SW Final Review PDF

Title SW Final Review
Author Brookelyn Jones
Course Science of Wellness
Institution Brigham Young University
Pages 12
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Science of Wellness Final Study Guide ...


Brookelyn Jones

Science of Wellness Final Exam Study Guide (Chapters 9-13) Chapter 9  

Remember health-related problems due to stress: hypertension, depression, immune deficiency, autoimmune disease** Know the statistics of stress found in the workplace in textbook o ¾ of employees reported that workers have more on-the-job stress than workers did a generation ago o Over 30% report that they are very stressed due to their work o 26% said they are often very burned out by their work Understand neural loop functioning. o “Dr. Steven Maier, University of Colorado Distinguished Professor and the Director of the Center for Neuroscience, focuses much of his research on the brain and the immune system and understanding stress. He has discovered what he calls the “nonspecific immune response” or “sickness response.” Macrophages, the first line of immune cell defense when the body experiences infection, stimulate the production of the pro-inflammatory cytokines, specifically interleukin-1, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor alpha. Pockets of neurotransmitters located on the vagus nerve, called paraganglia, have receptors for these cytokines. They in turn activate the vagus nerve to make its own interleukin-1, which sends signals back to the immune system and sets off the sickness response. Dr. Maier has discovered that this neural loop, which occurs as we try to deal with infection, is the same neural loop that gives us the classic fight-or-flight response. Maier concluded that “stress is another form of infection.” o Mood and emotions are all a part of it as well Stress hormones and their effect on the body o Cortisol: the main glucocorticoid in the body, known as the stress hormone because of its high level of secretion in stressful situations; provides immediate energy to cope with stress and helps maintain homeostasis o Epinephrine: known as the fight-or-flight hormone or neurotransmitter; produced by the adrenal glands. Adrenaline is the same substance. o Norepinephrine: a hormone and neurotransmitter closely associated with epinephrine. It is released throughout the body by the sympathetic nervous system. Noradrenaline is the same substance o “Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH): A hormone secreted by the hypothalamus in response to a stressor; formerly known as corticotropinreleasing factor (CFR); stimulates the release of corticotropin (ACTH) by the adrenal glands.

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o Corticotrpin (ACTH): A hormone produced in the pituitary gland that is distributed by the bloodstream and causes release of glucocorticoids from the adrenal gland.” Two types of stress: eustress and distress o Eustress: “Good” healthy stress; a positive challenge that is often fulfilling o Distress: “Bad” stress that has negative effects on the whole person. Acute distress is short-term, and chronic distress is an accumulation of negative responses over a period of time Logotherapy o “Logotherapy is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on the “will to meaning.” The underlying premise is that each human life has inherent meaning (Figure 9.18). Logotherapy helps a person discover his or her meaning or purpose in life.” Understand the effects of chronic stress regarding weight gain o “About two-thirds of American adults are overweight or obese. Chronic stress sends glucose and fatty acids into the bloodstream. Stress eaters also tend to crave sweets and starchy foods rather than healthy foods, causing type 2 diabetes. The combination of added stress and weight gain is proving lethal not only for Americans but is also becoming a world-wide health concern.”

Quiz Questions: o Stress that is exhilarating and personally fulfilling is called o Eustress o The “fight or flight” response is the term given to the response of the division of the autonomic nervous system called the o Sympathetic nervous system o Cortisol, the main glucocorticoid in the body, is known as the o Stress hormone o The allostatic load is a fairly recent discovery that shows that chronic stress o Can damage the individual o A depressed mood, sickness, and stress all share the same o Neural loop Chapter 10 

Understand what addiction is and what it can be classified as (remember addiction can be more than just substances. Food, negative thoughts, pornography, etc.) o Addiction is that which you know is harmful to you, but that you feel compelled to continue and the need to lie about your behavior o Normal behaviors such as eating, exercise, relationships, and sexual relations can sometimes become addictive, as well as shopping, watching TV, using computers, or texting

Brookelyn Jones

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Addiction decreases brain density** Understand the connection between brain plasticity and teenagers when speaking about addiction o “Brain plasticity is the ability of the brain to rewire its connections in response to learning and experience. It is heightened during adolescent and early adult years. This heightened ability to learn also heightens one’s response to addictive substances. The potential addiction could be considered a form of learning. Meanwhile, without having a fully developed prefrontal cortex, there is less maturity in terms of judgment or self-inhibition of someone in this sensitive age range. o Research by psychologists Heather Brenhouse, Ph.D., and Susan Andersen, Ph.D., at Harvard’s McLean Hospital found that “teenagers may form stronger-held addictions, have a tougher time quitting drugs, and be more susceptible to relapse once they have quit.” Dopamine o A hormone and a neurotransmitter; functions in the brain include motivation and reward, mood, learning, and motor activity o Flood of it creates a high—a strong reward message Tolerance o “One of the brain adaptations caused by addiction actually reduces the formulation and communication of dopamine, thereby lessening the high feeling. When the brain’s reward pathway is activated repeatedly from a certain behavior, the resulting oversupply of dopamine signals the brain to down-regulate the production of the neurotransmitter. It also responds by reducing the number of dopamine receptors in the NAcc, which in turn leads to decreased reward pathway completion. This leaves the person feeling depressed, flat, and unhappy. The individual ends up needing more of their addictive substance or behavior to bring dopamine levels up to their normal state. This adaptation creates a tolerance for the drug or stimulus, thus requiring more of it to create the hopedfor response. These adaptations create a dependence on the drug or stimulus.” Know safe daily amount of caffeine (from the book). o Consuming more than 600 milligrams of caffeine a day poses health problems Learn about healthy levels of drinking alcohol. o (5/4 rule of binge drinking—5 or more drinks in a row for men, 4 or more drinks in a row for women). o “According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a standard drink contains about half an ounce of pure alcohol, equivalent to 13.7 grams or 1.2 tablespoons. This amount of pure alcohol is found in:  12 ounces of regular beer or wine cooler  8 ounces of malt liquor

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5 ounces of wine 1.5 ounces of 80-proof distilled spirits or liquor such as gin, rum, vodka, whiskey” What does alcohol due to a pregnant woman’s baby? Fetal alcohol syndrome.** Also learn about drug use. o Drugs alter the functioning of the brain as well as its structure o “Smoking, inhaling, or injecting a drug into a vein increases the potential for addiction. With these methods, the drug reaches the brain in seconds, the high is immediate, and it may also recede quickly. The contrast of the high and then the low often drives the user to repeat the drug abuse to sustain the high  

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Quiz Questions: o The daily amount of caffeine that poses health problems is o < 600 mg o The 5/4 definition applies to o Binge drinking o A baby may be born with heart defects, microcephaly, mental retardation, vision problems, or hearing problems because, while pregnant, the mother o Drank alcohol o While only 2-5 percent of the general adult population has this problem, it is estimated that 9% of college students have some sort of o Gambling-related addiction o The Alcoholics Anonymous 12-Step program maintains that o Recognizing a greater power that can give strength is a first step toward recovery

Chapter 11 

Most of the questions are about STDs, but are not extremely specific. Learn about treating them. o Example: how do you treat a bacterial STD?  Can be treated and cured with antibiotics  Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, PID, Protozoan STIs o How do you treat a Viral STI?  Cannot be cured by antibiotics, scientists are working to develop vaccines. Once a person is infected with a viral STI, the virus will be present in his or her body throughout his or her life.  HPV, Gential Herpes (HSV-1), Hepatitis B, HIV/AIDS Remember: STI, sexually transmitted infection, is another term for STD**

Brookelyn Jones

Understand definition and effects of HPV (human papilloma virus) – how is it transferred to people? o Most common STI in the U.S., symptoms are either not present or appear as genital warts or cervical cancer. A number of reproductive organ cancers and oral cancers are possible with HPV, but rare. o Attacks epithelial cells of the genitals o A pregnant woman can pass HPV to her baby, Spread through genital or oral contact What is Pelvic Inflammatory Disease? o Not an STI, but is a consequence of several STIs and occurs mainly in women. It can affect several of the female reproductive structures, often leading to permanent damage or dysfunction, and infertility Understand basics of abortion (spontaneous vs. elective abortion, medical abortion, etc.), know general techniques (it used to be physical and is now more chemical, etc.) o Induced Abortion: the act of intentionally removing a fetus from the uterus by medication or instrumentation o Spontaneous abortion: a naturally occurring miscarriage o Surgical abortion: most commonly done in a clinic or at a doctor’s private practice, or at a hospital or special clinic  Menstrual aspiration is performed within the first 1-2 weeks of pregnancy. A speculum is inserted into the vagina and the fetus is removed from the womb with a syringe  Suction curettage: most commonly used during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, a vacuum pump suctions out the fetus from the womb  Intact Dilation and Extraction (IDX) is a late-term abortion performed between 15-26 weeks of pregnancy, partial removal of cranial contents, then removal of fetus delivered through vagina. Declared illegal in the U.S. o Medical Abortion: When abortion is accomplished using drugs rather than surgery  Mifepristone (RU-486) is taken together with Misoprostol. Cause bleeding, cramping, and passage of tissue to expel the fetus through the vagina  Labor-inducing: labor induced with drugs causing the uterus to contract and expel the fetus Know statistics on sexual harassment – how often it occurs, which age groups, etc. o It is estimated that 22 million women and nearly 1.6 million men have been raped during their lives o 62% of women and 61% of men reported having been sexually harassed o 32% of students reported they were sexually harassed in their first year of college

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o Only 10% reported sexual harassment to university officials o 80% of sexual harassment occurred between students o 51% of men admitted to sexually harassing someone with 21% of those admitting persistent behavior o 31% of women admitted to sexually harassing someone Quiz Questions: o In women, 80% of HIV cases are due to o High-risk heterosexual contact o Elective abortion is done for which of the following reasons? o None of these o Medical abortion is accomplished o with drugs o Which of the following might be defined as sexual harassment? o Being touched or grabbed, non-contact communication, being forced to do something sexual, electronic messages o Of girls or women who are victims of sexual assault, 50% are ages o 12-24

Chapter 12 

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Embodied cognition: Giving evidence that the body is a constituent of knowing and not just an influence on knowing o Bodies are important to thinking! Green exercise: basically any physical activity that takes place in nature such as gardening, hiking, boating, horseback riding, and kite flying Potential energy: The energy possessed by a body by virtue of its position relative to others, stresses within itself, electric charge, and other factors Remember: renewable energy can be created from kinetic energy** Understand conflict resolution. Why is it helpful, how do you do it, what are the benefits of resolving conflict vs keeping it in. Passive, assertive, aggressive communication Know book definition of integrity o Authentic, without pretense, sincere, taking responsibility for your feelings and actions What are the effects of long-term relationships o Fewer doctor’s visits and shorter hospital stays, less depression and substance abuse, lower blood pressure, less anxiety, natural pain control, better stress management, fewer colds, faster healing, longer life, happier life

Brookelyn Jones

Quiz Questions: o Positive psychology focuses on o Mental wellness o Optimism is linked to good health in which way o It helps strengthen the immune system o If a person blames himself or herself for not being able to respond successfully o He or she is prone to helplessness and poor self-esteem o Depression may be a result of o Learned helplessness o People who develop many facets of their personalities exhibit o Self-complexity

Chapter 13  

The biggest factor for reversing chronic disease is changing your lifestyle** Heart disease and the role of tobacco o Tobacco is a risk factor for heart disease o When people of any age quit smoking, they enjoy health benefits immediately What are the health care costs mentioned in this chapter for chronic diseases? (there is a specific section in the chapter that has this information) o CDC Statistics state that 75 percent of the $2 trillion in annual medical care costs are due to chronic diseases o “A projected $448 billion was spent on just heart disease and stroke in 2012. Costs associated with smoking are over $193 billion every year. The estimated total costs of obesity are about $270 billion a year. The indirect and direct costs associated with diabetes are estimated at $175 billion annually. The annual costs associated with cancer are an estimated $89 billion. Arthritis-related costs are approximately $128 billion annually.” Understand the importance of sleep and exercise in health o “The benefits of regular physical activity include: reduction in a person’s risk for heart attack, colon cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure, and possible reduction in their risk for stroke. Physical activity also helps to control weight; contributes to healthy bones, muscles, and joints; and reduces falls among the elderly. Physical activity helps to relieve the pain of arthritis, reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression, and can reduce the need for hospitalizations, physician visits, and many medications.” o Lack of sleep can lead to chronic diseases, mental health issues, and effects the immune system, higher blood pressure What are the effects of lack of sleep?

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o “Sleep deprivation can result in cravings for sugary foods, thus leading to weight gain, can result in depression, anxiety, reduced cognitive functioning, and impaired memory (Figure 13.9). Many physical and mental chronic illnesses can be linked to sleep problems.” o Affects the immune system Arteriosclerosis o More commonly known as hardening of the arteries in which the arteries become thickened and lose elasticity. It occurs more rapidly with chronic hypertension (high blood pressure) and is associated with aging Review different types of cancer and the frequency of occurrence o Lung Cancer: number one cause of cancer death for men and women o Colorectal Cancer: third most prevalent among men and women, has been declining due to better screening o Breast Cancer: Second leading cause of cancer death in women, chances of a woman developing breast cancer is about 1 in 8 o Prostate Cancer: 1 in 6 men will get it, but only 1 in 35 will die from it o Testicular Cancer: very rare but known as a young man’s disease. The chance of a man having this is about 1 in 300 o Skin Cancer: most common cancer, comes in 2 forms: melanoma and keratinocyte carcinomas. Most are basal cell type

Quiz Questions: o In many cases, there are no cures for chronic illness unless o Lifestyle changes are made o A chronic disease is defined as o That which develops over time and lasts a long time o Mental health is a state of well-being that includes the o Ability to make contributions to society, realization of own abilities, capability to work productively, ability to cope with the normal stresses of life o The leading preventable cause of death and disease in the US is o Tobacco use o Risk factors are those behaviors that lead to o Chronic disease Chapter 14   

Cathartic means therapeutic** Remember: the most popular recreational activity is bowling** What is MET? o Metabolic Equivalent of Task: The measure of the amount of energy expended at rest; 1.2 calories per minute

Brookelyn Jones

Understand physical activity pyramid

The Physical Activity Pyramid “has four levels of activities ranging from everyday activities to those recommended a few times per week” (p. 1,047). It parallels the former USDA food pyramid and gives “the recommended amounts and types of physical activity according to the F.I.T.T principles” (p. 1,047). The first level of the pyramid has every day activities such as walking, bowling, fishing, or playing golf. The second level is aerobic activities and active sports and recreation, such as walking, jogging, or swimming, which should be done for roughly 20 minutes 3-6 days per week. The third level is strength and flexibility exercises, which should be done at least 2 times per week, and these activities include yoga, stretching, or strength training. The fourth level is inactivity, which should be limited, and this includes sitting.

Interval training o A form of periodicity, shorter segments of exercise, each one followed by a rest interval How often should weight training and interval training be done? o Interval: accumulation of 30 min daily o Weight training: 2-3 times per week

Quiz Questions: o Physical activity is cathartic. This means that o Physical activity is therapeutic o The most popular recreational activity is o Bowling o Inactive leisure time is a o Precious time to be used wisely o Interval training is good for

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o Fat burning o A MET is a measure of o The Metabolic cost of an activity

Chapter 15 

Chi gong, acupuncture, alternative medicine stuff. Know the benefits. o Chi Gong: a form of standing meditation and exercise that primarily involves acupuncture points. It is believed that it restores the flow of chi in the meridians as acupuncture does o Acupuncture: involves putting extremely thin metal needles into specific anatomical points on the meridians throughout the body. Needles in these points move the vital healing energy, the chi, through the meridians to every part of the body, is effective for alleviating pain o Acupressure: acupuncture using touch rather than needles. An acupoint is pressed, usually by a finger, for about 1 minute o Emotional Freedom Technique: Considered to be an emotional version of acupuncture, counseling interve...

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