SST201 Q&A(Fill in Blanks) PDF

Title SST201 Q&A(Fill in Blanks)
Course Sustainable Society Through Innovative Technology
Institution Singapore University of Social Sciences
Pages 4
File Size 111.6 KB
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July Semester 2016(a) A sustainable society is a society that ensures the health and vitality of human life and of nature’s capital for _ present and future generation ______. (2 marks)(b) _ Energy _ is the capacity to do work while __ Power _ is the rate of work. (4 marks)(c) Global warming has bee...


July Semester 2016

(a) A sustainable society is a society that ensures the health and vitality of human life and of nature’s capital for _present and future generation______. (2 marks) (b) _Energy_ is the capacity to do work while __Power_ is the rate of work. (4 marks) (c) Global warming has been attributed to increasing amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide, a _ Atmospheric Pollution _. (2 marks) (d) Currently, the _ photovoltaic cells _ and __ solar-trough collectors _ are the two most economically viable methods to capture solar energy. (4 marks) (e) Complex organic matter can be processed to make _ fuels _, such as ethanol, for vehicles. (2 marks) (f) Fresh water is a ____ vital resource____ but is used __ for all land ecosystems_. (4 marks) (g) _ Nonpoint _ sources of water pollution include agricultural runoffs, stormwater and atmospheric deposition. (2 marks)

January Semester 2017 (a) The process of implementing new ideas to create value is _ Innovation __. (2 marks) (b) The human pressure on the environment results from __ population _, _ affluence ___ and _ technology __. (6 marks) (c) __ freshwater __ is the greatest use of water, globally. (2 marks) (d) The soil’s __ capacity ___ is its ability to bind and hold nutrient ions until they are absorbed by roots of plants. (2 marks) (e) The two main technologies in the Gene Revolution are ___ Genetic Modification __ and ___ Marker-Assisted Breeding ____. (4 marks) (f) The main methods of disposing municipal solid wastes in middle- and highincome countries are __ landfilling __ and ___ combustion _. (4 marks)

July Semester 2017 (a) The goal of ___ Science __ is the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake, while the goal of ____ Engineering ____ is to create products that solve problems and improve human life. (4 marks) (b) The FOUR (4) global trends affecting sustainability are Increasing populations & declining human wellbeing , __ Decline of ecosystems _____________, ___ Global climate change ____________ and _ Loss of biodiversity __. (8 marks) (c) Solar energy, hydropower and wind energy are examples of _ renewable resource __. (2 marks) (d) Earthquakes, floods and forest fires are examples of __ Physical ___ hazards. (2 marks) (e) Most air pollutants are the direct or indirect product of the combustion of coal, gasoline, liquid fuels and refuse, and are thus ___ anthropogenic __ in nature. (2 marks) (f) _ Eutrophication ___________ is the enrichment of an ecosystem with chemical nutrients, typically compounds containing nitrogen, phosphorus, or both. (2 marks)

January Semester 2018

(a) The world economy, human well-being and economic development are dependent on the _ goods __ and __ services _ from ecosystems. (4 marks) (b) The major issues associated with _ biofuels _ are the diversion of farmlands needed for food crops and limitations in current technologies. (2 marks) (c) Mitigation ___ aims to reduce climate change and involves reducing the flow of heat-trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. (2 marks) (d) Currently, __ hydroelectricity _______ is the main form of renewable energy. (2 marks) (e) __ Atmospheric pollution. __ is one of the human impacts on the hydrologic cycle. (2 marks) (f) Water __ quality __ issues focus on water pollution and its consequences, on sewage treatment technologies, and on public policies for dealing with water pollution. (2 marks) (g) The five areas which pose challenges for cities to move towards sustainability and liveability are _Connectivity________, __Technology_______, equity, engagement and identity. (4 marks) (h) __ Biological ________ hazards refer to organisms or their products that are harmful to human health. (2 marks)

July Semester 2018 (a) The tremendous stress on Earth's __ ecosystems _______ and __ resources _______ can cause thousands of plants and animal species to be wiped out in the coming decades. (4 marks) (b) Technology encompasses tools, instruments, culture and ___ Knowledge _ of how to create things or solve problems. (2 marks)

(c) _ Anthropogenic _ activities are the likely cause of today’s climate change. (2 marks) (d) _ Thermal _ pollution results from waste heat energy being discharged into natural waterways. (2 marks) (e) Modern day environmental _ stewardship _ incorporates an ethic that guides actions and programs that manage natural resources and human well-being for the common good. (2 marks) (f) __ agricultural __ runoff, storm water and __ atmospheric __ deposition are non-point sources of water pollution. (4 marks) (g) The three liveability outcomes that Singapore has envisioned are competitive _economy________, sustainable _environment________ and high quality of life. (4 marks)

January Semester 2019 (a) The three elements of sustainability are __ Human_______, environmental and economic well beings. (2 marks) (b) Sustainable _ development _ is a form of progress that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. (2 marks) (c) _ Natural _ and managed ecosystems __ ecosystems are pressed to provide increasing goods and services due to the rising world population. (4 marks) (d) The main problems associated with solar power involve the _ conversion __, collection and storage __ of the solar energy. (4 marks) (e) _ Atmospheric ________ pollution is one of the human impacts on the hydrologic cycle. (2 marks) (f) Riverbank _ Filtration _ is a water treatment technology that consists of extracting water from rivers by pumping wells located in the adjacent aquifer. (2 marks) (g) Sources of anthropogenic air pollutants may be __ mobile _, stationary and __ indoor __. (4 marks)

July Semester 2019 (a) _ Biodiversity _ refers to the variety of life on Earth and the ecological complexes of which they are part of. (2 marks) (b) Stewardship __ refers to the actions and programs that manage natural resources and human well-being for the common good. (2 marks) (c) After the _ industrial _ and _ medical _ revolutions, human populations increased dramatically and concerns about whether they can be fed arose. (4 marks) (d) Acid rain results when sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere react with __ water __ and oxygen to form __ sulfuric acid and nitric acid. (4 marks) (e) The best strategy to manage our municipal solid waste is source __ reduction __. (2 marks)

(f) Having a competitive _economy__ in order to attract investments and provide jobs is one of the three outcomes of a livable city. (2 marks) (g) A smart city aims to raise the quality of ____ life _ by improving the efficiency of services to meet residents’ needs, reduce costs and resource consumption, with the use of ___ technology _. (4 marks)

January Semester 2020 (a) The _ agricultural _ revolution lead to improvements in transportation, agriculture and increase the standard of living. (2 marks) (b) The four dimensions of _______ sustainability _______ are environmental, social, economic and political, and no societies today have achieved anything resembling it. (4 marks) (c) Worldwide water withdrawals are mainly from the agriculture, _ industries. _ and __ domestic _ sectors. (4 marks) (d) Two sustainable long-term practices that must be applied to productivity are land restoration_____ and preventing soil __exhaustion_____. (4 marks) (e) Environmental __ Health _ consists of preventing or controlling disease, injury and disability related to the interactions between people and their environment. (2 marks) (f) __ Sediments _ are water pollutants from erosion of farmlands, deforested slopes, overgrazed land, construction sites and roads. (2 marks) (g) Reducing _ Source __ is the practice of designing, manufacturing, purchasing or using materials in ways that reduce the amount of and toxicity of trash created. (2 marks)

Specimen Examination Paper (a) The three pillars of sustainability are human wellbeing, environmental wellbeing and economic wellbeing. (6 marks) (b) Coal, oil and gas are collectively known as fossil fuels. (2 marks) (c) Stewardship is the ethic that embodies the responsible planning and management of resources in the environment. (2 marks) (d) Two most commonly used technologies in desalination are reverse osmosis and distillation. (4 marks) (If there is an equivalent and correct answer, it would also be accepted. For example, you could use microfiltration in place of reverse osmosis or vice versa.) (e) Chemicals in the environment that mimic the body’s hormones and cause health problems are called endocrine disruptors. (2 marks) (f) The sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides emitted from the burning of fossil fuels react with water in the atmosphere to form acids. (4 marks)...

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