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STRATEGY AND ROLE OF GALLERY, LIBRARY, ARCHIVE AND MUSEUM (GLAM) AS AN INFORMATION TRANSFER EFFORT Dwi Fitrina Cahyaningtyas Student Of Post Graduate Of Management and Library Information Gadjah Mada University [email protected] Diana Maulida Zakiah Student Of Post Graduate Of Management and ...



Dwi Fitrina Cahyaningtyas Student Of Post Graduate Of Management and Library Information Gadjah Mada University [email protected] Diana Maulida Zakiah Student Of Post Graduate Of Management and Library Information Gadjah Mada University [email protected]

ABSTRACT The concept of GLAM is a unity of four agencies which stand for Gallery, Library, Archive, Museum. Galery, library, archive and museum (GLAM). The relationships of them are often separated. In Indonesia the four agencies are running independently. It is because those have differences in policies, vision and mission as well as agencies which become a shelter as well as differences perspectives of the society which considers the four agencies have no relationship each other. Meanwhile, when gallery, library, archive, museum can be united or collaborated and will be interesting especially for the wider community and can be expected to add interest to the society to visit. In addition to the place of learning, visitors will also be served with various collections of photographs and historical relics. Therefore, in this study, the authors use literature review method by using various sources of scientific reference such as printed books, electronic books and articles. Furthermore, to describe the definition of GLAM, authors use case study at the Bung Karno library. The Library Bung Karno already applied the concept of GLAM. It is expected Bung Karno Library can be a reference for other agencies in developing the concept of GLAM in Indonesia. Therefore, through this paper, the authors provide an overview of the role of GLAM strategy itself as an effort to transfer information. Keywords: information transfer , GLAM, , role, strategy, visitors.

A. INTRODUCTION Information technology phenomenon nowadays demands all organizations to be able to provide the needed information for visitors. No boundary of the space and time also gives impact on visitor’s behavior and pattern of searching information. The result is to make visitors tend to want to get information as fast as possible. The arrival of technology and information can be easily received its existence in the center of the community because of consideration of ease insearching for the information by using search engine. So far, the role of education is to convey the mission of education on the community, but with a change of paradigm which start to be marginalized. Education is not only to be obtained in the formal public schools, but also the government has prepared agencies which must be able to convey the mission of education on all levels of society. Nevertheless, Gallery, Library, Archive, and Museum (GLAM) is the first agencies that is exist as the provider of the information which "less felt its benefit directly" by the society. By taking a single concept GLAM is expected to be more useful as well as more "felt" its presence. In the concept of GLAM, Australia was one of the countries that have applied GLAM as collaboration of one agency and another. Meanwhile in Indonesia, GLAM has not been united entirely, but there are several libraries that already become one with archive or museum. GLAM can collaborate because they are in non-profit agency with similar objective which is to transfer information to the visitors. GLAM is collective memory of a nation, this may be a culture heritage. The book in Gallery, Library, Archive, and sites in the Museum could tell the history that was not known by future generations. GLAM visibly have different collection, but with further investigation the existing collection in GLAM is continuous. It is surely that GLAM can be combined to make it easier for visitors recognizinginheritance in their culture. The combination of GLAM could be the solutions of the less funds problem which so far complained about. In the world there wasorganization who handles GLAM. That is Memory of the World (MOW) which was built by UNESCO in 1992, then also formed MOW for Indonesia legitimated with SK LIPI No: 1422/A/2006, in 2 November 2006. The MOW existence was very helpful to preserve and save sites of history which is belonged and admitted in the world. The Indonesian MOW establishmenthas not been able to make GLAM combined as one both in educational agencies and individuals, if they were seen further, many benefits could be obtained if GLAM combined.

B. METHODS The method which is used in this paper is the study of literature using various sources of scientific references such as scientific articles, news and websites that contain the study of The Roles and Strategy of Gallery, Library, Archive and Museum.

C. LITERATUR REVIEW 1. Gallery Gallery and art are two things that cannotbe separated. So many of arts are generally exhibited in the gallery. Generally, defined as a building or space for art exhibition. There are also other works of art such as sculpture, decoration, furniture, textile, costume, painting, and photography. Even in generally more focused on the presentation of space for artwork, the gallery is often used for other activities such as performing arts, as well as poetry reading art.A gallery is often referred to an art museum. The meaning of the gallery can be explained as: a. National Educational Department of Language Center,

(2003): The gallery is a hallway or a place that can also be interpreted as a place that exhibits 3D artwork by anindividual or group of artists or can be also defined as a room or building to show objects or artwork. b. Encyclopedia of American Architecture (1975) : The gallery means as a container to hold works of art. Gallery can also be interpreted as a place to accommodate visual communication activities in a room between collectors or artists with the public through the exhibition c. A space used to present works of art, an area displaying public activities, public areas or sometimes used for special event (Dictionary of Architecture and Construction, 2005). 2. Library The experts are aware that education, especially school (formal) is less able to meet the demands of life. Therefore, an international meeting initiated by the United Nations Educational and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), they agree of library as life long learning. That is why, education is not only being able to got in school, but also library. Many people misunderstand about the library, the library that has the potential as a facilitator of education sometimes considered as oblique and negative by considering the library as a warehouse or book storage and librarian’s strereotype which is nerd and as we all know the visitors who come to library has no limitation, it means from the kids till the adult can join to study here. It slowly began to be indisputable, the library start to fix itself by starting to follow the development of technology and information. Changes are made for optimizing improvement steps and achievement of results. As a provider of library services should always experience changes in input, process, and output. Innovations to develop in the library such as the renewal of the library collection. The information presented is always up to date, renewal of interior design library so that visitors always feel comfortable, safe, fresh and not boredom. Todays library administration have applied how to access the library from their homes, so no need to come physically to the library and it’s so easy. Life long learning was captured of library. it is based on the article written by Wardhani: 2007, she explaned that the process of learning autodidactly (life long learning) is done individually and is supported by the available information sources in library. The mission of library as the life long learning place does not only with for the visitors but also have a role in motivating the visitorss and creating service innovation. As a center of knowledge, the library always provides a source and information. Although the visitorss are alternated, varied and used continously. Even it will incease accoding to the pattern of collection development conducted by the manager. According to (Ranganathan, 1993) which reveals the Five Basic Laws of the Library. This basic law has been accepted by librarians as a library guide “A library is a growing organism”. 3. Archive The archive are all books, papers, maps, photographs, or other documentary material, irrespective of their physical form and characteristics, created and accepted by a governmental or private agency under the legal obligations or in the relationship of its principal, to be maintained by that agency or by its legitimate successor as evidence of work or other activities or due to the value of the data information contained therein (Schellenberg, 1975).

The archive is a recording of activities in various forms and media in accordance with the development of information and communication technology, companies, political organizations, community organizations and individuals in the implementation of community life, nation and state ( Zaenudin, 2013). According to Indonesian Law No. 43 Year 2009 on Archive states that archival agencies in their respective jurisdictions are obliged to carry out the management of the static archive received from the archive authors (state agencies, corporations, political organizations, community organizations, and individuals). According to that (Indonesian Law No. 43 Year 2009, 2009) Archive are divided into two: a. Dynamic archive is archive that are used directly by the archive authors and stored for a certain period of time. Dynamic archive are categorized into 3 namely: vital archive, active and inactive b. Static archive is archive generated by the archive authors as they have historical use values, have exhausted their retention and have been authenticated which have been verified either directly or indirectly by ANRI and / or archive. 4. Museum In the era of globalization, the development of technology and information increasingly occupied its peak. The Role of Museum is still expected as a place to gather, nurture, and communicate based on research of objects and past relics that are concrete proof of the process of cultural development. Generally, people may think the museum is only a "part" of the past. The museum is still regarded as a conservative-minded agency, taking care of ancient objects among the elite for pride and admiration. The museum's buildings do seem creepy because they are identical with ancient, silent, majestic, and under-appreciated items. Behind the point of view of citizen, the museum as a permanent agency in terms of serving and developing the community, open public for study, preserve, conduct research, to deliver the community and exhibition for the purpose of learning, and education.The museum also serves to build a society that has a history and to be exhibited to the general public through permanent and temporary exhibitions. Most of museum offer programs and activities for visitors. Public programs consist of lectures An earlier definition by the Association of Museum "Museum is an organization that collects, documents, protects, exhibits and shows material evidence and provides information in the public. Etymologically the word of museum comes from the Latin word "museum" ("musea"). The original from the Greek mouseion which is a temple dedicated to Muses (the god of art in Greek mythology), and is a building of education and art, especially the institute for philosophy and research at libraries in Alexandria founded by Ptolomy I Soter 280 BC. In the congress of the ICOM (International Council of Museum), an international organization under UNESCO, defines the museum definition as follows: "The museum is a permanent agency. In the congress of the International Council of Museum (ICOM) assembly of an international organization under UNESCO, the definition of a museum is defined as "the Museum is a permanent agency, not seeking profit in serving the public, open to the public, obtaining, preserving, human and environmental goods for educational, assessment and entertainment purposes. "The position of museum in Indonesia is under the Ministry of Education and Culture.

C. DISCUSSION In previous study which was done by Yudhawati, 2014 entitled the collaboration of library agency archive and museum: As the efforts to build the memorable and experience information agency, in the article is more focused on how to effort to collaborare among three agencies, library, archive, and museum and the profit and demerit from the collaboration.

1. Strategy and Role of GLAM The Change of stigma and development of the role of education has been aware of the importance to give attention to what the visitors required in those four agencies. Therefore it is important to apply strategy and role in the management of GLAM. To achieve the objective arranged strategies are needed. In the GLAM strategy an effort to transfer information is to be able to provide information, listen to what the visitors or the community need and why GLAM become something important and relevant to them. Those strategies considered to be one of the solutions for the problem that related to an effort about opening an access to the vast community to get knowledge and experience, as well as meet the needs of visitors. Based on those strategies, then GLAM could use active learning strategy to involve all the senses and experience of visitors through the concept of edutainment. In the implementation, in order to extending the community access, GLAM can apply educational strategy inside or even outside the location, or even combination of both. With this way, hopefully GLAM can make a strategy in the education and to deliver the information properly, which could reaching all levels of society. 2. Information Transfer To implementing GLAM, there is an indispensable role between one role and other. The roles GLAM is one a whole that cannot be separated. Those rolesare (1). As published primer management information. (2) Secondary management information. (3) Tertiary producers and management information. (4) As a bridge to connected to visitors (community). (5) As recreation and study location. The essence of the above are a source of information which is for its visitors and public. In addition to the strategy and role of GLAM implementation in the effort of information transfer, it is important to note more about it’s cultural heritage and it’s history. Cultural and historical heritage became a prominent source of attraction in any society. The cultural and historical heritage include monumens, museum, entertainment, centers and historic sites. In the journal of "Should museum and art galleries be just "for arts' sake" or should they suit the needs of tourists?" is explained that museum and gallery are often note in accoredance with the needs and expectations of visitors. While the role of museum and galleries are very vital, which can be used to deal with issues and mans of decision making in the future. In the same way memory inside mind is memory of the past (history), which used to face problem or make the future decision. This is in accordance with the phrase from the president Soekarno“jangansekali kali melupakansejarah” (jasmerah) "don't ever forget the history" which is still often quoted by scholars to remind how important is history to face the future. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), is UN organization which is rode for the field of education, science, and cultural. It has introduced the project of the world security inheritance documentation in the Memory of The World program. UNESCO vision, world memory is saved documentation in the library, archive, and museum all over the world, and that is world inheritance which is have to be protected its existence. Therefore, (Bucklan, 1991) the information is distinguishedin three types(information as process – the act of informing), (information acknowledge – fact) and (information as thing – object, data, document). To get information isn't only done by communicating, but instead could get from any source, object and place. If it is connected with statement above, library, archive, and museumwere 3 important agencies in protecting that world memory inheritance. Therefore, their existence becomes strategic center of providing information for its visitorss. Furthermore, invisible information is the property of library, archive and museum which could be used as research center, education, and recreation. Meanwhile, those three aspects library, archive, and museum have to be able to provide space to the community to be informative by giving public space as concrete shape to "release" the content of the collections.

Those three of the agencies were tool to find information, manage and share information, and therefore the owned collections must be accessibleand complete to accustom the community to always connect to the information. Those cannot be separated from the three agencies before.Gallery used to be a place to transfer information. It is proven with gallery used to accommodate visual communication activities inside a room between collector and artist with public through the exhibition activities. Inside room which used to presenting masterpiece, an area that display public activity, and public area often used to special needs. (Dictionary of Architecture and Construction, 2005). Public, these days, increasingly reluctant to buy books as reading materials, because every information now is served as e-book whichcould be downloaded from the internet. Public now being pampered with the advent of technology that eases GLAM to exchange data. From the research titled“From coexistence convergence: studying partnerships and collaboration among libraries, archive and museum” from Information Research vol. 18 No 3, September 2013, said if library, archive, and museum could cooperate/collaborate on six aspects. This supported by studies conducted in Canada and New Zealand which connected with archive and museum: (1) To serve visitorss better (2) To support science activity (3) To gain the benefit of technology development (4) Efficiency budget and administrative (5) Adaptation with the digital object and (6) Comprehensive vision towards collection Then, what is exactly the final objective of this GLAM collaboration? which developscooperative pattern between cultural center with synchronized vision and mission about conservation effort of the culture source, moreover the purpose of unify the GLAM itself is to transfer knowledge which eases information access the culture that has not been coordinated and exploited maximum. While released in there are five international organizations for culture inheritance, IFLA (library), ICA (archive), ICOM (museum), ICOMOS (monument & sites) and CCAAA (archive audiovisual), which already have a long cooperative relationship now agreed to increase cooperation between organization with library, archive, museum, monument, and sites has an interest and same activity. All those parties were recognizing the importance of moving toward the agenda together to strengthen advocacy role and position of library, archive, museum, monument, and location in the public knowledge today and tomorrow, and to protecting culture writing, visual, and world culture. The application of GLAM in Indonesia actually can be seen in the Bung Karno library in Blitar.

Pict: GLAM in Bung Karno’s Library As the chart below:

Pict: GLAM in Bung Karno’s Library

6. CONCLUSION The development of information technology, causing the explosion of information. It had an impact on library to be able to innovate in the service to the visitors which need information and demand various information in quickly and precisely. Information should be processed so that can be used by visitors maximally. Term of GLAM (Gallery, Library, Archive, and Museum) in Indonesia now, is not too familiar. Each agenciestandalone separately, this is because those four agencies have difference policy and agency who handle it. Bung Karno library in Blitar, has implemented GLAM in it, but public just said and think that it i...

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