Textbook on the Philippine Constitution de Leon Hector DOCX

Title Textbook on the Philippine Constitution de Leon Hector
Author Deejay Bustamante
Pages 9
File Size 38.5 KB
File Type DOCX
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INTRODUCTION A. STUDY OF POLITICAL SCIENCE Meaning of Political Science Reduced to its simplest terms, political science is the systematic study of the state1 and government. The word “political” is derived from the Greek word polis, Commented [i1]: State – should not be confused with the meaning ci...


INTRODUCTION A. STUDY OF POLITICAL SCIENCE Meaning of Politial Siienie Reduced to its simplest terms, political science is the systematc study of the state1 and government. The word "politcall is derived from the Greek word polis, meaning city, or what today would be the equivalent of a sovereign state. The word "sciencel comes from the Latn word scire, "to knowl. (1)The science of politcs2 , therefore, has, as its formal object, a basic knowledge and understanding of the state and of the principles and ideals which underlie its organizaton and actvites. (2)It is primarily concerned with the associaton of human beings into a "body politcl, or a politcal community (one organized under government and law). (3)As such, it deals with those relatons among men and groups which are subject to control by the state, with the relatons of men and groups to the state itself, and with the relatons of the state to other states. 3 Siope of Politial Siienie Politcal Science is a very comprehensive feld. Its curriculum is almost certain to include courses in politcal theory, public law, and public administraton as well as in various more specialized subjects. 4 (1)Political theory.c – The entre body of doctrine relatng to the origin, form, behavior, and purposes of the state are dealt with in the study of this subject. (2)Public lawc – The (a) organizatons of governments, (b) the limitatons upon government authority, (c) the powers and dutes of governmental ofces and ofcers, and (d) the obligatons of one state to another are handled in the study of public law. In contradistncton to the rules of private law, which governs the relatons among individuals, public law is so specialized that separate courses are offered in each of its subdivisions – constitutional law (a,b),administratiie law (c), and international law (d). (3)Public administration. – In the study of public administraton, aaenton is focused upon the methods and techniques used in the actual management of state affairs by executve, legislatve, and judicial branches of government. As the complexity of government actvites grows, the traditonal distnctons among the powers of these branches become even less clear-cut5 . Today, legislatve bodies have been forced to delegate greater discreton to executve ofcers responsible for the conduct of government policies and powers. Thus, we fnd many administratve agencies exercising quasi-legislatve and quasi-judicial powers, icec, powers which are legislatve (see Art. VI, Sec. 1) and judicial (see Art. VIII, Sec. 1) in nature. Administratve law, already referred to, also falls within the scope of any broad study of public administraton. 6 1...

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