Teenage JOB - Grade: A PDF

Title Teenage JOB - Grade: A
Author Kelly Stuckey
Course English Composition 2
Institution Vincennes University
Pages 6
File Size 62 KB
File Type PDF
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how jobs affect teens...


How Having a Job Can Affect Teenagers

Having a job as a teenager often shows responsibility or initiative. Sometimes people argue that teenagers without a job are lazy and irresponsible. Both are stereotypes of what people think about teenagers and they are not always true because having a job as a teenager is oftentimes optional. Jobs can sometimes be stressful and can affect teenagers in many ways which can either have positive or negative effects. Having a job as a teenager can affect how much free time a teenager has, the amount of money that they have, mental health, and other factors.

The first way jobs affect teenagers is how much free time they have. Teenagers already have to work hard in school which takes up most of their time throughout the week. Having a job can affect their grades and cause them to be stressed. “Teens are invariably under a lot of pressure, especially during high school, and added stress from working can place a load on their shoulders that they may find difficult to cope with” (Morgan). Many schools also have clubs and sports, so having a job would make it difficult to find the time to participate in those types of activities. According to Channick, “A study released this month by the Brookings Institution found that only 1 in 3 teens age 16 to 19 are working or looking for a job, down sharply from 2000, when more than half of teens were in the labor force.” This is due to many teenagers choosing academics over the workforce because they simply do not have enough time in the day to balance both. A logical reason would be to just get a job during the summer but this is also a problem because many schools now offer summer courses which can be used as an advantage for

students to get ahead in some classes or to take a study hall during the school year. Although it seems impossible to multitask and find time for extracurricular activities while having a job and going to school some teenagers still manage to get it done. Jobs also cause them to be more responsible and could be a benefit in teaching them how to manage their time wisely.

The next way that jobs affect teenagers is their income. Some teenagers get jobs in order to make some extra money or maybe even get money in order to support their parents. Whatever the reason may be, they get paid for doing their jobs. This can lead to teenagers being more responsible and learning how to manage money and making it last longer. Some teenagers live in low-income households so getting a job would be the best possible solution, and others just want to make some money so that way they can buy things whenever they want to. Having a job can also make teenagers think about money differently. For example, every time they spend money they may think about how hard they worked just to earn it. This is very important for teenagers especially as they're transitioning into adult life. Saving money is an important lesson for them to learn because they will do this when they grow up and eventually have to pay bills. One benefit that teenagers get with a job is that they become financially responsible. Having a job means that they have to pay taxes which teaches them how to do it for future reference. Most jobs that teenagers have are entry-level and do not pay much. These jobs can be very important for teenagers that need money because eventually, they can become managers or get a better job when they are eighteen due to the experience that they are receiving at these entry-level jobs.

Also, there are other factors that affect teenagers with jobs including college, Lifeskill, etc. Many teenagers plan on attending college after they graduate from high school. Some jobs offer scholarships. “McDonald's employees who work a minimum 15 hours per week for 90 days can receive up to $2,500 in college tuition assistance each year - or $3,000 per year for managers - at 18 Ivy Tech Community College campuses located in Indiana” (Dutca-Lovell). This can be very beneficial for students who are planning on attending college. Internships can also look good and can be put on a resume. Even though they are usually low paying, they have a lot of benefits and can be used to access higher-paying jobs. Being in a job while in high school also keeps a teenager busy. According to Morin, “If your teen heads straight from school to a job, it shortens the amount of free time she has to engage in risky behaviors. She'll be less likely to be bored when a job keeps her busy.” Keeping a teenager busy can be very important because many teenagers tend to get into trouble during their adolescent years and having a job greatly reduces the chances of that happening because they would be too busy to have time to fool around.

Finally, having a job can affect a teenager mentally. Part-time jobs may be the way to go while in high school. The longer that a teenager works means the less time that they have to do things such as spending time with their families. Sleep is very important for teenagers because puberty is the time where they are growing the most so they need to sleep more than normal. Working too much mixed with academics and extracurriculars can lead to a limited amount of sleep which can be very detrimental in the long run. Mental health is just as important as being successful in life. Long hours of work can increase stress and can lead to depression. Working long hours can also take focus away from school and lead to lower grades. “Research shows that students who work more than 20 hours a week have lower grade point averages than students

who work 10 hours or less a week. Your teen may have to stay up late to finish her homework or she might put less effort into school when she's employed” (Morin). Teenagers also often miss out on school experiences which they might regret once they graduate. Also, according to Morin, “Studies show kids who work are actually at increased risk of drinking alcohol or using drugs. The extra spending money and the added responsibilities may lead some teens to make poorer choices.” This is the result of the responsibilities that come with having a job. When a teenager has a job, their parents may allow them to do more and have more freedom, but too much freedom can be bad.

Overall, having a job makes a teenager more responsible. They become responsible with money and get to make adult decisions. They even have to learn how to start managing their finances and doing their taxes. Working too much can have negative side effects and can cause students to miss out on high school opportunities such as prom and sports. Work also teaches a teenager how to manage time because not only do they have to balance their family, social, and school life; work would just make it difficult to do so. It is completely possible to balance these things, but there are only twenty-four hours in a day and getting the right amount of sleep is crucial because it takes a vast amount of energy in order to be able to complete all of these tasks in a day. Jobs can increase the amount of money a teenager has, decrease their free time by a significant amount, and affect their mental health in negative or positive ways.

Works Cited

Morgan, Tracy. “The Pros & Cons of Teens Getting Jobs.” TeenLife Media, TeenLife, 11 June 2019, www.teenlife.com/blogs/pros-cons-teens-getting-jobs.

Channick, Robert. “All School and No Work May Be the New Normal for Teens.” Chicagotribune.com, Chicago Tribune, 25 July 2019, www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-bizhigh-school-students-shunning-jobs-20190725-lbat5c722bgp5gln6yqzdgnufu-story.html.

Morin, Amy. “The Pros and Cons of After-School Jobs for Teens.” Verywell Family, www.verywellfamily.com/the-pros-and-cons-of-afterschool-jobs-for-teens-2610471.

Dutca-Lovell, Susan. “McDonald's, Ivy Tech Team Up on College Tuition Assistance Program.” Scholarships.com, 23 Jan. 2020, 10:39 AM, www.scholarships.com/news/mcdonaldsivy-tech-team-up-on-college-tuition-assistance-program....

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