Author Muhamad Iqbal
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STANDARDIZED TEST WHAT IS STANDARDIZATION? Standardized tests are often referred to as assessment. An assessment is generally defined as the collection and analysis of information about one or more students. When tests are standardized, this means that particular group of student will take the same ...


STANDARDIZED TEST WHAT IS STANDARDIZATION? Standardized tests are ofen referred to as assessment. An assessment is generally defned as the collecton and analysis of informaton about one or more students. When tests are standardized, this means that partcular group of student will take the same test that will be scored and analyzed the same way. Score result for each student is then compared to the rest of the group to see how well the students performed. A standardized test is a test that is administered and scored in a consistent, or "standard", manner. Standardized tests are designed in such a way that the questons, conditons for administering, scoring procedures, and interpretatons are consistent and are administered and scored in a predetermined, standard manner. Any test in which the same test is given in the same manner to all test takers, is a standardized test. Standardized tests do not need to be high-stakes tests, tme-limited tests, or multple- choice tests. The opposite of standardized testng is non-standardized testnn, in which either signifcantly diferent tests are given to diferent test takers, or the same test is assigned under signifcantly diferent conditons (e.g., one group is permited far less tme to complete the test than the next group) or evaluated diferently (e.g., the same answer is counted right for one student, but wrong for another student). The scoring of essays is done quickly and by non- educators. Scoring essays by people that are not taking their tme and are given bonuses is a pitfall in scoring. Standardized tests are perceived as being more fair than non-standardized tests, because everyone gets the same test and the same grading system. This is fairer and more objectve than a system in which some students get an easier test and others get a more difcult test. The consistency also permits more reliable comparison of outcomes across all test takers, because everyone is taking the same test. Testng has been and parcel of school reform policy for over a decade. Nearly every state has its own approach to standards-based reform, but they share three key components: 1. High standards for what all students should know and do; 2. Test aligned to the standards to gauge student progress; and 3. Accountability for school based on the result. Standards-based assessments are partcularly helpful when a school district or state educaton department has defned a set of learning standards that each student needs to learn....

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