SPA1 - chapter 1 questions PDF

Title SPA1 - chapter 1 questions
Course Social Behavior
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Social Psychology in Action 1: Making a Difference with Social Psychology: Attaining a Sustainable Future Total Assessment Guide (T.A.G.) Topic

Question Type




Multiple Choice





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Introduction Essay

Applied Research in Social Psychology Using Social Psychology to Achieve a Sustainable Future

Happiness and a Sustainable Lifestyle

Multiple Choice


Multiple Choice

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SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY IN ACTION 1: MAKING A DIFFERENCE WITH SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY ______________________________________________________________________________

Multiple Choice Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1.

According to your text, the residents of the island of Shishmaref, located off the coast of Alaska, are already being affected by which environmental problem? a. global warming b. air pollution c. nuclear waste leakage d. overpopulation Answer: A Difficulty: 1 Page(s) in Text: 397 Topic: Introduction Question Type: FACTUAL


The Mobro 4000 was a trash barge that traveled over 6,000 miles to find a place to dump its garbage. It was not successful and eventually returned home. What problem does this case exemplify? a. global warming b. anti-American attitudes c. where to put trash d. air pollution Answer: C Difficulty: 1 Page(s) in Text: 397 Topic: Introduction Question Type: CONCEPTUAL


Humans’ rapid consumption of natural resources such as fossil fuels and difficulty finding places to put their garbage are symptoms of the underlying problem of a. lack of awareness of environmental problems. b. apathy about the environment. c. overpopulation. d. illiteracy and lack of education. Answer: C Difficulty: 2 Page(s) in Text: 398 Topic: Introduction Question Type: CONCEPTUAL


A number of years ago, the Chinese government adopted a “One Child” rule, in which parents are only allowed to have one child per couple. Such a policy was aimed at addressing the problem of overpopulation by a. using authoritarian mandates. b. curbing population growth. c. increasing awareness of the problem. d. adopting a sustainable lifestyle using renewable resources. Answer: B Difficulty: 1 2 Copyright © 2013, 2010, 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Page(s) in Text: 398 Topic: Introduction Question Type: APPLIED 5.

Overpopulation, global warming, and pollution are examples of actions that are beneficial for an individual but will be harmful if all people chose that course of action. a. cognitive dissonance b. social dilemma c. prisoner’s dilemma d. social conflict Answer: B Difficulty: 1 Page(s) in Text: 398 Topic: Introduction Question Type: CONCEPTUAL


Several auto makers have recently come out with hybrid engines which rely partially on gasoline and partially on electricity. Such innovations are examples of solving environmental problems by a. improving technology. b. adopting a sustainable lifestyle. c. raising awareness of the problem. d. eliminating our reliance on fossil fuels entirely. Answer: A Difficulty: 2 Page(s) in Text: 398 Topic: Introduction Question Type: APPLIED


Jerry has rigged his television to run from energy that is created when he pedals a stationary bicycle. Jerry is an example of how we can solve environmental problems by a. developing new technologies. b. changing people’s attitudes. c. raising awareness. d. adopting a sustainable lifestyle. Answer: D Difficulty: 2 Page(s) in Text: 398 Topic: Introduction Question Type: APPLIED


Kurt Lewin is considered to be the a. founder of modern personality psychology. b. greatest applied methodologist of the twentieth century. c. founder of empirical social psychology. d. father of professional psychology. Answer: C Difficulty: 2 Page(s) in Text: 399 Topic: Applied Research in Social Psychology Question Type: FACTUAL


You are a member of the next generation of social psychologists. If you follow Lewin’s advice (1946, as presented in your text), your research questions can best be tested using a. common sense and intuition. b. observation. c. correlational designs. d. the experimental method. Answer: D 3 Copyright © 2013, 2010, 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Difficulty: 1 Page(s) in Text: 399 Topic: Applied Research in Social Psychology Question Type: APPLIED 10.

Kurt Lewin is quoted as saying, “There is nothing so practical as a good theory.” This quote is best interpreted as meaning that a. hypothesis testing is limited to the quality of the underlying theories. b. to solve difficult social problems, one first needs to understand the underlying theory. c. basic research is more important than application of the research. d. social psychologists should focus on solving world problems. Answer: B Difficulty: 2 Page(s) in Text: 400 Topic: Applied Research in Social Psychology Question Type: CONCEPTUAL


Dr. Lovill conducted an experiment to test whether the investment or evolutionary models of romantic relationships are more accurate. Dr. Lovill is most likely conducting ________ research. a. applied b. basic c. esoteric d. his dissertation Answer: B Difficulty: 2 Page(s) in Text: 400 Topic: Applied Research in Social Psychology Question Type: APPLIED


Dr. Palcon designs a study to test which strategy is best in terms of encouraging residents to recycle on a weekly basis. Dr. Palcon is most likely conducting ________ research. a. applied b. basic c. esoteric d. his dissertation Answer: A Difficulty: 2 Page(s) in Text: 400 Topic: Applied Research in Social Psychology Question Type: APPLIED


Complete the analogy. Basic research: ________ :: applied research: ________. a. theory; hypothesis b. theory; real world c. real world; theory d. real world; global problems Answer: B Difficulty: 1 Page(s) in Text: 400 Topic: Applied Research in Social Psychology Question Type: CONCEPTUAL


Which of the following does not belong? a. real world b. applied c. basic d. practical 4 Copyright © 2013, 2010, 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Answer: C Difficulty: 1 Page(s) in Text: 400 Topic: Applied Research in Social Psychology Question Type: CONCEPTUAL 15.

According to your text, which method is best suited for understanding which interventions and solutions to realworld problems work best? a. correlational studies b. experiments c. computer models d. observational studies Answer: B Difficulty: 1 Page(s) in Text: 400 Topic: Applied Research in Social Psychology Question Type: CONCEPTUAL


Dr. Lewis wants to determine which type of intervention is the most effective at increasing the number of carpoolers in the state. According to your text, what type of research design would best answer this question? a. computer model b. correlational c. experiment d. naturalistic observation Answer: C Difficulty: 2 Page(s) in Text: 400 Topic: Applied Research in Social Psychology Question Type: APPLIED


A researcher wants to determine which logo is the most effective at inspiring people to take public transportation. According to your text, what type of research design would best answer this question? a. computer model b. correlational c. experiment d. naturalistic observation Answer: C Difficulty: 2 Page(s) in Text: 400 Topic: Applied Research in Social Psychology Question Type: APPLIED


Based on information from your text, why is it so important to use an experiment to test interventions before implementing them? a. to be able to compare the intervention with a control group without the intervention b. to be able to publish the results of the intervention in a scholarly journal c. to increase awareness of the intervention d. to make sure the intervention is effective enough to warrant federal funding Answer: A Difficulty: 2 Page(s) in Text: 400 Topic: Applied Research in Social Psychology Question Type: CONCEPTUAL


In order to test the effectiveness of an intervention using an experiment, it is best to have a a. visible independent variable. b. randomly assigned control group. 5 Copyright © 2013, 2010, 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

c. representative control group. d. double-blind study. Answer: B Difficulty: 1 Page(s) in Text: 400 Topic: Applied Research in Social Psychology Question Type: CONCEPTUAL 20.

Right after a massive fire that killed 10 people, the firefighters were instructed to attend a psychological intervention that lasted for several hours. During this time, they discussed their experiences and responses. This intervention is known as a. Critical Incident Stress Debriefing. b. Post-Traumatic Event Counseling. c. Trauma Reduction Intervention. d. Critical Trauma Debriefing. Answer: A Difficulty: 2 Page(s) in Text: 400-401 Topic: Applied Research in Social Psychology Question Type: APPLIED


Your text discusses the psychological intervention CISD. The Critical Incident Stress Debriefing is supposed to a. prevent violence. b. prevent psychiatric problems such as PTSD. c. reduce the risk of suicide in victims. d. increase a sense of community and positive emotions. Answer: B Difficulty: 1 Page(s) in Text: 400-401 Topic: Applied Research in Social Psychology Question Type: CONCEPTUAL


People who have undergone Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) generally report that a. they are satisfied with it. b. it saved them from further trauma. c. it definitely prevented the onset of anxiety disorders. d. they were further traumatized by reliving the trauma so soon after the event. Answer: A Difficulty: 2 Page(s) in Text: 401 Topic: Applied Research in Social Psychology Question Type: FACTUAL


Many people who have undergone Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) claim that they are satisfied with it. What is wrong with relying on such self-reports to assess the effectiveness of CISD? a. People cannot know how they would have responded without CISD. b. People are probably just lying on the survey. c. People are so traumatized they cannot accurately self-report. d. People usually just report what they think the researcher wants to hear. Answer: A Difficulty: 2 Page(s) in Text: 401 Topic: Applied Research in Social Psychology Question Type: CONCEPTUAL


Based on information from your text, if a researcher designed an experiment to determine the effectiveness of CISD in reducing the incident of anxiety disorders, what would be a critical element in the experiment? 6 Copyright © 2013, 2010, 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

a. including good dependent measures of self-esteem b. using a representative sample c. using a randomly assigned control group d. using a double-blind procedure Answer: C Difficulty: 2 Page(s) in Text: 400-401 Topic: Applied Research in Social Psychology Question Type: CONCEPTUAL 25.

To determine the effectiveness of CISD in reducing the incident of anxiety disorders, what would be your experimental group? a. receive CISD after a traumatic event b. do not receive CISD after a traumatic event c. degree of post-traumatic stress d. amount of time spent in CISD Answer: A Difficulty: 2 Page(s) in Text: 401 Topic: Applied Research in Social Psychology Question Type: CONCEPTUAL


To determine the effectiveness of CISD in reducing the incident of anxiety disorders, what could you do to see if it was effective? a. contact individuals two months after the incident and measure their degree of depression and anxiety b. contact individuals the week after and talk with them more about the event c. measure individuals’ anxiety right after the incident but before the CISD d. establish support groups to do CISD on a regular basis Answer: A Difficulty: 2 Page(s) in Text: 401 Topic: Applied Research in Social Psychology Question Type: CONCEPTUAL


A team of researchers is asked to determine the effectiveness of a psychological intervention on the reduction of school violence. What is the best method the researchers could use to test whether the intervention worked? a. a self-report survey given to people who received the intervention b. Observe the schools that received the intervention. c. Compare the level of violence at the schools before and after they received the intervention. d. an experiment comparing schools who received the intervention and those that did not based on random assignment Answer: D Difficulty: 2 Page(s) in Text: 401 Topic: Applied Research in Social Psychology Question Type: APPLIED


An experiment would be the best type of research design to determine whether Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) works: why? a. Experiments can find positive relationships between variables. b. Experiments can describe behavior. c. Experiments can find cause-and-effect relationships. d. Experiments can control behavior. Answer: C Difficulty: 1 Page(s) in Text: 400-401 Topic: Applied Research in Social Psychology Question Type: CONCEPTUAL 7 Copyright © 2013, 2010, 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.


McNally and his colleagues have conducted controlled experiments to examine the effectiveness of Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) on preventing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The results of the studies show that CISD is a. a very effective means of reducing PTSD. b. only effective on police officers. c. effective if administered within twenty-four hours of the trauma. d. not an effective means of preventing the onset of PTSD. Answer: D Difficulty: 1 Page(s) in Text: 401 Topic: Applied Research in Social Psychology Question Type: FACTUAL


Comparing the self-reports from people who have undergone Critical Incident Stress Debriefing with results from experiments conducted by McNally and his colleagues, one could conclude that a. CISD is a very effective means of treating trauma victims. b. CISD is highly ineffective in treating trauma victims. c. there is a discrepancy between self-reports and results from experiments. d. experiments are not accurate assessments of psychological interventions. Answer: C Difficulty: 2 Page(s) in Text: 401-402 Topic: Applied Research in Social Psychology Question Type: CONCEPTUAL


When one compares self-reports from people who have undergone Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) with results from experiments conducted to assess the effectiveness of CISD, there is a discrepancy in that people report that a. CISD is less effective than experiments show it to be. b. CISD is too long, but experiments indicate is it not lengthy enough. c. they do not enjoy it, but experiments indicate it is useful. d. they are satisfied with CISD, but experiments show that it is not effective. Answer: D Difficulty: 2 Page(s) in Text: 401-402 Topic: Applied Research in Social Psychology Question Type: CONCEPTUAL


Joe has just survived a horrible earthquake. After this traumatic event, he is asked if he wants to undergo Critical Incident Stress Debriefing. Based on information from your text, what would you suggest Joe do? a. Joe should undergo CISD; it has been shown to prevent the onset of psychological disorders. b. Joe should undergo CISD only if he wasn’t physically injured. c. Joe should not undergo CISD. d. Joe should only undergo CISD if he experienced the trauma less than twenty-four hours ago. Answer: C Difficulty: 3 Page(s) in Text: 401-402 Topic: Applied Research in Social Psychology Question Type: APPLIED


Based on research in your text, burn victims who did not undergo CISD were ________ than those who did. a. less likely to have anxiety disorders b. more likely to have anxiety disorders c. equally likely to have anxiety disorders d. less likely to develop anxiety disorders if they were women Answer: A Difficulty: 2 Page(s) in Text: 401-402 8 Copyright © 2013, 2010, 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Topic: Applied Research in Social Psychology Question Type: FACTUAL 34.

Leo was involved in a terrible car accident and was injured quite seriously. However, he did not undergo CISD. Based on the research presented in the text, how might you expect him to feel compared to other victims who did? a. He will be less likely to have anxiety disorders. b. He will be more likely to have anxiety disorders. c. He will be equally likely to have anxiety disorders. d. He will be less likely to develop anxiety disorders than if he were a woman. Answer: A Difficulty: 2 Page(s) in Text: 401-402 Topic: Applied Research in Social Psychology Question Type: APPLIED


Evidence presented by your text suggests that using Critical Incident Stress Debriefing is not the best way to prevent the onset of later anxiety disorders. Why is this the case? a. CISD is just a temporary solution to a long-lasting problem. b. People experiencing intense negative emotions may not want to focus on the event. c. CISD is usually not administered by a licensed psychotherapist. d. Trauma victims are often cognitively loaded. Answer: B Difficulty: 2 Page(s) in Text: 402 Topic: Applied Research in Social Psychology Question Type: CONCEPTUAL


Critical Incident Stress Debriefing had been mandatory for certain people who work with trauma; based on the evidence presented in your text, what would you recommend to police and fire departments about requiring CISD for all employees? a. It should be required of all personnel on a daily basis. b. It should be required of all personnel after encountering a trauma. c. It should be required annually. d. It should be offered as an option or completely banned. Answer: D Difficulty: 2 Page(s) in Text: 401-402 Topic: Applied Research in Social Psychology Question Type: APPLIED


The authors of your text discuss the scientific rigor involved in testing new medications. Analogous to this, if Critical Incident Stress Debriefing were a medication, what does your text suggest that people would be doing now? a. There would be clamoring for insurance to cover the intervention. b. People would lobby congress to make CISD mandatory nationwide. c. There would be a public outcry and lawsuits against CISD. d. People would want more empirical evidence before reacting. Answer: C Difficulty: 2 Page(s) in Text: 402 Topic: Applied Research in Social Psychology Question Type: CONCEPTUAL


According to your text, what is the biggest reason why Critical Incident Stress Debriefing was used, even without research evidence that it was effective? a. Conducting research would have taken too much time. b. A meta-analysis on hundreds of studies would be needed to determine its effectiveness. c. Doing the research would have been too expensive. d. Using CISD made good common sense. 9 Copyright © 2013, 2010, 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Answer: D Difficulty: 1 Page(s) in Text: 401 Topic: Applied Res...

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