Summit 1 Unit7 Extra Grammar Exercises PDF

Title Summit 1 Unit7 Extra Grammar Exercises
Author Taty Cerrato
Course Ingles 3
Institution Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras
Pages 2
File Size 73.8 KB
File Type PDF
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Extra Grammar Exercises (Unit 7)

LESSON 2 A. Complete each statement with the correct passive form. 1. I resent E

to believe the stupid claims in most ads.

a. to be expected

b. being expected

2. Most people appreciate D a. being informed 3. We expect F

c. expecting

of information that helps them make a purchasing decision. b. informing

c. to be informed

when a product goes on sale.

a. being told

b. telling

4. Emma was annoyed about D

to participate in the survey.

a. not being asked

b. not to be asked

5. They always enjoy E

to the mall to go shopping.

a. be driven 6. My children like D

b. being driven

a. being remind

c. being not asked

c. to be driven

commercials about toys, but I don’t like them to see too many of them.

a. to be shown 7. A lot of people need

c. to be told

b. be shown


c. to be show

that commercials on TV aren’t always true. b. to be reminded

c. to reminding

B. Write questions, using passive forms of gerunds and infinitives. 1. Do a lot of people / mind / expect / to watch commercials on TV?

'RDORWRISHRSOHPLQGEHLQJH[SHFWHGWRZDWFKFRPPHUFLDOVRQ79" 2. Do you think most people / want / to tell the truth by advertisers?

'R\RXWKLQNPRVWSHRSOHZDQWWREHWROGWKHWUXWKE\DGYHUWLVHUV" 3. Who would mind / remind / to think logically?

:KRZRXOGPLQGEHLQJUHPLQGHGWRWKLQNORJLFDOO\" 4. How would you like / force / to buy things you don’t need?


Summit 1, Third Edition Copyright © 2017 by Pearson Education, Inc. Duplication for classroom use is permitted.

Unit 7

C. Write sentences, using passive forms of gerunds and infinitives, using the verb in parentheses. 1. I’m really excited about (make) class president.

I’m really excited about being made class president. 2. I’m never embarrassed (correct) by our teacher.

,¶PQHYHUHPEDUUDVVHGWREHFRUUHFWHGE\RXUWHDFKHU 3. Is our hotel room finished (clean)?

,VRXUKRWHOURRPILQLVKHGEHLQJFOHDQHG" 4. She was sad (inform) that the school would be closing.

6KHZDVVDGWREHLQIRUPHGWKDWWKHVFKRROZRXOGEHFORVLQJ 5. I didn’t choose (drive) to the event. I had planned to take the bus.

,GLGQ¶WFKRRVHWREHGULYHQWRWKHHYHQW,KDGSODQQHGWRWDNHWKHEXV 6. Our house really needs (paint)!

2XUKRXVHUHDOO\QHHGVWREHSDLQWHG 7. My parents really miss (ask) for advice by me and my sister.

0\SDUHQWVUHDOO\PLVVEHLQJDVNHGIRUDGYLFHE\PHDQGP\VLVWHU 8. Most people prefer (tell) the truth.


Summit 1, Third Edition Copyright © 2017 by Pearson Education, Inc. Duplication for classroom use is permitted.

Unit 7...

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