Sociology Chap 5 notes - groups, organizations, and bureaucracies PDF

Title Sociology Chap 5 notes - groups, organizations, and bureaucracies
Author Tori Dasher
Course Introduction To Soc
Institution Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Pages 2
File Size 80.2 KB
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groups, organizations, and bureaucracies ...


Chapter 5 Groups Learning Objectives  

Describe primary and secondary groups and their effects Discuss the power of groups in terms of their composition

The Nature of Groups 

 

Types of groups differ in many important ways, particularly in the degree of intimacy and social support their members experience in them. Social groups are collections of people who share a sense of common identity and regular interact with one another based on shared expectations Primary groups: characterized by intense emotional ties, intimacy, and identification with membership in the group Secondary Group: large, impersonal groups with minimal emotional and intimate ties

The Power of Groups  

Groups provide standards by which we make self-evaluations Reference group provides a standard for judging our own attitudes or behaviors o Family had greatest impact on how we shape our view of ourselves o Peer groups replace and compete o Social media creates a virtual reference group

The Effect of Size   

Simmel (1858-1918): group size affects both the quality of interaction inn the group and the group’s effectiveness in accomplishing certain tasks Dyad: simplest group; consists of two persons. Simultaneously intense and unstable Triad: group of three people. More stable than dyads. One person can serve as mediator between other two o Going from dyad to triad illustrates as important sociological principle first identified by Simmel: As group size increases, the intensity of relationships within the group decreases, while overall group stability increases Alliances or coalitions: smaller subgroups that form between group members, enabling them to dominate the group in their own interest, thereby destabilizing the group o Social closure: the ability of groups to strategically and consciously exclude outsiders or those deemed “undesirable” from participating in the group or enjoying the group’s resources

Types of Group Leadership  

Transformational leaders: go beyond the merely routine, instilling in group members a sense of mission or higher purpose and thereby changing (transforming) the nature of the group itself Transactional leaders: concerned with accomplishing the group’s tasks, getting group members to do their jobs, and making certain the group achieves its goals


Effectiveness of leaders depends on ability to coerce people into compliance and subordination or ability to move people to willingly comply and subordinate themselves. Effectiveness depends upon:  Power  Legitimate authority  Positional power  Personal power

Conformity to Groups 

Sociologists and social psychologists have long sought to understand why or why not people tend to go along with others. Studies and examples of conformity include: o Solomon Asch experiment o Link in power point

Obedience to Authority 

Another classical study of conformity was Stanley Milgram’s (1963) research: o Link in power point o Ordinary people will conform to orders given by someone in a position of power or authority, even if those orders have consequences o Groupthink: process by which members of a group ignore ways of thinking and plans of action that go against the group consensus...

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