Texas Instruments BA II Plus Student Guidebook English PDF

Title Texas Instruments BA II Plus Student Guidebook English
Author Jon Ripans, JD, MBA Finance
Course Corporate Finance
Institution Northeastern University
Pages 117
File Size 2.4 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 28
Total Views 130


Shows Keystrokes and Provides Instructions to Use Texas Instruments BA II Plus Financial Calculator for Time Value of Money (TVM) and Other Financial Calculations....


BAII Plus™ Quick Guide

Im por porttant Inf nfo o r m at atii on Except as otherwise expressly stated in the License that accompanies a program, Texas Instruments makes no warranty, either express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, regarding any programs or book materials and makes such materials available solely on an "as-is" basis. In no event shall Texas Instruments be liable to anyone for special, collateral, incidental, or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the purchase or use of these materials, and the sole and exclusive liability of Texas Instruments, regardless of the form of action, shall not exceed the amount set forth in the license for the program. Moreover, Texas Instruments shall not be liable for any claim of any kind whatsoever against the use of these materials by any other party. © 2011-2019 Texas Instruments Incorporated

USA FC FCC C I nf nfor or orm m at atiion Conce oncerrni ning ng Radi adio o Fr Fre equency I nt nter er erff er eren en ence ce This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, you can try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: •

Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.

Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.

Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.

Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for help.


Caution: Any changes or modifications to this equipment not expressly approved by Texas Instruments may void your authority to operate the equipment.

© 2004-2019 Texas Instruments Incorporated


Cont ent s Important Information USA FCC Information Concerning Radio Frequency Interference

O ve vervie rvie rview w o f C al alcul cul culat at ator or O pe perat rat ratio io ion ns

ii ii


Turning On the Calculator Turning Off the Calculator Selecting 2nd Functions

1 1 2

Reading the Display Setting Calculator Formats Resetting the Calculator Clearing Calculator Entries and Memories

2 4 6 6

Correcting Entry Errors Math Operations Memory Operations

7 8 12

Calculations Using Constants Last Answer Feature Using Worksheets: Tools for Financial Solutions

14 15 16

T i me-Va me-Valu lu lue-o e-o e-off -Mo -Mone ne ney y an and d Amort Amortii za zatt io ion n W o rkshe rksheet et ets s


TVM and Amortization Worksheet Variables Entering Cash Inflows and Outflows Generating an Amortization Schedule

21 25 25

Example: Computing Basic Loan Interest Examples: Computing Basic Loan Payments Examples: Computing Value in Savings

26 27 28

Example: Computing Present Value in Annuities Example: Computing Perpetual Annuities Example: Computing Present Value of Variable Cash Flows Example: Computing Present Value of a Lease With Residual Value

29 30 32 34

Example: Computing Other Monthly Payments Example: Saving With Monthly Deposits Example: Computing Amount to Borrow and Down Payment Example: Computing Regular Deposits for a Specified Future Amount Example: Computing Payments and Generating an Amortization Schedule Example: Computing Payment, Interest, and Loan Balance After a Specified Pay-

34 35 36 37 38



C ash F l ow W orksh orkshe e et



Cash Flow Worksheet Variables Uneven and Grouped Cash Flows

42 43

Entering Cash Flows Deleting Cash Flows Inserting Cash Flows Computing Cash Flows

44 45 45 46

Example: Solving for Unequal Cash Flows Example: Value of a Lease with Uneven Payments

47 50

Bon Bond d W o rkshe rkshee et

52 54 55

Example: Computing Bond Price and Accrued Interest


D ep epreci reci reciat at atio io ion n W o rkshe rksheet et Depreciation Worksheet Variables Entering Data and Computing Results Example: Computing Straight-Line Depreciation

St Sta a t ist istics ics W o rksh rkshee ee eett

58 58 61 62


Statistics Worksheet Variables Regression Models Entering Statistical Data

63 65 66

Computing Statistical Results


O t h er W orksh orkshe e et ets s


Percent Change/Compound Interest Worksheet Interest Conversion Worksheet Date Worksheet Profit Margin Worksheet

68 72 74 76

Breakeven Worksheet Memory Worksheet

78 80

APPEND APPENDII X - R e f ere erence nce I n f orm ormat at atii on



Bond Worksheet Variables Bond Worksheet Terminology Entering Bond Data and Computing Results


Formulas Error Messages Accuracy Information

82 93 95

AOS™ (Algebraic Operating System) Calculations


Battery Information


In Case of Difficulty


G e ne neral ral I nf nforma orma ormatt i on

10 100 0

Contact TI Support Service and Warranty Information Texas Instruments (TI) Warranty Information

I ndex

100 100 100



O v er v i ew o f Cal c ul at or O per a t i ons This chapter describes the basic operation of your BA II PLUS™ calculator, including how to: •

Turn on and turn off the calculator

Select second functions

Read the display and set calculator formats

Clear the calculator and correct entry errors

Perform math and memory operations

Use the Last Answer feature

Use worksheets

Tur ning ning On t he Calcul alcul Tur culat at ator or Press $ . •

If you turned off the calculator by pressing $, the calculator returns to the standard-calculator mode with a displayed value of zero. All worksheets and formats for numbers, angle units, dates, separators, and calculation method retain previous values and configurations.

If the Automatic Power Down™ (APD™) feature turned off the calculator, the calculator turns on exactly as you left it, saving display settings, stored memory, pending operations, and error conditions.

Tu Turrni ning ng Of f t he Cal alcul cul culat at ator or Press $ . •

The displayed value and any error condition clear.

Any unfinished standard-calculator operation and worksheet calculation in progress cancel.

The Constant Memory™ feature retains all worksheet values and settings, including the contents of the 10 memories and all format settings.

Overview of Calculator Operations 1

Au Autt o ma matic tic Po Pow w e r D o w n ™ ( APD APD™)) Fe Fea a tu turr e To prolong battery life, the Automatic Power Down (APD) feature turns off the calculator automatically after about five minutes of inactivity. The next time you press $, the calculator turns on exactly as you left it, saving display settings and stored memory and any pending operations or error conditions.

S ele elect ct cting ing 2nd Fun Funct ct ction ion ions s The primary function of a key is printed on the key itself. For example, the primary function of the $ key is to turn on or turn off the calculator. Most keys include a second function printed above the key. To select a second function, press & and the corresponding key. (When you press &, the 2nd indicator appears in the upper left corner of the display.) For example, pressing & U exits the selected worksheet and returns the calculator to the standard-calculator mode. Note: To cancel after pressing &, press & again.

Readi eading ng t he Displ splay ay The display shows the selected variable labels with values up to 10 digits. (The calculator displays values exceeding 10 digits in scientific notation.)

The indicators along the top of the display tell you which keys are active and offer information about the status of the calculator.

In Ind d ica icatt o r 2nd


Me Mea a n in ing g Press a key to select its second function. (& To cancel, press & again.

Overview of Calculator Operations

In Ind d ica icatt o r

Me Mea a n in ing g


Press a key to select its inverse trigonometric function.


Press a key to select its hyperbolic function.


Press C to compute a value for the displayed variable.


Press ! to assign the displayed value to the displayed variable.


Press & Vto change the setting of the displayed variable.


Press # or " to display the previous or next variable in the worksheet. Note: To easily scroll up or down through a range of

variables, press and hold # or ". D EL

Press & W to delete a cash flow or statistical data point.


Press & X to insert a cash flow or statistical data point.


TVM calculations use beginning-of-period payments. When B GN is not displayed, TVM calculations use end-ofperiod payments (END END END).


Angle values appear in radians. When RAD is not displayed, angle values appear and must be entered in degrees.


The displayed value is entered in the selected worksheet. The indicator clears following a computation.


The displayed value is computed in the selected worksheet. When a value changes and invalidates a computed value, the indicator clears.


The displayed variable is assigned the displayed value.

The displayed value is negative.

Overview of Calculator Operations 3

Se Setttin ing g Ca Calcul lcul lculat at ator or For orm ma ts You can change these calculator formats:

To Se Sele le lect ct

Pr Pre ess

Number of decimal places

& |

Angle units




Number separators


Calculation method

D isp ispla la lay y

D e fa fau u lt

DEC 0–9 (Press 9

for floatingdecimal) DEG (degrees) RAD (radians) US (mm-dd-yyyy) E u r (dd-mm-yyyy) US (1,000.00 ) E u r (1.000,00)





Ch Chn n (chain)


AOS é (algebraic

Ch Chn n

operating system)


To access format options, press & |. The DEC indicator appears with the selected number of decimal places.


To change the number of decimal places displayed, key in a value and press !.


To access another calculator format, press # or " once for each format. For example, to access the angle unit format, press #. To access the number-separator format, press " " " or # # #.


To change the selected format, press & V.


To change another calculator format, repeat step 3 and step 4. — or — To return to the standard-calculator mode, press & U . — or — To access a worksheet, press a worksheet key or key sequence.


Overview of Calculator Operations

C h o o sin sing g t h e Nu Numb mb mbe e r o f D e c ima imall Pla Place ce ces s D isp ispla la lay yed The calculator stores numeric values internally to an accuracy of 13 digits, but you can specify the number of decimal places you want to display. The calculator displays up to 10 digits with the floating-decimal option. Results exceeding 10 digits appear in scientific notation. Changing the number of decimal places affects the display only. Except for amortization and depreciation results, the calculator does not round internal values. To round the internal value, use the round function. Note: All examples in this guidebook assume a setting of two decimal places.

Other settings might show different results.

C h o o sin sing g t h e An Ang g le U n its The angle unit value affects the display of results in trigonometric calculations. When you select radians, the RAD indicator appears in the upper right corner of the display. No indicator appears when you select the default setting of degrees.

U sin sing g D a te tes s The calculator uses dates with the Bond and Date worksheets and the French depreciation methods. To enter dates, use this convention: mm.ddyy (US) or dd.mmyy (European). After you key in the date, press !.

C h o o sin sing g C a lc lcu u la latio tio tion n Me Mett h o d s When you choose the chain (Chn Chn Chn) calculation method, the calculator solves problems in the order that you enter them. (Most financial calculators use Chn Chn.) For example, when you enter 3 H 2 < 4 N, the Ch Chn n answer is 20 (3 + 2 = 5, 5 * 4 = 20). Using AO AOS™ S™ (algebraic operating system), the calculator solves problems according to the standard rules of algebraic hierarchy, computing multiplication and division operations before addition and subtraction operations. (Most scientific calculators use AO AOS S.) For example, when you enter 3 H 2 < 4 N, the AO AOS S answer is 11 (2 Q 4 = 8; 3 + 8 = 11).

R e se sett tin ting g D e f a u lt Va Valu lu lue es To reset default values for all of the calculator formats, press & z with one of the formats displayed.

Overview of Calculator Operations 5

Reset esettt ing t he Cal alcul cul culat at ator or Resetting the calculator: •

Clears the display, all 10 memories, any unfinished calculations, and all worksheet data.

Restores all default settings

Returns operation to the standard-calculator mode

Because the calculator includes alternative methods that let you clear data selectively, use reset carefully to avoid losing data needlessly. (See section “Clearing Calculator Entries and Memories”.) For example, you might reset the calculator before using it for the first time, when starting a new calculation, or when having difficulty operating the calculator and other possible solutions do not work. (See “In Case of Difficulty”.)

Pr Pre e s sin sing g 2 n d R e s e t EN ENT TER 1.

Press & }. The RST ? and E NTER indicators appear. Note: To cancel reset, press & U. 0 .0 .00 0 appears.


Press !. RS RST T and 0 .0 .00 0 appear, confirming that the calculator is reset.

Note: If an error condition exists, press P to clear the display before attempting to reset.

Pe Perr f o r min ming g a Ha Harr d R e s e t You can also reset the calculator by gently inserting a pointed object (such as an unfolded paper clip or similar object) in the hole marked R ESET in back of the calculator.

Cle lear ar ariing Cal alcula cula culatt or E nt ntrries and M em or oriies Note: To clear variables selectively, see the specific worksheet chapters in this guidebook.


To cle clea ar

Pr Pre ess

One character at a time, starting with the last digit


Overview of Calculator Operations

To cle clea ar

Pr Pre ess

keyed in An incorrect entry, error condition, or error message


The prompted worksheet and reset default values


Calculator format settings and reset default values •

Out of the prompted worksheet and return to standard-calculator mode

All pending operations in standard-calculator mode

In a prompted worksheet, the variable value keyed in but not entered (the previous value appears)

&| &z



Any calculation started but not completed

TVM worksheet variables and reset default values One of the 10 memories (without affecting the others)

&U &^ Q D and a memory number key (0–9)

Cor orrrect cting ing Ent Entrr y Er Errror ors s You can correct an entry without clearing a calculation, if you make the correction before pressing an operation key (for example, H or 4). •

To clear the last digit displayed, press * .

To clear the entire number displayed, press P.

Note: Pressing P after you press an operation key clears

the calculation in progress. E xa xam m p l e : You mean to calculate 3 Q 1234.56 but instead enter 1234.86.

Overview of Calculator Operations 7


Pr Pre ess

Dis Disp p la lay y

Begin the expression


Enter a number

1234. 1234.86 86

Erase the entry error


Key in the correct number


1, 1,234. 234. 234.56 56

Compute the result


3, 3,703. 703. 703.68 68

3 .0 .00 0 1, 1,234. 234. 234.86 86 1, 1,234. 234.

M at ath h Oper erat at atiions When you select the chain (Chn ) calculation method, the calculator evaluates mathematical expressions (for example, 3 + 2 Q 4) in the order that you enter them.

Ex Exa a mp mple le les s o f Ma Math th O p e r a t io ion ns These operations require you to press N to complete.


Pr Pre ess

Add 6 + 4


10. 10.00 00

Subtract 6 N 4


2 .0 .00 0

Multiply 6 Q 4


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