Students' Perception about Webtoon in Improving Students' Reading Comprehension Skills PDF

Title Students' Perception about Webtoon in Improving Students' Reading Comprehension Skills
Author Kiflaini Kif
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Students’ Perception about Webtoon in Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Skills By Kiflaini [email protected] English Education Department State Islamic University of North Sumatera Abstract Reading comprehension is an important component that is always used in English learning. One of th...


Students’ Perception about Webtoon in Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Skills By Kiflaini [email protected] English Education Department State Islamic University of North Sumatera Abstract Reading comprehension is an important component that is always used in English learning. One of the English skills that students must master is reading. Therefore, an appropriate reading media for students is needed. Webtoon is a digital comic that is accessed using the internet which is currently being used by gadget users. Based on PERMENDIKBUD which states to use technology in learning. So the webtoon is a media that smells of technology that can be used by students. however, not many studies have examined students 'perceptions of webtoons, most of them only examined their use but not students' perceptions. So this research was conducted to determine students 'perceptions of the webtoon in improving students' reading comprehension. This study uses a quantitative method and uses a questionnaire. Respondents of this study were 7th semester students majoring in English education at the State Islamic University of North Sumatra. Keywords: reading comprehension, webtoon, perception INTRODUCTION English is an international language, where it is spoken all over the country. It is important to take English seriously for many people to have good prospects in the world. English is studied from elementary school to university. Even English is one of the subjects in the National Examination, it is listed in PERMENDIKBUD no. 75 of 2009 Article 7 which states the subjects in the National Examination for SMA / MA include Indonesian, English, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology. In English, there are four English learning skills, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. These skills need to be improved for convenience when answering National exam questions on this subject. One of the skills that should be improved is reading skills. This is also mentioned by PERMENDIKBUD no. 75 of 2009. One of the English

skills that students must master is reading, because in National Exam or UN questions there are many questions that require us to read the entire text. But not only reading, we need reading comprehension to understand the contents of the text and be able to solve problems related to the text. Through reading Comprehension it allows students to get information, have fun, and do many things that are part of modern life, such as reading newspapers, magazines, maps, captions on social media and others. Reading comprehension in English is one important element so that students can learn better, this is because through reading comprehension they get information about what is being and will be studied. Comprehension is the goal of a reading activity, but it can be the most difficult skill for students to master, especially for English learners (Breiseth, 2016). Comprehension always pays attention to what is written in the text, but it also depends on the background of the experience, goals, feelings, and needs of the reader at that time. The same is true for students where they also need to understand the given text (Kar, 1994). Reading comprehension is an important component that is always used in learning English. So there are many researchers who have conducted research on improving students' reading comprehension abilities. Research on the use of media in improving students' reading comprehension skills has been carried out. With various media, approaches and strategies used in his research. Reading is indeed one of the most important skills in learning English besides that it is also easy for us to take the National Examination if we have these skills. But unfortunately, in this technological age students often prefer their gadgets and read messages on their social media rather than books to read. Although there are many researchers who conduct research on the use of media that can be used to improve students' reading comprehension skills. However, not many researchers involve technology in their research. Whereas PERMENDIKBUD 31 states that the government is obliged to promote education by cultivating and implementing a national education system, one of which is by advancing science and technology. It can be seen here that technology is an important part of today's education. In addition, there is not much research on how students' perceptions of webtoon use improve reading comprehension itself, researchers are more concerned with students' use than students' perceptions. With students at the State Islamic University of North Sumatra as respondents of this study.

Based on that problem, a study was conducted using the Webtoon as a technology medium for the purposes of students' reading comprehension. Where this webtoon will be an object where students will give their perceptions of this Webtoon and their perception of the webtoon in improving students' reading comprehension. So the problem formulation of this research is what are the views of students at the State Islamic University of North Sumatra, Medan on the Webtoon? How are students' perceptions of the Webtoon in Improving Student Reading Comprehension at the State Islamic University of North Sumatra Medan?. The objects of this research are: first, to find out the views of English education students at the Islamic State University of North Sumatra Medan towards the Webtoon. Second, knowing English education students' perceptions of the Webtoon in Improving Student Reading Comprehension at the State Islamic University of North Sumatra, Medan. Research related to Webtoon media has been carried out by many researchers out there. The webtoon research is carried out with different participant. The research that has been done on webtoons is: First, The Effect Of English Comic Webtoon On Students’ Reading Comprehension At Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 2 Muaro Jambi by Suci Suputri from English Education Study Program Faculty of Education And Teacher Training The State Islamic University

Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin, Jambi. The result of this study is the analysis indicated

that the mean post-test score (77,33) higher than the pretest score (61.13). So, it means the English Comic Webtoon can improve Students’ reading skill achievment after giving treatment. Tthere is a significant improvment of reading comprehension achievment between the students who are taught by using english comic webtoon and these who are not. Second, The Use Of Webtoon And Kwl (Know-Want-Learn) Strategy To Improve Students’ Reading Fluency by Ayu Apriliyani Putri from English Education Department Teacher Training And Education Faculty State Institute For Islamic Studies (Iain) Salatiga. The result is Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai pre-test 1 adalah 59,3 dan siklus 1 dengan skor 67,2. Sedangkan cycle 2 dengan nilai pre test 68.2 dan nilai post test cycle 2 adalah 83.7 hal ini menandakan bahwa KWL Startegy dapat meningkatkan Kefasihan Membaca Siswa di Kelas X SMK Muhammadiyah Rembang Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019. LITERATURE REVIEW 1. Students’ Perception

Perception is a word related to human psychology, it has been defined as the conscious act of a person's environment through physical sensations, which shows the individual's ability to understand and argue about what is around him. Perception is a response or opinion that a person has towards an object or other thing through his five senses. Perception is identifying, and interpreting sensory information to represent and understand the information presented, or the environment (Schacter, 2011). Perception is how humans respond to what they see, hear, and feel in their environment (Azkiya, 2019). In addition, another definition of perception is an active process when a person selectively perceives, reads and interprets what is interpreted. Interpretation is based on past perceived experiences, assumptions about human behavior, knowledge of the state of others, current moods / wants / desires and expectations (Stewart, 1990). Simple term perception can be defined in accordance with a person's opinion and views on something (Unumeri, 2009) Perception is a stimulus that is preceded by sensors from the senses and transmitted to the human brain consciously or unconsciously. The character of perception is subjective and depends on one's perspective on a certain thing. Perception is influenced by several factors originating from within a person h is then issued by his mind (Nurohman, 2018). This perception is influenced by the factors that have been classified, among others: a. External factors, there are social and environmental. b. Internal factors, this factors related to self-efficacy that come from mental, intelligence, and body. Furthermore, student perceptions can be interpreted as how students understand, interpret, argue, and provide responses about the learning process. In general, In general, student perception is also known as students' responses and views of the process, learning strategies, and learning environment. So, it can be concluded that students 'perceptions are students' responses, reactions or views of the Webtoon as a medium to improve reading comprehension. 2.

Webtoon The “Webtoon” is a combination of Web (that’s means network, relationship, etc.) and

'cartoon' and refers to all kinds of comic series made available to users accessed via a network called the 'internet' (YeobYu, 2016). Webtoon is the name of a digital comic application that is

currently loved especially by teenagers. Webtoon is an application that contains comics published online that readers can access whenever they want. Usually comics are published through print or paper media but comics are different. This South Korean-made digital comic is an extraordinary case (Shim, 2020). In addition, the webtoon has special features that cannot be found in web comics in other countries, for example, such as voice features that can be added by the comic writer of the Webtoon. The Webtoon has become the center of attention in a variety of fields including drama, film, advertising industry due to the incredible appeal of people to this app, its constantly evolving features, and the adaptability that can put themselves in a digital environment. Webtoon is also an inspiring medium for education today. Given that Webtoon is very popular with today's teenagers, they can be used as teaching media for teachers. Webtoon which contains content about comics is one of the media that is interesting and motivates learning in the classroom. According to Arlin & Roth (1978) comics is an interesting thing and will be paid more attention by children. Where they have the impression that they will prefer what they find attractive over what is not. Webtoon has various stories, both in the genre of humor, romance, adventure, mystery, action, thriller, and so on. So readers can easily choose their comic taste. There are some way how to operate Webtoon: a) If you don't have the Webtoon application, students need to go to the google page and type in the search engine with the key “Webtoon”, after that the student will know the Webtoon link, click the link and type the title of the Webtoon that the student wants to read in the Webtoon search box. Finally, a comic will appear and students will find the story they want to read. b) If you want to use the application directly, the Student must download the “Webtoon” application from the Playstore and install it on a smartphone or computer. After the Webtoon is installed, students must open it and students will find many stories there. (Supriti, 2019) 3. Reading Comprehension Reading is one of the language skills that must mastered by students in learning English. Reading is a skill to process information where someone interacts with the text so that there is a

discourse that has meaning not only from the words and sentences used in the reading text but also from the memory, knowledge and idea used by the words and sentences in the reading text. (Cziko, 2000). Reading is an activity carried out by someone to get information from a reading text that is read. The text can be in the form of narrative, description, report, recount and other types of text. Reading is a dynamic interaction process of existing background knowledge, information inferred by written language, and the context of the reading situation which then constructs meaning (Dutcher, 1990). Reading is an activity to understand information from the text. Successful reading comprehension is a complete understanding of the meaning in the text which requires dynamic interaction and grows from reciprocal relationships in the text being read (Yang, 2002). Reading comprehension actually depends on several cognitive processes and language learning. Verhoeven (2008) distinguish letter and word level processes over word level comprehension processes and above word level comprehension processes. If the language used is their mother tongue then it will be very easy for them but different if the language used to read is a foreign language, then it will be a little more difficult (Marloes M. L. Muijselaara, 2017). Good text comprehension arises if the reader is able to predict in advance what the text will be reading, relates information in the text to the reader's background knowledge, fosters curiosity so that questions arise when reading, pays attention to text comprehension, and summarizes any things whatever is being read. According to Nadine, reading comprehension is related with a number of cognitive and metacognitive strategies, such as activating background, summary text and generating questions to capture the main idea of the passage (Sporer, 2009). Students are able to understand the meaning of a reading text is the understanding of reading. Meaning is the goal of understanding a reading result. Knowing the meaning of words can contribute to understanding the text we read. So, to be able to understand the meaning of the text, students must have a good understanding (Kurniawan). Reading comprehension means the ability to gain meaning and understanding of what the text tells us. The term 'understanding' is defined as the meaning of the author (Page, 1980). So, reading comprehension is the process of reading but not just reading, which involves

understanding what is read by the reader to find out the meaning conveyed by the author of the reading. METHODOLOGY In this study use a quantitative method in the form of a questionnaire-based survey given to 7th semester undergraduate students at the State Islamic University of North Sumatra. The questionnaire consists of two parts. The first part of the questionnaire contains how students view the Webtoon application and the second part contains how students think about the Webtoon in increasing reading comprehension skills. Quantitative method is a research method that related with numbers and everything that can be measured systematically in investigation and their relationship. It is used to answer questions that have been made about the relationship in measured variables with a view to explaining, predicting and controlling for these phenomena so as not to leave the research zone (Leedy, 1993). Quantitative method is method that operate by calculating the results and analyzing systems using a scientific approach. Basically, the objective of quantitative methods is to develop and use models based on mathematical approaches, hypotheses and theories related to the nature of information and communication technology phenomena. Quantitative methods are usually carried out by starting from collecting data based on the hypothesis or theory used and continuing with the use of descriptive statistics. Some examples of the most widely used statistics are surveys and observations. Questionnaires are written questions that have been made by the researcher which must be answered or selected by the respondent. The questionnaire instrument was used to determine the percentage of students 'perceptions of the webtoon as an application and the webtoon as a medium in improving students' reading comprehension skills. Each question consists of 4 (four) categories of response options, there are : Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree (Sangat Setuju, Setuju, Tidak Setuju, dan Sangat Tidak Setuju). This questionnaire is divided into two parts, where the first part contains several statements about the webtoon application itself, while the second part contains statements about the webtoon in improving students' reading comprehension skills.

This research was conducted by selecting respondents at the state Islamic University of North Sumatra Medan. Precisely the subject of this research is students majoring in English education in 7th semester.


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