SOC 1501 - Graded Quiz 3 - quiz PDF

Title SOC 1501 - Graded Quiz 3 - quiz
Course Introduction to Sociology
Institution University of the People
Pages 15
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SOC 150 Introduction to Sociology – Graded Quiz 3 Question 1 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Weber's proposal of antipositivism influenced sociological researchers to __________ while examining different social worlds. Select one: a. Reject antiquated notions of privacy and consent b. Methodically predict situational outcomes c. Manipulate test subjects into answering difficult questions d. Gain a subjective understanding of human cultural norms

Feedback The correct answer is: Gain a subjective understanding of human cultural norms

Question 2 Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Which theorist studied the power elite, and the influence they had over society? Select one: a. Karl Marx b. Carl Sagan c. Emile Durkheim

d. C. Wright Mills Feedback The correct answer is: C. Wright Mills

Question 3 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

The term "value neutrality" is defined by the text as: Select one:

SOC 150 Introduction to Sociology – Graded Quiz 3 a. A practice of remaining impartial, without bias or judgment during the course of a study and in publishing results.

b. The study of evolving ethics and morals in relation to sociological research. c. A systematic approach to record and value information gleaned from secondary data as it relates to the study at hand. d. A study's participants being randomly selected to serve as a representation of a larger population. Feedback The correct answer is: A practice of remaining impartial, without bias or judgment during the course of a study and in publishing results.

Question 4 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

As industrialization began to boom, Durkheim believed people were more susceptible to anomie because: Select one: a. Collective norms are weakened. b. Society no longer has the support of the collective consciousness. c. Specialization of labor lead to alienation. d. All of the above

Feedback The correct answer is: All of the above

Question 5 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Please define C. Wright Mill's sociological imagination. Select one: a. The theory that man evolved slowly over time. b. The process of analyzing human behavior based solely on statistics. c. A series of interviews asking subjects about their sleep habits and dreams.

SOC 150 Introduction to Sociology – Graded Quiz 3 d. How individuals understand their own and others' pasts in relation to history and social structure.

Feedback The correct answer is: How individuals understand their own and others' pasts in relation to history and social structure.

Question 6 Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Kendra is researching the effects of vitamin C on test-taking ability. Before the exam, Kendra gives group A orange juice, and group B water. Group B is the __________. Select one: a. Experimental group b. Dependent variable c. Control group d. Independent variable

Feedback The correct answer is: Control group

Question 7 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

The term "language" can be defined as: Select one: a. Gestures, signs, objects, signals, and words that help people understand the world. b. A symbolic system through which people communicate and through which culture is transmitted.

c. The exchange of gestures and signals for the purpose of reaching a consensus. d. Communication grounded in ideals, norms, and values. Feedback The correct answer is: A symbolic system through which people communicate and through which culture is transmitted.

SOC 150 Introduction to Sociology – Graded Quiz 3 Question 8 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

The term "interpretive framework" can be defined as: Select one: a. A basis for which sociologists determine whether their independent and dependent variables reflect the results. b. A sociological research approach that seeks in-depth understanding of a topic or subject through observation or interaction; this approach is not based on hypothesis testing.

c. An established scholarly research method that involves asking a question, researching existing sources, forming a hypothesis, designing and conducting a study, and drawing conclusions. d. Specific explanations of abstract concepts that a researcher plans to study Feedback The correct answer is: A sociological research approach that seeks in-depth understanding of a topic or subject through observation or interaction; this approach is not based on hypothesis testing.

Question 9 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

The concept "reference groups" can be defined as: Select one: a. Groups which consist of people for whom an individual feels great disdain. b. Groups a person belongs to and feels are an integral part of his or her identity. c. People who share similar characteristics but who are not connected in any way. d. Groups to which an individual compares himself or herself.

Feedback The correct answer is: Groups to which an individual compares himself or herself.

Question 10 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

SOC 150 Introduction to Sociology – Graded Quiz 3 Which sociological pioneer performed an experiment in which he showed a group of participants a paper with three lines on it, all varying in length, and asked them to compare the lines? Select one: a. Karl Marx b. Solomon Asch

c. Ivan Pavlov d. Emile Durkheim Feedback The correct answer is: Solomon Asch

Question 11 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Alienation is defined by the text as: Select one: a. The condition in which the individual is isolated and divorced from his or her society, work, or sense of self.

b. Social forces considered real which exist outside the individual. c. The act of defying social norms in favor of group unity d. The strength of ties that people have to their social groups, was a key factor in social life Feedback The correct answer is: The condition in which the individual is isolated and divorced from his or her society, work, or sense of self.

Question 12 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

An instrumental leader: Select one: a. Promotes emotional strength and health, ensuring that people feel supported. b. Refers to the main focus or goal of the leader.

SOC 150 Introduction to Sociology – Graded Quiz 3 c. Is goal-oriented and largely concerned with accomplishing set tasks.

d. Rejects gender roles in the name of the feminist movement. Feedback The correct answer is: Is goal-oriented and largely concerned with accomplishing set tasks.

Question 13 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

A total institution can be defined as: Select one: a. A business which offers career advice for federal employees. b. A group in which the masses have a large influence in decision making. c. A clear chain of command found in a bureaucracy. d. An organization in which participants live a controlled lifestyle and in which total resocialization occurs.

Feedback The correct answer is: An organization in which participants live a controlled lifestyle and in which total resocialization occurs.

Question 14 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

What is the importance of interpretive framework? Select one: a. It leads to in-depth knowledge of a participant's social world.

b. It eliminates the need for a literature review. c. It relies on statistics to determine causal relationships. d. It prevents researchers from making unethical decisions. Feedback The correct answer is: It leads to in-depth knowledge of a participant's social world.

SOC 150 Introduction to Sociology – Graded Quiz 3 Question 15 Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Please place the following societies in chronological order: Select one: a. Pastoral; Hunter-gatherer; Horticultural; Agricultural

b. Hunter-gatherer; Pastoral; Agricultural; Horticultural c. Pastoral; Agricultural, Hunter-gatherer; Horticultural d. Hunter-gatherer; Pastoral; Horticultural; Agricultural Feedback The correct answer is: Hunter-gatherer; Pastoral; Horticultural; Agricultural

Question 16 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

A person's position in a country's social stratification is determined by: Select one: a. Wealth, power, income, race, education

b. GNI PPP, GDP, GNI, the PRB, and standards of living c. Clothes, accessories, hobbies, shoes, and number of credit cards d. Prestige, family, legal records, occupation, and favorite food Feedback The correct answer is: Wealth, power, income, race, education

Question 17 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

According to Kohlberg's theory of moral development, when do humans begin to think about the feelings of other people and begin to see the world through other people's eyes? Select one: a. When they are born.

SOC 150 Introduction to Sociology – Graded Quiz 3 b. When they first go to school. c. In their teenage years

d. After they graduate from college. Feedback The correct answer is: In their teenage years

Question 18 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

__________ view society as a structure with interrelated parts designed to meet the biological and social needs of individuals who make up that society. Select one: a. Symbolic Interactionists b. Conflict Theorists c. Structural Functionalists

d. Social Individualists Feedback The correct answer is: Structural Functionalists

Question 19 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Strain theory: Select one: a. Argues that morality is based on wealth. b. Asserts that motivation and personal responsibility are the key factors in living a healthy lifestyle. c. Addresses the relationship between having socially acceptable goals and having socially acceptable means to reach those goals.

d. States individuals learn deviant behavior from those close to them who provide models of and opportunities for deviance. Feedback

SOC 150 Introduction to Sociology – Graded Quiz 3 The correct answer is: Addresses the relationship between having socially acceptable goals and having socially acceptable means to reach those goals.

Question 20 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

What is a difference between a more and a folkway? Select one: a. Mores encourage social rebellion; folkways do not. b. Mores are legally acceptable to violate; folkways are not. c. Mores are constructed based on norms; folkways are not. d. Mores may carry serious consequences if violated; folkways do not.

Feedback The correct answer is: Mores may carry serious consequences if violated; folkways do not.

Question 21 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Which factor is considered when evaluating someone's standard of living? Select one: a. Income b. Employment c. Class d. All of the above

Feedback The correct answer is: All of the above

Question 22 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Which theorist claimed that people rise to their proper level in society based solely on personal merit? Select one:

SOC 150 Introduction to Sociology – Graded Quiz 3 a. Karl Marx b. Max Weber c. Herbert Spencer d. Emile Durkheim

Feedback The correct answer is: Emile Durkheim

Question 23 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

In first grade, Scott is unfairly singled out by his teacher for bad behavior, partly because his older brothers had behavioral problems themselves. Throughout grade school, Scott gains a reputation as a "problem" child. Scott eventually drops out of school, thinking he was born to fail anyway. Which school of thought best fits Scott's experience? Select one: a. Strain theory b. Control theory c. Differential association d. Labeling theory

Feedback The correct answer is: Labeling theory

Question 24 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Ahmed has been trying to change his schedule so that he can take one more advancedlevel class his senior year in high school. He keeps running between the guidance office and the administration office to sort out the problem. Ahmed's interaction with the school's bureaucracy is an example of: Select one: a. The influences of a total institution b. The generalized other c. The influences of one's peer groups

SOC 150 Introduction to Sociology – Graded Quiz 3 d. The hidden curriculum of schools

Feedback The correct answer is: The hidden curriculum of schools

Question 25 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Whose work do conflict theorists rely on to help form their arguments surrounding social stratification? Select one: a. Auguste Comte b. Emile Durkheim c. Rene Decartes d. Karl Marx

Feedback The correct answer is: Karl Marx

Question 26 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Which of the following is an example of a learned custom? Select one: a. Marrying for love b. Shoving and pushing on the metro c. Greeting an acquaintance with a handshake d. All of the above

Feedback The correct answer is: All of the above

Question 27 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

SOC 150 Introduction to Sociology – Graded Quiz 3 Question text

Verstehen is defined by the text as: Select one: a. To maintain a moral conscience. b. To compare and contrast social facts. c. To understand in a deep way.

d. To require proof of interpretation. Feedback The correct answer is: To understand in a deep way.

Question 28 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Sociology is defined as the: Select one: a. Qualitative analysis of human phenomenon. b. Systematic study of society and social interaction.

c. Quantitative analysis of social transgressions. d. Theoretical examination of life's origins. Feedback The correct answer is: Systematic study of society and social interaction.

Question 29 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

__________ believed that societies grew and changed as a result of the struggles of different social classes over the means of production and greatly favored __________. Select one: a. Durkheim; Communism b. Max Weber; Positivism

SOC 150 Introduction to Sociology – Graded Quiz 3 c. Karl Marx; Communism

d. Comte; Antipositivism Feedback The correct answer is: Karl Marx; Communism

Question 30 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

The term "crime" can be defined as: Select one: a. A behavior that violates official law and is punishable through formal sanctions.

b. A harmful action directed at the authorities. c. A sequence of events leading to incarceration. d. An unintended consequence of necessary action. Feedback The correct answer is: A behavior that violates official law and is punishable through formal sanctions.

Question 31 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

In the early 2000's, The L Word and Queer as Folk debuted on Showtime. Both shows depicted the lives of members of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) community, thus giving viewers a glimpse into a __________. Select one: a. More b. Formal Sanction c. Subculture

d. Social relativism Feedback The correct answer is: Subculture

SOC 150 Introduction to Sociology – Graded Quiz 3 Question 32 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Qualitative sociology can be defined as: Select one: a. In-depth interviews, focus groups, and/or analysis of content sources as the source of its data.

b. Virtual interactivity, online polls, and online gaming. c. Door to door sales pitches, cold calls, and press conferences. d. Statistical methods such as surveys with large numbers of participants. Feedback The correct answer is: In-depth interviews, focus groups, and/or analysis of content sources as the source of its data.

Question 33 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

In 1999, Sean Fanning, John Fanning, and Sean Parker invented Napster, a global, free-ofcharge, peer-to-peer music sharing program. Prior to Napster, no such program existed. The three men created __________. Select one: a. An innovation

b. A discovery c. A culture lag d. A cultural universal Feedback The correct answer is: An innovation

Question 34 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Which of the following is an example of an unethical sociological research practice?

SOC 150 Introduction to Sociology – Graded Quiz 3 Select one: a. Conducting a literature review prior to conducting an experiment b. Drawing conclusions from a study which the hypothesis did not predict c. Observing study participants without their consent

d. Using a control group and an experimental group during observation Feedback The correct answer is: Observing study participants without their consent

Question 35 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

__________ societies relied on permanent tools for survival, and expanded due to innovations such as crop rotation and fertilizer. Select one: a. Industrial b. Feudal c. Agricultural

d. Hunter-gatherer Feedback The correct answer is: Agricultural...

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