Test Bank for ch08 PDF

Title Test Bank for ch08
Course Salesmanship and Sales Management
Institution George Washington University
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Cha pt e r8 :Confir mi nga n dCl os i ngt heSa l e :St a r toft heLongT e r mRe l a t i o ns hi p


Confirming and Closing the Sale: Start of the Long-Term Relationship

MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS Ans: b Page: 248 KeyWord: close


Which of the following statements about the sales close is least correct? a. Some scholars and practitioners prefer the term “confirming” to “closing” sales. b. It’s the end or conclusion of the selling process. c. It’s that stage when the salesperson tries to obtain agreement from the prospect to make the purchase. d. Some scholars and practitioners believe that too much emphasis is placed on the close.

Ans: c Page: 248-251 KeyWord: close


Which of these statements regarding closing is false? a. Salespeople should always be closing. b. Salespeople should try to close anytime the prospect communicates a verbal or nonverbal closing cue. c. Salespeople should try to close only after the sales presentation is completed. d. It’s one more integral part of the ongoing personal selling process.

Ans: a Page: 252-253 KeyWord: close


Which of the following would be the best time to try to close the sale? a. b. c. d.

Ans: d Page: 252-253 KeyWord: close


Which of the following is an inappropriate time to close? a. b. c. d.

Ans: d Page: 252 KeyWord: trial close


When the prospect asks, “Who else has bought the product?” Only after the salesperson has completed the sales presentation. When the prospect has raised an objection. Only after the demonstration has been completed.

When the prospect asks if a special feature is included. When a prospect says something positive about the product. When the salesperson asks if the prospect has any more questions and receives a “no” answer. When the prospect makes a very negative remark about the salesperson’s product.

When is the best time to try a trial close? a. When the buyer nods his or her head in agreement or leans toward the salesperson. b. When the buyer begins to listen more intently to the salesperson. c. When the buyer begins to test or try out the product. d. There is no single “best” time.

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Cha pt e r8 :Confir mi nga n dCl os i ngt heSa l e :St a r toft heLongT e r mRe l a t i o ns hi p

Ans: c Page: 271 KeyWord: silence


What should a salesperson do if he or she tries to close the sale and the prospect does not say anything for 30 seconds or so? a. b. c. d.

Ans: b Page: 252-253 KeyWord: trial close


What should salespeople do next after a trial close fails to work? a. b. c. d.

Ans: c Page: 252-253 KeyWord: buying signal



c. d. 9.

Repeat the trial close in a much stronger tone of voice. Use probing questions to try to find out the prospect’s objection to buying. Graciously try to conclude the sales call because this prospect is very unlikely to buy. Go through the product demonstration again to make sure the prospect visualizes its features and advantages.

Salespeople should close whenever the prospect shows a buying signal because


Ans: d Page: 271-272 KeyWord: failure to close

Immediately begin to review the product’s features and benefits. Repeat the close using a slightly firmer tone of voice. Wait a reasonable time until the buyer responds but don’t try to force the buyer into responding before you continue with your sales presentation. Ask the buyer if price is the sticking point.

the first close will always make the most profit for the salesperson’s company. the sales presentation is not important if the prospect has bought a similar product in the past. if the salesperson waits until the end of the sales presentation, the prospect may think of new objections. the prospect usually gives only one buying signal during a sales call.

Which of the following is the poorest reason why salespeople fail to close? a. b. c. d.

They are so focused on getting through their sales presentation that they miss or fail to respond to buying signals. They have guilt feelings about asking a person to make a purchase agreement. They have a fear of failure. They have spent an inadequate amount of time with the prospect during the sales call.

Ans: c Page: 250-252 KeyWord: avoiding close


Which of the following is not one of the three basic reasons why new salespeople may avoid closing the sale? a. Lack of confidence in their product or their company b. Guilt about asking people to part with their money c. Overconfidence in themselves d. A general fear of failure

Ans: d Page: 252-254 KeyWord: buying signal


Salespeople should not continue with the sales presentation when they encounter signs like a. b. c. d.

a trial close that fails to get a positive response. an interruption that disrupts the prospect’s frame of mind. another objection or request for more information. the prospect asks for the order form.

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Cha pt e r8 :Confir mi nga n dCl os i ngt heSa l e :St a r toft heLongT e r mRe l a t i ons hi p Ans: c Page: 254 KeyWord: nonverbal cue


Which of the following would be a nonverbal cue indicating it is time to try a trial close?

Ans: a Page: 254 KeyWord: nonverbal cue


Ans: c Page: 254 KeyWord: verbal cue


Ans: c Page: 250-252 KeyWord: avoiding close


Fear of failure in closing sales can be overcome by all except which of the following? a. Recognizing that few products are sold on the first sales call b. Recognizing that failure to close on a particular call seldom means that the sale is irretrievably lost c. Recognizing that most products are sold on the second sales call d. Recognizing that the best salespeople share the winning attitude of never giving up

Ans: d Page: 252-254 KeyWord: close


Which of the following is not sound advice to salespeople in closing sales?

a. b. c. d.

All of the below are nonverbal cues indicating it is time to try a trial close except the prospect a. b. c. d.

a. b. c. d.


c. d. 17.

becomes more tense and anxious. increases eye contact with the salesperson. begins to listen more intensely to the salesperson. begins to closely study and handle the product.

All except which of the following would be a good verbal cue indicating it is time for a trial close?


Ans: b Page: 272 KeyWord: trial close

The prospect begins to look more tense and anxious. The prospect decreases eye contact with the salesperson. The prospect begins to act more friendly. The prospect leans away from the salesperson.

The prospect asks who else has bought the product. The prospect asks what method of payment is acceptable. The prospect says something negative about the product. The prospect says that he or she has always wanted some particular feature of the product.

Sometimes it makes sense to let the prospect close the sale for you. Whenever you ask a closing question, remain silent because the first person to speak after that usually loses. Be persistent. Do not try to close the sale until your entire sales presentation has been concluded.

A salesperson who attempts a trial close and then speaks again before the prospect has responded has a. probably provided additional reasons to buy at a crucial time which can help close the sale. b. not allowed the prospect to respond so the trial close has probably failed. c. demonstrated the subtle and usually successful technique of slipping in a trial close while continuing to make the sales presentation. d. demonstrated empathy for the prospect by not allowing a lapse in the conversation while the prospect thinks over the trial close question.

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Cha pt e r8 :Confir mi nga n dCl os i ngt heSa l e :St a r toft heLongT e r mRe l a t i o ns hi p

Ans: a Page: 252 KeyWord: avoiding close


Which of the below is the most likely reason for salespeople having guilt feelings about closing a sale? a. b. c. d.

Thinking negatively about the role of selling in society Suffering from high stress associated with making a large income Thinking about higher potential customers that they could be negotiating with Suffering from a concern about the feelings of other salespeople if they surpass them in annual sales

Ans: d Page: 252 KeyWord: avoiding close


Which of the following would be least likely to help a new salesperson in overcoming his or her fear of closing? a. Talking to a sympathetic experienced salesperson b. Working on product, market, and customer knowledge c. Reading motivational books d. Thinking about how important the close is in personal selling

Ans: d Page: 255 KeyWord: consistency principle


When an investment counselor asks for agreement from the prospect on each of the various reasons for establishing a financial plan, he or she is using the _____________ principle of persuasion. a. compliant b. consistency c. scarcity d. consistency

Ans: a Page: 255 KeyWord: commitment principle


When salespeople convince prospects to drive an hour to come to their company headquarters to see a product demonstration, they are hoping that the _______________ principle of persuasion will take effect. a. commitment b. consistency c. friendship d. social validation

Ans: b Page: 256 KeyWord: reciprocity principle


When a salesperson goes out of his or her way to do a special favor for a prospect, the ___________ principle of persuasion may be a factor in the prospect placing an order that is far more valuable than the time and trouble of the salesperson’s initial favor. a. commitment b. reciprocity c. social validation d. friendship

Ans: c Page: 255 KeyWord: social validation


A salesperson who provides testimonials and stories from other satisfied customers similar to the prospect is using the principle of a. persuasion. b. commitment. c. social validation. d. friendship.

Ans: c Page: 255 KeyWord: authority principle


When salespeople establish their expertise and “look and act the part,” they are using the _______________ principle of persuasion. a. commitment b. consistency c. authority

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Cha pt e r8 :Confir mi nga n dCl os i ngt heSa l e :St a r toft heLongT e r mRe l a t i ons hi p d.

social validation

Ans: d Page: 255 KeyWord: friendship principle


When two salespeople work together to use the “good-cop, badcop” approach to sell a prospect, the “good cop” is most likely trying to use the ______________ principle of persuasion to sell the prospect. a. social validation b. authority c. commitment d. friendship

Ans: c Page: 255 KeyWord: scarcity principle


The “impending event” and “standing room only” closes are examples of the ____________ persuasion principle. a. authority b. consistency c. scarcity d. commitment

Ans: a Page: 258, 263 KeyWord: stimulus-response close


Asking a sequence of leading questions to make it easier for prospects to say “yes” when they are finally asked for the order is called the ___________ close.

Ans: b Page: 257, 259 KeyWord: assumptive close


Ans: c Page: 260, 267 KeyWord: special deal close


a. b. c. d.

“Do you want to pay with cash or credit card?” is an example of the _________ close. a. b. c. d.



assumptive choice special deal minor points

A computer paper salesperson who gives every member of the prospect’s office a glare reduction computer monitor screen is using the ____________ principle of persuasion to help win additional sales of computer paper. a. b. c. d.

Ans: a Page: 258, 263 KeyWord: stimulus-response close

choice assumptive standing room only special deal

When the prospect remains hesitant to make the purchase commitment despite the salesperson’s best efforts to close, a(n) _________ close may provide the incentive for the prospect to buy now. a. b. c. d.

Ans: d Page: 256 KeyWord: reciprocity principle

stimulus-response assumptive standing room only minor points

social validation authority friendship reciprocity

The major disadvantage of the stimulus-response close is that it a. can come off as condescending and insulting to sophisticated buyers. b. is the most difficult closing strategy for new salespeople to

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Cha pt e r8 :Confir mi nga n dCl os i ngt heSa l e :St a r toft heLongT e r mRe l a t i o ns hi p

c. d.

learn. provides little sales management control over the closing strategy. can be used only for selling highly technical products.

Ans: c Page: 258, 261 KeyWord: counterbalance close


“Yes, the airbag does add about $1,000 to the price of each fleet car for your sales force, but it is extremely effective in preventing serious injury during a collision and could save your company considerable money in medical insurance costs” is an example of which type of close? a. Contingent b. Boomerang c. Counterbalance d. No risk

Ans: a Page: 258, 261 KeyWord: contingent close


“If I can show you how our installation method will save you 25 percent on your construction costs, will you give me an order today?” is an example of which type of close? a. b. c. d.

Contingent Boomerang Counterbalance Turnover

Ans: b Page: 258, 261-262 KeyWord: boomerang close


The following scenario is an example of which close? Prospect: “The door of your safe is too heavy and makes a loud noise every time it’s opened. “ Salesperson: “You’re right, the safe door is heavy and noisy when it’s opened. We specifically designed it that way to keep unauthorized personnel from gaining easy access to office safes when they’re often unlocked during the day.” a. Contingent b. Boomerang c. Summary d. Assumptive

Ans: c Page: 259, 264 KeyWord: puppy dog close


“Mrs. Smedley, take the picture home and hang it on your wall. If you or your family do not like it after a week, just bring it back with no questions asked” is an example of which type of close? a. b. c. d.

Porcupine Contingent Puppy dog Choice

Ans: b Page: 260, 268-270 KeyWord: lost sale close


When salespeople apologize for not being able to satisfy a customer and ask what they might have done to win the sale, they are trying a _________ close. a. no risk b. lost sale c. puppy dog d. boomerang

Ans: c Page: 260, 268-270 KeyWord: pretend-to-leave close


Which of the following closes tend to rely on catching prospects off-guard so that they will reveal hidden objections that salespeople can then handle? a. SRO and puppy dog b. No risk and porcupine

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Cha pt e r8 :Confir mi nga n dCl os i ngt heSa l e :St a r toft heLongT e r mRe l a t i ons hi p c. d.

Pretend-to-leave and lost sale Erroneous conclusion and assumptive

Ans: c Page: 258, 262 KeyWord: probability close


Although seemingly comparable to the if/when close, the _________ close asks the prospect to assign a quantified likelihood of signing a sales contract in the near future. a. future order b. SRO c. probability d. suggestion

Ans: a Page: 258, 262 KeyWord: future order close


When a prospect does not have an imminent need, the salesperson can ask for a commitment from the prospect to purchase at a later time. This refers to a(n) _________ close. a. b. c. d.

future order if-when probability suggestion

Ans: c Page: 258, 262 KeyWord: suggestion close


The _________ close gets the prospect to accept the advice offered without giving it a great deal of thought. A salesperson could suggest that the many customers who have purchased the product have reported high levels of satisfaction, thereby suggesting that the prospect should purchase it. a. dependency b. compliment c. suggestion d. reserve advantage

Ans: a Page: 259, 264 KeyWord: dependency close


The _________close is used to break the “choke-hold” that a competing firm has over a prospect’s business by suggesting that the prospect has an alternative supplier to reduce the risk of being reliant on one supplier. a. b. c. d.

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dependency compliment suggestion reserve advantage

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Cha pt e r8 :Confir mi nga n dCl os i ngt heSa l e :St a r toft heLongT e r mRe l a t i o ns hi p

Ans: b Page: 259, 264 KeyWord: reserve advantage close


In the _________close, salespeople identify a number of merits for purchasing a product, but save a few to use if the prospect exhibits resistance yet again. a. dependency b. reserve advantage c. repeated-yes d. benefits

Ans: d Page: 259, 266 KeyWord: benefits close


The _________close requires the salesperson to identify and present a synopsis of the various salient advantages that the sales solution offers. a. b. c. d.

Ans: c Page: 260, 268 KeyWord: management close


compliment negotiation action benefits

When salespeople do not have the authority to make the prospect’s requested commitments or concessions, they can elicit the assistance of a supervisor who has the authority to make the necessary decisions to close the sale. This is known as a _________ close. a. b. c. d.

negotiation technology management takeaway

Ans: d Page: 260, 268 KeyWord: takeaway close


The _________close is used as an emotional fear appeal to cause anxiety that the prospect may lose out on a special deal or incentive. a. suggestion b. advantage c. compliment d. takeaway

Ans: c Page: 267 KeyWord: price discounts


What type of discount is a salesperson offering who says: “We give a 5 percent discount on total sales over $100,000 during any one year and 6 percent discount on total sales over $200,000?” a. Cash discount b. Noncumulative discount c. Cumulative discount d. Promotional discount

Ans: b Page: 271-272 KeyWord: closing mistakes


All except which of the following are common closing mistakes that salespeople make? a. Talking past closing si...

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