Strong Interest Reflection PDF

Title Strong Interest Reflection
Author Mani Sanders
Course Career Perspectives
Institution Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
Pages 2
File Size 52.7 KB
File Type PDF
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This is an assignment that was mandatory to do in the beginning of the semester. It was heavily weighted, I received an A (96) on it....



BUS-X220 Strong Interest Inventory Reflection Throughout the Strong Interest Inventory assessment, I was able to learn more about how I would react while being in certain situations. I was able to see whether I would listen to my mind or my heart when making decisions. Following the assessment, I was provided my three letter Strong Occupational Theme code of “CEA”. This code characterized the cluster of interests the assessment believed I would best be interested in. Essentially, I will be reflecting upon my results and discussing future career options I should consider based on my results. As I have stated previously, my three-letter code was “CEA” which translates to Conventional, Enterprising, and Artistic themes. I agree that these three themes best suit my personality and career interests as I have a passion for investing, learning about business, and public speaking. Regarding the MBTI code of “ISTJ” and Strong code of “CEA”, I believe both of them definitely define who I am as a person. The MBTI and Strong assessments both illustrate in their results that I am an individual who makes “decisions mostly on the basis of logic and objective analysis” (MBTI). Meanwhile, I believe that out of the three themes chosen for me, I am best represented by the Enterprising theme. I believe this because I am a Finance major who enjoys being a leader and is willing to take risks. Continuing on, I agree with my Personal Style Scales Preferences of the highest score in Risk Taking while lowest score is in Team Orientation. I am an individual that gets my best work done alone rather than working in a group as I am able to make more well-thought-out and detail-oriented decisions. I also am able to make better risk-taking decisions when I am alone too, as I can think about potential consequences associated with the decision. I believe that my


Work Style, Risk Taking, and Leadership style are the ones I believe are most important to me as they correspond with my major. I always do homework, test preparation, and other school-related activities on my own, which allow me to get the best scores possible so my Work Style preference is very evident in my life. Furthermore, I agree with the results provided by the Strong. The results fully illustrate my interests and preferences in making decisions regarding my education and future career. I wasn’t surprised by any of the results, I figured that I was going to receive these results due to my personality. Regarding the Top Ten Strong Occupations, I am very interested in researching more regarding the Financial Manager and Realtor positions. I am interested in both as they require you to have a fundamental knowledge of Business while being able to speak with a variety of people while also having to work under tight deadlines. Essentially, I believe these two positions can be considered for me to pursue after college....

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