Study Guide Answer Key - Topic 3.3 PDF

Title Study Guide Answer Key - Topic 3.3
Author Angela Alram
Course World Cultures
Institution University of Michigan-Dearborn
Pages 4
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Mr, Mayers course term providing info about the test through the study guide, we go over world war 2...


STUDY GUIDE Stem Cells, DNA Replication and Mutations 1. Do Now Questions: #74- 78 2. READ 12.2, 12.3 and 13.3 and the accompanying lecture notes ________ 1. The primary function of DNA in cells is to

a. b. c. d.

serve as a storage form for unused nucleotides. occupy space in the nucleus to keep the nucleus from collapsing. store information that tells the cells which proteins to make. serve as a template for making long, spiral carbohydrates.

_______ 2. The two strands of a DNA molecule are held together by a. ionic bonds. b. peptide bonds. c. hydrogen bonds. _______ 3. Which of the following is NOT a correct structure of a nucleotide? a. adenine—deoxyribose—phosphate c. cytosine—deoxyribose— phosphate b. adenine—ribose—phosphate d. guanine—deoxyribose— phosphate

4. What are the three parts of a DNA nucleotide, and what bond holds them together? Sugar (deoxyribose), phosphate, nitrogen base……hydrogen bonds 5. If 15% of the nucleotides in a DNA molecule contain guanine, what percentage of the nucleotides contain each of the other three bases? Explain your reasoning. Total will be 100%. So if 15% is Guanine then Cytosine has to be 15% (because they base pair with each other). 100 total- 30 (C and G)= 70. So if Adenine and Thymine base pair with each other, A and T will share the 70% equally…each will get 35%. Cytosine 15%, Guanine 15%, Adenine 35%, Thymine 35%= Total 100%________ 6. Who are Watson and Crick? Given credit for discovering DNA is a double helix. 7. STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS Label each part of the figure in the spaces provided.

The diagram below shows two nucleotide base pairs in a segment of a DNA molecule. Adenine sugar



8. FROM YOUR NOTES DNA ___has to be copied_________________________________________before a cell divides

DNA is copied during the __S phase!!!_________________________________________

New cells will need _____IDENTICAL DNA_____________________________



10. Define the following terms and provide one example for each. (I provided the answers for you) complementary base pair -either of the nucleotide bases linked by a hydrogen bond Example: A


nitrogenous base- one of the three parts that makes up a nucleotide Ex A,T,C,G

11. The figure below shows DNA replicating. In the space provided, describe what is occurring at each lettered section of the figure.

Part a. __Unzip, break H bonds_________________________________________________________ Part b. _________Complementary Strands __(a new strand has been built)________________ Part c. ____________the goal being two IDENTICAL strands from an ORIGINAL strand______

12. Complete the following about MUTATIONS a. Most mutations are automatically repaired by the organism’s __ENZYMES_______ and therefore have no effect. b. If the mutant cell is a SOMATIC CELL (body cell), will the offspring be affected? NO c. If the mutant cell is GAMETE CELL (sex cell), will the offspring and subsequent generations be affected? YES d. Sickle Cell, Cystic Fibrous, Hemophilia, Albinism, Huntington’s, and Tay-Sachs are caused by a mutation of a single gene. Would these be a result of a chromosomal mutations or a gene mutation? e. Turner’s (X) , Klinefelter’s (XXY) and Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21) result due to a malfunction during meiosis (NON-DISJUNCTION). Would these be a result of a chromosomal mutations or a gene mutation? f.

Complete the following: “A mutation is like _____missing pages in a story__________________ because______________you still get the gist but not _the complete story___________________.”

13. Identify the type of chromosome mutation (the first one is done for you).

14. DNA stands for _deoxyribose nucleic acid__________________. 15. DNA is located in the ________nucleus_______ of the cell, and makes up the __OMIT________ found there. DNA is often called the _blueprint_________________ of an organism as it controls the development of the organism much like this does for the design and construction of a building. 16. RNA stands for ____________ribonucleic acid_____________________________. RNA moves genetic information from ___DNA__ in the nucleus, to the cytoplasm of the cell and is involved in many cellular activities like the building of ___proteins___________. 17. DNA and RNA are both called ______nucleic __________ ______acids__________.

18. RNA contains a 5 Carbon sugar called ______ribose_______________________. 19. The single stranded nucleic acid is __RNA___. 20. The double stranded nucleic acid is__DNA___.

21. A DNA molecule is made up of long chains of nucleotides. A DNA nucleotide consists of a _______sugar_____, a __phosphate____________, and a nitrogenous base. 22. In DNA, the four bases are ____adenine_________, __thymine___________, ________cytosine______, and __guanine___________. These bases are called complimentary bases as Adenine (A) bonds only with ___Thymine________( ) and Guanine (G) bonds only with ____Cytosine______( ). 23. The double-stranded DNA structure is called a _____double______ ___helix__________. 24. The sides of the DNA “ladder” are made up of _______phosphate_______ and ______deoxyribose sugar_____. 25. The rungs of the DNA “ladder” are made up of the ____nitrogen bases_________. 26. An RNA molecule is made up of long chains of nucleotides. An RNA nucleotide consists of a ___________ribose____, a ____phosphate___________, and a nitrogenous base. 27. In RNA, the bases are ___adenine__________( A ), ___URACIL__________( U ), _________Guanine_____( G ) and __Cytosine___________(C ). These bases are called complimentary bases as Adenine bonds only with __Thymine_______( T) and Guanine bonds only with __Cytosine___________( C ). 28. True or False ____FALSE_Animal cells contain stem cells unlike plants that do not contain stem cells. ___FALSE__Adult stem cells are not found in infants. __TRUE____Stem Cells are jobless cells. ___TRUE___Skin cells and Red Blood cells are differentiated cells. __TRUE___Stem cells have the ability to make copies of themselves. This process is called selfrenewal....

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