Stress and strain PDF

Title Stress and strain
Author Suman Thapa
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Stress and strain 3.1 Introduction When a material is subject to external forces, then internal forces are set up in the material which oppose the external forces. The material can be considered to be rather like a spring. A spring, when stretched by external forces, sets up internal opposing forces...


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Stress and strain

3.1 Introduction

Figure 3.1 (a) Tension, (b) compression, (c) shear 3.2 Stress and strain

When a material is subject to external forces, then internal forces are set up in the material which oppose the external forces. The material can be considered to be rather like a spring. A spring, when stretched by external forces, sets up internal opposing forces which are readily apparent when the spring is released and they force it to contract. A material subject to external forces which stretch it is said to be in tension (Figure 3.l(a)). A material subject to forces which squeeze it is said to be in compression (Figure 3.l(b)). If a material is subject to forces which cause it to twist or one face slide relative to an opposite face then it is said to be in shear (Figure 3.l(c)). This chapter is a consideration of the action of tensile and compressive forces on materials.

In discussing the application of forces to materials an important aspect is often not so much the size of the force as the force applied per unit cross-sectional area. Thus, for example, if we stretch a strip of material by a force F applied over its cross-sectional area A (Figure 3.2), then the force applied per unit area is FIA. The term stress, symbol o, is used for the force per unit area:


stress = force

Force F

Figure 3.2


Stress has the units of pascal (Pa), with 1 Pa being a force of 1 newton per square metre, i.e. 1 Pa = 1 N/mZ. Multiples of the pascal are generally used, e.g. the megapascal (MPa) which is 106Pa and the gigapascal (GPa) which is 109 Pa. Because the area over which the forces are applied is more generally mm2 rather than m2, it is u s e l l to recognise that 1 GPa = 1 GN/m2= 1 kN/mm2and 1 MPa = 1 MN/m2= 1 NI&. The area used in calculations of the stress is generally the original area that existed before the application of the forces. The stress is thus sometimes referred to as the engineering stress, the term true stress being used for the force divided by the actual area existing in the stressed state. The stress is said to be direct stress when the area being stressed is at right angles to the line of action of the external forces, as when the material is in tension or compression. Example A bar of material with a cross-sectional area of 50 mm2is subject to tensile forces of 100 N. What is the tensile stress? Tensile stress = forcelarea = 100/(50 X 104) = 2 X 106Pa = 2 MPa.

Stress and strain 33 Example A pipe has an outside diameter of 50 mm and an inside diameter of 45 mm and is acted on by a tensile force of 50 kN. What is the stress acting on the pipe?

The cross-sectional area of the pipe is !An(@ - d2), where D is the external diameter and d the internal diameter. Thus, the crosssectional area = '/4z(502- 452)= 373 mm2.Hence:

- 3:!~ Stress = --


= 134 X 106 Pa = 134 MPa

3.2.1 Direct strain When a material is subject to tensile or compressive forces, it changes in length (Figure 3.3). The term strain, symbol E , is used for: Original length


Strain =

L# Force

Since strain is a ratio of two lengths it has no units; note that both lengths must be in the same units of length. Thus we might, for example, have a strain of 0.01. This would indicate that the change in length is 0.01 X the original length. However, strain is frequently expressed as a percentage:



Force I

change in length original length



change in length Strain as a % = original length



Thus the strain of 0.01 as a percentage is l%, i.e. this is when the change in length is 1% of the original length. Figure 3.3 (a) Tensile strain. (b) compressive strain

Example A strip of material has a length of 50 mm. When it is subject to tensile forces it increases in length by 0.020 mm. What is the strain?

Strain =

Area over which force applied A

change in length 50 - 0.000 04 or 0.04% original length - 0.020

Example A tensile test piece has a gauge length of 50 mm. This increases by 0.030 mm when subject to tensile forces. What is the strain?

Strain =

change in length original length - 0'030 50 - 0.000 06 or 0.06%

3.2.2 Shear stresses and strains

Figure 3.4


There is another way we can apply forces to materials and that is in such a way as to tend to slide one layer of the material over an adjacent layer. This is termed shear. Shear stresses are not direct stresses since the forces being applied are in the same plane as the area being stressed. Figure 3.4

34 Engineering Science shows how a material can be subject to shear. With shear, the area over which forces act is in the same plane as the line of action of the forces. The force per unit area is called the shear stress: shear stress = force The unit of shear stress is the pascal (Pa). With tensile and compressive stresses, changes in length are produced; with shear stress there is an angular change 4. Shear strain is defined as being the angular deformation: shear strain = 4 The unit used is the radian and, since the radian is a ratio, shear strain can be either expressed in units of radians or without units.

Figure 3.5


Example Figure 3.5 shows a component that is attached to a vertical surface by means of an adhesive. The area of the adhesive in contact with the component is 100 mm2.The weight of the component results in a force of 30 N being applied to the adhesive-component interface. What is the shear stress? Shear stress = forcelarea = 30/(100 X 10")

3.3 Stress-strain graphs

Hooke's law

106Pa = 0.3 MPa.

If gradually increasing tensile forces are applied to, say, a strip of mild steel then initially when the forces are released the material springs back to its original shape. The material is said to be elastic. If measurements are made of the extension at different forces and a graph plotted, then the extension is found to be proportional to the force and the material is said to obey Hooke's law. Figure 3.6(a) shows a graph when Hooke's law is obeyed. Such a graph applies to only one particular length and cross-sectional area of a particular material. We can make the graph more general so that it can be applied to other lengths and cross-sectional areas of the same material by dividing the extension by the original length to give the strain and the force by the cross-sectional area to give the stress (Figure 3.6(b)). Then we have, for a material that obeys Hooke's law, the stress proportional to the strain: stress

Figure 3.6

= 0.3 X


Figure 3.7 shows the type of stress-strain graph which would be given by a sample of mild steel. Initially the graph is a straight line and the material obeys Hooke's law. The point at which the straight line behaviour is not followed is called the limit of proportionality. With low stresses the material springs back completely to its original shape when the stresses are removed, the material being said to be elastic. At higher forces this does not occur and the material is then said to show some plastic behaviour. The term plastic is used for that part of the behaviour which results in permanent deformation. The stress at which the material

Stress and strain 35 starts to behave in a non-elastic manner is called the elastic limit. This point often coincides with the point on a stress-strain graph at which the graph stops being a straight line, i.e. the limit ofproportionality. Limit of proportionality

Sample breaks





Figure 3.7 Stress-strain graph for mild steel The strength of a material is the ability of it to resist the application of forces without breaking. The term tensile strength is used for the maximum value of the tensile stress that a material can withstand without breaking, i.e. maximum tensile forces strength = original cross-sectional area The compressive strength is the maximum compressive stress the material can withstand without becoming crushed. The unit of strength is that of stress and so is the pascal (Pa), with 1 Pa being 1 N/m2. Strengths are often millions of pascals and so MPa is often used, 1 h4Pa being 106Pa or 1 000 000 Pa. Typically, carbon and low alloy steels have tensile strengths of 250 to 1300 MPa, copper alloys 80 to l000 MPa and aluminium alloys 100 to 600 MPa. With some materials, e.g. mild steel, there is a noticeable dip in the stress-strain graph at some stress beyond the elastic limit and the strain increases without any increase in load. The material is said to have yielded and the point at which this occurs is the yield point. For some materials, such as mild steel, there are two yield points termed the upper yield point and the lower yield point. A carbon steel typically might have a tensile strength of 600 MPa and a yield stress of 300 MPa.

Example A material has a yield stress of 200 MPa. What tensile forces will be needed to cause yielding with a bar of the material with a crosssectional area of 100 mm2? Since stress = forcelarea, then the yield force = yield stress X area = 200 X io6 X loo X 10" = 20 000 N.

36 Engineering Science Example Calculate the maximum tensile force a steel bar of cross-section 20 mm X 10 mm can withstand if the tensile strength of the material is 400 MPa.

Tensile strength = maximum stress = maximum forcelarea and so the maximum force = tensile strength X area = 400 X 106X 0.020 X 0.010 =8OOOON=8O kN. 3.3.1 Stiffness


Upper surface stretched


Lower surface compressed

Figure 3.8


The stz@ess of a material is the ability of a material to resist bending. When a strip of material is bent, one surface is stretched and the opposite face is compressed, as illustrated in Figure 3.8. The more a material bends the greater is the amount by which the stretched surface extends and the compressed surface contracts. Thus a stiff material would be one that gave a small change in length when subject to tensile or compressive forces. This means a small strain when subject to tensile or compressive stress and so a small value of strainlstress, or conversely a large value of stresslstrain. For most materials a graph of stress against strain gives initially a straight line relationship, as illustrated in Figure 3.9. Thus a large value of stresslstrain means a steep slope of the stress-strain graph. The quantity stresslstrain when we are concerned with the straight line part of the stress-strain graph is called the modulus of elasticity (or sometimes Young 'S modulus). stress Modulus of elasticity = strain



Figure 3.9 Modulus of elasticity = AB/BC

The units of the modulus are the same as those of stress, since strain has no units. Engineering materials fkequently have a modulus of the order of 1000 000 000 Pa, i.e. 109 Pa. This is generally expressed as GPa, with 1 GPa = logPa. A stiff material has a high modulus of elasticity. For most engineering materials the modulus of elasticity is the same in tension as in compression. Typical values are: steels 200 to 210 GPa, aluminium alloys 70 to 80 GPa, copper alloys 100 to 160 GPa. Example For a material with a tensile modulus of elasticity of 200 GPa, what strain will be produced by a stress of 4 MPa? Assume that the limit of proportionality is not exceeded.

Since the modulus of elasticity is stresslstrain then: lo6 - 0.000 02 strain = stress modulus - 200 X 109 -

Example Calculate the strain that will be produced by a tensile stress of 10 MPa stretching a bar of aluminium alloy with a tensile modulus of 70 GPa. Assume that the limit of proportionality is not exceeded.

Stress and strain 37 Since the modulus of elasticity is stresslstrain then:

Example A tie bar has two holes a distance of 4.0 m apart. By how much does this distance increase when a tensile load of 20 kN is applied to the tie bar? The tie bar is a rectangular section 40 mm X 10 mm and the material of which the bar is made has a tensile modulus of 210 GPa. Assume that the limit of proportionality is not exceeded. force - 20 X 103 = 50 106 Pa Stress = area - 0.040 X 0.010 If the extension is e then the strain is change in length/original length Since the modulus of elasticity is stresslstrain then:

= el4.0.

Hence e = 0.95 mm. Example A machine is mounted on a rubber pad. The pad has to carry a load of 6 kN and have a maximum compression of 2 mm under this load. The maximum stress that is allowed for the rubber is 0.25 MPa. What is the size of the pad that would be appropriate for these maximum conditions? The modulus of elasticity for the rubber can be taken as being constant at 5 MPa. Since compressive stress = forcelarea then the area required is 6 x 103 = 24 10-3 force area=--stress - 0.25 X 106


Since modulus of elasticity = stresslstrain then: strain = stress - 0.25 X 106 = 0.05 modulus - 5 X 106 Strain = change in lengthloriginal length and so: length =

change in length 0.002 strain - 0.05 - 0.040 m = 40 mm -p-

The pad would thus require an area of 24 000 mm2and a thickness of 40 mm. 3.4 Poisson's ratio

When a piece of material is stretched, there is a transverse contraction of the material (Figure 3.10). The ratio of the transverse strain to the longitudinal strain is called Poisson S' ratio:

38 Engineering Science Poisson's ratio = - transverse strain longitudinal strain

Before stretching

The minus sign is because when one strain is tensile and giving an increase in length the other is compressive and giving a reduction in length. Since it is a ratio, there are no units. For most engineering metals, Poisson's ratio is about 0.3. After stretching

Figure 3.10

Example A bar of mild steel of length 100 mm is extended by 0.01 mm. By how much will the width of the bar contract if initially the bar has a width of l 0 mm? Poisson's ratio = 0.31.

Poisson 'S ratio

Longitudinal strain = extensiod(origina1length) = 0.01/100 = 0.0001. Since Poisson's ratio = -(transverse strain)/(longitudinal strain) then transverse strain = -(Poisson's ratio) X (longitudinal strain) = 4 . 3 1 X 0.0001 = -0.000 031. Since, transverse strain = (change in width)/(original width), change in width = (transverse strain) X (original width) = 4 . 0 0 0 03 1 X 10 = 0.000 3 1 mm.


Figure 3.1 1 for rubber

Tensile test


Carry out the following simple experiments to obtain information about the tensile properties of materials when commercially made tensile testing equipment is not available. Safety note: when doing experiments involving the stretching of wires or other materials, the specimen may fly up into your face when it breaks. When a taut wire snaps, a lot of stored elastic energy is suddenly released. Safety spectacles should be worn. Obtain a force-extension graph for rubber by hanging a rubber band (e.g. 74 mm by 3 mm by 1 mm band) over a clamp or other fixture, adding masses to a hanger suspended from it and measuring the extension with a ruler (Figure 3.1 1). In a similar way, obtain a force-extension graph for a nylon fishing line, the fishing line being tied to form a loop (e.g. about 75 cm long). Determine the force-extension graph for a metal wire. Figure 3.12 shows the arrangement that can be used with, for example, iron wire with a diameter of about 0.2 mm, copper wire about 0.3 mm diameter or steel wire about 0.08 mm diameter, all having lengths of about 2.0 m. Wooden

Scale ,





Figure 3.12 Tensile test for a metal wire

Stress and strain 39 Measure the initial diameter d of the wire using a micrometer screw gauge and the length L of the wire ffom the clamped end to the marker (a strip of paper attached by Sellotape) using a rule, a small load being used to give an initially taut wire. Add masses to the hanger and note the change in length e from the initial position. Hence plot a graph of force (F) against extension (e). Since E = stress/strain = (FPhzd2)/(e/L) then force F = (End2/4L)e, determine the modulus of elasticity E from the gradient of the initial straight-line part of the graph. Problems

1 What is the tensile stress acting on a test piece if a tensile force of 1.0 kN is applied to a cross-sectional area of 50 d? 2 A pipe has an external diameter of 35 mm and an internal diameter of 30 mm. What is the tensile stress acting on the pipe if it is subject to a tensile axial load of 800 N? 3 A tensile force acting on a rod of length 300 mm causes it to extend by 2 mm in the direction of the force. What is the strain? 4 A steel rod of length 100 mm has a constant diameter of 10 mm and when subject to an axial tensile load of 10 krN increases in length by 0.06 mm. What is (a) the stress acting on the rod, (b) the strain produced, (c) the modulus of elasticity? 5 A round tensile test piece has a gauge length of 100 mm and a diameter of 11.28 mm. If the material is an aluminium alloy with a modulus of elasticity of 70 GPa, what extension of the gauge length might be expected when the tensile load applied is 200 N? 6 A steel rod has a length of 1.0 m and a constant diameter of 20 mm. What will be its extension when subject to an axial tensile load of 60 kN if the modulus of elasticity of the material is 200 GPa? 7 A steel rod with a constant diameter of 25 mm and a length of 500 mm is subject to an axial tensile load of 50 kN. If this results in an extension of 0.25 mm, what is the modulus of elasticity? 8 An aluminium alloy has a tensile strength of 200 MPa. What force is needed to break a bar with a cross-sectional area of 250 mm2? 9 The following results were obtained from a tensile test of a steel. The test piece had a diameter of 10 mm and a gauge length of 50 mm. Plot the stress-strain graph and determine (a) the tensile strength, @) the yield stress, (c) the tensile modulus.

10 The following data were obtained from a tensile test on a stainless steel test piece. Determine (a) the limit of proportionality stress, (b) the tensile modulus....

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