Test bank ch 7 - pratical ch7 PDF

Title Test bank ch 7 - pratical ch7
Course Statistical Methods
Institution King Saud University
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Sampling Distributions 7-1

CHAPTER 7: SAMPLING DISTRIBUTIONS 1. Sampling distributions describe the distribution of a) parameters. b) statistics. c) both parameters and statistics. d) neither parameters nor statistics. ANSWER: b TYPE: MC DIFFICULTY: Easy KEYWORDS: statistics, sampling distribution 2. The standard error of the mean a) is never larger than the standard deviation of the population. b) decreases as the sample size increases. c) measures the variability of the mean from sample to sample. d) All of the above. ANSWER: d TYPE: MC DIFFICULTY: Easy KEYWORDS: standard error, mean 3. The Central Limit Theorem is important in statistics because a) for a large n, it says the population is approximately normal. b) for any population, it says the sampling distribution of the sample mean is approximately normal, regardless of the sample size. c) for a large n, it says the sampling distribution of the sample mean is approximately normal, regardless of the shape of the population. d) for any sized sample, it says the sampling distribution of the sample mean is approximately normal. ANSWER: c TYPE: MC DIFFICULTY: Difficult KEYWORDS: central limit theorem 4. If the expected value of a sample statistic is equal to the parameter it is estimating, then we call that sample statistic a) unbiased. b) minimum variance. c) biased. d) random. ANSWER: a TYPE: MC DIFFICULTY: Moderate KEYWORDS: unbiased Copyright ©2015 Pearson Education

7-2 Sampling Distributions

5. For air travelers, one of the biggest complaints is of the waiting time between when the airplane taxis away from the terminal until the flight takes off. This waiting time is known to have a right skewed distribution with a mean of 10 minutes and a standard deviation of 8 minutes. Suppose 100 flights have been randomly sampled. Describe the sampling distribution of the mean waiting time between when the airplane taxis away from the terminal until the flight takes off for these 100 flights. a) Distribution is right skewed with mean = 10 minutes and standard error = 0.8 minutes. b) Distribution is right skewed with mean = 10 minutes and standard error = 8 minutes. c) Distribution is approximately normal with mean = 10 minutes and standard error = 0.8 minutes. d) Distribution is approximately normal with mean = 10 minutes and standard error = 8 minutes. ANSWER: c TYPE: MC DIFFICULTY: Moderate KEYWORDS: central limit theorem 6. Which of the following statements about the sampling distribution of the sample mean is incorrect? a) The sampling distribution of the sample mean is approximately normal whenever the sample size is sufficiently large ( n ≥ 30 ). b) The sampling distribution of the sample mean is generated by repeatedly taking samples of size n and computing the sample means. c) The mean of the sampling distribution of the sample mean is equal to µ . d) The standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the sample mean is equal to σ . ANSWER: d TYPE: MC DIFFICULTY: Easy KEYWORDS: sampling distribution, properties, mean 7. Which of the following is true about the sampling distribution of the sample mean? a) The mean of the sampling distribution is always µ . b) The standard deviation of the sampling distribution is always σ . c) The shape of the sampling distribution is always approximately normal. d) All of the above are true. ANSWER: a TYPE: MC DIFFICULTY: Moderate KEYWORDS: sampling distribution, properties, mean

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Sampling Distributions 7-3

8. True or False: The amount of time it takes to complete an examination has a left skewed distribution with a mean of 65 minutes and a standard deviation of 8 minutes. If 64 students were randomly sampled, the probability that the sample mean of the sampled students exceeds 71 minutes is approximately 0. ANSWER: True TYPE: TF DIFFICULTY: Moderate KEYWORDS: sampling distribution, central limit theorem 9. Suppose the ages of students in Statistics 101 follow a right skewed distribution with a mean of 23 years and a standard deviation of 3 years. If we randomly sampled 100 students, which of the following statements about the sampling distribution of the sample mean age is incorrect? a) The mean of the sampling distribution is equal to 23 years. b) The standard deviation of the sampling distribution is equal to 3 years. c) The shape of the sampling distribution is approximately normal. d) The standard error of the sampling distribution is equal to 0.3 years. ANSWER: b TYPE: MC DIFFICULTY: Easy KEYWORDS: sampling distribution, central limit theorem 10. Why is the Central Limit Theorem so important to the study of sampling distributions? a) It allows us to disregard the size of the sample selected when the population is not normal. b) It allows us to disregard the shape of the sampling distribution when the size of the population is large. c) It allows us to disregard the size of the population we are sampling from. d) It allows us to disregard the shape of the population when n is large. ANSWER: d TYPE: MC DIFFICULTY: Moderate KEYWORDS: central limit theorem 11. A sample that does not provide a good representation of the population from which it was collected is referred to as a(n) sample. ANSWER: biased TYPE: FI DIFFICULTY: Moderate KEYWORDS: unbiased

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7-4 Sampling Distributions

12. True or False: The Central Limit Theorem is considered powerful in statistics because it works for any population distribution provided the sample size is sufficiently large and the population mean and standard deviation are known. ANSWER: True TYPE: TF DIFFICULTY: Moderate KEYWORDS: central limit theorem 13. Suppose a sample of n = 50 items is selected from a population of manufactured products and the weight, X, of each item is recorded. Prior experience has shown that the weight has a probability distribution with µ = 6 ounces and σ = 2.5 ounces. Which of the following is true about the sampling distribution of the sample mean if a sample of size 15 is selected? a) The mean of the sampling distribution is 6 ounces. b) The standard deviation of the sampling distribution is 2.5 ounces. c) The shape of the sampling distribution is approximately normal. d) All of the above are correct. ANSWER: a TYPE: MC DIFFICULTY: Moderate KEYWORDS: sampling distribution, unbiased 14. The mean score of all pro golfers for a particular course has a mean of 70 and a standard deviation of 3.0. Suppose 36 pro golfers played the course today. Find the probability that the mean score of the 36 pro golfers exceeded 71. ANSWER: 0.0228 TYPE: PR DIFFICULTY: Moderate KEYWORDS: sampling distribution, mean, probability, central limit theorem 15. The distribution of the number of loaves of bread sold per week by a large bakery over the past 5 years has a mean of 7,750 and a standard deviation of 145 loaves. Suppose a random sample of n = 40 weeks has been selected. What is the approximate probability that the mean number of loaves sold in the sampled weeks exceeds 7,895 loaves? ANSWER: Approximately 0 TYPE: PR DIFFICULTY: Moderate KEYWORDS: sampling distribution, mean, probability, central limit theorem

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Sampling Distributions 7-5

16. Sales prices of baseball cards from the 1960s are known to possess a right skewed distribution with a mean sale price of $5.25 and a standard deviation of $2.80. Suppose a random sample of 100 cards from the 1960s is selected. Describe the sampling distribution for the sample mean sale price of the selected cards. a) Right skewed with a mean of $5.25 and a standard error of $2.80 b) Normal with a mean of $5.25 and a standard error of $0.28 c) Right skewed with a mean of $5.25 and a standard error of $0.28 d) Normal with a mean of $5.25 and a standard error of $2.80 ANSWER: b TYPE: MC DIFFICULTY: Easy KEYWORDS: sampling distribution, central limit theorem 17. Major league baseball salaries averaged $3.26 million with a standard deviation of $1.2 million in a certain year in the past. Suppose a sample of 100 major league players was taken. What was the standard error for the sample mean salary? a) $0.012 million b) $0.12 million c) $12 million d) $1,200.0 million ANSWER: b TYPE: MC DIFFICULTY: Moderate KEYWORDS: standard error, mean 18. Major league baseball salaries averaged $3.26 million with a standard deviation of $1.2 million in a certain year in the past. Suppose a sample of 100 major league players was taken. Find the approximate probability that the mean salary of the 100 players exceeded $3.5 million. a) Approximately 0 b) 0.0228 c) 0.9772 d) Approximately 1 ANSWER: b TYPE: MC DIFFICULTY: Moderate KEYWORDS: sampling distribution, mean, probability, central limit theorem

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7-6 Sampling Distributions

19. Major league baseball salaries averaged $3.26 million with a standard deviation of $1.2 million in a certain year in the past. Suppose a sample of 100 major league players was taken. Find the approximate probability that the mean salary of the 100 players exceeded $4.0 million. a) Approximately 0 b) 0.0228 c) 0.9772 d) Approximately 1 ANSWER: a TYPE: MC DIFFICULTY: Moderate KEYWORDS: sampling distribution, mean, probability, central limit theorem 20. Major league baseball salaries averaged $3.26 million with a standard deviation of $1.2 million in a certain year in the past. Suppose a sample of 100 major league players was taken. Find the approximate probability that the mean salary of the 100 players was no more than $3.0 million. a) Approximately 0 b) 0.0151 c) 0.9849 d) Approximately 1 ANSWER: b TYPE: MC DIFFICULTY: Moderate KEYWORDS: sampling distribution, mean, probability, central limit theorem 21. Major league baseball salaries averaged $3.26 million with a standard deviation of $1.2 million in a certain year in the past. Suppose a sample of 100 major league players was taken. Find the approximate probability that the mean salary of the 100 players was less than $2.5 million. a) Approximately 0 b) 0.0151 c) 0.9849 d) Approximately 1 ANSWER: a TYPE: MC DIFFICULTY: Moderate KEYWORDS: sampling distribution, mean, probability, central limit theorem

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Sampling Distributions 7-7

22. At a computer manufacturing company, the actual size of a particular type of computer chips is normally distributed with a mean of 1 centimeter and a standard deviation of 0.1 centimeter. A random sample of 12 computer chips is taken. What is the standard error for the sample mean? a) 0.029 b) 0.050 c) 0.091 d) 0.120 ANSWER: a TYPE: MC DIFFICULTY: Easy KEYWORDS: standard error, mean 23. At a computer manufacturing company, the actual size of a particular type of computer chips is normally distributed with a mean of 1 centimeter and a standard deviation of 0.1 centimeter. A random sample of 12 computer chips is taken. What is the probability that the sample mean will be between 0.99 and 1.01 centimeters? ANSWER: 0.2710 using Excel or 0.2736 using Table E.2 TYPE: PR DIFFICULTY: Moderate KEYWORDS: sampling distribution, mean, probability 24. At a computer manufacturing company, the actual size of a particular type of computer chips is normally distributed with a mean of 1 centimeter and a standard deviation of 0.1 centimeter. A random sample of 12 computer chips is taken. What is the probability that the sample mean will be below 0.95 centimeters? ANSWER: 0.0416 using Excel or 0.0418 using Table E.2 TYPE: PR DIFFICULTY: Moderate KEYWORDS: sampling distribution, mean, probability 25. At a computer manufacturing company, the actual size of a particular type of computer chips is normally distributed with a mean of 1 centimeter and a standard deviation of 0.1 centimeter. A random sample of 12 computer chips is taken. Above what value do 2.5% of the sample means fall? ANSWER: 1.057 TYPE: PR DIFFICULTY: Difficult KEYWORDS: sampling distribution, mean, value

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7-8 Sampling Distributions

26. The owner of a fish market has an assistant who has determined that the weights of catfish are normally distributed, with mean of 3.2 pounds and standard deviation of 0.8 pound. If a sample of 16 fish is taken, what would the standard error of the mean weight equal? a) 0.003 b) 0.050 c) 0.200 d) 0.800 ANSWER: c TYPE: MC DIFFICULTY: Easy KEYWORDS: standard error, mean 27. The owner of a fish market has an assistant who has determined that the weights of catfish are normally distributed, with mean of 3.2 pounds and standard deviation of 0.8 pound. If a sample of 25 fish yields a mean of 3.6 pounds, what is the Z-score for this observation? a) 18.750 b) 2.500 c) 1.875 d) 0.750 ANSWER: b TYPE: MC DIFFICULTY: Easy KEYWORDS: sampling distribution, mean 28. The owner of a fish market has an assistant who has determined that the weights of catfish are normally distributed, with mean of 3.2 pounds and standard deviation of 0.8 pound. If a sample of 64 fish yields a mean of 3.4 pounds, what is probability of obtaining a sample mean this large or larger? a) 0.0001 b) 0.0013 c) 0.0228 d) 0.4987 ANSWER: c TYPE: MC DIFFICULTY: Moderate KEYWORDS: sampling distribution, mean, probability

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Sampling Distributions 7-9

29. The owner of a fish market has an assistant who has determined that the weights of catfish are normally distributed, with mean of 3.2 pounds and standard deviation of 0.8 pound. What percentage of samples of 4 fish will have sample means between 3.0 and 4.0 pounds? a) 84% b) 67% c) 29% d) 16% ANSWER: b TYPE: MC DIFFICULTY: Moderate KEYWORDS: sampling distribution, mean, probability 30. For sample size 16, the sampling distribution of the mean will be approximately normally distributed a) regardless of the shape of the population. b) if the shape of the population is symmetrical. c) if the sample standard deviation is known. d) if the sample is normally distributed. ANSWER: b TYPE: MC DIFFICULTY: Moderate KEYWORDS: sampling distribution, mean, central limit theorem 31. The standard error of the mean for a sample of 100 is 30. In order to cut the standard error of the mean to 15, we would a) increase the sample size to 200. b) increase the sample size to 400. c) decrease the sample size to 50. d) decrease the sample to 25. ANSWER: b TYPE: MC DIFFICULTY: Moderate KEYWORDS: standard error, mean 32. Which of the following is true regarding the sampling distribution of the mean for a large sample size? a) It has the same shape, mean, and standard deviation as the population. b) It has a normal distribution with the same mean and standard deviation as the population. c) It has the same shape and mean as the population, but has a smaller standard deviation. d) It has a normal distribution with the same mean as the population but with a smaller standard deviation. ANSWER: d TYPE: MC DIFFICULTY: Moderate KEYWORDS: sampling distribution, mean, central limit theorem Copyright ©2015 Pearson Education

7-10 Sampling Distributions

33. For sample sizes greater than 30, the sampling distribution of the mean will be approximately normally distributed a) regardless of the shape of the population. b) only if the shape of the population is symmetrical. c) only if the standard deviation of the samples are known. d) only if the population is normally distributed. ANSWER: a TYPE: MC DIFFICULTY: Easy KEYWORDS: sampling distribution, mean, central limit theorem 34.

For sample size 1, the sampling distribution of the mean will be normally distributed a) regardless of the shape of the population. b) only if the shape of the population is symmetrical. c) only if the population values are positive. d) only if the population is normally distributed.

ANSWER: d TYPE: MC DIFFICULTY: Moderate KEYWORDS: sampling distribution, mean, central limit theorem 35.

The standard error of the population proportion will become larger a) as population proportion approaches 0. b) as population proportion approaches 0.50. c) as population proportion approaches 1.00. d) as the sample size increases.

ANSWER: b TYPE: MC DIFFICULTY: Moderate KEYWORDS: standard error, proportion 36.

True or False: As the sample size increases, the standard error of the mean increases.

ANSWER: False TYPE: TF DIFFICULTY: Easy KEYWORDS: standard error, mean 37.

True or False: If the population distribution is symmetric, the sampling distribution of the mean can be approximated by the normal distribution if the samples contain 15 observations.

ANSWER: True TYPE: TF DIFFICULTY: Easy KEYWORDS: sampling distribution, mean, central limit theorem

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Sampling Distributions 7-11


True or False: If the population distribution is unknown, in most cases the sampling distribution of the mean can be approximated by the normal distribution if the samples contain at least 30 observations.

ANSWER: True TYPE: TF DIFFICULTY: Easy KEYWORDS: sampling distribution, mean, central limit theorem 39.

True or False: If the amount of gasoline purchased per car at a large service station has a population mean of 15 gallons and a population standard deviation of 4 gallons, then 99.73% of all cars will purchase between 3 and 27 gallons.

ANSWER: False TYPE: TF DIFFICULTY: Moderate KEYWORDS: sampling distribution, mean, probability 40.

True or False: If the amount of gasoline purchased per car at a large service station has a population mean of 15 gallons and a population standard deviation of 4 gallons and a random sample of 4 cars is selected, there is approximately a 68.26% chance that the sample mean will be between 13 and 17 gallons.

ANSWER: False TYPE: TF DIFFICULTY: Moderate EXPLANATION: The sample is too small for the normal approximation. KEYWORDS: sampling distribution, mean, probability 41.

True or False: If the amount of gasoline purchased per car at a large service station has a population mean of 15 gallons and a population standard deviation of 4 gallons and it is assumed that the amount of gasoline purchased per car is symmetric, there is approximately a 68.26% chance that a random sample of 16 cars will have a sample mean between 14 and 16 gallons.

ANSWER: True TYPE: TF DIFFICULTY: Moderate KEYWORDS: sampling distribution, mean, probability 42.

True or False: If the amount of gasoline purchased per car at a large service station has a population mean of 15 gallons and a population standard deviation of 4 gallons and a random sample of 64 cars is selected, there is approximately a 95.44% chance that the sample mean will be between 14 and 16 gallons.

ANSWER: True TYPE: TF DIFFICULTY: Difficult KEYWORDS: sampling distribution, mean, probability

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7-12 Sampling Distributions


True or False: As the sample size increases, the effect of an extreme value on the sample mean becomes smaller.

ANSWER: True TYPE: TF DIFFICULTY: Moderate KEYWORDS: sampling distribution, mean 44.

True or False: If the population distribution is skewed, in most cases the sampling distribution of the mean can be approximated by the normal distribution if the samples contain at least 30 observations.

ANSWER: True TYPE: TF DIFFICULTY: Easy KEYWORDS: sampling distribution, mean, central limit theorem 45.

True or False: A sampling distribution is a distribution for a statistic.

ANSWER: True TYPE: TF DIFFICULTY: Moderate KEYWORDS: sampling distribution 46.

True or False: Suppose µ = 50 and σ = 10 for a population. In a sample where n = 100 is randomly taken, 95% of all possible sample means will fall between 48.04 and 51.96.

ANSWER: True TYPE: TF DIFFICULTY: Moderate KEYWORDS: sampling distribution, mean, probability 47.

True or False: Suppose µ = 80 and σ = 20 for a population. In a sample where n = 100 is randomly taken, 95% ...

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