Sophie-Exam-tips - year 1 commonly asked exam questions PDF

Title Sophie-Exam-tips - year 1 commonly asked exam questions
Author Gurpreet Atwal
Course Medicine
Institution University of Dundee
Pages 2
File Size 45.7 KB
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year 1 commonly asked exam questions...


Sophie-Exam tips  Anatomical plates- anatomy spot  Red blood cells-last 120 days  Process of vertebral bodies-structure of vertebrae posterior anterior rootlets, roots, posterior and anterior- dorsal, ventral  Which joint has how much movement- 180 degrees- in shoulder- online  Sphenoid bullae- skull bones  Facial fractures, 1,2,3,4  broken clavicle- callus, x rays of major parts of body and which part is broken- online exams  Lesser and greater Trochanters, tuberosity’s-parts of the bones in arms- spot exams  Examples of ball and sockets, examples of different joints, acromial clavicular joint  Tissue layers of the heart-what are they, what are they made up of-spot test  Foramen of the skull-online  Identify sections of the liver  Type of skeletal muscle, circular, pennate, quadrate, flat with aponeurosis, rectus abdominal  Larynx-anterior and posterior-epiglottis, cricoid cartilage, vocal cords Rima glottidesanatomy spot  Inguinal canal-nerve artery vein-y-front -NAVY  SPERMATOGENESIS-INSIDE OUT  Where can you cut on a male to sterilise them-vans deferens  Picture of vagina- label it, orifice  Know where fertilisation occurs  Know the lateral pterygoid  All the muscles of the face-VERY IMPORTANT TO LEARN THE FACIAL MUSCLES  MUSCLES of the tongue  know where all the structures that can be pierced, vena cava- pierces that diaphragm at v8-8 letters, Oesophagus v10- 10 letters, Thoracic aorta pierces at T12-12 LETTERS  Nervous-principles last 4 lectures, urinary tract-endocrine- learn all this new stuff*  Learn your biochem equations- Henderson Hassel Bach equations  Questions on structural hierarchy of the polypeptide of protein, anhydride bonds, oxygen phosphate oxygen bond  Free energy delta j=delta  Covalent strongest bond of them all  The terminals of amino acids-always N TO C you can only add to the c end  Only 20 L amino acids there are also D amino acids  Prion proteins what is a prion made of-answer protein  Know the intermolecular bonds/forces between the polypeptide chains-disulphide bonds  Histology- the only questions will be photos from lectures- and be put into from the lecturese.g. what type of tissues make up the liver-LEARN THE HISTOLOGY-LIVER, COLON  Phospholipid bilayer  Gap junctions, tight junctions  Immunology-geeky medics*  G couple proteins Sym parasym receptors  Neurotransmitter- learn all  Antibiotic- staph aureas- MEMORISE ANTIBIOTIC MAN

 KNOW TREATMENT FOR PNEUMONIA, INFECTIVE ENDOCARDITIS, MRSA-no need to know your 1st line 2nd line treatment to detail  Know random GI investigations for GI BALLOON  Know what you give to people having lost blood and frozen plasma, blood transfusion  Gastroenteritis*** e.g. patient for  Cardio-arrhythmias come up a lot  Cardiophysiology-know the physiology question, hydrostatic and osmotic pressures, oedema and portal hypertension  What anastomoses is where, veins.  Pathology- principles- very specific e.g. neoplasia- p53, ras  Hexokinase comes up a lot  First line treatment- hypertension, angina, heart failure,  Laxatives 3 groups just know of them  Influenza drugs-treatment  Learn the- line graph, vmax 1/vmax efficacy potency, non-competitive graph crosses x axis  Genetics-autosomal dominant, x linked, y linked...

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