Sovereignty - Lecture notes 2 PDF

Title Sovereignty - Lecture notes 2
Author Ahmar Abbas
Course Political Science
Institution University of the Punjab
Pages 29
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Sover ei gnt y:Meani ngandChar act er i st i csof Sover ei gnt y Meani ng: Thet er m“ Sover ei gnt y”hasbeender i vedf r om t heLat i nwor d“ Super anus ”whi c hmeans supr emeorpar amount .Al t hought het er m“ Sover ei gnt y”i smoder nyett hei deaof “ Sover ei gnt y”goesbac kt oAr i s t ot l ewhospokeoft he“ supr emepoweroft hest at e” . Thr oughoutt hemi ddl eAgest heRomanj ur i st sandt heci vi l i anskeptt hi si deai nt hei r mi ndandf r equent l yempl oyedt het er ms“ Summa”pot est asand“ Pl eni t udopot est at i s ”t o desi gnat et hesupr emepoweroft hest at e. Thet er ms“ Sover ei gn”and“ Sover ei gnt y”wer efir stusedbyt heFr enchj ur i st si nt he fif t eent hcent ur yandl at ert heyf oundt hei rwayi nt oEngl i sh,I t al i anandGer man pol i t i call i t er at ur e.Theuseoft het er m“ Sover ei gnt y”i nPol i t i calSci encedat esbac kt o t hepubl i cat i onofBodi n’ s“ TheRepubl i c”i n1576. “ Thewor dsover ei gn” ,saysJ. S.Roucekandot her s,“ ent er edt hev ocabul ar yofpol i t i cal t heor yf r om t hef eudalor der ,wher ei ni tdesi gnat edar el at i onshi pbet weenper sons.The t er m sover ei gnhadbeenappl i cabl et oanyf eudalover l or dwi t haut hor i t yoversubj ect si n hi sowndomi ni ons” . TwoAspect sofSover ei gnt y: Ther ear et woaspect sofsover ei gnt y:i nt er nalsover ei gnt yandext er nalsover ei gnt y . I nt er nalSover ei gnt ymeanssomeper sons,assembl yofgr oupofper sonsi nevery i ndependentst at ehavet hefinall egalaut hor i t yt ocommandandenf or ceobedi ence. Thi ssover ei gnt ye xer ci sesi t sabsol ut eaut hor i t yoveral li ndi vi dual sorassoci at i onsof t hei ndi vi dual swi t hi nt hest at e.Pr of essorHar ol dLaskihasver yapt l yr emar kedi nt hi s connect i on:“ I ti ssuesor der st oal lmenandal lassoci at i onswi t hi nt hatar ea;i tr ecei ves or der sf r om noneoft hem.I twi l li ssubj ectt onol egall i mi t at i onofanyki nd.Whati t pr oposesi sr i ghtbymer eannouncementofi nt ent i on” . Wemean,byExt er nalSover ei gnt y ,t hatt heSt at ei ssubj ectt onoot heraut hor i t yandi s i ndependentofanycompul si onont hepar tofot herSt at es.Ever yi ndependentst at e r eser vest heaut hor i t yt or enouncet r adet r eat i esandt oent eri nt omi l i t ar yagr eement s. Eachest at ei si ndependentofot herst at es. Everyi ndependentSt at ei satl i ber t yt ode t er mi nei t sf or ei gnpol i cyandt oj oi nanybl oc ofpoweri tl i kes.Anyot herst at edoesnotr eser veanyr i ghtt oi nt er f er ewi t ht heext er nal mat t erofani ndependentst at e.Thus,byext er nalsover ei gnt ywemeant hateverys t at e i si ndependentofot herst at es.

I not herwor ds,Ext er nalSover ei gnt ymeansnat i onalf r eedom.Pr of essorLaskihasv ery cor r ec t l yobservedi nt hi sr egar d,“ Themoder nst at ei sasover ei gnst at e.I ti s,t her ef or e, i ndependenti nt hef aceofot hercommuni t i es. I tmayi nf usei t swi l lt owar dst hem wi t hasubst ancewhi c hneednotbeaffect edbyt he wi l lofanyext er nalpower ” .Thi sst at ementofPr of essorLaskimakesi tverycl eart hatt he St at epossessesbot hext er nalandi nt er nalsover ei gnt y . Defini t i onsofSover ei gnt y: ( 1)“ Thatc har ac t er i st i coft hest at ebyvi r t ueofwhi c hi tcannotbel egal l yboundexcept byi t sownorl i mi t edbyanypowerot hert hani t sel f .Jel l i neck ( 2)“ Sover ei gnt yi st hesover ei gnpol i t i calpowervest edi nhi m whoseact sar enotsubj ec t t oanyot herandwhosewi l lcannotbeover r i dden” .Gr ot i us ( 3)“ Sover ei gnt yi st hesupr emepoweroft heSt at eoverci t i z ensandsubj ect s unr es t r ai nedbyl aw” .Bodi n ADVERTI SEMENTS: ( 4)Sover ei gnt yi s“ t hecommonpoweroft hest at e,i ti st hewi l loft henat i onor gani sedi n t hes t at e,i ti sr i ghtt ogi v euncondi t i onalor der st oal li ndi vi dual si nt het er r i t or yof st at e” .Dugui t( Dr oi tConst i t ut i onalVol .1,page113) ( 5)Bur gesschar act er i sedsover ei gni st he“ Or i gi nal ,absol ut e,unl i mi t edpowerovert he i ndi vi dualsubj ect sandoveral lassoci at i onsofsubj ect s” . ( 6)“ Sover ei gnt yi st hatpowerwhi c hi snei t hert empor ar ynorde l egat ed,norsubj ectt o par t i cul arr ul eswhi c hi tcannotal t er ,notanswer abl et oanyot herpoweroverear t h” . Pol l ock ( 7)“ Sover ei gnt yi st hesupr emewi l loft hest at e” .Wi l l oughby ( 8)“ Sover ei gnt yi st hedai l yoper at i vepoweroff r ami ngandgi vi ngefficacyt ot hel aws” . Woodr ow Wi l son ( 9)Sover ei gnt yi s“ t hesupr eme,i r r esi st i bl e,absol ut e,uncont r ol l edaut hor i t yi nwhi ch t he‘ j ur i s tsummii mper i ’r esi de” .Bl ackst one ( 10)Thesover ei gnt yi s“ l egal l ysupr emeoverani ndi vi dualorgr oup,saysLaski ,he possesses“ supr emecoer ci vepower ” . Af t erc l ose l yst udyi ngandcar ef ul l yexami ni ngt hedefini t i onsofsover ei gnt y ,gi venabove, wear r i veatt heconcl usi ont hatsover ei gnt yi st hesupr emepol i t i calpoweroft hes t at e.I t

hast woaspect s:i nt er nalandext er nal .Sover ei gnt yi sanunl i mi t edpowerandi ti snot subj ectt oanyot heraut hor i t y . Char act eri st i csorAt t ri but esofSover ei gnt y: Accor di ngt oDr .Garner ,f ol l owi ngar et hechar act er i st i csorat t r i but esof Sover ei gnt y: ( 1)Per manence. ( 2)Excl usi veness. ( 3)Al l Compr ehensi veness. ( 4)I nal i enabi l i t y . ( 5)Uni t y . ( 6)I mpr escr i pt i bi l i t y . ( 7)I ndi vi si bi l i t y . ( 8)Absol ut enessori l l i mi t abi l i t y . ( 9)Or i gi nal i t y . ( 1)Per manence: Per manencei st hechi efchar act er i st i csofsov er ei gnt y .Sover ei gnt yl ast sasl ongasan i ndependentst at el as t s.Thedeat hoft heki ng,t heover t hr ow oft hegover nmentandt he addi ct i onofpowerdoesnotl eadt ot hedes t r uc t i onofsover ei gnt y . Weshoul dkeepi nmi ndt hebasi cf actt hatt heki ngort her ul erexer ci sessover ei gn poweronbehal foft hest at eand,t her ef or e,sover ei gnt yl ast sasl ongast hest at el ast s. Thedeat hoft heki ngort heover t hr ow oft hegover nmentdoesnotaffec tsover ei gnt y . Thi si st her easonwhypeopl ei nEngl andusedt osay“ TheKi ngi sdead,l ongl i vet he Ki ng” . Dr .Gar nerhasbeaut i f ul l ysummedupt hi si deai nt hef ol l owi ngmanner : “ Sover ei gnt ydoesnotceasewi t ht hedeat hort empor arydi spossessi onofapar t i cul ar bear erort her eor gani sat i onoft hes t at ebutshi f t si mmedi at el yt oanew bear er ,ast he cent r eofgr avi t yshi f t sf r om onepar tofphysi calbodyt oanot herwheni tunder goes ext er nalchange” . ( 2)Excl usi veness: Byexcl usi venesswemeant hatt her ecanbet wosov er ei gns,i nonei ndependentst at e andi ft het wosover ei gnsexi sti nast at e,t heuni t yoft hatst at ewi l lbedes t r oyed.Ther e cannotexi stanot hersover ei gnsl at ewi t hi nt heexi s t i ngsover ei gnst at e.

( 3)Al lCompr ehensi veness: TheSt at ei sal lcompr ehensi veandt hesover ei gnpoweri suni v er sal l yappl i cabl e.Ev er y i ndi vi dualandever yassoci at i onofi ndi vi duali ssubj ectt ot hesover ei gnt yoft hest at e. Noassoci at i onorgr oupofi ndi vi dual s,however ,r i c horpower f uli tmaybe,canr esi stor di sobeyt hesover ei gnaut hor i t y . Sover ei gnt ymakesnoexcept i onandgr ant sno exempt i ont oanyone.I tgr ant se xempt i onsonl yi nt hecaseoff or ei gnembassi esand di pl omat i cr epr esent at i vesoff or ei gnc ount r i esont her eci pr ocalbasi s.Thi sdoesnoti n anywayr est r i ctt hesover ei gnt yoft hest at ei nt hel egalsense .Thes t at ecanabol i shand wi t hdr aw t hedi pl omat i cpr i vi l egesgr ant edt of or ei gner s. ( 4)I nal i enabi l i t y: I nal i enabi l i t yi sanot herchar ac t er i st i cofsover ei gnt y .Sover ei gnt yi si nal i enabl e.By i nal i enabi l i t ywemeant hatt heSt at ecannotpar twi t hi t ssover ei gnt y .I not herwor ds,we cansayt hatt hesover ei gndoesnotr emai nt hesover ei gnort hesover ei gnst at e,i fheor t hes t at et r ansf er shi sori t ssover ei gnt yt oanyot herper sonoranyot herst at e. Sover ei gnt yi st hel i f eandsouloft hest at eandi tcannotbeal i enat edwi t houtdest r oyi ng t hes t at ei t sel f .Li e berhasver yapt l yr emar kedi nt hi sconnect i on:“ Sover ei gnt ycanno mor ebeal i enat edt hanat r eecanal i enat ei t sr i ghtt os pr outoramancant r ansf erhi s l i f eorper sonal i t yt oanot herwi t houtse l f dest r uct i on” . ( 5)Uni t y: Uni t yi st hever yspi r i tofSover ei gnt y .Thesover ei gns t at ei suni t edj ustaswear euni t ed. ( 6)I mpr escr i pt i bi l i t y: Byi mpr escr i pt i bi l i t y ,wemeant hati ft hesover ei gndoesnotexer ci sehi ssov er ei gnt yf ora cer t ai nper i odoft i me,i tdoesnotl eadt ot hedest r uct i onofsover ei gnt y .I tl ast sasl ong ast hest at el ast s. ( 7)I ndi vi si bi l i t y: I ndi vi si bi l i t yi st hel i f ebl oodofsover ei gnt y .Sover ei gnt ycannotbedi vi dedst at e, Amer i canst at esmanCal hounhasdecl ar ed,“ Sover ei gnt yi sanent i r et hi ng;t odi vi dei ti s t odes t r oyi t .I ti st hesupr emepoweri nas t at eandwemi ghtj ustwe l ldi vi dei ti st o dest r oyi t . I ti st hesupr emepoweri nas t at eandwemi ghtj ustwel lspeakofhal fsquar eorhal fa t r i angl eashal fasover ei gnt y” .Get t el l ,hasal sover yapt l yr emar kedi nt hi sr egar d,“ I f sover ei gnt yi snotabsol ut e,nost at eexi s t s.I fsov er ei gnt yi sdi vi ded,mor et hanones t at e exi st s” .

( 8)Absol ut eness:

Sover ei gnt yi sabsol ut eandunl i mi t ed.Thesover ei gni sent i t l edt odowhat soeverhe l i kes.Sover ei gnt yi ssubj ectt onone. ( 9)Or i gi nal i t y: Byor i gi nal i t ywemeant hatt hesover ei gnwi el dspowerbyvi r t ueofhi sownr i ghtandnot byvi r t ueofanybody’ smer cy

PowerandAut hor i t y:Defini t i on, Nat ur eandTheor y Defini t i onofPower : Powerandaut hor i t yar eper hapst hemos tvi t alaspect sofal lor gani sat i onsi ngener al andpol i t i calor gani sat i onsi npar t i cul ar .Poweri sr el at edt ot aki ngofdeci si onsandf or t hei mpl ement at i onoft hosedeci si ons.Noor gani sat i on,what evermayi t snat ur ebe,can doi t sdut yorac hi eveobj ect i veswi t houtpower . Rober tDahli nmanyofhi swor kshasdefinedpowerandanal ysedi t svar i ousaspec t s.I n hi sAPr ef acet oDemocr at i cTheor yDahlcal l spowerat ypeofr el at i onshi pi nr espectof capabi l i t yandcont r ol .Takeaver ysi mpl eexampl e.Ther ear et women—AandB.I fA possessest hecapabi l i t yt ocont r olB t heni twi l lbeassumedt hatAhast hepower .So poweri nv ol v esasuccessf ulat t emptt odosomet hi ngwhi c hhecoul dnotdoot her wi se. I nanysoci et yt her ear edi v er sei nt er est sandal lar eal i ke.Whent her ear ec onfli ct s amongt hem onei nt er estpr oceedst odomi nat eovert heot herandt hei nt er estwhi ch pr evai l supont heot hert hef or mermaybecal l edpower f uli nt er est . Kar lDeut schsayst hatpowermeanst heabi l i t yt obei nvol vedi nconfli ct ,t or esol vei t andt or emov et heobst ac l es.ThoughDeut sc hdefinest heconcepti nt hebac kgr oundof i nt er nat i onalpol i t i cs,i t sr el evancet onat i onalpol i t i csi s,howev er ,undeni abl e.I n domest i cpol i t i csorpl ur al i st i csoci et i est her ear emanycompe t i nggr oupsandal l st r uggl et ocapt ur epowerort oi nfluence.Thegr oupwhi chsucceedsfinal l ywi l lbecal l ed power f ul .D.D.Raphael( Pr obl emsofPol i t i calPhi l osophy)hasanal ysedpowerf r om var i ousaspect s.Hebel i evest hatgener al l ypowermeanst heabi l i t y .Raphaelsayst hati n Fr encht her ei sawor d“ Pouvoi r ” .I nLat i n“ Pot est as”i scommonl yused.Bot ht hese wor ds( t hesear ev er bs)mean“ t obeabl e” . Raphaeli sofopi ni ont hatt heEngl i shwor dpoweri sder i vedf r om t heset wowor dsand nat ur al l ypowermaybeusedt omeanabi l i t yandhencehi sdefini t i onofpoweri sspeci fic ki ndofabi l i t y .Whyspeci ficki nd?Letusquot ehi m:“ Theabi l i t yt omakeot herpeopl edo whatonewant st hem t odo” . Somepol i t i calsci ent i st swantt omeant hatt her ei sas peci alt ypeofpowerwhi chmaybe desi gnat edaspol i t i calpower .Forexampl e,Al anBal lf ee l st hatpowermaygener al l ybe

usedi npol i t i calsense.Hencepol i t i calpowermaybr oadl ybedefinedast hecapaci t yt o affectanot her ’ sbehavi ourbysomef or m ofsanct i on.Lesl i eLi pson( TheGr eatI ssuesof Pol i t i cs)t hi nkst hatpoweri snot hi ngbutt heabi l i t yt oac hi ever esul t st hr oughconcer t ed act i on. Hague,Har r opandBr esl i n’ sdefini t i oni ssl i ght l ydi ffer ent :“ I nabr oadsenset hepoweri s t hepr oduct i onofi nt endedeffect s” .Asoci ol ogi st ’ sdefini t i onofpoweri s:t hepossi bi l i t yof havi ngone’ sowndeci si on,sel ectal t er nat i vesorr educecompl exi t i esf orot her s.Thus, powermeanst hecapaci t yt omakedeci si onsbi ndi ngandabi l i t yt odi schar ge r esponsi bi l i t i esandper f or m cer t ai nf unct i ons. Nat ur eofPower : Fr om t hedefini t i onsofpowernot edabovewecange tc er t ai nf eat ur esandt hefir stsuc h f eat ur ei si ti susedi nr el at i onalsense.Whent her ei sonl yoneact ororel ementt hei ssue ofpowerdoesnotar i se.I ti sbecausepoweri mpl i esabi l i t yt oi nfluenceorcont r olot her s ort ogett hi ngsdonebyot her s.Nat ur al l ypowerr el at est ot her el at i onshi pori nt er act i on bet weent wooramongmor et hant woel ement soract or s.Sopoweri sal waysvi ewedi n t hebackgr oundofr el at i onshi p. I nt hesecondpl ace,“ poweri sdi saggr egat edandnoncumul at i v ei ti sshar edand bar t er edbynumer ousgr oupsspr eadt hr oughoutsoci e t yandr epr esent i ngdi ver se i nt er est s” .I nanypl ur al i stsoci e t yt her ear enumer ousgr oupsandt heyal lcompe t e amongt hemsel v esatvar i ousl ev el st ocapt ur epol i t i calpowerort oi nfluencet heagenci es whoexer ci set hei ri nfluence. Hencei ti sobser vedt hatpoweri snotconcent r at edatanypar t i cul arc ent r e.Agai n,al l t hecent r esofpowerdocl ai mt ohaveequaloral mostequalamountofpower .I not her wor ds,t her ei sanunequaldi st r i but i onofpowerl i keanunequaldi st r i but i onofweal t h. Thi r dl y ,i nac l asssoci e t yt her ear edi ver sei nt er est sandeachpowercent r er epr esent sa par t i cul ari nt er est .Thi spoi ntmayf ur t herbeexpl ai ned.I nanycapi t al i stsoci e t yt her e ar esever alcl asses,bot hmaj orandmi nor ,andeachcl assst r i v esf ort her eal i sat i onofi t s owni nt er es t swhi char egener al l yeconomi c. Butt her emaybepol i t i cali nt er est s.Howev er ,t hec onfli ct samongt hecl assessome t i mes l eadt ot heot herconfli ct sandt hi si st hegener alchar act er i st i cofcapi t al i s tsoci et y .But t headvocat esoft hecapi t al i stsyst em ar guet hatt hi sconfli ctdoesnotcr eat ean at mospher eofcl assst r uggl e.Ther ear epr ocessesofpeace f ulr esol ut i onofal lconfli ct s. Atl eastTal cot tPar sonsandmanysoci ol ogi st st hi nkso.Accor di ngt ot heseper sonst he capi t al i stsyst em i ssost r uct ur edt hatt heconfli ct sdonotcr eat eanyi mpasse. Four t hl y ,Macl veri sofopi ni ont hatpoweri sacondi t i onalconcept .Power ,Macl versays, i sanabi l i t yt oc ommandservi cef r om ot her s.Butt hi sabi l i t y ,hecont i nues,dependsi n somemeasur euponc er t ai ncondi t i onsandi ft hecondi t i onsar enotf ul fil l edpr oper l y

powercannotf unct i on.Poweri snotsomet hi ngwhi chi sper manent l yfixed.I ti ssubj ect t ochangeandi thassour ce. I ft hesour cedr i esuppowergener at i onorenhancementwi l lst op.Agai n,mer eexi s t ence ofsour cescannotcauset her i seofpower .Thehol derofpowermusthavet heabi l i t yt o useorut i l i set hesour cesofpower .Al lt hesecondi t i onsest abl i sht hef ac tt hatpoweri s condi t i onal . Fi f t hl y ,power( usedi npol i t i calsci ence)i saverycompl exnot i on.How i ti sused,what consequencesi tpr oduces,how i ti st obeac hi evedal lar ei nr ealsensecompl ex.No si mpl eanal ysi scanunear t ht hev ar i ousaspect sofpower .Di ffer entpeopl eusedi ffer ent t er mst odenot epower .Forexampl e,Dahlusest het er m‘ i nfluence’t omeanpower . PowerandAut hor i t y: Ther eader s,Iam sur e,haveacqui r edpr el i mi naryi deasaboutt wovi t alconcept s— powerandaut hor i t y .I ti snow hi ght i met ogot hr ought her el at i onshi pbet weent hem. Power ,i ni t sbr oadestsense,i st heabi l i t yt oachi evedesi r edr esul t s.Poweral someans t heabi l i t yt odosomet hi ng. Thesear et hec ommoni nt er pr et at i onsofpower .Butt hi sabi l i t ymaynotbel egi t i mat e. Ani ndi vi dualorami l i t ar ygener almaybyphysi calf or cesei z epol i t i cal ’powerbutbehi nd t hatt her emaynotbesanct i onofl aw orconst i t ut i on.I nt hatcase,t heper son’ sabi l i t yt o f or ceot her st odosome t hi ngi sal sonotaut hor i sedbyl aw.Soi ti shel dt hatpoweri snot l egi t i mat e,t heaut hor i t yi sal waysl egi t i mat e.Behi ndever yac tordeci si onoft he aut hor i t yt her eshal lbeappr ovalofl aw.Law andconst i t ut i onal waysst andbehi ndan aut hor i t y . Aper sonhavi ngpowermaydemandobl i gat i onf r om ot herper sons.Buti ft heyr ef uset o actaccor di ngl yt hehol derofpowerl egal l yorconst i t ut i onal l ycannotf or cehi mt oshow obl i gat i on.Behi ndpowert her el i escoer ci onorappl i cat i onofcoer ci vemeasur esor physi calf or ce.Butpeopl eshow obl i gat i ont ot heaut hor i t yont hegr oundt hati ti sl egal l y ent i t l edt oc l ai m obl i gat i on. I nexpl ai ni ngaut hor i t ywehaveseent hatt hehol derofaut hor i t yi sempower edt odo somet hi ngorcl ai m somet hi ng.I tmeanst hataut hor i t y ,what evermayi t snat ur ebe,i s al waysbasedonl aw orl egi t i macy .Soi ti ssai dt hatt heaut hor i t yi snotonl yl egalbut aut hor i t i escl ai mi sbasedonr i ght .I not herwor ds,aut hor i t yhasf ul lf r eedom t odemand somet hi ng.Wecansayt hataut hor i t yhasf r eedom. Butt hi sconcept i oni snotappl i cabl et opower .Thi sr el at i onbe t weenpowerand aut hor i t yhasbeenst at edbyLesl i eLi psoni nt hef ol l owi ngwor ds.“ Whatdemar cat es aut hor i t yf r om poweri st hatt hef or meri spowerr ecogni sedasr i ght f ul .Aut hor i t yi s gover nmentt hatal lacceptasval i d.I t sexer ci sei s,t her ef or e,sect i onedbyt hosewho

appr ovet hepar t i cul arac toragentandi st ol er at edbyt hosewhodi sappr ove .… Aut hor i t yi spowercl ot hedi nt hegar ment sofl egi t i macy” . Ther el at i onshi pbe t weent het wocanbeexpl ai nedst i l lf r om anot herangl e.Raphael observ est hataut hor i t ycanexi stwi t houtpower .Thi smaybei l l ust r at edi nt hef ol l owi ng way .Amanmaybei nv est edwi t haut hor i t yofanofficei naccor dancewi t hl aw orf or mal r ul es.Nat ur al l yhecant akeanydeci si on.Buthef ai l st oexer ci sehi saut hor i t yont he gr oundt hatmaj or i t ymendonotsuppor torr ecogni sehi m. Thi smaybeduet ot hepopul armassupsur ge.Ont heot herhand,powercanexi s t wi t houtaut hor i t y .Thi sf r equent l yhappensi nmanycount r i es.Themi l i t ar yr ul er s demandobl i gat i onf r om ci t i z enst houghhehasnott hataut hor i t y .Butpeopl e,outof t ear ,obeyt heor deroft heper sonwhohol dsandexer ci sespower .Thi si saver yc ommon f eat ur eofmanyThi r dWor l dst at es.

Law:Meani ng,Feat ur es,Sour cesandTypesofLaw Law:Meani ng,Feat ur es,Sour cesandTypesofLaw! St at ei ssover ei gn.Sov er ei gnt yi si t sexcl usi veandmosti mpor t antel ement .I ti st he supr emepoweroft hes t at eoveral li t speopl eandt er r i t or i es.TheSt at eexer ci sesi t s sover ei gnpowert hr oughi t sl aws.TheGov er nmentoft heSt at ei sbasi cal l ymachi ner yf or maki ngandenf or ci ngl aws. Eachl aw i saf or mul at edwi l loft hest at e.I ti sbackedbyt hesover ei gnpoweroft he St at e.I ti sacommandoft heSt at e( sover ei gn)backedbyi t scoer ci vepower .Every vi ol at i onofl aw i spuni shedbyt heSt at e.I ti st hr oughi t sl awst hatheSt at ecar r i esout i t sal lf unct i ons. I .Law:Meani ngandDefini t i on: Thewor d‘ Law’hasbeender i vedf r om t heTeut oni cwor d‘ Lag,whi chmeans‘ defini t e’ .On t hi sbasi sLaw canbedefinedasadefini t er ul eofconductandhumanr el at i ons.I tal so meansauni f or mr ul eofconductwhi chi sappl i cabl eequal l yt oal lt hepeopl eoft he St at e.Law pr escr i besandr egul at esgener alcondi t i onsofhumanact i vi t yi nt hes t at e. 1.“ Law i st hecommandoft hesover ei gn. ”“ I ti st hecommandoft hesuper i ort oan i nf er i orandf or cei st hesanct i onbe hi ndLaw. ”—Aus t i n 2.“ ALaw i sagener alr ul eofext er nalbehavi ourenf or cedbyasover ei gnpol i t i cal aut hor i t y . ”Hol l and I nsi mpl ewor ds,Law i sadefini t er ul eofbehavi ourwhi chi sbac kedbyt ...

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