Successful Project Manager Final Exam Answers PDF

Title Successful Project Manager Final Exam Answers
Author Rimsha M
Course The Successful Project Manager
Institution George Brown College
Pages 5
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The final exam is a with a group and the teacher, You will have to prepare answers for 15 questions and you will be asked to answer 4-5 of them....


Successful Project Manager Final Exam Answers Round One: Ethics Question 1: Pros -

Cons It may motivate you to work hard to - There is a bar being set that you are an live up to the expert compliment expert but cannot reach that bar - You can ask for an actual expert to - It is being dishonest to the client by not mentor you and guide you through the disclosing your actual capabilities project - The client is willing to take you if you - Your hard work in school paid off when are an expert and if you say you are being called an expert and build up not, you will not get the offer your confidence in your first job - By disclosing you are not an expert, the professor will seem like a fool in front of client PMI: Section 2.2, Responsibility: Aspirational Standards, 2.2.2 it says that we should accept assignments that are consistent with our background, skills, experience, and qualifications It also says in 2.2.3 We fulfill the commitments that we undertake – we do what we say we will do What I will do: When this happens, I will ask to define what an expert means in your terms because I want to know why you are calling me an expert right after graduating. I would then take this opportunity to get experience and tell the client that I will do the best I can based on my existing qualifications and ability. As the code says, we will do what we say we will, and I will follow that. Question 2: Pros -

You are standing up for what you believe is right, even if it is difficult You planted a seed in the client and company head about this rising issue, it can later be seen a concern and ask you to tackle it

Cons - You can lose your job after raising concerns from the local community - You may not get a similar opportunity later since you complained about this one - You will be seen as against the client needs by acting out of line (as a project manager, you should always be in the interest of your client needs)

PMI: In section 2.2.1, it says we make decisions and take actions based on the best interests of society, public safety, and the environment. The project clearly goes against the wishes of the local community, public safety, and the environment

What I will do: Since both the company and client refused to do anything, I will choose not to take further action. I decided to do this because as a project manager, you should always act in the interest of your client, and doing anything will be seen as against. Question 3: Pros -

Cons You are considered an expert in that - Client X can decide to take legal field, you can price it how ever you actions saying Client Y stole their work want - Client Y can be upset if you do not - The client came to you specifically, you disclose that you are repeating the same are in charge of what happens template and plans - It is your work that you created, you can use it again PMI: In section 5.3.2 We do not engage in dishonest behavior with the intention of personal gain or at the expense of another. In this scenario, not being honest with Client Y about using the same templates and plans can violate this section. What I will do: I will be open with Client Y that I have done the work that you want me to do for you with Client X and will see what the response is. Since it is my work that I created, it will be easier to get the work done and even though I will get paid less for it, at least I was honest with Client Y. There is no hidden agenda or any intentions of personal gain. Question 4: Pros -

Cons By not disclosing anything, you can - If you do not share this information gain extra money that will be helpful with the client, you are being dishonest for your business - You may not be able to get another - If the client does not catch anything, opportunity if you are dishonest with you can do it again with another client this client - This client can be huge influence in your career if you do a good job, can get you more offers PMI: In section 5.3.2 We do not engage in dishonest behavior with the intention of personal gain or at the expense of another. What I will do: I will be open with the client about the new method I have a doing the project faster that will cost less. Even though I will miss out on an opportunity of making extra money, I don’t feel right lying to the client that trusted me with the job.

Question 5: Pros



The client will not notice that you are lying as they are not seeing the actual progress You are given time to save the relationship and can fix it later on The client will be pleased by next week when things start progressing


You have to tell the members to work harder for a week straight - The members can have other obligations that can prevent them from getting all this work done - You are being dishonest with the client and they may find out later on which can cause problems PMI: In section 4.2.1 We demonstrate transparency in our decision-making process. Since the project is delayed, you have to be honest with the client about it as stated in the code. What I will do: I will not tell the client about what is actually happening and get creative since the client may not even notice. This will give me extra time to get back on track and hopefully fix the strained relationship. The reason I decided not to say anything is because the client will not even notice and will only see the progress, not what goes on behind the scenes. Round 2: Verbal Presentations Question 6: There is a relationship between acting ethically and being profitable. There are many companies out there that act ethically and have seen profits in the long run. In an article by Forbes, it states that companies with ethical business practices by treating employees right lead to profits in the long term. When you motivate your workers, they are less likely to leave, more people are interested in purchasing from these companies, and there is more productivity. As a consumer that occasionally likes to purchase things, I prefer to go to brands that have ethical values because I know that they are a company that cares about society as opposed to only making money. Question 7&8: My name is Rimsha Malik and as much as I want to stay home and have an opportunity handed to me its just not going to happen, I am putting myself out there and I am quite interested to get to know you. I heard you talking with others and you have many connections with project managers, and I would really appreciate it if you could introduce me to some of them. You probably don’t know this, but I am excellent with all the necessary skills of a project manager such as organization, leadership, critical thinking, and communication. Question 9: The first thing I will do when handed a new project is create a document that highlights the projects goals that relate to the company’s plans. It will also describe why the company should invest its resources such as human, technical, and financial on the project. Next, I will create a charter that highlights the goals and constraints of the project. It also has the scope defined and resources listed the will be needed to complete the project. Then comes identifying the stakeholders and a plan on the communication. Once all that is set up, I will need to assemble a team that will deliver the project and assign roles and responsibilities to all. The documents will be signed off by me and the stakeholders to officiate the project to begin the planning stage.

Question 10: Once the initiation phase is completed, the document that highlighted the scope, goals, budget, and resources will be put into a roadmap that has tasks that can be completed by a person. It will determine what the deliverables are and the key milestones that need to be achieved throughout the project. It will be placed in a Gantt Chart that will specify what the tasks are, who will complete it, and how long it will take. I will then bring the team together for a kickoff meeting so everyone is introduced to each other and told how the project will carry out. As we move along the project, we will have weekly status reports that will show how far along we are what areas need to be focused on. Question 11: Once the first two steps are put in place, it is ready to use all the preparation and begin the actual project. Team members that require certain equipment to complete the tasks will be provided with it. In order to make sure the project is going as planned, it will be necessary to monitor the project. This will happen by checking in from time to time with each member to make sure everyone is on track and answer questions from anyone. This will prevent delays from happening and can catch the problems early before they turn into a huge mess. As the project progresses, it will be crucial to identify the risks that are associated and action plans for it so that when it does happen, it is not a surprise. There will be certain members that are slacking and holding the whole project off, it will be important to follow up with them and create action plans to help them. If the scope changes, we need to be ready to adapt to it as it is not within our control and follow through with team of any changes. The stakeholders will need to be notified of the project status and will have regular meetings with them to discuss important information regarding the project. It will be done in person, phone call or email. Question 12: Once the project has been completed and is ready to be signed off, there are steps that are followed for a proper closure. The first thing is to determine if the client is satisfied with the result of the project by holding a final meeting. This meeting will contain any success we had and areas we need to work on in the future. To launch the project, there will be a detailed plan on how to do it will be discussed with the stakeholders. If there is any training that needs to occur, it will be provided once the project is completed. Next, it is important to identify where things went well, challenges, communication, and how we can improve for next time. Question 13: Hello Derek, nice meeting you here. As you know we both received a call from Walmart regarding our product. We have excellent sales and the forecast sales show that it will increase by 5% next month. This will happen if we tackle a concern that has been brought to our attention recently. The label said the product is keto and vegan certified even though the keto statement is untrue. The customer seems really angry and Walmart has now put our future business on hold. We have taken the responsibility of recalling the current products and have contacted our manufacturer to create new labels and remove the keto certified. The products with the new labels will hit the shelves next week and will hold a meeting with Walmart to take full ownership of our mistake and continue our business with them.

Question 14: Hey mark, thank you for being able to meet with me after a hectic week of many deadlines. I was reviewing all the submitted work from everyone and noticed that I have not received your marketing plan once again, what’s going on? Yea I totally understand, do you need any help completing the marketing plan, I can set you up with someone to guide you. Okay, I want you to know that I took you on the project because I heard many good things about you and was quite let down when I didn’t receive your work. I hope you realize that I am depending on you and need this marketing plan to move forward. Question 15: The most important factor that leads to success in project management is time management. For starters, what defines a project is that is has a start date and an end date. When managing a project, there is only so much time to complete a project that needs to fit with the scope and budget. If the scope goes out of line, it can increase the time for the project needed to be completed. The same goes with budget, if you don’t have any money left, it can cause the project to for longer. Time is something that will never come back once it’s gone as opposed to money and scope, you can always get more money, or change the scope, make it bigger or reduce it. The skills needed to become a project manager are for being able to complete the task or project on time. You have to schedule meetings, set deadlines, manage a group of people, and have clear priorities of what needs to be done by a certain time. Without time, a project is not even a project, its something else. (operation) (continuous)...

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