ST116 Assessment Sheet 2 Moodle PDF

Title ST116 Assessment Sheet 2 Moodle
Course Mathematical Techniques
Institution The University of Warwick
Pages 3
File Size 79.4 KB
File Type PDF
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ST116 Assessment Sheet 2.
Worth 5% credit of the module....


ST116 Mathematical Techniques: Assignment Sheet 2 Approximate reading time: 8 minute(s) @ 200 WPM. This document contains 3 pages.

Assessment Information Deadline: 1pm (13:00 hours) UK Time, Thursday 21st October (Teaching Week 3). This assignment is worth 5% of the module credit for ST116 Mathematical Techniques. (If selected as one of the best 4 from 5 assignments.) Academic Integrity. Please adhere to the advice on academic integrity. Your attention is drawn to the following points.

for the basis of a submitted assessment.

strategies done by any other person. academic conduct panel. This assignment is marked out of 20.

Assessment Instructions Answer and submit Questions 1 and 2 only. Submit your work in the coursework submission section of the ST116 moodle course. Instructions on how to scan your work and submit it are found on Moodle. Please note, late submissions may not be marked or may receive a zero grade Make sure that you check that you have uploaded the correct file as once you confirm submission you will not be able to change the submitted file. 2 marks of the final mark depends on your submission meeting the criteria to be a scan of good quality as described on the webpage Preparing Handwritten Work for Online Submission. Thus, your final Moodle mark is computed as 20 minus any penalty. (The minimum mark for the assessment is 0.) You are reminded of the assessment submission requirements on Moodle. In particular, you must submit your assignment by the deadline. You must fully submit your assignment, a draft submission is not a submitted assignment. You are reminded that more credit is available for complete answers than fragments. Read the questions carefully and ensure you answer the question as requested. In particular, if a question directs you to use a particular approach, then you must use this approach. You are also assessed on the quality of your written mathematical communication and your explanations. You are advised to allocate sufficient time to permit yourself the opportunity to check your working before submission. 1 of 3

Points to note for all assessments In your work you must make sure that

Your work will receive marks not only for mathematical correctness but also for the presentation and clarity of the mathematical argument. Your submission must be written in a way that can be read out easily. Do not just give an end result, explain how you arrived at the solution. Present your work neatly as your marker will not be able to give marks for work they struggle to decipher.

The learning outcomes for this assessment are to be able to 1. review mathematical proofs, evaluate their structure to determine their validity. 2. identify, explain and correct errors in mathematical proofs. 3. apply principles of mathematical logic to determine the truth values of statements.

Assessment Questions If you use a result from the lecture notes, previous tutorial sheet or assignment you must refer to it clearly.

Question 1 false. If a statement is true, then provide a proof, if a statement is false, then explain why. Credit is only available for an answer with justification; that is, writing only true or false will gain no credit. Note that you may use Venn diagrams to gain intuition but your proof or explanation must not rely on a Venn diagram.

[6 marks]

2 of 3

Question 2

a. By referring to appropriate set algebra or set identities, provide the justification for the following four

(To be clear your answer must use set algebra and set identities.) c. Explain the error in the following argument.

3 of 3

[8 marks]...

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