Summary notes - The similarity and differences between questionnaires and schedules PDF

Title Summary notes - The similarity and differences between questionnaires and schedules
Course Biology
Institution University of Salford
Pages 2
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Summary notes based on The similarity and differences between questionnaires and schedules are useful for exams...


Summary notes - The similarity and differences between questionnaires and schedules similarities They are both are set of related items having questions relating to a central problem. This means Both use mainly structured questions and these questions are so phased and interlocked that they have a built-in mechanism for testing the reliability and validity of the response. So In both the same set of questions is administered to all the respondents and comparable results are obtained. They are Both these instruments have to be used with the same general principles of designs and have to take into account the same problems and basic difficulties they have to be limited in lend. This shows In both, the central problem has to be concentrated upon the following considerations involved in the problem of evolving the questionnaire and a schedule as a unit. They are drawing the responding into a situation through awake and interest. Proceeding from simple to complex questions. There are No early and sudden request for information of a personal and embracing intimate nature. Not asking embarrassing questions without giving the respondent an opportunity to explain himself. Moving smoothly from one item to another. In both certain types of questions have to be eliminated such as vague and ambiguous questions, emotionally changed questions.

They are loaded and leading questions, questions eliciting no response and questions having a structured response to the queries, violence to the existing facts. This means In both pilot studies and pre-tests

Differences The questionnaire refers to a technique of data collection which consists of a series of written questions along with alternative answers. The schedule is a formalized set of questions, statements, and spaces for answers, provided to the enumerators who ask questions to the respondents and note down the answers. This means While a questionnaire is filled by the informants themselves, enumerators fill the schedule on behalf of the respondent. Character Questionnaire Schedule Delivered by In general, questionnaires are delivered to the persons concerned either by post or mail, requesting them to answer the questions and return it. Enumerators go to the informants with the schedule. The Role of Respondents Read and understand the questions and reply in the space provided in the questionnaire itself. The Only answer the questions asked by enumerators. Sometimes, the schedule is distributed to the respondents, and the enumerators assist them in answering the questions. They are filled by Respondents Enumerators Response Rate Low High Coverage Large Comparatively small Cost Economical Expensive Respondent’s identity Not known Known Observation Method Not applicable They are Applicable Important features required · Simple to understand · Short questions ·

Interesting and Engaging

No special features required Success relies on Quality of the questionnaire Honesty and competence of the enumerator. Usage Only when the people are literate and cooperative. Used on both literate and illiterate people.

are necessary for formulating the instrument and for bringing them to the final form. They have to go through the same stages of development....

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