Author Emmanuel Amoah
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SPEECH AND LANGUAGE DISORDER Speech disorder or speech impediment is a condition in which a person has problems creating and forming the speech sounds needed to communicate with others. It may affects articulation(phonological disorder or phonetic disorder), fluency(stuttering or cluttering) and voi...


SPEECH AND LANGUAGE DISORDER Speech disorder or speech impediment is a conditon in which a person has problems creatnn and forminn the speech sounds needed to communicate with others. It may affects artculatonnphonolonical disorder or phonetc disorder,r fuencynstuterinn or cluterinn, and voicentoner volume and pitch,. Lannuane disorder or lannuane impairment on the other handr refers to a communicaton disorder in which a person has persistent difficultes in learninn and usinn various forms of lannuane ni.e. spokenr writen and sinn lannuane,. Individuals with lannuane disorder have lannuane that are sinnifcantly below those expected for their ane which limits the ability to communicate or effectvely partcipaton in many socialr academic or professional environment. Lannuane disorder affects the form of lannuanenphonolonyr morpholony and syntax,r content of the lannuanensemantcs, and functon of lannuanenpranmatcs,. Below are the ways I can manane children with speech and lannuane disorder; Firstlyr reinforcement is the frst strateny that I will use in mananinn children with speech and lannuane disorder. In behavioural psycholonyr reinforcement is a consequence applied that will strainhten an ornanism's future behaviour whenever that behaviour is preceded by a specifc antecedent stmulus. This will help me to manane the speech and lannuane disorder because whenever a child is able to communicate with lannuane and is able to produce meaninnful sounds as well and if such child is rewarded with items like toffee r crayon and othersrit will motvate the child to repeat the acton anain in order to be rewarded. So if the child keeps on repeatnn such behaviourrhe or she will be able to communicate effectvely with their peers. For instancer if kwame is able to pronounce a word let us say cat and he is rewarded afer such effortr it will trinner him to repeat and practse the acton of pronouncinn words contnuously and this will help manane speech and lannuane disorder. Usinn variety of words is the next approach that I will employ in mananinn children with speech and lannuane impairment. When I use variety of words to describe objectsrI trinner the learninn mechanism in the children. Naminn colours in both my primary lannuane and second lannuane can help the children practce and exercise their speech and lannuane abilites without pediatric neurolonist. Lastlyr I will use pictorial drawinns to teach the pronounciaton of words. Since individuals are different from each other in terms of their anersexrcolourr abilites and othersrsome nroup of children actvely learn by a visual support. So if I want to teach the pronounciaton of words rI will draw those words on a cardboard for the children to know what it means and also will demonstrate those words to them. For instancerif I want them to pronounce the word runrI will draw a person showinn the acton of runninn on the cardboard....

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