Surpass-3 Student-Book-Answer-key PDF

Title Surpass-3 Student-Book-Answer-key
Course Intr Invest Cientifica I
Institution Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
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Unit 11A What’s your major?1 Vocabulary A Sample answers - My major is English. - I would like to major in graphic design. B 1. h 2. a 3. d 4. b 5. f 6. j 7. i 8. c 9. e 10. g2 Listening A Alison – b, f Isaac – a, e Emma – c, d B 1. Alison prefers interacting with people to doing laboratory research...


[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 3

Unit 1 1A What’s your major? 1 Vocabulary A Sample answers • My major is English. • I would like to major in graphic design. B 1. h 2. a 3. d 4. b 5. f 6. j 7. i 8. c 9. e 10. g 2 Listening A Alison – b, f Isaac – a, e Emma – c, d B 1. Alison prefers interacting with people to doing laboratory research. 2. Isaac is considering getting an MBA after his undergraduate studies. 3. Emma wants to develop her own software someday. C Sample answers I would like to publish a story before graduation. After graduation, I’d like to get a master’s degree in English. 3 Grammar A 1. to interact 2. to spend 3. studying 4. applying 5. trying out B Want is used with to infinitive. Enjoy and think of are used with V-ing forms. Like can be used with either. C 1. studying 2. to become 3. communicating 4. to work 5. getting D Sample conversation A What subject did you enjoy studying in high school? B I enjoyed studying mathematics in high school. 4 Speaking A Sample answers People consider their interests and skills when choosing a major. They also consider what types of jobs they can get or how much they can earn after graduation. C Sample conversation A Do your interests match your actual major? B No, my interests don’t match my actual major. According to the results, majors that suit my interests are sociology, literature, and journalism, but my actual major is business and marketing. How about you? A Majors that suit my interests and strengths are electrical engineering, physics, and chemistry. I don’t have a major yet, but I think the information will be helpful in choosing my major next year.

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5 Reading A Sample answers • comedy: the history of comedy • nannying: how to take care of babies and children • popular culture: current trends or the history of popular culture • adventure education: how to become a wilderness guide • packaging: how things are packaged • Egyptology: the history of ancient Egypt B Sample answers I think a good point of having a unique major is that you can find something that really interests you. A bad point is that there may not be many job opportunities available because the major is so specialized. C Ice Cream Short Course 1. This course is offered at Pennsylvania State University. 2. They learn about the science and techniques of making ice cream, including the flavoring and freezing of ice cream, as well as frozen yogurt production. 3. This course is for food science students who are interested in working for an ice cream company. 4. Some related careers would be in production management, food consulting, and product development. Surf Science and Technology 1. This major is offered at Plymouth University in the UK. 2. Students learn about surfing in a variety of areas such as business, culture, environment, psychology, and technology. 3. This major is for people who love to surf and/or are interested in a career in sports or the sporting goods industry. 4. Some related careers would be in surfing, marketing, small business, and teaching in the program. Self-Designed Majors: Enigmatology 1. This major is offered at Indiana University. 2. Will Shortz learned about puzzles. He took courses in English, math, journalism, philosophy, and linguistics. 3. This major is for people who are good at puzzles or like puzzles. 4. Some related careers are in making, selling, editing, and promoting puzzles. D 1. Food science majors usually learn how to produce and pack food safely. 2. It was first held in 1892. It used to be a dairy production workshop, but now it is focused on just ice cream. 3. It was founded in 1999. It has been running for about twenty years. 4. Critics thought the major was just a hobby degree, and it would make the university look academically weak. 5. This major is different because it is self-designed. 6. He was an editor for the crossword puzzles section at the New York Times. E • Unconventional paths: I think this means fields of study or work that are not normally taken by others. • Colorful majors: I think these are majors that are different and exciting. • Intensive course: I think it is a class that is very short and full of information. • Hobby degree: I think it is a degree that you do for fun. • Customized degree: I think it is a degree where you choose what courses you want to take. F Sample answers I think enigmatology is the most unusual. I would choose the ice cream course. It would be interesting to learn how ice cream is made. 6 Listening 1. Fiona majored in surf science and technology. She is planning to launch her own surfing equipment brand. 2. Matt is interested in psychology and computer science. 3. Fiona suggests that Matt look into creating his own major.

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Over to you Sample answers 1. Yes, I do. You can major in turf grass science at NC State University. You learn how to take care of the grass in parks, golf courses, football stadiums, etc. I think it sounds kind of interesting. 2. If I could design my own major, I would study how to use the arts to solve problems in society.

1B A better me 1 Vocabulary A Sample answers I think I am a busy planner because I’m always meeting up with my friends or going to events. B 1. i 2. d 3. h 4. g 5. e 6. c 7. a 8. b 9. j 10. f 2 Listening A 1. Bill is trying to lose weight. 2. Rachel is trying to put herself before her work and get more rest. 3. Ethan is trying to manage time more efficiently. B [ E ] kept a list of things to do [ R ] took time to relax [ R ] learned some self-respect [ B ] ate healthier [ E ] prioritized tasks [ B ] worked out C Sample answers Yes, I have. I used to have trouble managing time. I tried to keep a to-do list and learned to prioritize my tasks. 3 Grammar A 1. I’m going to 2. I’m taking 3. I’ll get 4. start 5. I’ll have B • Hopes and predictions – will • Plans and arrangements – be going to, present continuous • Scheduled future events – simple present C are going to see, I’m staying, I have, begins , I’ll see 4 Speaking X 5 Reading

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A Sample answers I’m not good at managing my time. I usually need to plan when I have a lot of homework to do or need to study for exams. I write down things that I have to do and check them off the list one by one. B Sample answers I usually get distracted by my smartphone when I try to complete my tasks. I keep checking social media and messaging my friends. C 1. Break Tasks Down 2. Stick to Your Schedule 3. Prioritize Your Tasks 4. Get Rid of Distractions 5. Learn to Reward Yourself 6. Discover Your Own Style D 1. overwhelm you and make it harder to get started. 2. simply move on to the next step of the task. 3. it is the best time of day for you. 4. help you to be more productive. 5. motivate you to work hard until the task is done. 6. make it a habit of organizing your tasks in that way. E Sample answers I think breaking my tasks down first is the most useful tip. I am already following tips five and six in my daily life. 6 Listening 1. She is having trouble making a study schedule for finals. 2. Kyle suggests the student prioritize her tasks and schedule in plenty of time to study. 3. According to Kyle, getting enough rest is just as important as getting one’s work done. Over to you Sample answers 1. I am most productive in the morning or in the evening. I do my most important tasks like studying or writing and researching for papers during that time. 2. I try to take breaks from time to time to refresh my mind. 3. I need to prepare for a presentation for my business management class. I will break this task down into four steps. I will spend three hours researching, two hours making an outline, three hours making a visual aid, and an hour practicing for the presentation. To avoid distractions, I will turn my phone off while I’m working on it. After the presentation is done, I will watch my favorite TV show as a reward.

1C Skills for Speaking & Writing Informal greetings / An informal email 1 Listening & Speaking A Sample answers • Meeting a new person People talk about basic information about each other, such as their names, where they are from, and what kind of job they have. • Catching up with friends People ask each other how they and their family are, whether anything interesting has happened recently, how their work or school is coming along, etc. • Meeting friends by chance People talk about what has happened to them since they last saw each other, how they’re doing, etc. B 1. I haven’t seen you in ages, I’ve been learning Chinese, That would be wonderful 2. How’s it going, Just a little busy these days, I’d better get back to the office

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3. How’s your new job, That’s really helpful to know, It was nice meeting you 4. Nice day today, how was your weekend, How about you 2 Reading & Writing A 1. junior 2. last two years 3. who’s 4. pursuing 5. I’ve B • I’m the friend Jasmine told you about. • I’d love to help you with English if you’ll help me with Mandarin! • I’m from Jacksonville, Florida, but I’m studying at Georgia State University now. • I chose to study it because I want to help improve people’s lives. • I grew up near the beach, and I love water sports. • I also like to spend my free time studying new languages. • Lately, I really enjoy watching Taiwanese dramas. • I’m passionate about meeting new people and experiencing their cultures, but now I’m especially interested in Taiwan! • Anyway, I’d love to hear about you and about Taiwan. • I hope we will learn a lot from each other! C 1. She wrote the email because Annie wants to practice Mandarin and be Mei Lin’s language exchange partner. 2. Jasmine told Mei Lin about Annie. 3. Annie is from Jacksonville, Florida. 4. Annie is studying at Georgia State University. Her major is public health. 5. Annie likes water sports, studying new languages, watching Taiwanese dramas, meeting new people, and learning about the cultures of other countries, especially Taiwan. 6. Annie says that she is very sociable and adventurous. D Sample writing To: Antonio Flores Subject: Hi Antonio. I’m your new language exchange partner! Hi Antonio, I’m glad we could connect. I’m Dmitry Petrov. I’m Rodrigo’s friend. I’d like to help you learn Russian if you can help me learn Spanish! First let me tell you about myself. I’m from Moscow, Russia, but I’m currently studying at California State University. I’m twenty-one years old, and I’m a junior majoring in business management. I chose this major because I want to start my own business. I really love the program so far. I grew up in a really cold climate, so living in California is really different. I really enjoy going to see baseball games in the summer. I also like to visit Mexican restaurants near my home. Lately, I’ve been learning about Mexican history. I usually spend time alone because I’m nervous meeting new people, but I really want to meet new people and learn about new cultures. I’m especially interested in Mexico! Anyway, I’d love to hear from you soon. I hope we can be good friends and learn a lot from each other! Best regards, Dmitry

[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 3

2A Tell me what he’s like 1 Vocabulary A Sample answers We talk about their looks or their personality. B 1. negative 2. impatient 3. forgetful 4. determined 5. sociable 6. thoughtful 7. easygoing 8. realistic 9. arrogant 10. reserved C Sample answers • Sociable, thoughtful, easygoing, and determined are positive. Arrogant, forgetful, negative, and impatient are negative. • I think realistic and reserved are neither positive nor negative. • Some other words that describe people’s personalities include patient, lazy, selfish, clever, brave, stubborn, and optimistic. 2 Listening A 1. Denise – thoughtful 2. Stanley – negative 3. Irene & Joe – sociable 4. Luke – realistic B 1. Denise volunteers at the animal shelter. 2. Stanley tells funny stories when he’s in the mood. 3. Irene and Joe have a lot in common. 4. Luke suggested using social media to cut costs. 3 Grammar A 1. goes 2. I’m joining 3. complains 4. They’re preparing 5. I think 6. I’m launching B The simple present tense is used to talk about permanent situations, and the present continuous is used to talk about temporary situations. C 1. runs, is training 2. love, travel 3. have, are learning 4. is having, is thinking 4 Speaking A Sample answers I would describe myself as outgoing, easygoing, determined, and honest. B Sample answers The descriptions of Aries include the word honest, which I also used to describe myself. I guess that being outgoing and determined is kind of similar to being energetic and brave. C Sample conversation A What’s your zodiac sign? Do you think the descriptions match your personality? B I’m an Aries. I think it’s true that I’m energetic and brave because people tell me I’m very determined and full of energy. I also agree with the description about being honest. However, I don’t think that I’m very impatient.

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C That’s interesting. I’m a Sagittarius, but hardly any of the descriptions fit my personality. I’m not that optimistic or easygoing, but more of the opposite. It says the Sagittarius is forgetful, but I’m the kind of person that never forgets things. How about you? A Scorpio is my zodiac sign. I’m not really sure about the part about being determined or smart, but I agree that I’m pretty independent. And I can get really jealous sometimes. D Sample answers Two of our group members agreed that some of the descriptions match their personality, and one member thought that the descriptions didn’t match at all. 5 Reading A Sample answers He seems like a cheerful person. I think he works as a movie extra. B Sample answers Yes. I learned that Craig Castaldo used to be homeless, but now he has many celebrity friends and has made over 100 cameos in movies. C 1. F (Radioman got his nickname because of the radio around his neck.) 2. T 3. F (His personality is what makes him stand out.) 4. F (He helps himself to food prepared for the actors.) 5. T D 1. homeless and addicted to alcohol. 2. their acting (as homeless people) was wrong. 3. hire him as an extra. 4. a sort of “good luck charm” E He hopes to play larger movie roles. The writer thinks this is difficult because he doesn’t behave like a typical actor and his personality is probably holding him back. F Sample answers My first impression of Craig Castaldo was that he is a cheerful and straightforward man. I still have the same impression of him. 6 Listening 1. Anette first thought that Radioman was just a really arrogant homeless man. 2. Radioman walked up to the director and shook his hand. 3. Anette was surprised when she found out that Radioman had been in over one hundred movies. 4. Anette says that he is determined to get roles, yet easygoing with actors. 5. Anette thinks that he makes filming more fun. Over to you Sample answers 1. My friend Sasha has an outgoing personality. She is loud and likes to talk to many people. 2. Yes, I think it’s important to be yourself. We all have unique personalities. By being yourself, you can learn to handle situations and people in your own way. / No, I don’t think it’s always a good thing to be yourself because sometimes you need to change your behavior depending on the situation.

2B She’s my role model 1 Vocabulary A Sample answers Abraham Lincoln was a great leader. He was known for his determination, strong speaking skills, and ability to understand other people’s feelings. B 1. diligent

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2. honest 3. courage 4. strength 5. compassion 6. responsibility 7. confident 8. patient 9. generous 10. humor C 1. diligence 2. confident 3. courage 4. humor 5. compassionate 6. patient 7. honest 8. responsibility 9. strength 10. generosity 2 Listening A Steve Jobs was inspired by Gandhi’s courage and creativity. He was inspired by Gandhi to change the world by thinking differently. B 1. “Mahatma” means “great soul.” 2. Steve Jobs went to India to get inspiration. 3. Steve Jobs referred to Mahatma Gandhi as his choice for the Person of the Century. 4. The round glasses that Steve Jobs wore showed his admiration for Gandhi. 3 Grammar A 1. who 2. where 3. that B The who clause is used for describing people. The where clause is used for describing places. The that clause is used for describing things. C 1. who [that] 2. that 3. who [that] 4. where 4 Speaking A Sample answers 1. John Lennon 2. Stephen Hawking 3. Frida Kahlo B Sample answers 1. John Lennon would sit on my left. Stephen Hawking would sit on my right, and Frida Kahlo would sit across from me. 2. John Lennon was famous for the songs that he wrote and the ideas that he shared through them. Stephen Hawking was known for his study of black holes. Frida Kahlo was renowned for her amazing self-portraits. 3. I chose John Lennon because he is one of my favorite musicians. I chose Stephen Hawking because I’ve always been fascinated by theories about space and time. And I chose Frida Kahlo because I want to learn more about her life and the ideas behind her work. C Sample writing John Lennon was the singer and songwriter who founded the Beatles. He was famous for the songs that he wrote and the ideas that he shared through them. I want to meet him because he is one of my favorite musicians.

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5 Reading A Sample answers • Thomas Edison failed many times before he finally invented the light bulb. • My aunt had several businesses in the past and they all failed, but she didn’t give up and now she is the owner of one of the most popular restaurants in town. B Sample answers I think “stairways” means Liz Murray was overcoming difficulties and “spotlight” means she is now the center of attention. C A Rough Start in Life 1. They spent most of their money on their addiction. 2. No, she did not because they loved her a lot. 3. Liz slept in subways, parks, and friends’ apartments. Change for the Better 4. Liz’s mother died when she was fifteen. It made Liz decide to take responsibility for her life. 5. Perry Weiner, who was an instructor at Humanities Preparatory Academy, became her mentor. To Academic Excellence 6. She completed her high school classes with excellent grades in just two years. She also got accepted to Harvard. 7. She won a scholarship from the New York Times. Sharing Her Story of Success 8. She started sharing her story at New York public schools. 9. Her story has been turned into a movie and a book. Before that, it was also aired on the news. D Sample answers I think I would have tried to go back to school like her. I think her story is inspiring because she didn’t let her past control her future. 6 Listening 1. Last year, Luca moved from his small hometown to the big city. He felt depressed and was too discouraged to make new friends. 2. Luca saw the movie Homeless to Harvard and learned about Liz Murray. 3. Luca was impressed that Murray changed her life for the better even after her mother’s death. 4. Luca got the confidence he needed to start a new life in a new place. Over to you Sample answers 1. Right after graduation I could not find a job because of the economy, but a friend recommended a part-time job to me. 2. My best friend has influenced me in a positive way. She is very honest and has a strong sense of right and wrong. I’ve learned how to be a better person from her.

2C Skills for Speaking & Writing Giving a speech / A wedding speech script 1 Listening A Sample answers • People are asked to give speeches at events like weddings, family reunions, anniversaries, or milestone birthdays. • Last year, I gave a short speech for my grandfather’s 75th birthday. The speech was mainly about what he means to our family. B [ 2 ] 25th anniversary

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[ 3 ] wedding [ 1 ] family reunion [ 4 ] farewell party [ 5 ] graduation party C 1. audience 2. story 3. joke 4. quote 5. question D Sample answers • I would like to start my speech with an interesting quote. I think this method might help make the speech sound more official or formal. • Thanki...

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