Spongebob+Scientific+Method PDF

Title Spongebob+Scientific+Method
Course Cell Function And Inheritance
Institution St. Cloud State University
Pages 2
File Size 65.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Scientific Method Bikini Bottom Experiments The Bikini Bottom gang loves science class and wanted to do a little research. Read the description for each experiment and use your knowledge of the scientific method to answer the questions. (1) Flower Power SpongeBob loves to garden and wants to grow lots of pink flowers for his pal Sandy. He bought a special Flower Power fertilizer to see if will help plants produce more flowers. He plants two plants of the same size in separate containers with the same amount of potting soil. He places one plant in a sunny window and waters it every day with fertilized water. He places the other plant on a shelf in a closet and waters it with plain water every other day. What did SpongeBob do wrong in this experiment? Explain. 

SpongeBob did not provide both plants with the same amount of water and sunshine. In my opinion, SpongeBob has more than 1 independent variable. He should only have 1 independent variable and rest of them should be control group so that his results are more effective.

What should SpongeBob do to test the effectiveness of Flower Power fertilizer? Write an experiment.  SpongeBob should fill both the experimental container and control container with there respective soil. Both the container should include the same plane and of same size. Instead of putting fertilized plant in sun and another in dark, put both plants in same environment (both in sun). Pour fertilized water in container 1 and plain water in container 2, water has to be same amount. After 10 days of observation, record what difference SpongeBob saw in those two flowers? (2) Super Snails Gary is not the smartest snail in Bikini Bottom and believes he can improve his brain power by eating Super Snail Snacks. In order to test this hypothesis, he recruits SpongeBob and several snail friends to help him with the experiment. The snails ate one snack with each meal every day for three weeks. SpongeBob created a test and gave it to the snails before they started eating the snacks as well as after three weeks. Based on the data provided, do the Super Snail Snacks work? Explain your answer.

Snail Gary Larry Barry Terry

TEST RESULTS Before 64% 78% 82% 72%

After 80% 78% 84% 70%

Worksheet created by T. Trimpe 2003 http://sciencespot.net/

 TheSu pe rSn a i lSna c ksa p pe a rt oh a v ewo r k e df o rGa r ya n dBa r r y .Bot hoft h e mi n c r e a s e dt he i r t e s tr e s ul t sa f t e re a t i n gt h es n a c k sf ort h r e ewe e ks .La r r yd i dn o ts h o wa n yi mpr o v e me n ta nd Te r r ys c o r e dl o we ro nhi ss e c on dt e s t .Ho we v e r ,i ti sdi ffic ul tt ode t e r mi n ei ft heSu pe rSn a i l Sna c k sa r ea ne ffe c t i v ewa yt oi nc r e a s eas n a i l ’ sb r a i np o we rb a s e dont h i se x pe r i me n tb e c a u s e a l ls n a i la t et h es u pe rs n a i ls n a c k sa n dt h e r ewa snoc on t r o lgr o up .Th eg a i n ss ho wnb yGa r y a n dBa r r yma yh a v eb e e nd u et ot h eSu p e rSn a i lSn a c k s ,b u tf u r t he rt e s t i n gwo u l db en e e de dt o ma k es ur et h er e s ul t swe r en otdu et oo t h e rf a c t o r s . (3) Bubble Time Patrick loves bubble gum and would like to be able to blow bigger bubbles than anyone else in Bikini Bottom. To prepare for the Bikini Bottom Big Bubble Contest, he bought five different brands of bubble gum and needs your help to find the brand that creates the biggest bubbles. Write an experiment to test the bubble power of the bubble gum brands and help Patrick win the contest. 

Patrick can follow several steps below with his bubble gums to make sure he gets the bubble gum with most bubble power: Step 1: Create a data table to record your results. Step 2: Chew the first kind of gum 10 times. Step 3: Blow a bubble. Step 4: Measure the bubble size and record it. Step 5: Repeat step 2-4 for the same type of gum twice. Step 6: Calculate the average size. Step 7: Repeat steps 2-6 for all 5 types of gums.

Worksheet created by T. Trimpe 2003 http://sciencespot.net/...

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