Synonyms OF Theft - Ruth PDF

Title Synonyms OF Theft - Ruth
Course Legal English
Institution Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir
Pages 3
File Size 88.4 KB
File Type PDF
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break-in NOUN

an act of entering a building illegally using force, especially in order to steal things

breaking and entering NOUN

the crime of entering a building illegally using force, especially in order to steal things

burglary NOUN

the crime of entering a building illegally in order to steal things

carjacking NOUN

a crime in which someone attacks the driver of a car and steals the car. Someone who does this is called a carjacker.

extortion NOUN

a crime in which someone gets money or information from someone else by using force or threats


an organized attempt by thieves to steal something

hijacking NOUN

an occasion when someone illegally takes control of a vehicle, especially a plane, using violence or threats

hold-up NOUN

a situation in which someone threatens people in a bank or shop with a gun in order to get money or goods

identity theft NOUN

stealing information about someone that makes it possible to use their bank account or credit card


the crime of stealing a car and driving it for pleasure, usually in a dangerous way. If you do this you joyride, and a person who does it is a joyrider.


the crime of stealing personal property

mugging NOUN

an attack on someone in a public place in order to steal their money, jewellery, or other possessions

phishing NOUN

the practice of trying to trick someone into giving their secret bank information by sending them an email that looks as if it comes from their bank and that asks them to give their account number or password

piracy NOUN

the crime of stealing things from ships while they are sailing

plunder NOUN

the act of taking valuable things from a place using force

raid NOUN

a crime in which someone suddenly enters a place and uses force or threats to steal money or goods

ram-raiding NOUN BRITISH

the crime of driving a vehicle through a shop window in order to steal goods

robbery NOUN

the crime of taking money or property illegally, often by using threats or violence

rustling NOUN

the crime of stealing farm animals such as sheep, cows, or horses

shakedown NOUN


a situation in which someone uses threats to force someone else to give them money

shoplifting NOUN

the crime of stealing things from a shop

skimming NOUN

the crime of using electronic information from someone’s credit card or payment card after they have used it to pay for something


an act of stealing something or of taking someone away by force


an occasion when someone tries to steal money from a bank, shop etc by threatening people with a gun

theft NOUN

the crime of stealing. Someone who commits this crime is called a thief

thieving NOUN

the act or practice of stealing

trespass NOUN LEGAL

the crime of entering a place without the owner’s permission

violation NOUN

the action of entering an area or place without permission...

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