Admin Login: The system must allow the only Admin with valid Email and password to enter the system. FR-02: View register Users: The System must allow the admin to view all register users (Student, faculty member etc.) FR-03: Change password: The System must allow the admin to change his/her account password.

Book Catego ry: Category: FR-04: Add category of Books The system must allow the admin to add a new category of Books. FR-05: Edit category of Books The system must allow the admin to edit the category of Books. FR-06: Search category of Books The system must allow the admin to search category of Books. FR-07: Delete category of Books The system must allow the admin to Delete category of Books.

Details: Books Detail s: FR-8: Add Book: The system shall allow the admin to add new Book. System must be able to auto generate the id. FR-9: Edit Book details: The system shall allow the admin to edit book details. FRFR-10 10 10:: Search Book: The system shall allow the admin to search any book. FR-11: Delete Book: The system shall allow the admin to delete the book.

Issue Books: FR-12: Issue New Book: The System shall allow the admin to issue books to students. FR-13: Generate Fine: The System shall allow the admin to generate a fine to the student, if the student returns the book after the due date.

User Panel: FR-14: Register User: The System shall allow the user to register his/himself I system. FR-15: User View Book Issued: The system shall allow the register users to view their issue book details. FRFR-16 16 16:: View Return Book Recor Record: d: The system shall allow the register users to view their return book details. FRFR-17 17 17:: User View his/her Profile: The system shall allow the users to view his/her profile.


Library Management System

FRFR-18 18 User Update Profile: The system shall allow the users to update his/her profile.

Non-Functional Requirements: Usability NFR#1: System will be easier to use. User could be able to learn that with 30 minutes of visit NFR#2: Tasks are quick and easy to perform. Reliability: NFR#3: System will be reliable and will be available 24/7 for users. NFR#4: Accuracy rate of performing a task will be 90%. NFR#5: Bugs and errors will be handled on a daily basis & will be fixed within a short time. Performance: NFR#6: Response time will be depending on internet speed and user experience. It’s may be takes 60 sec or 1 mint depending on internet speed. NFR#7: Resource Utilization will be 1 hard disk, communication media, domain server and working internet connection

Tools and technology: We will use “Sublime” for coding of the project. Create and maintain all databases into SQLite Server, in that we create tables, write queries for storing data or record of projects. The Main Technologies we use are: ● Html 5 ● Css3 ● Core php ● SQLite

Hardware Requirement: ● i3 Processor Based Computer or higher ● Memory: 1 GB RAM ● Hard Drive: 50 GB


Library Management System

● Monitor

Software Requirement: ● Windows 7 or higher

Use case Diagram:


Library Management System

Use Case Scenarios: UC 1 Muhammad Muneeb Ahmad > Priority Actor



High Admin

The purpose of this use case is to allow admin to login the panel. Admin must be on login panel.

Normal flow of events: Actor Actions

System Response

1) Actor enters his/her name and password.

If username and password valid then home page will open.

2) Click on login. Post Condition

The user is logged into the system.

Alt1 Admin need to reset password than login again. Admin will enter the wrong ID or password. System will show the message. Invalid password.


Library Management System

UC 2 Muhammad Muneeb Ahmad > Priority Actor

High Admin


The purpose of this use case is to reserve a book against any user.


Users must be logged in.

Normal flow of events: Actor Actions

1: Admin will be on the reservation book page. 2: Admin select user id and a book and then press submit button.

Post Condition Alt1 User doesn't have an account and is not able to reserve any book.

System Response 1: when we search for a book, System prompts the user to enter for how many days you want to reserve the book. 2: And ask for the user id.

A book should be reserved against that user.


Library Management System

UC 3 Eman Nadeem > Priority Actor

High admin


The purpose of this use case is to add a new book to the system.


Admin must be Logged in and have all information about book.

Normal course of events Actor Actions

System Response

1- Admin select the menu option to add a new record of the different book.

The Add Book Page will open.

2-Admin add the book name, select category, select author, add ISBN number, price. 3-Press add book button to add new book.

Book Successfully added to the system.

Post Condition

The record of the book is added to the library management System, and it assigns a number to each book.

Exception1 If there is an empty field in form


Library Management System

UC 4 Eman Nadeem > Priority Actor

Medium admin


Used To Categorize the books (Technical, Poetry) etc.


admin must be logged in and books are added in our system


add book

Normal course of events Actor Actions Click on Add Category Click on create category

Post Condition

System Response A form Will Open to enter details. Category will create successfully The record of the book category is added to the library management System and it assigns an id to each category.

Exception1 If admin wants categorized the book and the category is already present in our system, then system shows exception


Library Management System

UC 5 Hadia Jamshaid > Priority





The purpose of this use case is to delete the category.


Admin should be logged in to the system, and category must exist be in system.

Normal course of events Actor Actions 1-Admin select the menu option of manage category.

System Response Admin select the specific category. Admin delete category Successfully.

2-Admin press button delete category. Post Condition

Admin deleted specific category.

Exception1 If the category is not present. then the system shows an exception.


Library Management System

UC 6 Hadia Jamshaid > Priority Actor

Medium Admin


The Library Management system shows the table that contains the record of all users that are members of this library.


Admin must be logged in. and is on the view register user page.

Normal course of events Actor Actions

System Response

Admin select the menu option to view registered users in the system.

Display the list of registered users

Post Condition

Register Users can successfully view.

Exception1 If no users registered in the system, then it shows exception.


Library Management System

UC 7 Faran Ahmad > Priority Actor Summary Pre-condition

Medium Admin The purpose of this use case is to allow the admin to delete the book. Admin is in the Manage Books tab.

Normal course of events Actor Actions

System Response

1- Admin select the menu option of Manage Books in the system. 2- Admin selects the book that he/she wants to delete. 3-Press the Delete button.

1-Book found

Post Condition Exception1 Books must exist in the system.

2-Book delete Successfully.

Admin delete Book successfully from system.


Library Management System

UC 8 Faran Ahmad > Priority Actor Summary Pre-condition

Low Admin The Purpose of this use case is to Update Book from system. Admin is in the Manage Books tab.

Normal course of events Actor Actions

System Response

1- Admin select the menu option of Manage Books in the system. 2- Admin selects the book that he/she wants to delete. 3-Record is found. 4-Press the Update button.

Admin in Manage book tab

Post Condition

Specific Book found. The book record has been Edited.

Record of the Particular book has been modified.

Exception1 If the Book is not present in system, then that admin first add book and then modify.


Library Management System

UC 9 Sana Jameel > Priority Actor

High Admin


The purpose of this use case is to check if the book is available or not in the library.


admin must be logged in with registered username and password.

Normal course of events Actor Actions

System Response System will show the page.

Click on Manage Book Tab

Page Having a search bar.

Input Book Name

system will show the results according to the input.

Post Condition

System will show the list of books according to the input.

Exception1 1-Exception if book name is not correct. 2-If Book is not exist in the system. Alt1 First add a Book to the system.

Book is not found!


Library Management System

UC 10 Sana Jameel > Priority Actor

Low user


This is used to change the password of the user account.


Firstly, users must be logged in and remember their old password.

Normal course of events Actor Actions

System Response

1-Click On Change Password Tab 2-Enter New password. 3-Enter Confirm Password.

System will open a page.

4-Click on Change Password Button Post Condition Exception1 User enter wrong old password

Page having input bars for change the password Password will Be Changed User Updated his/her profile password Successfully.


Library Management System

UC 11 Bisma Ali > Priority Actor Summary Pre-condition Extends

Medium Admin The purpose of this user case is to update the issue book record. The Book has been issued. Return book

Normal course of events Actor Actions

System Response

1-Admin select the menu option to issue a new book to register users. 2- Admin views the all issued book. 2-Edit Issue Book record.

Users view all issued books and edit Issue book details.

Post Condition

Admin update issued book record.

Exception1 If the Book has already returned to the User then the admin cannot edit the issue book record. Alt1 First Issue a book to user then Edit the issue book details


Library Management System

UC 12 Bisma Ali > Priority Actor Summary Pre-condition

Low User The purpose of this use case is to edit the profile of the user. Users must be in the user login panel.

Normal course of events Actor Actions

System Response

1- User login in the library management system.

User enter email, password to enter in the system

2- Users select the menu option of My profile. 3- User updates his/her profile. (Name, email, phone number) Post Condition

user Successfully open My profile tab. User updates his/her profile Successfully. User profile has been modified.

Exception1 If the user is not present. then the system shows an exception. Alt1 User first Signup. then update his/her account.


Library Management System



Library Management System


Library Management System


Library Management System


Library Management System


Library Management System


Library Management System


Library Management System

Storyboarding: User Story 1:

As an Administrator, I want to be able to securely log in to the system, so that my information can only be accessed by me.



What information should be gathered when admin login the system?

username, Password, login.

What happen if admin forget password or Email?


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