Tekla Structural Designer - Beginner Tutorial Manual PDF

Title Tekla Structural Designer - Beginner Tutorial Manual
Author Donald Oshafi
Course Advanced Structural Design
Institution London South Bank University
Pages 38
File Size 3.4 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 56
Total Views 160


Hey this is a tekla beginner manual. With this you will be able to use tekla and understand how to create a model....


Beginner Tutorial Manual

Website: https://www.tekla.com/sg/products/tekla-structural-designer

© Trimble Solutions SEA Pte Ltd | January 1, 2020

Tekla Structural Designer Beginner Tutorial Manual

1 Introduction

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Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 4 The Interface ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 Basic Functionality.............................................................................................................................................. 5 Modelling Hints & Tips ....................................................................................................................................... 6 Exercise Details ................................................................................................................................................... 7 5.1 Structural details ........................................................................................................................................ 7 5.2 Loading details ........................................................................................................................................... 7 6. Modelling ............................................................................................................................................................ 8 6.1 Creating a new model ................................................................................................................................ 8 6.2 Defining construction levels ...................................................................................................................... 8 6.3 Inserting the architectural grid .................................................................................................................. 9 6.4 Inserting additional grid lines .................................................................................................................... 9 6.5 Creating concrete walls ............................................................................................................................ 10 6.6 Creating concrete columns ...................................................................................................................... 10 6.7 Creating concrete beams ......................................................................................................................... 11 6.8 Creating slab on beams ............................................................................................................................ 13 6.9 Creating flat slab ...................................................................................................................................... 14 6.10 Inserting slab openings ............................................................................................................................ 15 7. Loading and Combinations .............................................................................................................................. 16 7.1 Creating load cases .................................................................................................................................. 16 7.2 Applying loads .......................................................................................................................................... 16 7.3 Creating load combinations ..................................................................................................................... 18 7.4 Load envelopes......................................................................................................................................... 20 8. Analysis and Design .......................................................................................................................................... 21 8.1 Analysis and designing the structure....................................................................................................... 21 8.1.1 Analysis and design settings ............................................................................................................ 21 8.2 Reviewing the design status .................................................................................................................... 22 8.3 Interrogating the analysis results ............................................................................................................ 23 8.4 Designing and checking individual elements .......................................................................................... 24 8.5 Slab design ................................................................................................................................................ 25 9. Detail Drawings ................................................................................................................................................ 27 9.1 Drawing settings ....................................................................................................................................... 27 9.2 Creating individual frame element detail drawings................................................................................ 28 9.3 Creating schedules ................................................................................................................................... 28 9.4 Slab detailing ............................................................................................................................................ 29 10. Reports and Integration ............................................................................................................................... 30 10.1 Generating reports ................................................................................................................................... 30 10.2 Managing reports and their content ....................................................................................................... 30 10.3 Integrating your model with another program ....................................................................................... 30 11. Foundations .................................................................................................................................................. 31 11.1 Model of Pad Footing ............................................................................................................................... 31 11.2 Design of Pad Footing .............................................................................................................................. 31 11.3 Model of Pile Cap ..................................................................................................................................... 32 11.4 Design of Pile Cap ..................................................................................................................................... 33 11.5 Model of Piled Mat .................................................................................................................................. 35 11.6 Design of Piled Mat .................................................................................................................................. 36 11.7 Foundation Drawings ............................................................................................................................... 37 11.8 Foundation Report – Pile Cap .................................................................................................................. 38

© Trimble Solutions SEA Pte Ltd | January 1, 2020

Tekla Structural Designer Beginner Tutorial Manual

1 Introduction

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1. Introduction This document offers brief guidance on the basics of using Tekla Structural Designer for concrete structures, using a simple example. It demonstrates the steps required to complete this example, as well as some other fundamental concepts. Detailed information about each program command and setting is available in the Help System – this can be accessed by pressing ‘F1’ on your keyboard when you have the program open, or by clicking the Help (?) icon in the top right corner of the ribbon.

2. The Interface Tekla Structural Designer has a single user interface that allows multi-material models to be build, analysed and interrogated easily. All concrete and steel elements can be designed and a variety of reports and detailed drawings can be generated, all within the same program. The main components of the interface are detailed below: Quick Access Toolbar

Ribbons Information Bar

Project Workspace

Scene Views

Properties Window Scene Content Loading Drop List

Status Bar

The Ribbon is located at the top of the screen and is split up into a number of tabs. Each ribbon tab is labelled based on the type of action that can be carried out when that tab is selected. For example, the Model ribbon tab allows you to create elements in your model, the Load ribbon tab allows you to apply loads, etc.

The Quick Access Toolbar contains certain tools that can always be accessed, irrespective of which tab you have selected on the Ribbon, such as Delete, Undo and Save.

The File ribbon tab contains standard options, such as New, Open, Save As and Exit. It also provides a list of Recent Documents that you’ve been working on.

© Trimble Solutions SEA Pte Ltd | January 1, 2020

Tekla Structural Designer Beginner Tutorial Manual

3 Basic Functionality

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The Project Workspace contains numerous tabs that display different trees of information. The Structure tree lists all elements in the model, as well as architectural grids, levels, frames, planes and more, and also allows you to select and edit elements. Other options include the Loading tree, which compares load applied against reactions, and the Status tree, which shows the status of various validations and analyses completed.

The Properties window lists all properties associated with whatever item(s) are either selected in the model, or are about to be created.

The Scene Views show various different views of the model, including 3D views, 2D plans, frames and planes. These views can also display the model in different View Modes, including Structural, Solver, Results and Review.

The Scene Content window controls the information displayed in the currently active Scene View.

The Loading drop list controls the active load case or combination, and allows you to either apply loads within, or view results for, the selected option.

The Status Bar shows the units and design codes used by the open model, and allows you to switch between View Modes.

The yellow Information Bar shows the currently active command and what the next step for that command is, and to press Esc to exit the command.

3. Basic Functionality •

Selecting – When no command is active, you are automatically in Select mode. If you want to edit an existing item, you must select it and then edit its properties. To select an individual element, simply left click on that object. To add an individual element to an existing selection, hold the CTRL key whilst you left click. If you place your cursor over multiple elements, the Select Entity window will automatically appear; use the scroll buttons on your keyboard or tab key to highlight the reference for the element you want to select, and then left click or press enter. You can select multiple elements by holding the left mouse button down and dragging a window around the objects. Other select options are available.

Deleting – Clicking the Delete button, either on your keyboard or from the Quick Access Toolbar, deletes whatever you currently have selected. Alternatively, you can activate Delete first, then click on the item to be deleted. You can also delete by dragging a window around multiple elements.

Navigating a scene view - Below are some of the basic ways to navigate a scene view Zoom – Scroll up or down using the mouse scroll wheel Pan – Press and hold the mouse scroll button down, then move the mouse Rotate (3D view only) - Press and hold the right mouse button, then move the mouse Exiting a command – Once you have finished using a particular command, you need to press the Esc button on your keyboard to exit from that command. If you don’t do this, that command will remain active for the scene view that it was activated in

© Trimble Solutions SEA Pte Ltd | January 1, 2020

Tekla Structural Designer Beginner Tutorial Manual

4 Modelling Hints & Tips

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4. Modelling Hints & Tips •

Manage models o o o o o o o o

Define and modify head codes and design codes Define and modify units Manage object references Create and manage user-defined attributes Manage settings sets Manage material databases Manage properties and property sets Manage sub structures

Refer to TUA: https://teklastructuraldesigner.support.tekla.com/tekla-structural-designer2019i/en/bas_editentityproperties •

Edit the model - after creating the model and the necessary members within it, you may need to make some modifications o o o o o o o o o o o o o

copy objects and loads move objects or move the model mirror objects delete members join and split members Automatically join all concrete beams Reverse member axes and panel faces use cutting planes to hide a part of your model remove any unused slopes, frames, construction and grid lines merge planes Rationalize the model create infill members edit or add free points

Refer to TUA: https://teklastructuraldesigner.support.tekla.com/tekla-structural-designer2019i/en/mod_editthemodel •

Edit entity properties - selected entities can have their properties edited o o o

Edit properties using the Properties window Edit properties using the Properties dialog box Edit properties of multiple entities

Refer to TUA: https://teklastructuraldesigner.support.tekla.com/tekla-structural-designer2019i/en/bas_editentityproperties •

Validation o What is Validation? o How do I perform a manual Model validation? o Can I suppress validation issues? o How do I locate the Validation Error or Warning in the model? o List of Validation issues Refer to TUA: https://teklastructuraldesigner.support.tekla.com/support-article/2889441

© Trimble Solutions SEA Pte Ltd | January 1, 2020

Tekla Structural Designer Beginner Tutorial Manual

5 Exercise Details

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5. Exercise Details

Base Plan and Structure 3D views

5.1 Structural details •

Design Code = Singapore (Eurocode)

X direction bays = 5.0m, 2x3.0m, 5.0m, Y direction bays = 5.0m, 3.0m, 6.0m

4 storeys of 3.0m (1st – 3rd storey are typical)

C-shaped 250mm thick core wall

13 concrete columns, 600mm x 300mm, to be automatically aligned automatically

Continuous concrete beam at each storey except the base, 300mm x 600mm

Flat slab construction at typical storeys, 250mm thick

One-way and two-way slabs at Roof, 200mm thick

Grade C32/40 concrete

5.2 Loading details •


= Automatically applied

Dead Slab Load on flat slab (Typical storeys)

= 2.0 kN/m 2

Dead Slab Load on one-way slab (Roof)

= 1.5 kN/m 2

Dead Slab Load on two-way slab (Roof)

= 2.5 kN/m 2

Dead Full UDL on perimeter beam (All storeys)

= 4.5 kN/m

Services Level Load (All storeys)

= 1.0 kN/m2

Imposed Area Loads (Typical storeys)

= 3.5 kN/m 2

Imposed Area Loads (Roof)

= 1.5 kN/m 2

© Trimble Solutions SEA Pte Ltd | January 1, 2020

Tekla Structural Designer Beginner Tutorial Manual

6 Modelling

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6. Modelling All standard modelling commands are accessed from the MODEL ribbon tab

6.1 Creating a new model Before creating a new model, the Settings and Materials commands on the HOME ribbon tab should be reviewed to ensure the required options are selected. New models take a lot of these settings to create their own model settings for the new file, and can include information such as the default section sizes and the concrete grades. Once the new file has been created, its model settings can be reviewed and amended via the Model Settings command on the HOME ribbon tab. Design code-based features in the program, such as automatically generated Load Combinations, are based on the default Head Code setting also specified in these windows. Clicking the New command will create a new blank file, ready for you to insert your model.  Review the Settings and Materials, then create a new file based on the Exercise details

 Move on to the MODEL ribbon tab

6.2 Defining construction levels New levels can be created by clicking the Construction Levels command: •

The Level and Spacing columns can be edited to specify storey heights and their Z coordinates

The Type column defines the setting out position as T.O.S (top of steel), S.S.L (structural slab level) or T.O.F (top of foundation) for entities placed on that level

The Source column defines whether a level is unique or a duplicate copy of another defined level

The Floor column determines if the level is a floor or not and can affect imposed load reductions

The Name column allows you to give levels more descriptive names

The Slab Th. column allows you to define the default slab thickness for each level

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 Insert the construction levels based on the Exercise details

© Trimble Solutions SEA Pte Ltd | January 1, 2020

Tekla Structural Designer Beginner Tutorial Manual

6 Modelling

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6.3 Inserting the architectural grid To insert most elements into a model, Grid Lines or Construction Lines are required. To define an Architectural Grid, you can click on the drop down arrow below the Grid Line command and select an appropriate option. 

Click on the drop down arrow below the Grid Line command and choose Rectangular Wizard

On the Levels and Grid Name dialog, define a Grid Name, then click Next

On the Select Origin dialog, accept the default (0,0) position for the bottom left corner of the grid, then click Next

On the Generate dialog, accept the default of All Lines, then click Next

On the X direction extents dialog, select Irregular and enter the Lengths = 5, 2x3, 5 then click Next

Do the same for the Y direction extents dialog with Lengths = 5, 3, 6 then click Finish

6.4 Inserting additional grid lines Now that the main architectural grid has been created, an additional diagonal grid line can be inserted to complete the layout. ...

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