Test chapter 5 2 September, questions and answers PDF

Title Test chapter 5 2 September, questions and answers
Course Computing essentials
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Muhammad hussayn Presenting Psychology test chapter 5 (Learning) 1. To which process in perception is the concept of habituation in learning MOST similar? A) Sensation B) Accommodation C) Constancy D) Adaptation Answer = adaptation 2. Candice tosses a newly purchased felt mouse across the floor, her cat chases it excitedly, clutches it in its paws, and rolls around with it. Several tosses later, her cat yawns pointedly and settles itself for a nap. The change in Candice’s behavior illustrates: A) Adaptation B) Habituation C) Extinction D) Maturation Answer = habituation 3. Event is to behavior as ……………… is to …………………. A) Nature; nurture B) Nurture; nature C) Stimulus; response D) Response; stimulus Answer = stimulus; response 4. Imitation is associated with ………………. while consequences are associated with ………… A) Operant conditioning; observational learning B) Observational learning; classical conditioning C) Observational learning; operant conditioning D) Classical conditioning; operant conditioning Answer = Observational; operant conditioning 5. Social learning is a synonym for: A) Classical conditioning B) Operant conditioning C) Observational learning D) Adaptation Answer = Observational learning 6. ………………………… is credited for laying the foundation for the study of classical conditioning in psychology. A) Ivan Pavlov B) Edward Thorndike C) B.F. Skinner D) John B. Watson Answer = Ivan Pavlov


Muhammad hussayn 7. Although I won the Nobel Prize in 1904 for my research in psychology, Iam BEST known for my pioneering work in psychology of learning. Iam: A) William James B) B.F. Skinner C) Ivan Pavlov D) Edward Thorndike Answer = Ivan Pavlov 8. Ivan Pavlov is associated with the study of classical conditioning. This means that he studied how: A) People learning by imitating others B) Organisms associate two different stimuli C) People associate their behaviors with their consequences. D) Organisms respond to repeated stimuli Answer = Organisms associate two different stimuli 9. Pavlov conducted: A) Correlation studies. B) Case studies. C) Observational research D) Experimental research Answer = experimental research 10. A research assistant in a lab conditions dogs to salivate to the sound of a bell. During conditioning, the assistant deliberately manipulates the interval between the sound of the bell and the presentation of food. After conditioning, he measures how much the dog salivates when the bell is presented alone. The interval is the ……………. Variable. The amount of salivation is the ……………..Variable. A) Dependent; experimental B) Dependent; independent C) Independent; control D) Independent; dependent Answer = independent; dependent 11. In the first phase of the classical conditioning process: A) An unconditional stimulus elicits an unconditional response B) A neutral stimulus is paired with an unconditional stimulus C) A conditioned stimulus elicits a conditioned response D) A neutral stimulus is paired with a conditioned stimulus Answer = unconditioned stimulus elicits an unconditioned response 12. In the final phase of the classical conditioning process: A) An unconditioned stimulus elicits an unconditioned response B) A neutral stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus C) A conditioned stimulus elicits a conditioned response D) A neutral stimulus is paired with a conditioned stimulus Answer = a conditioned stimulus elicits a conditioned response


Muhammad hussayn 13. When a neutral stimulus comes to elicit a response after being paired with a stimulus that would elicit the same response naturally then …………………. Has occurred A) Classical conditioning B) Operant conditioning C) Observational learning D) Shaping Answer = classical conditioning 14. Broadly speaking, nature is to nurture as the …………………… is to …………………….. A) CS; US B) NS; US C) US; CS D) CR; UR Answer = US; CS 15. In Ivan Pavlov’s study, the US was ……………………… A) Meat; the bell; meat B) Meat; the bell; the bell C) The bell; meat; meat D) Meat; meat; the bell Answer = meat; the bell; the bell 16. Tim loves dill pickles, and the sight of a jar on the supermarket shelf makes his mouth water. In the terminology of classical conditioning, the sight of the jar is a(n): A) CS B) US C) NS D) CR Answer = US 17. Alexis who get nervous when she writes exams, has written several exams at the gym this term. She notices that her heart pounds and her hands sweat when she passes by the gym on the way to class. In this example the gym has become a(n): A) UR B) US C) CR D) CS Answer = CS 18. In classical conditioning, how are the neutral stimulus and the CS related? A) They are not related; they are completely different stimuli B) The CS becomes a neutral stimulus C) They are the same thing; the terms are interchangeable D) The neutral stimulus becomes the CS Answer = The neutral stimulus becomes the CS


Muhammad hussayn 19. Classical conditioning is the same thing as ………………………..conditioning A) Higher order B) Instrumental C) Operant D) Pavlovian Answer = Pavlovian 20. In classical conditioning, the neutral stimulus is paired with the unconditioned stimulus during the ………………… phase A) Recovery B) Acquisition C) Generalization D) Extinction Answer = Acquisition 21. Often, a conditioned response may be elicited not by the original CS, but by a similar one as well. This is known as stimulus: A) Extinction B) Generalization C) Discrimination D) Habituation Answer = Generalization 22. June’s cat runs to the kitchen at the sound of the electric can opener but does not at the sound of a blender. June’s cat is demonstrating …………..stimulus. A) Discrimination B) Shaping C) Recovery D) Generalization. Answer = discrimination 23. Which term BEST describes the correlation a researcher is likely to find between the extent to which stimulus generalization is observed and the similarity between the original CS and the new one? A) Zero B) Negative C) Positive D) Variable Answer = Positive 24. Which statement BEST express the relationship between stimulus generalization and stimulus discrimination? A) They are unrelated B) They are opposites C) They are the same thing D) Stimulus discrimination is a type of stimulus generalization Answer = They are opposites


Muhammad hussayn 25. A scientist conditions a dog to salivate in response to the sound of a high-pitched tone. The researcher then presents a low- pitched tone. The dog fails to salivate. The dog is demonstrating: A) Habituation B) Adaptation C) Discrimination D) Extinction Answer = discrimination 26. ………………………….. Occurs when a previously conditioned response decreases in frequency when the CS is presented in the absence of the US A) Extinction B) Habituation C) Adaptation D) Deconditioning Answer = Extinction 27. ………………… Refers to a decrease in the response to stimulus when it is presented repeatedly, whereas ……………. Refers to the eventual disappearance of a conditioned response when an unconditioned stimulus is no longer presented A) Extinction; habituation B) Habituation; extinction C) Habituation; adaptation D) Adaptation; habituation Answer = Habituation; extinction 28. After researcher conditions a dog to salivate in response to the sound of a tone, she continues to present the tone but does not give the dog any food. Eventually, the dog stops salivating to the tone. The dog is demonstrating: A) Habituation B) Adaptation C) Discrimination D) Extinction Answer = Extinction

Wish you luck in your studies !!!


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