SOST 30153 Teaching Approaches in Secondary Social Studies Danilova Lorenzo PDF

Title SOST 30153 Teaching Approaches in Secondary Social Studies Danilova Lorenzo
Author Эйприл Джейн
Course Bachelor of Secondary Education
Institution Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Pages 58
File Size 2.2 MB
File Type PDF
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Republic of t he Philip pines POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINE S Office of th e Vice President for Academic Aff airs




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Social Studies are the integrated study of the social sciences and the humanities to promote civic competence. The subject provides coordinated and systematic study that draws upon various disciplines as anthropology, economics, geography, history, law, political science, and philosophy. The primary purpose of social studies in schools is to help young people develop the ability to make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a democratic society. However, no matter how systematic the subject was organized, it is significant to develop the skills of the future teachers in delivering the social studies lessons to their future learners. Future teachers should adept themselves with appropriate teaching approaches in teaching social studies specifically in the secondary level of basic education. Module 1, “Nature of Social Studies,” is all about concepts and nature about the subject social studies. It is imperative that the future social studies teachers would be able to analyze the definition of social studies given by the National Council for the Social Studies. In this module the students would be able to distinguish social studies from social science. In this module, the future teachers would understand the scope of social studies and the role of social studies in the school curriculum. Module 2, “Place of Social Studies in Secondary Curriculum,” is vital for the understanding of some of social studies curriculum. This would help the future teachers in preparing instructional objectives in teaching and learning of social studies. The value of Instructional Materials in Social Studies is emphasized in this module where future social studies teacher would have to select instructional materials based on appropriate criteria. Module 3, “Methodology in Teaching Social Studies,” captures the appropriate approaches, teaching strategies, and teaching methods necessary for an efficient and effective teaching and learning. The future social studies teachers would discover the advantages and disadvantages of the different teaching approaches, teaching strategies and teaching methods, thus engage them in the process of teaching decision process. Module 4 “The Social Studies Teacher” addresses thesignificant roles of the teacher, what qualities should social studies teachers, their responsibilities and requirements. This would help the student teachers in preparing themselves adequately before facing the teaching world. i

TABLE OF CONTENTS OVERVIEW………………………………………………………………………………………. TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………………………… COURSE OUTCOMES…………………………………………………………………………. DESIRED LEARNING OUTCOMES…………………………………………………………..

i ii iv iv

MODULE 1. Nature of Social Studies....................................................................... 1 Lesson 1. Definition of Social Studies……………………………………………….. 1 Self-Check……………………………………………………………… 2 Lesson 2. Social Science and Social Studies……………………………………….. 2 Self-Check…………………………………………………………….. 4 Lesson 3Scope of Social Studies…………………………………………………… 4 Self-Check…………………………………………………………….. 6 Lesson 4. The Role of Social Studies……………………………………………….. 6 Self Check………………………………………………………..…… 9 MODULE 2. Place of Social Studies in Secondary Curriculum................................... 10 Lesson 1. Some Limitations of Social Studies Curriculum………… …………….. 10 Self-Check……………………………………………………………… 11 Lesson 2. Instructional Objectives in Teaching and Learning of Social Studies…………………………………………………………………...…. 12 Self-Check…………………………………………………….. 17 Lesson 3. Source, Types and Values of Instructional Materials in Teaching Social Studies………………………………………………………………………... 17 Self-Check……………………………………………………... 22 Lesson 4. Criteria for Selection and Use of Instructional Materials in teaching Social Studies………………………………………………………..……... 22 Self-Check……………………………………………………... 26 MODULE 3. Methodology in teaching Social Studies………………………………….… 27 Lesson 1. Approaches in Teaching Social Studies………………………………….. 27 Self-Check……………………………………………………... 29 Lesson 2. Instructional/Teaching Strategies……..………………………………..… 30 Self-Check…………………………………………………….. 35 Lesson 3. Instructional/Teaching Methods…………….……………………………... 35 Self-Check……………………………………………………... 42


MODULE 4. The Social Studies Teacher…………………………………………….……… 43 Lesson 1. The Role of the Social Studies Teacher…………………………………... 43 Self-Check…………………………………………………….... 44 Lesson 2. Qualities of the Social Studies Teacher…………………………….…...…44 Self-Check…………………………………………………….. 46 Lesson 3. Responsibilities and Requirements of the Social Studies Teacher…….. 47 Self-Check………………………………………………………..47 ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES/TOOLS………………………………………………………….….49 COURSE GRADING SYSTEM..............................................................................................50 REFERENCES…………………………………………………………………………………..…..51



At the end of the course the students will be able to:

1. demonstrate knowledge on the foundation and the teaching –learning situation in the field of social studies. 2. demonstrate an understanding on the approaches, methods and strategies of teaching social studies.

Desired Learning Outcomes

At the end of Module 1- Nature of Social Studies , the students will be able to:

1. define Social Studies; 2. analyze definition of social studies given by National Council for the Social Studies; 3. define Social Science; 4. differentiate Social Science from Social Studies; 5. explain the scope of Social Studies according to National Council for the Social Studies; 6. describe the role of social studies in the secondary curriculum; and iv

7. explain by example why social studies should have a place in the secondary curriculum.

At the end of Module 2- Place of Social Studies in Secondary Curriculum, the students will be able to:

1. describe the present place of social studies in secondary school curriculum; 2. analyze the limitations Social Studies curriculum; 3. distinguish specific from instructional objective; 4. determine the factors in formulating instructional objectives in Social Studies; 5. highlight what to prepare in planning for the teaching-learning of Social Studies 6. define instructional materials; 7. mention four sources of instructional materials being used in Social Studies teaching; 8. explain the value of instructional materials in teaching social studies; 9. describe the characteristics of the instructional materials being used in Social Studies teaching; and 10. discuss each criterion for the selection and use of instructional materials in teaching Social Studies.

At the end of Module 3- Methodology in Teaching Social Studies, the students will be able to:

1. define teaching approaches; 2. describe the approaches in teaching Social Studies; v

3. explain the advantages and disadvantages of the different approaches in teaching social studies; 4. analyze the approaches in the light how these are applied in school setting; 5. summarize the uses of the different approaches; 6. define instructional or teaching strategies; 7. mention the different strategies for teaching Social Studies; 8. describe the characteristics of each strategy for teaching Social Studies; 9. define instructional or teaching methods; 10. mention the different teaching methods for teaching Social Studies; and 11. describe the characteristics of each method for teaching Social Studies.

At the end of Module 4- The Social Studies Teacher, the studentswill be able to:

1. describe the significant roles of the Social Studies Teacher; 2. reflect on the importance of the Social Studies teacher in the educative process; 3. identify the qualities of Social Studies teacher; 4. distinguish the distinct qualities possessed by Filipino teachers; 5. identify the responsibilities of the social studies teacher; 6. explain each responsibility that is significant to the learning process of the students; 7. identify the requirements of the Social Studies teacher; and 8. discuss the importance of the requirements in setting the standards for teaching social studies. vi


The school is a social institution. It imparts instruction covering a variety of subjects. Education is a lifelong process. Man is in the center of all educational activities, processes, programs or products. Although one can say that language learning, the arts, mathematics and the natural sciences deal with human experiences in the form of ideas, skills and products, it is the special function of social studies to have the people as the subject matter. Consider, for a moment, yourself as an object of study. In order to arrive at a meaningful understanding of you, you would have to investigate your past (history), the environment in which you live (geography), how you are supported financially (economics), how your culture has influenced you (anthropology) and so on. Thus social studies reveals to the learner where she/he is in the context of time, space and society. Hence, definitions and the nature of social studies range from a study of human beings favoring a separate subject approach to an integrated one in which the subject matter is indistinguishable as history, geography, civics and so on.

Lesson 1. Definition of Social Studies

Social studies is the study of people in relation to each other and to their world. It is an issues-focused and inquiry-based interdisciplinary subject that draws upon history, geography, ecology, economics, law, philosophy, political science and other social science disciplines. Social studies fosters students’ understanding of and involvement in practical and ethical issues that face their communities and humankind. Social studies is integral to the process of enabling students to develop an understanding of who they are, what they want to become and the society in which they want to live.( The Alberta Social Studies Kindergarten to Grade 12 Program of Studies, 2005) Social studies develops the knowledge, skills, and processes necessary to understand historical and present day connections among diverse individuals and groups (Maine Department of Education Regulation, 2007). The informal, non-formal and formal approaches are used in the teaching and learning of Social Studies (Kedrayate, Koroi, & Lingam, 2008).


Social studies concern itself with human beings, those most fascinating of all creatures who, in a variety of ingenious ways, can device means of meeting their basic needs and developing a social system in a wide range of different environment. Social science has traditionally been regarded as the parent discipline of social studies. National Council for the Social Studies, the largest professional association for social studies educators in the world, defines social studies as:


integrated study of the social sciences and humanities to promote civic competence. Within the school program, social studies provides coordinated, systematic study drawing upon such disciplines as anthropology, archaeology, economics, geography, history, law, philosophy, political science, psychology, religion, and sociology, as well as appropriate content from the humanities, mathematics, and natural sciences. The primary purpose of social studies is to help young people make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world .

SELF-CHECK: a. Explain the concept of social studies. Which concept do you consider the most appropriate for the Philippine setting? b. What does the term “social” in social studies mean?. c. Explain the definition of social studies given by the National Council for the Social Studies.

Lesson 2. Social Science and Social Studies

Social studies and social science can be easy to confuse. Though social they are sounds two similar concepts, and deal with some of the same subject matter. They are two difference fields of study. However, there are some key differences which distinguish the two terms so that they cannot be used interchangeably. Social Science is a subject area that studies the society and the relationships among individuals within a society. It is categorized into many branches such as Geography (study 2

of the earth and its features, inhabitants, and phenomena), Anthropology (study of humans), History (study of past), Economics (study of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services), political science (study of theory and practice of politics and the description and analysis of political systems and political behavior.) etc.

What are the differences between Social Science and Social Studies? The main difference between social science and social studies is in their intended purposes. The social sciences are branches of study that analyze society and the social interactions of people within a society. Subjects that fall under the umbrella of social sciences are: anthropology, history, economics, geography, and many others that explore societal relations. Social studies is the systematic study of an integrated body of content drawn from the social sciences and the humanities. It enables students to develop their knowledge and understandings of the diverse and dynamic nature of society and of how interactions occur among cultures, societies, and environments. 1. Social science is more streams oriented. It's the science of the society; the in depth knowledge and systematic study of each branch of social transaction. It is empirical and based on various scientific methods of deduction to arrive at a conclusion based on facts 2. Social studies is the integrated study of the social sciences and humanities to promote effectivecitizenry. 3. Social studies are subjects most frequently taught to school students to help them understand how to be effective citizens of society. 4. Social Science, as the name implies, deals with the science of society utilizing the gathering of data and analysis of that data. Whereas Social Studies normally deals with the observation of Society. Here students develop and apply skills as they investigate society, explore issues, make decisions, and work cooperatively with others. 5. Social sciences are taught under higher studies curriculum whereas, social studies are subjects most frequently taught to school based students to help them understand how to be effective citizens of society. 6. The core difference between social science and social studies exist in their purpose; in social science, you study the society and social life of human groups while in social studies, you study both social science and humanities in order to promote effective citizenry.


7. Social Studies is the study of all phases of societies whereas Social Science is the inference of those studies with the intention of solving problems within a society, which may lead to the ultimate development of the society as a whole. 8.

Social science is the field of sciences concerned with the studies of the social life of human groups and individuals. Social studies is a term used to describe the broad study of various fields which involves past and current human behavior and interactions.

9. Another difference is that Social science is divided into many branches while social studies is divided into two main categories of humanities and social sciences. 10. Another difference is that Social science is divided into many branches while social studies is divided into two main categories of humanities and socialsciences.

SELF-CHECK: a. Explain the definition of the term, social science. b. What does the term “social” in social studies mean?. c. Discuss in what ways social studies differs from social studies.

Lesson 3. Scope of Social Studies

The scope of social studies includes the content, subject matter or the experience that are tobeprovided to the learner through the teaching of this subject. The scope of social studies is vast as it includes a variety of man’s needs and problems. It has a very wide scope. The National Council for Social Science. (NCSS- USA) 1994 include the following in the scope of Social Studies:


1. CULTURE: Characteristics of the cultures found in the world are studied and children are taught the similarities of the cultures and appreciation of those different cultures are done in this course. 2. TIME, CONTINUITY AND CHANGE: Change is an important factor in social studies when and how are the three questions answered by social science. What was man in the past, how he has learnt different things, what his achievements are and how he has reached at this stage? All these questions are answered through this subject. 3. PEOPLE, PLACES AND ENVIRONMENT: People living in different parts of the world face different environmental and geographical problems relating to their physical and geographical conditions. Environment has an effect on people and places. What are those influences? How do people get affected? What are their life styles? 4. DEVELOPING RESPONSIBLE CITIZENS: Developing them as responsible and accountable citizens, who will be informed and educated citizen of the country, who will be aware about their rights and duties? 5. INDIVIDUAL GROUP AND ORGANIZATION: Individual is definitely influenced by the various groups and organizations which are present in the society. So it includes study of all the institutions and organizations of the society. 6. POWER, AUTHORITY AND GOVERNMENT: It includes the types of government the, rights and duties of citizens. It also includes the study of state’s powers and authorities as well as how the state protects their citizens. 7. PRODUCTION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONSUMPTION: Here social studies take assistance of economics in studying the production, distribution and consumption of resources and their influence on human behavior and national growth. 8. SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY: Society is definitely influenced by the development in science and technology and it contributes to the economy of the nation so social studies include the study of science and technology and their influence on human life. 9. GLOBAL INTERDEPENDENT: People are dependent on other countries for their daily needs. Countries have interdependence in the field of trade, commerce, transportation, communication and research so Social Science also includes the study of world’s interdependence. 10. DEMOCRATIC IDEALS AND PRACTICES: Social Studies aim at producing responsible productive citizens of the world by stressing on universal citizenship and global citizenship concepts. 11. CURRENT TRENDS AND CURRENT ISSUES IN THE WORLD: Social Studies include the study of current events in the community states and countries as well as the world so the citizens can become aware about world affairs and new 5

developments, which can help them to become aware citizens who can participate in the societal enlistment.

SELF-CHECK: a. List down the scope of social studies. b. From the list, discuss substantially at least five scopes of social studies

Lesson 4. The Role of Social Studies

Social studies develops the key values and attitudes, knowledge and understanding, and skills and processes necessary for students to become active and responsible citizens, engaged in the democratic process and aware of their capacity to effect change in their communities, society and world.


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