Student Engagement & Activities Model Constitution 20-21 PDF

Title Student Engagement & Activities Model Constitution 20-21
Author Rachel W
Course Introduction to Sustainability Studies
Institution Stony Brook University
Pages 6
File Size 130.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 113
Total Views 137


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Stony Brook University Department of Student Engagement & Activities Model Constitution This is a model constitution that is provided as a guide for your organization. Please follow this guide and insert information that is relevant to your club/organization.

Anything in red should be edited or deleted as it applies to your club/organization

At the end of the model you will find a page that indicates those pieces of information that must be included in the constitution to ensure it is in compliance with state and University mandates. Please refer to this page prior to submitting the constitution. Once you have finished the information, please make sure to format your constitution properly, ensuring all highlighting is removed, all text is in black, any information that does not apply to the organization is removed, and that the last page of tips is deleted. INSERT NAME OF YOUR CLUB/ORGANIZATION Article I: Name The name of the organization shall be insert name of your club/organization, if your club has an acronym or abbreviated name make sure to include it as well Article II: Purpose Insert the Statement of Purpose for the organization in this section. Insert the club/organization name, as a registered organization at Stony Brook University is committed to promoting a safe and vibrant campus community. In receiving annual recognition through the Department of Student Engagement and Activities, no individual or group affiliated with insert club/organization name will take any action or create a situation which recklessly or intentionally endangers mental or physical health or involves the forced consumption of liquor or drugs for the purpose of initiation into or affiliation with this organization. The leaders and members of insert club/organization name also agree to abide by all aspects of the Stony Brook University Code of Student Responsibility, University policies and Federal, New York State and Local laws. Article III: Membership

Section I a. [For graduate student clubs only:] ● Membership must be open to currently registered, matriculated graduate students of Stony Brook University who have paid the graduate student activity fee and must subscribe to, or be interested in the purpose of this organization ● No person shall be denied membership or office because of sexual orientation, nation of origin, race, sex, and physical disability, political or religious beliefs, and all other protected classes under federal and state laws. a. [For undergraduate student clubs only:] ● Membership must be open to currently registered, matriculated undergraduate students of Stony Brook University who have paid the undergraduate student activity fee and must subscribe to, or be interested in the purpose of this organization. ● No person shall be denied membership or office because of sexual orientation, nation of origin, race, sex, and physical disability, political or religious beliefs, and all other protected classes under federal and state laws. Section II a. Members shall be recognized as active after attending one general body meeting. Article IV: Executive Board or Officers Section I: General Requirements a. All nominees for executive board positions must have a minimum, cumulative grade point average of 2.25 (for undergraduate students)/2.5 (for F&S organizations)/3.0 (for graduate students) and if elected, must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.25 (for undergraduate students)/2.5 (for F&S organizations)/3.0 (for graduate students) and must be a registered, matriculated student for the semester(s) during which they are to serve. b. All officers shall serve for [insert term duration here] and may be re-elected at the end of their term, as long as they maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.25 (for undergraduate students)/2.5 (for F&S organizations)/3.0 (for graduate students) and remain as a registered, matriculated student each semester Section II: Organization a. The members of the executive board shall be President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary [if you have additional executive board members, list them here] . b. The total membership of the executive board shall not exceed members of the organization. Section III: President a. The President shall be the official representative of the organization; they shall also be a non-voting, ex-officio member of all committees of the organization. b. The President shall have the power to convene and preside over the meetings of the executive board and the general body, as well as prepare the agenda for the respective meetings. c. The President shall further perform duties, as may be necessary and proper in the fulfillment of their office, subject to the approval of the executive board. Section IV: Vice President

a. The Vice President shall be responsible to see that standing committee chairpersons are fulfilling their duties. b. The Vice President shall be responsible for the technical and electronic duties, including but not limited to being the primary contact for the organization. c. The Vice President shall further perform such duties, as may be necessary and proper in the fulfillment of their office, subject to approval of the executive board. d. In the event that the President is unable to perform their duties (due to leave of absence, resignation, or impeachment), the Vice President shall assume the powers and responsibilities of the Presidency until a new President can be elected. e. In the event that the Vice President is unable to perform their duties (due to leave of absence, resignation, or impeachment), a new Vice President will be elected in a special election called by the President. Section V: Treasurer a. The Treasurer shall keep a detailed record of all monies allotted to and raised by the organization. b. The Treasurer shall perform such duties, as may be necessary and proper in the fulfillment of their office, subject to the approval of the executive board. c. In the event that the Treasurer is unable to perform their duties (due to leave of absence, resignation or impeachment), a new Treasurer will be elected in a special election called by the President. Section VI: Secretary a. The Secretary shall take minutes and attendance of all meetings and maintain an up to date active voting membership roster. b. The Secretary shall send out a weekly email, which outlines the agenda of the upcoming meeting, one school day prior to the meeting. c. In the event that the Secretary is unable to perform their duties (due to leave of absence, resignation, or assumption of the presidency), a new Secretary will be elected in a special election called by the President. [Section VII, VIII, IX, X] ● This is where you would add in additional executive board positions and their roles, such as a public relations officer or historian. Article V: Meetings a. This organization shall hold one general membership meeting(s) [enter how often your club meets.] b. A quorum consisting of a majority of the total active members is necessary for the transaction of any business of all meetings. c. All meetings must have an agenda and give notice to members at least one school day prior. Article VI: Elections a. Officers of the Executive Board shall be determined by an election with the general body. b. No person shall seek the position of President, Vice President, Treasurer or Secretary [if you have additional executive board members, insert them here] unless they have been an

c. d. e. f.

active member of this organization for at least two semesters prior to the semester when they would assume office. No person shall be elected to more than one executive board position at any given term. All new officers must be elected by majority vote of active members present at the election. Elections must be held no later than insert date. New officers shall assume their position insert date .

Article VII: Impeachment a. Any officer may be brought up on impeachment charges if they are acting to the detriment of the organization, or have disregarded the responsibilities of their office. b. If a list of charges signed by three-quarters of the officers is submitted to the President, they must call for impeachment proceedings. If the President is being brought up on charges, the petition shall be submitted to the Vice President. Upon receipt of the petition, the President shall suspend the officer and prevent them from exercising all powers and voting rights pending the outcome of the impeachment proceedings. c. After proper impeachment proceedings, the officer(s) charged may be impeached by a three-quarter vote of group members. If impeachment passes, the officer shall be removed from their position. d. Special elections shall be held upon impeachment of: a. President, the Vice President shall assume the powers and responsibilities of the Presidency until a special election is held for a new President within a one month period. b. Vice President, Treasurer or Secretary, a special election shall be held within a month period. Article VIII: Amendments a. Amendments to this constitution may be introduced from the floor at a general body meeting and must be submitted to the Secretary in writing. b. All active members must be notified in writing at least five school days prior to a vote on the proposed amendment. c. A two-thirds majority vote of the active members is necessary for the passage of an amendment. Article IX: Dissolution [For GSO Affiliated Organizations] In the event of the dissolution of this organization, all accrued funds and assets shall revert to the Graduate Student Organization (GSO). [For USG Affiliated Organizations] In the event of the dissolution of this organization, all accrued funds and assets shall revert to the Undergraduate Student Government. [For non-USG/GSO student organizations] In the event of the dissolution of this organization, all accrued funds that are placed in an FSA or TNA account shall be used at the discretion of the University designated signatory.

This page includes information about what must be included in a constitution so that it is in compliance with state and University policies. While you may edit sections of the model constitution, the following pieces must be included or the constitution will not be approved. This page should be deleted prior to turning in the constitution.

Article I: Name: This section must be included Article II: Purpose: this section must be included in its entirety Article III: the correct selection for your group must be included in its entirety. You must include both section I and II, however you can determine what makes a member “active” for your organization. Please note that whatever you determine must be done to be “active” for your group must be able to be tracked and implemented, as only active members can vote in most organizations. Article IV: Section I, both A and B must be included, however each organization can determine the length of term for officers. Section II must include President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, but any other officers are at the discretion of the group. Section III should include a description of the duties of each officer. Those listed in the model are an example of those that are typical of each position. Article V: This should include how often the group will meet (no more than one meeting weekly), but it should not include location, as that has not yet been determined for any organization. Quorum should be included, however your organization can determine what that is for your group. Article VI: The group’s election process must be outlined in this section. The process included is an example of one that many organizations follow, but each group can create their own process. Each group must include a date by which elections must be held, and a date by which new officers must take office. It is a good idea to keep end of semester dates

in mind and to give enough time for training of new officers to take place. Article VII: An impeachment process must be included, however that process is up to the group to determine. The process included in the model is one that many groups follow. Article VIIII: A process by which amendments to the constitution can be made must be included. The process in the model is one that many groups use, but each group can create their own. Article IX: Each group must select the correct dissolution clause for their organization based on funding source....

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