SOC 269 Exam 1 Part 2 - Lecture Notes (including information that was not included in slides) Textbook PDF

Title SOC 269 Exam 1 Part 2 - Lecture Notes (including information that was not included in slides) Textbook
Course Race And Ethnic Relations
Institution Western Washington University
Pages 6
File Size 97 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 49
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Lecture Notes (including information that was not included in slides) Textbook Notes (in relation to study guide questions), required reading notes ...


Prejudice, Discrimination and Racism Prejudice -prejudice is a negative attitude toward an entire category of people! -prejudice involved attitudes, thoughts, and beliefs, NOT ACTIONS ! -prejudice tends to be based on ethnocentrism and faulty generalizations (stereotypes)! " " ! " " ! " Prejudice " " *Actions! " " *Beliefs ! " " *Emotions! Ethnocentrism " " " " " " "

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Stereotypes ! " *Selective Perceptions ! " *Premature Closure

Levels of Prejudice 1. Cognitive Level of Prejudice Beliefs -assumptions of how people are 2. Emotional Level of Prejudice Feelings -feelings behind the beliefs you have 3. Action-Orientation Level of Prejudice Predisposition to Act -when your beliefs and feelings cause a predisposition to act (to cause a tendency to act)! Sociological View of prejudice and discrimination -situational factors and power structures are the main forces that produce prejudice and discrimination ! -theories focus on how prejudice and discrimination are part of society’s normative order! -people are socialized to be prejudice and discriminate Ethnocentrism -the tendency to assume that one’s culture and way of life are superior to all others ! Stereotypes Stereotype: an overgeneralization associated with a racial or ethnic category that goes beyond existing evidence ! -stereotypes emphasize a few traits that are assumed to apply to all members of the group !

—Theories of Prejudice— Personality Centered Approaches (answer lies within the individual) Culture-Based Approaches (learning prejudice from the social environment) Power/Conflict Approaches (competition leads to prejudice)! Personality Centered Approaches (answer lies within the individual)! -prejudice is an indicator of an unhealthy personality/prejudice helps inflicted individuals function from day to day ! " " " " " " " "

Projection: seeing others characteristics we cant admit we have in ourselves ! " " -so they project on others that traits they don’t like about themselves ! Scapegoating: picking a target to displace anger of frustration ! " EX: Vincent Chin ! " " -American Immigrant, living in Detroit in 1982! " " -at the time Americans were loosing jobs to Japan in the Car industry and after his " " " bachelor party he was followed and killed by two white men with a baseball bat! " " -at the trial, the judge ruled that it was not a hate crime! Scapegoat Characteristics -highly visible in physical characteristics ! -not strong enough to fight back ! -situated within easy access ! -past targets of hostility ! -symbol on unpopular concept !

Authoritarian Personality: Technique to cope with early "" childhood relationships with dominant parents ! " -you might lash out at other individuals to deal with childhood " " problems from their parents ! " ! Limitation: ignores the social environment (does not look at the big picture)

Culture-Based Approaches " -prejudice is the result of growing up in a society that views certain groups as being inferior or " " " superior ! " "

socialization: connects with the culture based theory, it is an endless cycle, parents teach their " kids and their kids go on to have children and teach them the same ideas ! Limitation: the theory doesn’t mentioned about where prejudice began

Power/Conflict Approaches (competition leads to prejudice)! -prejudice stems from racial group competition. Prejudice serves as a rationalization or justification for exploitation and stratification ! -this theory tries to explain the origins of prejudice, to try and rationalize why some don’t deserve it ! " Marxist Analysis: Dominant group versus subordinate group ! **the cultural-based approach works together with the power conflict theory to describes how prejudice begins and how it continues

Reducing Prejudice ! Media -it can lead to change or keep the status quo ! -tv/movies are powerful institutions !

Reducing Prejudice Media Education

Education ! -the idea of stereotypes are based on unawareness !


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Increased Interaction —> Equal Status Contract Hypothesis -equal status! " " -intensive interaction ! " " -noncompetitive interaction (very important)! " " -cooperative tasks " Ex: military !

Discrimination Discrimination: (acting on prejudice beliefs) the denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups based on membership.! Levels of Discrimination ! " Verbal Expression! " Avoidance ! " Exclusion! " Physical Abuse! " Extermination ! Four Types of Discrimination " Isolate Discrimination ! " Small Group Discrimination ! " Direct Institutionalized Discrimination ! " Indirect Institutionalized Discrimination ! Isolate Discrimination -discrimination done by a an individual! -harmful action by an individual without the support of other society members! -isolated incident ! Small Group Discrimination -harmful action by a small number of individuals acting in concert against a subordinate group, with out support from members of society ! " ex: the swim club, who kick out the group of black students from renting the shared pool space ! Direct Institutionalized Discrimination -organizationally prescribed or community prescribed actions that have negative impacts on minority groups! -written discrimination (laws)! *causes intentional harm! ex: white only bathrooms, white only coke machines ! Indirect Institutionalized Discrimination -organizationally prescribed or community prescribed norms or regulations (no intent to harm) have negative impacts on minority groups ! -not written rules/laws, but they have the same effect! *no intent to harm, but indirectly produces harm!

Merton’s Typology All Weather Liberal unprejudiced/non-discriminator! -flock together ! shortcoming: they tend to stay in their comfort zone (hanging out with ppl like them)

Reluctant Liberal unprejudiced/discriminator ! -flight attendant/mask ! -teacher calling students “niggahs” ! ex: laughing at a racist joke, even if you don’t think it is funny! Clue: actions contradict beliefs !

Timid Bigot prejudice/nondiscriminator ! -not discrimination, bc you know theirs a rule of not discriminating! -keeping your views to yourself

All Weather Bigot prejudiced/discriminator ! ex: hate group members !

Racism an ideology that considers a groups unchangeable characteristics to be linked in a direct way to psychological or intellectual characteristics ! Classic Racism -Systemic racism is structured in into everyday life experience. People are born, live, and die within a racist system. ! -System of oppression made up of many thousands of everyday acts of mistreatment that range from the overt to the covert.! -It includes complex array of discriminatory practices in various institutions, such as the economy, politics, education, and the family.! *Joe Feagin!

Modern Racism: a notion that believes we are in a post race society ! " -we confuse equity with equality! " *modern racism believes that we all have equality ! -“colorblind society” ! -victim blaming ! -demands for preferential treatment or affirmative action for minorities are unfair and unjust! " ex: David from the video" “they just need to work harder”! *modern racism works works off the wrong premise ! Can people of the minority exhibit these qualities? Prejudice = YES! Discrimination = YES! Classic Racism = YES! Institutional Racism = NO! *modern and classic racism keep the minority groups subordinate !

Institutional Racism *The Gardner’s Flower Boxes Institutional Racism: differential access to goods, services, and opportunities ! " " " " manifests inherent disadvantage ! " " ! " " " " *inaction in the time of need" " " " " " " *Initial Historic Insult: 2 boxes w/ different types of soil! " " " " *the normative action: preferring one color over another ! " " " " *structural forces: the 2 boxes are separated from one another ! " " " *most fundamental level…if this was fixed, the others would be able to clear up on" " " " their own! " " " " " " " " " "

Personally Mediated Racism: prejudice and discrimination, prejudice is the negative assumptions " " " " and discrimination is the actions towards other according to their "" " " " " race and your assumptions ! " " " " *picking the pink flowers before they go to seed! " " " " *if any pink flowers blow over into the red box, the gardener’s action " " " " " of picking them out from the red box! Internalized Racism: acceptance by members of the stigmatized races of negative messages ! " " " -basically when the racial group begins to believe the negative messages are " " " true" ! *pink flowers tell the bees not to pollinate them, and go to the red flowers! " " " The Gardener: represent the government in the US !

Book Terms ! Wealth: what a household own minus what it owes ! " -more inclusive than income! " -it includes all of a persons material assets as well as money! " -wealth is not always related to assets but also can be measured by indebtedness! " " (so wealth can just be.. not being in debt)! Income: refers to salaries, wages, and other money received over a specific period of time! Reverse discrimination: actions that cause better qualified white men to be passed over for women " " " " " or minority men! " " -is an emotional term, because it conjures up the notion that somehow women and " " " " minorities will subject White men in the United States to the same treatment received by " " minorities during the past three centuries.! Glass Ceiling: the barrier that blocks the promotion of qualified workers because of gender or minoritygroup membership! Glass Wall: lateral barriers women and minority group have to deal with, barriers that have to be faced before the glass ceiling, the glass walls keep them from moving laterally ! " " -“traps” them to their job, no ability to advance ! Glass Escalator: the White male advantage experienced in occupations dominated by women. ! " " -even in a women dominated field, a man will quickly advance ! Ethnic Paradox: the maintenance of one’s ethnic ties in a manner that can assist with assimilation into the larger society. !...

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