Test Bank for Organization Change 5th Edition by Burke PDF

Title Test Bank for Organization Change 5th Edition by Burke
Author Arwa Saad
Course Principles of management
Institution Princess Nora bint Abdulrahman University
Pages 13
File Size 146 KB
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Instructor Resource Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition SAGE Publishing, 2018

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Multiple Choice 1. Organizations change ______. A. only when planned change is initiated B. only in response to an environmental threat C. only when change is unplanned D. all the time Ans: D Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 2. Most organization change is ______. A. evolutionary B. revolutionary C. planned D. successful Ans: A Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 3. Revolutionary change is ______. A. planned B. a major overhaul of the organization C. rare D. all of these Ans: D Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 4. Evolutionary change is ______. A. sporadic


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B. ongoing C. planned D. none of these Ans: B Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 5. Revolutionary change involves ______. A. a change in strategy B. a change in leadership C. a change in organizational culture D. any or all of these Ans: D Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 6. Which of the following statements is true? A. Until a few decades ago, the external environment changed more rapidly than organizations. B. Until a few decades ago, organizations changed more rapidly than the external environment. C. The external environment now changes more rapidly than organizations do. D. All of these are false. Ans: C Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 7. Which of the following is true? A. Today’s organizations need to be more stable in order to keep up with the external environment. B. Today’s organizations need to change more rapidly in order to keep up with the external environment. C. Today’s organizations are generally keeping up with the external environment at a one-to-one pace. D. None of these is true. Ans: B Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors 2

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8. Organizations are generally built on an assumption of ______. A. continuity B. discontinuity C. stability D. both A and C Ans: D Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors 9. Organizations’ external environments are ______. A. continuous B. discontinuous C. stable D. both A and C Ans: B Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 10. Organizations’ external environments are ______. A. not interdependent B. not homeostatic C. not linear D. all of these Ans: D Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors 11. The majority of books and article about organization change addresses mainly ______. A. continuity and stabilization B. discontinuous change C. topics that are irrelevant to organizational change D. tried and true approaches to revolutionary change Ans: A Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 3

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12. Burke relies on which of the following types of books and literature as sources for his book? A. organizational theory literature B. trade books C. “story” books D. all of these Ans: D Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 13. Gladwell’s The Tipping Point (2000) ______. A. is a “story” book B. offers insights into how change occurs C. both A and B D. neither A nor B Ans: B Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 14. Gladwell’s (2000) three phenomena for change are ______. A. contagiousness, small causes can have big effects, and change occurs gradually B. contagiousness, small causes have small effects, and change occurs at one dramatic moment C. contagiousness, small causes can have big effects, and change occurs at one dramatic moment D. contagiousness, small changes have no effect, and change occurs at one dramatic moment Ans: C Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 15. A “connector,” according to Gladwell (2000), is______. A. a person who facilitates the change process B. a person who interrupts the change process C. anything that brings organizations and customers together D. anything that brings the organization in closer alignment with its environment Ans: A Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Medium 4

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AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 16. A “maven,” according to Gladwell (2000), is ______. A. a person who collects information B. both a collector and a connector C. neither a collector nor a connector D. both A and B Ans: D Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 17. A “salesperson,” according to Gladwell (2000), is ______. A. someone who creates the vision and overall direction for change B. someone who is an effective persuader C. both A and B D. neither A nor B Ans: B Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 18. “The stickiness factor” (Gladwell, 2000) involves ______. A. trying different forms of communicating the same message B. having a story or narrative that can be retold in a variety of ways C. the tricky nature of change D. both A and B Ans: D Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 19. The “magic number” of 150 (Gladwell, 2000) refers to ______. A. the minimum number of people required for a change effort to be effective B. the maximum number of people with whom someone can have a genuinely social relationship C. the Burke–Litwin model D. Chaos theory Ans: B Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 5

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20. How people behave is determined, according to Lewin (1947) by ______. A. mostly by their personality B. mostly by the environment C. as a function of the combination or interaction of personality and environment D. as a function of the combination of genetics and personality Ans: C Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors 21. According to Burke, the leader of change management par excellence is ______. A. Bill Gates B. John Kotter C. Donald Trump D. Alexander Hamilton Ans: D Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: A Short Story of Launching Organization Change Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 22. In the case study of the vice president’s coverage of the plans for change at Teachers College, Columbia University, the change was prompted by ______. A. a grant award B. the increased enrollment C. tearing down buildings to provide space for new ones D. the fact that the buildings and facilities involved were at least a century old Ans: C Answer Location: A Short Story of Launching Organization Change Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 23. The change and external environment noted in the case study involving Teachers College, Columbia University, involved ______. A. rising tuition costs B. increased enrollment C. change in administration D. change in the external environment Ans: C Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: A Short Story of Launching Organization Change Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 6

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24. The popularity of John Kotter’s “Leading Change” is due to ______. A. Kotter’s status and reputation B. Kotter’s ability to distill into eight stages a mass of case examples C. the face validity of the eight stages D. all of these Ans: D Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 25. A potential source for knowledge and assistance for models of organization and organization change literature includes ______. A. organizational theory literature B. trade literature C. books of narratives that have a clear and usually simple maximum to teach. D. all of these Ans: D Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 26. The “story” book that contains a metaphor and is entitled “Our Iceberg Is Melting” is authored by ______. A. John Kotter B. Jack Welch C. Malcolm Gladwell D. Holger Rathgeber Ans: D Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 27. The trade book “The Tipping Point” by Malcolm Gladwell is additionally grounded in ______. A. anecdotal evidence B. social and behavioral science research C. popular news stories D. interviews with CEOs Ans: B Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Introduction and Overview 7

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Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 28. “The Tipping Point” explores ______. A. Chaos theory B. nonlinear complex systems theory C. balancing interests D. both A and B Ans: D Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 29. “The Tipping Point” is a book that deals with ______.A. falling ideas B. life in New York C. how major changes in society happen suddenly and unexpectedly D. all of these Ans: C Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 30. “Mind Walk: a film for passionate thinkers” is a movie based upon ______. A. The Turning Point B. Gladwell’s book “The Tipping Point” C. the life of Liv Ullmann D. organizational change in another universe Ans: A Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Appendix Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 31. Chaos theory involves concepts known as ______. A. the butterfly effect B. nonlinearity C. turbulence D. all of these Ans: D Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Appendix Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors 8

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32. Complexity theory ______. A. is a systems theory B. involves self-organization C. was developed by Isaac Newton D. both A and B Ans: D Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Appendix Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors 33. The book by Levin “Putting a New Spin on Groups” involves application of group behavior based on ______. A. Chaos theory B. social identity theory C. groupthink D. none of these Ans: A Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Appendix Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors 34. John Kotter proposes that leading change consists of ______. A. charismatic leader B. authoritarian style of leadership C. laissez-faire D. an eight-stage process Ans: D Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 35. The case study involving Teachers College, Columbia University, is based upon the principle of an organizations being ______. A. an open system B. organization influenced by its environment C. the context in which the changes occurring D. all of these Ans: D Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: A Short Story of Launching Organization Change Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 9

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True/False 1. There is a classic pattern to any change in a given organization. Ans: F Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors 2. Management of change is a recent activity. Ans: F Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 3. Change management literature is only a recent activity. Ans: T Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 4. Change is a repetitive process in an organization. Ans: F Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 5. Change is a continuous process in an organization. Ans: T Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors 6. Change in an organization is decided and executed by senior leadership. Ans: F Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking


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7. Everyone in an organization is involved in and takes leadership responsibility for change in that organization. Ans: T Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations 8. Change management is a fairly recent area of study and discipline. Ans: F Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 9. Change management theory and analysis is a recent area of study. Ans: T Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 10. The case study involving Teachers College, Columbia University, is based on an open system theory of organization Ans. T Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: A Short Story of Launching Organization Change Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

Short Answer 1. Why is there a need for a clearer and greater depth of understanding about organization change? Ans: Until the last few decades, organizations’ external environment was more static and organizations could operate under the status quo without too much concern about surviving. Now that the external environment changes much more rapidly than organizations do, organizations need to keep up with the changes. Most organizations are created and developed on an assumption of continuity and so are most books and the literature about organization change. So more research needs to be done to help organizations change effectively in today’s rapidly changing external environment. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Reflective thinking 11

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2. What are the three basic types of books or literature that Burke uses as background and research for his book? Describe one drawback to each type. Ans: The three types of books/literature are (1) organization change, (2) trade literature, and (3) “story” books. A drawback to the organization change literature is that it mostly focuses on continuity and stabilization. A drawback to the trade literature is that the exemplary organizations on which the books eventually change and are no longer exemplary. (Another drawback to using trade literature is that it is typically based on one expert’s experience and has not been verified or validated.) A drawback to “story” books is that organizations are too complex for a simple story to reveal the many factors involved in organization change. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 3. According to Gladwell’s (2000) The Tipping Point, change is a “virus.” Explain how the change virus is spread: who spreads it and how it sticks. Ans: A few people initiate and facilitate the spread of the virus: connectors, who have many connections with the external environment; mavens, who know a lot about what is happening in the external environment and love to tell others about it (they are a type of connector); and salespersons, who are good at spreading the change virus through persuasion and influence. You need to use different forms of communicating the same message and repetition of the message in its various forms to make it stick. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Introduction and Overview Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking 4. Burke confers on Alexander Hamilton the title of change leader par excellence. Explain what he means. Ans: Alexander Hamilton was an illegitimate child born in an island in the Caribbean. He was exceptionally intelligent and made his way to the United States during the period leading up to the American Revolution. He was deeply immersed in the political and social change of that era. He was a member of the military staff of Gen. George Washington in the revolutionary army. At the conclusion of the war of independence, he obtained a law degree and became a successful lawyer in New York City. He married the governor’s daughter. After the failure of the articles of Confederation, he was appointed by the newly elected president of the United States, George Washington, as the secretary of the treasury. He undertook the unheard-of obligation of paying off the debt of the United States and was met with stiff resistance from the individual states, newly united, in shouldering their fair share. Having been the author of a series of paper describing federalism, he was involved in the economic consolidation of a series of sovereign states united themselves during the war but found themselves united in every other sense after that. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension 12

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Answer Location: Appendix Difficulty Level: Hard AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations 5. Using Kotter’s eight stage process, describe how you would lead the process of lowering the tuition for education in this institution of higher learning. Ans: I would establish a sense of urgency by describing the necessity for change and the limitations imposed for postgraduate growth by incurring significant debt for the cost of the education. I would create a guiding coalition students, faculty, and parents to develop a vision and strategy of an innovative and creative country. I would communicate that vision of change through high school counselors, parental associations, and local and national politicians. I would create mechanisms such as work-study programs campaigns to enlist private charities and solicitation from corporate America to empower students to take a broad-based action on lowering the tuition. Lowering of a tuition for probationary period of a year or two would generate short-term wins and demonstrate the efficacy of the vision thereby consolidating gauge and producing continuing change through additional years. The anchoring of this new approach in the ...

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