The American Revolution summary PDF

Title The American Revolution summary
Author Elena Denker
Course Englisch
Institution Gymnasium (Deutschland)
Pages 5
File Size 113.7 KB
File Type PDF
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The American Revolution The Great Awakening: (PDF-Document) •

very beginning of American Revolu@on

revival of religious concern and interest

1734-1742 (most between 1736 and 1742)

first American cultural event

gave strength to Americans

The Seven Years’ War: •

also known as the French and Indian War

first global war

1754-1763 (declara@on of war in 1756)

war between England and France o both allied with Na@ve Americans o England allied with American colonists

was about territory and trade

first England was about to lose

1757: William PiR (Prime Minister) pours money in war o beRer place o too much ! high war dept

Treaty of Paris in 1763

England won all French territories in North America o leading world power

American colonist on winning side ! “confidence boost”

The Royal Proclama@on of 1763: •

border between Bri@sh colonies and Indian tribes o line down the Appalachians

only temporary

acquisi@on of land by officials from England

no Bri@sh colonists beyond border without permission

tension colonists – Bri@sh government

Taxa@on on Bri@sh colonies: •

levy low taxes to… o pay off their war depts o guarantee defense for colonies (Bri@sh troops in colonies)

George Grenville responsible for taxes in colonies

colonists felt like Bri@sh observe them, even though they worked for them ! felt insulted

no representa@on in Parliament ! no rights like Bri@sh ci@zen o taxes without offering representa@on

Sugar Act (1764), Currency Act (1764) ! indirect taxes

Stamp Act (1765): first direct taxes o documents legal if wriRen on stamped paper o newspapers, … stamped to show payment

Quartering Act: provide food & shelter for Bri@sh troops

Townshend Acts (1767): taxes on nearly everything

➔ protests, radical groups (Sons & Daughters of Liberty), boycoRs of Bri@sh goods ➔ Stamp Act repealed in 1766

The Boston Massacre: •

resistance was interpreted as harassment of Bri@sh officials and vandalism

Bri@sh government sent 14th and 29th regiment to Boston for safety (October 1768) o higher tension

5.3.1770: situa@on escalated because of rumours (soldiers cut down Tree of Liberty)

sentry was aRacked with snowballs & stones by 50-60 Bostonians

soldiers weren’t allowed to use their weapons

one soldier discharged his musket by mistake ! other soldiers followed because thought they missed the command

5 people died, 6 others were wounded

Lieut. Gov. Thomas Hutchinson ended fight and promised jus@ce (soldiers went free)

11.3.1770 troops were removed to Boston Harbour

The Boston Tea Party: •

all taxes have been repealed except for tea tax

colonists boycoRed tea from Bri@sh East India Company o Bri@sh East India Company nearly financial collapse

New Tea Act ! no taxes on tea from East India Company in England, but only in colonial ports o East India Company cheaper than other tea

increasing tea smuggling, protests

16.12.1773: colonists didn’t allow three ships to unload their tea o Thomas Hutchinson didn’t want the ships to leave

at night, more than 100 colonists, dressed up as Na@ve Americans, threw tea (45 tons) into sea

1774: Second Boston Tea Party

The Intolerable Acts: •

Bri@sh government wanted someone to pay for tea

Coercive Acts: Boston Harbour closed for trade un@l loss of tea was compensated (except for food & firewood), town mee@ngs were banned, power of governor increased

Quebec Act, Administra@on of Jus@ce Act, MassachuseRs Government Act, Boston Port Act

effect: first con@nental congress (5.9.1774) o resistance against Bri@sh oppression o all colonies except for Georgia o non-importa@on and non-exporta@on to England ! knew that it wouldn’t work o symbol of unity

The Revolu@onary War: •

first baRles on 18th April 1775 in small towns

“The shot heard around the world“

nobody knows for sure who started

many more baRles followed

second con@nental congress on 19th May 1775 o Declara@on of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms o didn’t want independence, but equality

crisis blew up more and more un@l Declara@on of Independence

Quelle: PDF-Document

hRps:// Amerikanischer_Unabh%C3%A4ngigkeitskrieg#Lexington,_19._April_1775 hRps:// hRps://

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