Team Sales Case Analysis PDF

Title Team Sales Case Analysis
Author Paul Elliott
Course Sales
Institution Regis University
Pages 5
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Case study from #StayHere episode on Netflix, writeup...


Julia Iiams, Paul Elliott, and Cecilia Nunez MacDonnell Sales 7 October 2019 #Stayhere Case Study Analysis

#Stayhere: Brooklyn Brownstone


Brooklyn alone brings in $309,916,656 million in home-shares and 114 thousand home rentals a year. To succeed in Brooklyn, New York’s market, you have to have something special. The Yellow Block Inn is in the Bed-Stuy section of Brooklyn. There are seven bedrooms and five baths in this establishment and is $900 a night. Yellow Block Inn is a bed and breakfast in a 4story brownstone located in the Historical Clinton Hills-Bedford Stuyvesant area of Brooklyn. The Inn caters to weddings, student groups, special events, meetings, etc. Specializes in renting to large groups which can save travelers a lot of money. The problem with it from a business front (stand-point) is that it looks like a youth hostel, and there is no common area big enough for large groups. As well as the kitchen is small/ cramped, “ the kitchen is in a sad state”. There are only 98 homes that are competition for the Yellow Block Inn. The notorious Biggie mural is graffitied on the same block as the Yellow Block Inn. The owners name is Gordy who has lived in Brooklyn since 1996. The house was built in 1899 and the Inn consists of about 2,700 square feet in total. The first and second floor is where the guest stays and the top floor is where the owner Gordy and his three sons stay. His goal is to keep the price the same and keep it affordable. The culture and community consists of people in the working-class and he wants working class folks, “From all over the world to come to it and enjoy it and live locally”. He specializes in hosting groups ranging from 14 to 15 people. Yellow Block is to make you feel secure and safe. Selling and Distribution Information Online: When it comes to picking out the perfect rental home it is hard because you have many options to pick from. Having a personal website like the one Yellow Block has is a great way to campaign and promote. Having you get listed on other websites such as Airbnb is a great option to promote to potential customers. Being able to stand out from the rest of the competition,


especially on a website where the consumer is looking at different options. We want SEO keywords when people type in “places to stay in Brooklyn New York” making sure the Yellow Block is the top option to come up on google. Selling The YellowBlock with a FAB table which goes in a sequence. Show what we are selling to the customer, explain the advantages Yellow Block offers to the rest of the competition, lead into what is so beneficial, and let the customer talk, so listen to what the customer wants when they stay in a bnb. Yellow Block has a lot to offer compared to the competition on Airbnb website. Offering 8 bedrooms with 5 bathrooms, others don't offer as many rooms and bathrooms. It’s an important feature for a large group because you don't want to be sharing 2 bathrooms with 15+ people. By having more bedroom and bathroom space the large group can get out of the house faster which is a benefit. There is easy access to the subway, less than a five minute walk per station, to be able to get around the city, yet on a budget. Offers a spacious place for cooking and huge table for big groups. Has a huge chalkboard with top places to visit in Brooklyn and top places in all of New York, as well as top places to eat and go out for drinks. The YellowBlock has a lot of potential compared to the competition, Gordy has a lot to offer with his rental space. Web Page Changes: Having a web page which is eye catching yet simple is always important, exactly what Yellowstone Block website does. When you first bring the webpage up it take you directly to a slideshow of pictures from inside the building with a bar asking you when you will arrive and when you will depart from your stay, including the number of guests coming. Towards the top of the page it has all the tabs you can select for more information, such as map, overview description of what comes included in your stay, a gallery section, rates, availability, and reviews. The website was well designed and user friendly, which helps out the customers look


for what they want with seven subpages. Grody shows what he has to offer all through a webpage, he is selling himself and his property. One thing we would add to the homepage is near by places where all the locals enjoy spending their day, places for lunch/dinner, best attractions. With this tab it can help determine if Yellow Block is really the place for you and your group. Social Media Campaign: A major key to a successful business is the social media campaign. The Yellow Block Inn is no exception to this, and a smart social media campaign would compliment the makeover from the #MeToo episode on his business. Social media should be used to show off the product, or the bed and breakfast in this case, by featuring the unique aspects of the place and why people should book there over another place. Using the FAB technique, Gordy can use social media to show off the distinct features, advantages, and benefits that the Yellow Block Inn gives its customers. Gordy needs to show off the ability to host large groups as the main feature of his inn. Having the spatial area to have large groups, having communal dining areas, and a full kitchen is the advantage over his competitors. Emphasizing the benefit of having the whole, large group together and being able to make meals and eat together should be targeted through the social media campaign. This can be done by the types of social media Gordy chooses. On Instagram, having pictures showing his different rooms and spacious dining area would be a great start to emphasize his FAB advantages. If using Twitter and Facebook, frequent updates to his business and any special deals being offered should be involved to keep past visitors up to date, and possibly bringing them back or sharing their experience. Another technique that can be used by Gordy is to identify customer influences and steer his social media campaign towards that direction. Most people that are traveling to New York City are doing so from social and psychological influences. People traveling, especially those in big groups, are traveling for the


cultural influence of traveling to popular locations such as New York City. Having his social media be geared toward travelers will help influence people to check out his inn when planning a trip. Likewise, psychological influences, such as past experiences will persuade customers to choose the Yellow Block Inn over another place when traveling. Having the recommendations for places to visit and the home-like atmosphere should be emphasized through social media as a way to show off the features that will fall in line with the customer’s influences. Potential Sales script: Brooklyn alone brings in $309,916,656 million in home-shares and 114 thousand home rentals a year, but many of these home rentals cannot accommodate for large groups on their trip to New York City. Those traveling with large groups might have to get extra rooms at hotels, not being able to use home sharing services, and having to pay more by going out to eat instead of cooking. Luckily for travelers, the Yellow Block Inn offers a unique experience for large groups to offer a homey experience in the Brooklyn borough. The Yellow Block Inn has a full sized dining area and a kitchen that can comfortably host up to 13 people, along with state of the art rooms to give a home-like environment that a hotel just can’t compete with. For more information on how the Yellow Block Inn can help your large group’s next trip, go to to see all of our services and reviews of other visitors just like you. Works Cited Futrell, C. M. (2014). Fundamentals of selling customers for life through service. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Netflix. (2018, August 17). “Brooklyn Brownstone.” #StayHere....

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