Spree Course Outline 2019 - sola3010 PDF

Title Spree Course Outline 2019 - sola3010
Course Low Energy Buildings And Photovoltaics
Institution University of New South Wales
Pages 10
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Outline of SOLA3010...


SOLA3010-9009 Low Energy Buildings and Photovoltaics Course Outline – Term 2, 2019 SchoolofPhotovoltaicandRenewableEnergyEngineering

Course Staff Course Convener: Lecturer: Co-lecturer: Tutors:

Prof. Alistair Sproul, Room 134, [email protected] Prof. Alistair Sproul Dr Jessie Copper Mehrdad Farshchimonfared, Jinyi Guo, Dimitri Lazos, Jianzhou Zhao

Consultations: Weds 3 – 4 pm. For all enquiries about the course please contact the course convener. For all other questions or enquiries, you are encouraged to ask the lecturer after class or post your question on the Discussion Board on Moodle. https://moodle.telt.unsw.edu.au/login/index.php Keeping Informed: All course material and announcements will be posted on Moodle. Please note that you will be deemed to have received this information, so you should take careful note of all announcements.

Course Details Credits This is a 6 UoC course and the expected workload is 10-12 hours per week throughout the 10 week term.

Pre-requisites and Assumed Knowledge It is expected that students have taken SOLA2540 Applied PV and hence understand the technical components of PV systems, including how solar cells work and the effect of mismatch, shading and temperature on the operation of photovoltaic modules, including the mathematical analysis. Methods for sizing PV systems will also be assumed knowledge. First year physics is also assumed knowledge.

Relationship to Other Courses SOLA3010 (UG offering) is a 3rd year course in the School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering School. It is a compulsory course for both the Renewable Energy Engineering (BE Hons) program and the Photovoltaics and Solar Energy (BE Hons) program. SOLA3010 (PG offering) is a compulsory course for the Photovoltaic and Solar Energy (SOLAES5341) and Masters of Engineering Science in Photovoltaic and Solar Energy (SOLACS8338) and an elective course for the Masters of Engineering Science in Renewable Energy (SOLADS8338).


 Context and Aims There is currently significant interest in reducing energy use and greenhouse gas production in buildings by designing buildings that are climate-appropriate, implementing energy efficiency measures and producing energy from renewable sources. Prediction of building thermal, lighting performance and solar access, and techniques for energy efficient design will be introduced in this course with a focus on understanding fundamental physical processes. A competency in the use of building energy simulation software will be developed. The course will examine the use of PV in the urban environment, with a particular focus on the integration of PV modules into the building envelope – building integrated PV (BIPV). Technical issues associated with the use of PV in buildings and the urban environment, such as heat transfer processes, partial shading, and mismatch and system siting, sizing and configuration will be investigated. Students will tackle urban design problems that require balancing architectural and human requirements with the functional constraints of PV technology. Examples of PV products for buildings and the urban environment will be studied and system performance assessment and prediction will be introduced.

Learning outcomes After successful completion of this course, you should be able to: 1. Quantify the relationship between building design and thermal and lighting performance, heating, cooling and lighting loads and human comfort in buildings. 2. Use a psychrometric chart to analyze climate, human comfort and psychrometric processes and the effects of common passive solar strategies and HVAC processes. 3. Determine the thermal and lighting performance of a building using manual methods and software. 4. Apply appropriate passive solar and low-energy design strategies. 5. Assess solar access at a site using manual methods and/or software. 6. Estimate the temperature of BIPV installations and the effects of PV on the building. 7. Specify components for, locate and size BIPV systems. 8. Explore ways of balancing architectural and human requirements with the functional constraints of BIPV technology. 9. Write a technical report that assesses the performance of various designs of low energy buildings and BIPV systems. This course is designed to achieve the above learning outcomes which address the specific UNSW and Faculty of Engineering graduate capabilities listed in Appendix A. This course also addresses the Engineers Australia (National Accreditation Body) Stage I competency standard as outlined in Appendix B.

Syllabus There is currently significant interest in reducing energy use and greenhouse gas production in buildings by designing buildings that are climate-appropriate, implementing energy efficiency measures and producing energy from renewable sources. Prediction of building thermal, lighting performance and solar access, and techniques for energy efficient design will be introduced. A competency in the use of building energy simulation software will be developed.


Photovoltaics (PV) is one of the few renewable electricity generation options that can be readily used in urban areas and has no environmental impacts at the site. This course will examine the integration of PV modules into the building envelope. Technical issues associated with the use of PV in buildings and the urban environment, such as heat transfer processes, partial shading, and mismatch and system siting, sizing and configuration will be investigated. System performance assessment and prediction will be introduced.

Indicative Lecture Schedule Period

Summary of Lecture Program

Week 1

Course Introduction, Psychrometry and Human Comfort

Week 2

Heat Transfer in Buildings

Week 3

Lighting and Shading

Week 4

Lighting and Shading

Week 5

Climate and Passive Solar

Week 6

Climate and Passive Solar

Week 7

Climate and Passive Solar

Week 8

PV and Buildings

Week 9

BIPV Case Studies

Week 10

Review Lecture

Indicative Tutorial Schedule Period

Summary of Tutorial Program

Week 1

Psychrometry & Human Comfort

Week 2

Heat Transfer

Week 3 Week 4

Lighting and Shading Lighting and Shading

Week 5

OpenStudio tutorial

Week 6

OpenStudio tutorial

Week 7

Climate & Passive Solar

Week 8

PV-Syst tutorial

Week 9

Climate & Passive Solar

Week 10

Photovoltaics and Buildings

Contact Hours The course consists of 3 hours of lectures and a 2 hour tutorial session each week as listed below. This course requires you to use a number of software packages that will be available on student computers in LG34 and LG35.


Day Lectures Tuesday Tutorials Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday

Time 9 am – 12 pm 1 pm – 3 pm 3 pm – 5 pm 9 am – 11 am 11 am – 1 pm 10 am – 12 pm 12 pm – 2 pm

Location Colombo Theatre B http://timetable.unsw.edu.au/2019/SOLA3010.html “ “ “ “ “

Assessment Assessment Online Quiz 1 Online Quiz 2 Assignment 1 Final Exam (2 hours)

Percentage of Total Mark 7.5% 7.5% 40% 45%

Date Due Week 3 Week 6 Mon Week 11 UNSW exam period

The assessment scheme in this course reflects the intention to assess your learning progress throughout the term. Submission will be via Moodle – online quiz or PDF files ONLY – no hard copy submission. The final examination will cover all material in the course. Assignment 1 is designed to give you a chance to apply your knowledge to real-world problems relating to low energy buildings and the use of PV in the built environment. There will be an emphasis on understanding of the fundamental physical processes involved in building thermal and lighting performance and the interaction of PV and buildings with the environment. You will gain competency in modelling building performance using software and demonstrate an understanding of the model by interpreting the results.

Assignment 1 (Total 15%) This assignment will comprise a number of questions based on material presented in the first 3 weeks of the course. This assignment must be completed individually and submitted electronically via Moodle. Marks will be assigned according to how completely and correctly the problems have been addressed.

Assignment 2 (Total 40%) This assignment will involve the use of OpenStudio and PV-Syst to simulate the thermal and daylighting performance of a building and the electrical performance of an associated PV system. The report must be submitted on-line via Moodle. Late reports will attract a penalty of 10% per day (including weekends). Reports submitted after results have been released will incur the maximum penalty.

Final Exam The exam in this course is a standard closed-book 2 hours written examination. University approved calculators are allowed. The examination tests analytical and critical thinking and general understanding of the course material in a controlled fashion. Questions may be drawn from any aspect of the course, unless specifically indicated otherwise by the lecturer. Marks will be assigned according to the correctness of the responses.


Relationship of Assessment Methods to Learning Outcomes Assessment Assignment 1 A ssignment 2 Final exam




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Teaching Strategies Delivery Mode The teaching strategy for this course comprises a series of lectures and tutorial sessions. The lecture series will present theory related to understanding energy and lighting. Tutorial sessions will involve a combination of computer based sessions (where students will learn how to use programs such as PV-Syst, and OpenStudio) as well as Problem Sets which cover all topics for this course. A tutor will be available to give assistance during each of the scheduled tutorial sessions.

Learning in this course You are expected to attend all lectures and tutorials in order to maximize learning. You will need to complete some pre-work for each of your tutorial classes. In addition to the lecture notes, you will be expected to read relevant papers and texts as required. Group learning is also encouraged but of course PLAGIARISM IS NOT. UNSW assumes that self-directed study of this kind is undertaken in addition to attending face-to-face classes throughout the course.

Tutorial classes Attendance at the tutorial classes is compulsory from Week 1 to 10.

Tutorial Exemption You must attend all tutorials. If, for any reason you cannot attend your tutorial please contact the course convener and check whether it would be possible to attend another tutorial class.


Course Resources Reference Books Introduction to Architectural Science – S. Szokolay Heat and Mass Transfer: A Practical Approach – Y.A. Cengel Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach – Y.A. Cengel, M.A. Boles (useful for psychrometry) Energy Efficient Building Design – Resource Book – Brisbane TAFE – Holger Willrath A Handbook on Low-Energy Buildings and District-Energy Systems: Fundamentals, Techniques, and Examples - L D Danny Harvey (excellent book! – UNSW library has a few hard copies but is also available as an e-book).

On-line Resources Climate Information  Australian Bureau of Meteorology - http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/  NASA - eosweb.larc.nasa.gov/sse/ Low Energy Buildings  Australian Greenhouse Office “Your Home” technical manual – Good information on residential design and measures to conserve water & energy: http://www.yourhome.gov.au/  Rocky Mountains Institute: http://www.rmi.org/Buildings  Victorian Energy Smart Housing Manual http://www.aprbuildingservices.com.au/C1_Energy_Smart_Housing.html  Energy Design Resources - http://www.energydesignresources.com/ BIPV Sites  IEA Task 7 http://iea-pvps.org/index.php?id=53&no_cache=1&sword_list[]=Task  IEA Task 10 http://www.iea-pvps-task10.org/  Whole Building Design Guide - BIPV - Steven Strong http://www.wbdg.org/resources/bipv.php Design Tools  PVSYST - Software for photovoltaic Systems http://www.pvsyst.com/  OpenStudio – Thermal simulation software utilizing Energy Plus https://www.openstudio.net  Energy Plus - Accurate thermal simulation (without visualization) http://www.eere.energy.gov/buildings/energyplus/  Desktop Radiance - Imaging software for lighting analysis http://radsite.lbl.gov/deskrad/


Solar Architects  Bear Architecten Netherlands) http://www.bear.nl/  Solar Design Associates (US) http://www.solardesign.com/  Kiss + Cathcart Architects (New York) http://www.kisscathcart.com/  Solarcentury (UK) http://www.solarcentury.co.uk/  Studio E Architects (UK) http://www.studioe.co.uk/  Architekturbüro Hagemann http://www.architekturbuero-hagemann.com/ Standards and Rating Frameworks & Software  Building Code of Australia - via UNSW Library (sirius)  NABERS http://www.nabers.com.au/default.aspx  Green Star http://www.gbca.org.au/green-star/  NatHers http://www.nathers.gov.au/  Accurate http://www.hearne.com.au/products/accurate/  BASIX http://www.basix.nsw.gov.au/information/index.jsp

Moodle As a part of the teaching component, Moodle will be used to disseminate teaching materials. Assessment marks will also be made available via Moodle: https://moodle.telt.unsw.edu.au/login/index.php. Announcements and Discussion Board Announcements concerning course information will be given in the lectures and/or on Moodle. A Discussion Board will also be established on the Moodle course page for you to post questions or initiate course-related discussions.

Other Matters Academic Honesty and Plagiarism Plagiarism is the unacknowledged use of other people’s work, including the copying of assignment works and laboratory results from other students. Plagiarism is considered a form of academic misconduct, and the University has very strict rules that include some severe penalties. For UNSW policies, penalties and information to help you avoid plagiarism, see https://student.unsw.edu.au/plagiarism. To find out if you understand plagiarism correctly, try this short quiz: https://student.unsw.edu.au/plagiarism-quiz.

Student Responsibilities and Conduct Students are expected to be familiar with and adhere to all UNSW policies (see https://student.unsw.edu.au/guide), and particular attention is drawn to the following:

Workload It is expected that you will spend at least ten to twelve hours per week studying a 6 UoC course, from Week 1 until the final assessment, including both face-to-face classes and independent, self-directed study. In periods where you need to need to complete assignments or prepare for examinations, the workload may be greater. Over-commitment has been a common source of failure for many students. You should take the required workload into account when planning how to balance study with employment and other activities.


Attendance Regular and punctual attendance at all classes is expected. UNSW regulations state that if students attend less than 80% of scheduled classes they may be refused final assessment.

General Conduct and Behaviour Consideration and respect for the needs of your fellow students and teaching staff is an expectation. Conduct which unduly disrupts or interferes with a class is not acceptable and students may be asked to leave the class.

Work Health and Safety UNSW policy requires each person to work safely and responsibly, in order to avoid personal injury and to protect the safety of others.

Special Consideration and Supplementary Examinations You must submit all assignments and attend all examinations scheduled for your course. You should seek assistance early if you suffer illness or misadventure which affects your course progress. All applications for special consideration must be lodged online through myUNSW within 3 working days of the assessment, not to course or school staff. For more detail, consult https://student.unsw.edu.au/special-consideration.

Continual Course Improvement This course is under constant revision in order to improve the learning outcomes for all students. Please forward any feedback (positive or negative) on the course to the course convener or via the Course and Teaching Evaluation and Improvement Process. You can also provide feedback to RESOC who will raise your concerns at student focus group meetings. As a result of previous feedback obtained for this course and in our efforts to provide a rich and meaningful learning experience, we have continued to evaluate and modify our delivery and assessment methods.

Administrative Matters On issues and procedures regarding such matters as special needs, equity and diversity, occupational health and safety, enrolment, rights, and general expectations of students, please refer to the School and UNSW policies: http://www.engineering.unsw.edu.au/electrical-engineering/policies-and-procedures https://my.unsw.edu.au/student/atoz/ABC.html


Appendix A: UNSW Graduate Capabilities The course delivery methods and course content directly or indirectly addresses a number of core UNSW graduate capabilities, as follows: 

Developing scholars who have a deep understanding of their discipline, through lectures and solution of analytical problems in tutorials and assessed by assignments and written examinations. Developing rigorous analysis, critique, and reflection, and ability to apply knowledge and skills to solving problems. These will be achieved through students working through the Problem Sets and use of modelling software for the assignment.

Developing independent, self-directed professionals who are enterprising, innovative, creative and responsive to change, through challenging design and project tasks.

Developing citizens who can apply their discipline in other contexts, are culturally aware and environmentally responsible.


Appendix B: Engineers Australia (EA) Professional Engineer Competency Standard Relevant LO

Program Intended Learning Outcomes

PE1: Knowledge and Skill Base

PE1.1 Comprehensive, theory-based understanding of underpinning fundamentals

L01 to LO9

L01 to LO9

L01 to LO9

L01 to LO9


PE1.2 Conceptual understanding of underpinning maths, analysis, statistics, computing PE1.3 In-depth understanding of specialist bodies of knowledge PE1.4 Discernment of knowledge development and research directions PE1.5 Knowledge of engineering design practice PE1.6 Understanding of scope, principles, norms, accountabilities of sustainable engineering practice

PE2: Engineering Application Ability

PE2.1 Application of established engineering methods to complex problem solving PE2.2 Fluent application of engineering techniques, tools and resources

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