Teachers book over to you 1 PDF

Title Teachers book over to you 1
Course Inglés
Institution Universidad de Alicante
Pages 10
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Social networks

Unit contents Vocabulary: Relationships; Appearance and personality Reading: Reading for gist Pronunciation: Introduction to vowels Grammar: Present tense review Listening: Predicting content Word-building: Verb + -ing form / to infinitive (1) Speaking: Personal questions Writing: A personal profile; Punctuation and basic linkers Vocabulary extra: Keeping a vocabulary notebook


1 2 3 4 5

Is Curly Jake’s friend’s real name? Where does Jake sometimes work? Who is helping Aunt Linda today? What is Mr Stewart doing? Why is Jake taking the photo down? answer the questions. Audio script: page T119


Relationships Exercise 1a

1 2 3 4 5

No, it’s his nickname. His real name is Sam. In Aunt Linda’s restaurant. Jake’s step-dad. He’s doing the gardening. Because Jasmine isn’t his girlfriend any more.

and write the words on the board. think Jake’s relationship is to the people.


understand all the words.

Exercise 3a this quickly, without thinking too much.

Audio script: page T119 ANSWERS

1 His best friend. 3 His aunt / a relative. 2 His mum / a parent. 4 His ex-girlfriend. Jake also mentions his step-dad, his step-sister (Anna), his neighbour (Mr Stewart) and his classmates.

people they chose.

Exercise 4 people they chose and why. turns to present their three people to the class. individually, then present them to their group. Individuals tell the class what they learnt.

Audio scriwpt: page T119 ANSWERS

1 Curly / Sam 2 Aunt Linda 3 Kesi

Extra activity (speaking) important people in their lives using mobile phones. Show the films in the next lesson.

Exercise 2b

Reference and further practice expressions. Help with explanations or translations.

Word lists, SB p.153

expressions. Some students tell the class their answers.

Vocabulary, WB pp.4–5

Culture note

Vocabulary worksheets, TRB pp.34–36, Tests and Resources CD-ROM VocApp

US now live in ‘blended families’ (step-families). T5

U it 1


SB pages 6 & 7

Exercise 1 students use.

3 The writer says that people with shorter lists of friends might be better at balancing social networking with socializing offline.

Exercise 5

individual students the questions. Elicit a variety of responses.


individually, then put students into groups of three or four. Ask them to put their ideas together and choose a spokesperson to present their ideas to the class.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Exercise 2

strangers meaningful throughout maintain look forward to pastimes

they only need to find out the main topic.

Make sure students are aware that they don’t have to understand every word the first time that they read a text. ANSWER


of the SB. If necessary, go through the chart with the class, modelling the sounds. audio again if necessary to help them.

markers in the phonetics. play the audio so that students can read and listen at the same time.

Audio script: page T119

to support their answers. ANSWERS

1 True. (Line 4: The writer asks how many of the ‘friends’ we have on social networking sites are people we only know online or hardly know at all.) 2 False. (Line 9: Dunbar claims that regardless of how sociable a person is, they can only have a limited number of close relationships.) 3 True. (Line 12: At different times in history, social groups seemed to be similar in size.) 4 False. (Line 27: Most experts agree that having friends is a key ingredient for happiness.) 5 True. (Line 38: Boys’ friendships are usually based on shared pastimes, like sport.)

Exercise 4 own words as much as possible. class. Ask students to re-read the first and last paragraphs to find examples of how the article uses questions and addresses the reader directly.


Exercise 6 individual students to give an argument either for or against social networking. Bring the ideas together on the board, then ask students to vote on whether they are for or against. to prepare arguments for social networking and the other half to prepare arguments against. Students could also work in pairs to do this. the board. You could nominate one or two students from the ‘for’ half of the class to stand up and give a short presentation, summarizing the ideas on the board.

arguments they found most convincing.


1 Like stamp collectors who compete to have the most stamps, some social networkers compete to have the most friends. 2 Female social networkers like to meet their friends in ‘real life’ so that they can chat face to face. U it 1


Culture note

and membership of the site was originally limited to students at Harvard. However, it soon spread further, and by

from other students at Harvard who claim that the idea Social Network was made about the creation of the site and the legal battles that followed.

Extra activity (vocabulary)

the sentences with the correct form of words from

2 Jack is always making jokes – you can’t have a ___ conversation with him. 3 Are you ___ your holiday? 4 Some people talked ___ the film – it was so annoying! 5 It’s important to ___ this hard work until your exams. 6 I never accept ___ as friends online. ANSWERS

1 pastime 2 meaningful 3 looking forward to

4 throughout 5 maintain 6 strangers

Extra activity (vocabulary) adjective. Ask students to find a verb and another adjective in the text that are related to the word social. unsociable. Check that students understand the meaning of all the words. ANSWERS

socialize (verb); sociable (adjective)

Extend the topic and other social networking sites in online encyclopedias. Students could do some research on a different social networking site or another aspect of social networking and give a short presentation of their findings in the next class.

Reference and further practice Reading reference, WB pp.110–111 Reading, WB p.8 Culture worksheet, TRB p.82, Tests and Resources CD-ROM


U it 1


Fast finishers

SB pages 8 & 9

Present tense review


Exercise A

out their comment and ask the class to match it to one of the updates.


Exercise B

Exercise 2a to look in more detail at the contrast between the present perfect and the past simple, and ask students to complete the


are irregular. meaning of so far.


1 2 3 4

is visiting, it’s raining (present continuous) hasn’t finished (present perfect), it’s (present simple) loves, has … got (present simple) has tried, has burnt (present perfect)

Exercise C


1 2 3 4 5

Right now, I’m sitting in my house. (correct) I’ve never travelled outside Europe before. The sun is shining at the moment. So far, I’ve phoned three different friends today.

Exercise 2b 1 B 2 C, E 3 A, D

time to prepare their answers.

Exercise D


The present continuous.

Exercise 1 comments to the updates.

why each tense is used in each sentence. ANSWERS


‘m coming; ‘m not (update 4) ‘m still doing; Have you answered (update 2) haven’t been; looks (update 1) think; ‘ve heard (update 3) ‘m checking; ‘s (update 1)

U it 1


for / since / just / yet / already

Culture note

Exercise A

which celebrities live together in the jungle, taking on challenges and competing for the title of ‘king or queen of the jungle’.


John is replying to his emails.

Exercise B


Present perfect

Exercise C

Exercise 4a Remind them to think about which tense to use for each

options. ANSWERS

1 2 3 4 5

since for already just yet

Exercise 3a

any errors with the tenses. POSSIBLE ANSWERS

1 2 3 4 5

… is learning (Russian) at the moment? … has ever been to (China) before? … knows how to (kite surf )? … has just bought a new (mobile phone)? … often talks a lot about (the weather) when they phone you?

Exercise 4b

Fast finishers ideas.

the class. The class can decide which is best.

Ask individual students to tell the class how many ‘yes’ answers they got to their questions. students they have one minute to find someone who answers ‘yes’ to each question. They move around the classroom, asking one question at a time to different students until someone answers ‘yes’. Tell them they will get a point for each ‘yes’ answer they find, but they will be deducted points if you hear them speaking their own language!


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

since for already yet yet already since for just

ask students to tell the class how many ‘yes’ answers they got. To consolidate students’ understanding of all the grammar points in this section, you may wish them to complete the

Grammar Bank, SB pp.118–123 Grammar, WB pp.6–7 Grammar worksheets, TRB pp.6–8, Tests and Resources CD-ROM

students might hear this kind of dialogue. Audio script: page T119 ANSWERS

You might hear this kind of dialogue on a TV reality show, such as I’m A Celebrity ... Get Me Out Of Here!


U it 1

Vocabulary and listening

SB pages 10 & 11

Exercise 4

Appearance and personality

profile picture.

Exercise 1

paper. You could then collect in the papers and redistribute them around the class. Students could take turns to read out the sentences they have been given, and the class can see if they can guess who wrote them.

students into pairs to brainstorm vocabulary for describing people, e.g. tall, short, fat, thin. students understand them. understanding of the new vocabulary in the text and the vocabulary list. Model pronunciation of words students might find difficult, e.g. auburn, scruffy, stylish, well-built.

Reference and further practice Word lists, SB p.153 Vocabulary, WB pp.4–5 Vocabulary worksheets, TRB pp.34–36, Tests and Resources CD-ROM VocApp


2 May is slim and quite short. I think she’s quite good-looking. She’s got long, dark, straight hair. Her clothes are casual but stylish. 3 Rafa is medium height and medium build. He’s got shoulder-length brown hair, and a beard and a moustache. His clothes are casual and a bit scruffy.

Exercise 2a pictures. ANSWERS

A May B Rafa C Gabe

Exercise 2b

Listen to their answers. ANSWERS

shy – outgoing; fun-loving – serious; friendly – unfriendly; cold – warm; lazy – hard-working

Exercise 3


1 b 2 b 3 a

U it 1 T1

Listening Exercise 5 students to describe the people and say what they think they are like. Ask other students whether they agree or disagree. then work in small groups to put their ideas together and present them to the class.

Exercise 6

discussed. Ask individual students for their ideas and reasons.

many questions as they can. Audio script: page T120

of the questions. stopping to highlight the parts of the audio script which give the answers. Audio script: page T120 ANSWERS

1 2 3 4 5 6


class. Ask students to answer them in their own words. 1 What does Noah remember about the day he first met Marissa? 2 Why does Noah like knitting? 3 What adventurous things has Marissa done in her life? 4 What do we know about Marissa’s life now? Audio script: page T120 ANSWERS

1 Noah wore a long stripy scarf, and Marissa couldn’t stop laughing. 2 He likes knitting because you can do it anywhere, and he doesn’t like being lazy. 3 She’s raced cars, climbed Everest and done over a hundred parachute jumps. 4 She lives alone because her husband has died, and she sometimes feels lonely. T11 U it 1

audio. Play the audio again for them to listen and note down all the personality adjectives they hear. adjectives they might use to describe Noah and Marissa. Audio script: page T120 ANSWERS

fun-loving, serious, lazy, exciting, kind, friendly, sensible, responsible, warm, cold, welcoming, unfriendly


Exercise 8 understand that the question What are they like? asks about personality. ask other students whether their experiences are the same. and then ask and answer the questions in small groups. Ask individual students to tell the class one thing they learnt about someone in their group.

Reference and further practice Photocopiable audio script, p.T120 Listening reference, WB pp.108–109 Extra listening and speaking, WB p.77 Listening worksheets, TRB p.72, Tests and Resources CD-ROM


SB page 12

Verb + -ing form / to infinitive (1)


verb + -ing form: can’t stand, enjoy, can’t resist verb + -ing form OR to infinitive: like, hate, prefer, love verb + to infinitive: want, would like, can’t wait

Exercise 1 answers. Ask follow-up questions such as: When do you usually get together? How many people are there in your family? Who do you get on well with?


Exercise 5 questions such as: Do you agree with …? and then compare them in small groups. Ask individual students to tell the class something that they learnt from another student in their group.

errors with the verb patterns.

Exercise 6 the class what they learnt about their partner.


appropriate places to confirm each answer. Audio script: page T119 ANSWERS


Usha Daa-dee-maa Uncle Rishi Uncle Hiresh Ammai Mohan Daa-daa-jee

family to the class. This could be done in the next lesson, and students could bring in photos to show the class.

Reference and further practice Word lists, SB p.153 Vocabulary, WB pp.4–5 Vocabulary worksheets, TRB pp.34–36, Tests and Resources CD-ROM

Exercise 2b students to tell the class about their families. compare their answers in small groups. Ask individual students to tell the class something they learnt from a student in their group.

students to answer the question. Ask students to give reasons for their answers. Audio script: page T119 ANSWER

She takes after her grandmother, Daa-dee-maa, because she likes cooking for people and spending time with family and friends.

Exercise 4 sections.

U it 1 T1


SB page 13

Personal questions Exercise 1 kind of event is this? What are the bride and groom doing? Elicit answers from a number of students. Ask students if they have been to a similar event, and encourage them to talk about their own experiences. wedding, bride, groom, bridesmaid, reception.

Exercise 2a


1 2 3 4

doesn’t have isn’t are

to the class, and ask students to complete them with the correct question tags. Play the audio again for students to listen and check their answers. 1 That’s a beautiful place, ___? 2 You’ve known them for ages, ___? 3 It isn’t easy to take photos when people are dancing, ___? Audio script: page T119 (and SB page 115) ANSWERS

1 isn’t it 2 haven’t you 3 is it they hear. Ask them to listen for the questions on the board, too. The script for the audio material that accompanies the speaking pages is available at the back of the SB.


Audio script: page T119 (and SB page 115) ANSWERS

a) Where are you from? b) How do you know the bride and groom? c) Do you enjoy dancing? d) Have you taken any good photos? e) Are any of your friends and family here?

Exercise 5 be and plan what questions to ask their partner.

Exercise 6 questions. Monitor and help while they are working. Ask students to tell the class which famous people they met and what they learnt about them.

questions. sure that students understand the phrase be into something (= like something). Audio script: page T119 (and SB page 115) ANSWERS

1 2 3 4

What’s your name? Are you into photography? Is she wearing green? What do you like doing in your free time?

up. Tell the students who are standing that when you give a signal, they should go and find someone new to sit next to. They should then ask and answer their questions with this person. Allow students a short time with their new partner, then give the signal for them to move on. Repeat this a few times before asking students to return to their original seats. they met and what they learnt about them.

Extra activity (speaking) people are so interested in celebrities’ lives?

questions. questions using the correct intonation. Audio script: page T119 (and SB page 115)

Exercise 4 the question tags. If necessary, revise the rules for forming question tags before students complete the exercise.

others to join in and give their opinions.

Reference and further practice Audio script, SB p.115 Speaking reference, WB pp.104–107 Extra listening and speaking, WB p.77 Real English, WB p.86 Real English worksheet, TRB p.92, Tests and Resources CD-ROM

T13 U it 1


SB pages 14 & 15

A personal profile Exercise 1a


1 D (Alexey likes American rock music but hates fast food.) 2 A (Kanya likes karaoke but doesn’t mention comics.)

Exercise 1b Exercise 2


Alexey: Paragraph 2: what I want to do in the future; interests Paragraph 3: studies Kanya: Paragraph 2: interests; friends Paragraph 3: what I’m doing now; studies

Exercise 3 students understand the difference between I like / love and I’d like / love. Students find examples of both forms in the profiles. ANSWERS

Alexey: 1 I love living in Russia. I love listening to American rock music. 2 I’d like to travel more one day. I’d love to improve my English. Kanya: 1 I like getting together with my friends. I also like to sing and love karaoke. 2 I’d love to hear from you.

U it 1 T1...

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