study-notebook-complete-with-answers-for-module-1-5 PDF

Title study-notebook-complete-with-answers-for-module-1-5
Author Sweeny Shaira Almario
Course BSED English
Institution Bulacan State University
Pages 41
File Size 2.1 MB
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Republic of the Philippines






MODULE 1: COURSE ORIENTATION LESSON 1: COURSE OVERVIEW ACTIVITY 1. Read the LDM Cou r se Overv i ew. Reflect on the overview by answering the following questions. Write down your insights in your Study Notebook. 1. What is the main delivery of this co urse?  The main delivery of this course is the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (LCP) to put into motion the marching orders of the Secretary: ensure that learning continues while guaranteeing the health, safety, and well-being of all learners, teachers, and other DepEd employees. 2. How can this course help ensure that you will be able to deliver quality instr uction in the “new normal”?  This course will help us to deliver the quality of education to our learners in the “New Normal” situation by adopting different alternative modes of delivering learning such as Distance Learning, Blended Learning and Homeschooling. 3. What are the two support mechanisms that will help you with your learning in this course?  The two support mechanisms that I will used to learn more about this course are the LDM 1 and LDM2. The first stream (LDM 1) is focused on the implementation and management of the alternative learning delivery system at all levels of the education system, and intended for school and division leaders. LDM2, is intended for the teachers and focused on the instructional implications of using these alternative LDMs. And you can also adapt the coping and creative mechanism.

ACTIVITY 2. Answer the following questions by copying and filling out the table in your Study Notebook. 1. How will my personal characteristics and circumstances affect (positively or negatively) my participation in this course? I think the personal characteristics and circumstances affect in participating this course is my eagerness to finish task on time and my ability to work in a group collaboratively will positively affect my participation in this course. 2. How can I ensure that I am able to sustain my strengths and address the obstacles that will hinder me from completing this course?

I’ll complete this course confidently by giving time and effort to accomplished the given task. As a teacher, there is no hindrances or obstacles that can hamper you to achieve the success in completing the course. HABITS

(What is it that I repeatedly do that may effect my participation in the course in a positive or negative way?)

I think are no hindrances that I can participate in the course


(What will prevent me from participating fully in this course?)

I think some urgent reports that need to accomplished


(What will push me to participate in this course?)


(Where will I accomplish the requirements of this course? Describe this environment.)

The new learnings At my comfort zone which is that I absorb in this my room. My room has well course. ventilated, well lighted and positive work environment

ACTIVITY 3. Look for a colleague with whom you would like to discuss your answers and reflecti ons with to the questions in Activities 1 and 2. Mam _____________ and I discuss our outputs and shared with each other our views and reflections in Activities 1 and 2. We learn a lot from that collaborative discussion that we had. Well done! You have completed Lesson 1. You may now proceed to Lesson 2.

LESSON 2: ORGANIZING YOUR LEARNING ACTION CELL (LAC) ACTIVITY 1. Begin by refreshing your memory on the Learning Action Cell. Read DepEd O rder No. 3 5 s. 201 6 titled “The Lear ning Act ion Cell as the K t o 12 Basic Edu cation Program S ch o ol- Based Co ntin u ing Pro f es si o nal Dev e lopm en t Str ateg y for the Imp ro veme nt of T eac hing an d Learnin g.” Once you’re done, answer the following questions. Write your responses and any other i deas and refl ect ions in your Study Notebook. 1. Reflect on the objectives for conducting LAC sessio ns as listed in DO 35, s. 2016. Rank the following objectives from easiest to the most difficult to achieve: _ To improve the teaching-l earnin g process to improve learning among students _ To nurture successful t eachers _

To enable teachers to support each other to cont inuo usl y im prove their content and pedagogi cal knowledge, practice, skills, and attitudes

_ To foster a pr ofessional collaborative spirit among School Heads, teachers, and the community as a whol e 1. To improve the teaching-learning process to impr ove learning among stu dents 2. To enable teachers to support each other to cont inu ously improve their content and pedagogical knowledge, practice, sk ills, and attitudes 3. To foster a professional collaborative spirit among School Heads, teachers, and the commun ity as a whole 4. To nurture successful t eachers 2. What are the top three challenges to having a successful LAC? List down and elaborate. 1. Verify if the expected learning outcomes are reached, identify disadvantaged groups, diagnose gaps and strengths. 2. Instruments used are usually complex, in order to be able to measure a set of skills and abilities. 3. Distance and lack of communication between technical bodies that administer assessments and decision makers.

ACTIVITY 2. According to DO 35, s. 2016, a LAC should have no less than 2 but not more than 15 members each. Get in touch with your designated Coach or LAC Leader in forming your LACs. 1. Agree on a date and time to meet and discuss forming your LACs. Follow LAC Session 1 Guide for the conduct of your LAC. 2. During this meeting, decide on your groupings and designate one LAC Facilitator and one LAC Leader per LAC. 3. Note the following in forming your LACs:  LACs should be composed of teachers. Discuss your preferred LAC composition with your assigned Instructional Coach (this will be a district or division supervisor assigned to your LAC).  After forming your respective LACs, there should a LAC Leader assigned to you from among the following school members: » Master Teacher » Head Teacher/Department Head » Other senior teachers who have proven competence, potential to lead, or subject expertise to lead the LAC.  Teacher LACs can connect with their Instructional Coach through the LAC Leader. This Instructional Coach will also be handling multiple LACs through a network of LAC Leaders.

MODULE 2: MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING COMPETENCIES (MELCs) LESSON 1: BACKGROUND, RATIONALE, AND DEVELOPMENT OF MELCS ACTIVITY 1 1. The closure of schools around the world due to the global pandemic posed serious challenges on the delivery of quality basic education. As a teacher, what do you think are the fundamental concerns in terms of curriculum standards that need to be addressed in order to ensure learning continuity? Cite a specific example. Do you think these concerns could be solved by teachers alone? Why or why not?  In my own perspective about this situation, the fundamental concerns in terms of curriculum standards that need be addressed to ensure learning continuity are the learning competencies which students really need to equip them with skills necessary to subsequent grade levels and consequently to lifelong learning and how these learning competencies should be taught to them. I think these concerns cannot be solved by the teachers alone they the need the assistance from the head of schools, division offices and DepEd. 2. Even prior to the spread of covid-19 that eventually led to the closure of schools nationwide, the congested curriculum has been a perennial problem of teachers (Andaya, 2018). This is perceived to be one of the hindering factors on the poor performance of Filipino learners. Do you agree with this observation? Why or why not?  Yes, I agree with this observation. Within my years of teaching in public school, I have observed that there are a lot competencies in the K-12 Curriculum Guide to be taught to learners. This is because some learning competencies are simply recurring.

ACTIVITY 2 1. What are the general and specific purposes of the development of MELCS?  The Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) are designed to ensure education continuity (curriculum dimension) while serving as a guide for teachers to address the instructional needs of the learners and ensuring that the curriculum standard are maintained and achieved. Meanwhile, it is also intended to assists schools in navigating the limited number of school days as they employ multiple delivery schemes by providing them ample instructional space. 2. How does curriculum review aid in the identification of essential learning competencies?  Mapping the essential and desirable learning competencies within the curriculum,  Identification of prerequisite knowledge and skills needed to prepare students for essential learning competencies,  Analysis of the interconnectedness of prerequisite knowledge and skills among the learning competencies for each subject area. 3. What is the difference between essential learning competencies and desirable learning competencies?  The essential learning competencies deals with the students’ needs, it is considered indispensable, in the teaching- learning process to build the skills to equip learners for the subsequent grade level and consequently, for lifelong learning. On the other hand, the desirable learning competencies are those that may enhance education but may not be necessary in building foundational skills.

4. How were the most essential learning competencies identified? What were the decisions made in order to trim down the number of the essential learning competencies further?  It is aligned with national standards or frameworks, such as, for example, “holistic Filipino learners with 21st century skills.”  They connect the content to higher concepts across content areas.  They are applicable to real- life situations  They are important for students to acquire, even if a student drops out from school.  They cannot be expected to be ordinarily learned by students if not taught in school. 5. What is the importance of the MELCS in ensuring the delivery of quality instruction?  The importance of MELCS in ensuring the delivery of quality education is that it accommodates the varying context of the learners, teachers, learning environment, and support structures considering both the content and performance standards needed for adequate instructions and learning..

ACTIVITY 3 Prepare a copy of your learning area’s original K-12 Curriculum Guide and corresponding list of MELCs. Go to the sections of the curriculum guide and MELCs that are relevant to your instructional needs. Copy and accomplish the following table in your Study Notebook and compare the two documents to determine which learning competencies were retained, dropped, or merged. K TO 12 LEARNING MELCS COMPETENCIES EN7G-II-a-I EN7G-II-a-I EN7G-II-b-I EN7G-II-c-I MERGED/CLUSTERED The intention of all the EN7G-II-d-I following learning codes is EN7G-II-e-I Use phrases, clauses, and to lead learners to use EN7G-II-f-I sentences appropriately and phrases, clauses, and EN7G-II-g-I meaningfully sentences appropriately EN7G-II-h-I and meaningfully EN7G-II-i-I EN7G-II-j-I EN7WC-IV-a-2.2 RETAINED EN7WC-IV-a-2.2 Compose simple narrative text

This learning code is very important as it is both observable and enduring. It is also a foundation for further lessons relative to it. EN7WC- I-c- 4.2

DROPPED Differentiate Literary Writing from Academic Writing

EN7WC- I-b- 4.2 EN7WC- I-c- 4.2

The eliminated learning code had already been introduced partly in the earlier grades/ quarters. Furthermore it will still be encountered in the succeeding lessons relative to the Academic Writing.

ACTIVITY 4 Insights shared by your coQuestion(s) about melcs that Your insights shared need(s) clarification teacher(s) MELCS: EN7OL- III- h- 1.3.1 Raise sensible, challenging thought provoking questions in public forums and panel discussions, etc.  It is possible for students to jot down their ideas on a  How will the students certain topic given, although ensure to participate with they will be no appearance  The expected varieties of their classmates in such on screen due to some materials are not available forums or panel certainties, but what matters at their respective homes. discussions if they do not is for them to express their have the gadgets to be insights on a certain issue  Some students will be used (smartphones, and submit it (jot down having a hard time to tablets, laptops, or ideas) through pictures. accomplish this computers and stable competency because of internet connections.)  The students may get ideas lack of sources and through extensive readings internet connectivity.  How will the students (books, newspapers, gather sensible questions articles. etc) and watch to deliver in such documentaries. activities?

LESSON 2: UNPACKING AND COMBINING MELCS INTO LEARNING OBJECTIVES ACTIVITY 1 1. What is the importance of unpacking and combining the MELCs?  The importance of Unpacking and combining the MELCs is in order to systematize learning activities and effectively address the varying needs of the learners and the challenges of instructional deliveries. 2. What considerations must be taken in unpacking and combining the MELCs? explain each.  Alignment on the content and performance standards  Prerequisite knowledge and skills  Logical sequence of learning objectives 3. Do all the MELCS need to be unpacked or combined? Why or why not?  Teachers, as the deliverer of instructions are highly encouraged to unpack the curriculum standards into learning objectives through the MELCS.

ACTIVITY 2 1. Form a group of four members within your LAC, preferably with fellow teachers in your respective learning area. 2. Using the curriculum guide and a list of the MELCS, choose MELCS in the first quarter and unpack these into learning objectives. 3. Each team will present their unpacked learning objectives. Discussion and processing will follow each presentation. Suggestions and insights from each group will be considered in enhancing the learning objectives.

Chosen MELCs

MELCS: EN8WC-IIa-2.8 Composed Effective Paragraphs LEARNING OBJECTIVES: a. Define Paragraph; b. Discuss the different elements in writing a Paragraph; and c. Construct a sensible paragraph anchored in the current situations.

Suggestions and Insights  In the delivery of this lesson, the teacher has to provide students with the different types of paragraphs in order for them to differentiate one from the other.  The lesson is lengthy/ complex, it is better to deliver to students one at a time, first the definition of a paragraph and the elements, and at least one or two examples of paragraphs in a single discussion, supported with some engaging activities to ensure that students will absorb the necessary information required of them. Finally, the teachers may ask the students to select what type of paragraph would they like to write and the teacher may give them topics to choose or have their own choice.

Repeat the above process but instead of unpacking, each team will now combine at least two MELCs of their choice. Group deliberation will be observed in order to arrive at a consensus. Discuss and jot down the synthesis of the presentations in your study notebook. Combining of Most Essential Learning Competencies MELCS EN8WC-IIa-2.8 Compose Effective Paragraphs EN7WC-I-c-4.2 Distinguish features of Academic Writing

COMBINED Compare the features of an Effective Paragraph Writing and an Academic Writing and show their significance in delivering sensible ideas through its elements and formats.

ACTIVITY 3 Submit your activity 2 outputs to your LAC leader. Make sure to keep a copy of your outputs.

MODULE 3A: DESIGNING INSTRUCTION IN THE DIFFERENT LEARNING DELIVERY MODALITIES LESSON 1: UNDERSTANDING THE DIFFERENT LDMs ACTIVITY 1 Do a quick check of your knowledge of the four modalities prescribed in the LCP—faceto-face (F2F) learning, DL, blended learning (BL), and homeschooling. In your own words, define each modality. Write your own definitions in your Study Notebook. When you are done, check Lesson 1, Activity 1 Answer Key 1 to see how well you did. Now, answer this question: Which of the LDMs do not have an F2F learning component? Write down your answer in your Study Notebook, then check it against Lesson 1, Activity 1 Answer Key 2. A. Face-to-face (F2F) Learning is an instructional method where in it allows having a live interaction between a learner and an instructor. It is considered as the traditional way of instructions. B. Distance Learning refers to the learning delivery modality where a learner is given materials or access to resources and he/ she undertakes self- directed study at home. C. Blended Learning is combination of the different delivery learning modalities such as;  Modular distance learning and online distance learning  Modular distance learning and TV-based instructions  Online distance learning and TV-based instructions  Online distance learning, TV-based instructions and modular distance learning D. Home Schooling- a school- at- home approach in which parents replicates the instructional process of schools,traditional instructions, giving of assignments and so on. The LDMs that do not have the face to face learning component are the Distance Learning and Home Schooling.

ACTIVITY 2 Read two documents: Guidance on Distance Learning and Non-Negotiable Minimum Requirements for Distance Learning. As you go through the readings, complete the Distance Learning Matrix. Share your completed matrix at your next LAC Session. Your goal is to come to a shared understanding with your peers on the different DL modalities and their defining features and requirements. Note that when a vaccine is already available and F2F will be allowed by the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) and by the local government unit (LGU) concerned, any of the DL modalities may be combined with F2F learning to come up with a BL. Learn more about BL in the Supplementary Handout on Blended Learning Delivery Modalities.

DISTANCE LEARNING MATRIX Essential Distanc Distinguish ing Feature Resources e Learnin g Modalit y Modular Individualize SLMs, as well Distanc d instruction as e where textbooks/lear Learnin learners use ners’ materials g (MDL) self-learning (LMs), copies modules of video (SLMs) in lessons in a print or flash drive or digital CD format Online Distanc e Learnin g (ODL)

Teacher facilitates learning and engages learners' active participation using various technologie s connected to the internet while they are geographica lly remote from each other

SLMs for Alternative Delivery Modes (ADM), textbooks, primer lessons, activity sheets, teacher-made videos and supplementary materials, and open educational resources (OERs). SLMs and primer lessons converted into different digital forms such as interactive lessons or electronic books (ebooks) and DepEd Learning Resources Portal, DepEd Commons and/or different DepEd recognized learning management systems

Role of Teacher

Role of Parent or Household Member

Monitors the learner progress and setting a feedback mechanism to help learners meet the MELCs while seeing the connection of one lesson to the next to reinforce the coherence of the curriculum.

Learning facilitators who provide learners with instructional support as needed

Plans, prepare, monitors the performance of pupil

Give assignments and learning tasks

Learning facilitator that supervise and monitor the screen time of the learners

Provide orientation for learners and parents on navigating these online p...

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