THE Client - summary book PDF

Title THE Client - summary book
Course Inglés I
Institution Bachillerato (España)
Pages 9
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Mark Sway -> Fill d’11 anys va començar a fumar quan tenia 9 anys Ricky Sway ->És un nen de 8 anys, germà petit Dianne Sway -> La mare d’en Mark and Ricky Jerome Clifford = Romey ->l’home del cotxe,advocat de Nwe Orleans, Louisiana. Barry Muldanno ->Client of Romey. Ell està a la mafia de New Orleans Boyd Boyette -> US senator from Louisiana que va desapareixer fa uns mesos. Mulldano el va matar Sergent Hardy -> police officer (policia) Dr Greenway -> The doctor Roy Foltrigg -> Advocat del districte dels Estats Units Thomas Fink -> Assistent del fiscal del districte Larry Trumann -> FBI special agent Reggie Love -> Mark’s lawyer (advocada) Clint -> Reggie’s secretary Paul Gronke -> Muldanno’s friend. He is a bully (és un maton) Judge Harry Roosvelt -> The supremor judge (el jutge suprem) Sergeant Klickman -> The police officer that take Mark to the Juvenile Detention Centre (el policia que porta a Mark al Centre de Detenció de Menors) Doreen -> The guard of the centre ( la guardia del centre) Sam Dole -> El propietari del petit restaurant Pirini -> Another bully (Un altre maton)

CHAPTER 1: MARK AND RICKY Mark Sway, the big brother of Ricky, take him into the woods for lived his first

cigarrete. Ricky say that it was funny. They heard the sound of a car on the road with a licence place of Louisiana. The man put a hose in to the tail pipe of the car and the other part into the left back window. Then he got back into the car and close the door. Mark saw that he is trying to kill himself and he wants to save his life but the man saw him. He pulled Mark to the car and Ricky watched to him horror. He knew that he has to save his brother. Mark always had been more mature than Ricky at his age because he saw her father drunk and he had to hit him with a baseball bat (7) and had to convinced her mother to think about the divorce (8). Mark Sway, el gran germà de Ricky, el trasllada al bosc per haver viscut la seva primera cigarreta. Ricky diu que era divertit. Van escoltar el so d'un cotxe a la carretera amb un lloc de llicència de Louisiana. L'home va posar una mànega al tub de la cua del cotxe i l'altra a la finestra de l'esquena esquerra. Després va tornar al cotxe i tanca la porta. Mark va veure que intentava matar-se a si mateix i vol salvar la seva vida, però l'home el va veure. Va treure a Mark al cotxe i Ricky li va veure horror. Sabia que havia de salvar el seu germà. Mark sempre havia estat més madur que Ricky en la seva època, perquè va veure que el seu pare estava borratxo i que havia de colpejar-lo amb un bat de beisbol (7) i va haver de convèncer a la seva mare per pensar en el divorci (8). CHAPTER 2: THE MAN IN THE CAR Mark is in the car with Jerome Clifford. He was nervous. He saw something moving in the grass and he know that it was Ricky pulling out the hose. Romey saw Mark looking at the gun and he say to him to shoot but Romey grabbed the gun in front of Mark but he put his head down. The window didn’t breaks. The man drink all the bottle of whisky and think that he is feeling the gasoline. Mark speak to Romey because is the way that he don’t think to kill him. Romey explain that he have the body of Boyd Boyette under the boat in his garage. He falls asleep and Mark scape of the car and suddenly Romey put the gun in his mouth and shot it. He killed himself. Mark està al cotxe amb Jerome Clifford. Estava nerviós. Va veure que alguna cosa es movia a l'herba i sabia que era Ricky sortint de la mànega. Romey va veure a Mark mirant la pistola i li va dir que disparés, però Romey va agafar l'arma davant de Mark, però va posar el cap cap avall. La finestra no es va trencar. L'home beu tota l'ampolla de whisky i creu que està sentint la gasolina. Mark parla a Romey perquè és la forma en què no pensa matar-lo. Romey explica que té el cos de Boyd Boyette sota el vaixell al seu garatge. Es queda adormit i marca l'escena del cotxe i de sobte Romey va posar la pistola a la boca i ho va disparar. Es va matar a si mateix.

CHAPTER 3: AT HOME The brothers returned to the house running. Ricky lay down on the sofa and close his eyes, trembling and making strange noises. Mark have a large red mark under his left eye. Mark call at 911 to tell that it was a dead man on the narrow road near

the woods, but he don’t tell his name. Mark returned to the same place and two police cars and an ambulance arrived. A cop saw Mark and he did some questions. He took him to home and his mother had arrived. Mark explain the situation. The doctor call, she explain the situation of Ricky, and they go to the hospital. Rikcy and mum in the ambulance, and Mark with the police. The cop asked some questions again. Els germans van tornar a la casa corrent. Ricky es va ficar al sofà i va tancar els ulls, tremolant i fent sorolls estranys. Marca té una marca vermella gran sota el seu ull esquerre. Truqueu al número 911 per dir-li que era un home mort al carrer estreta prop del bosc, però no li diu el seu nom. Mark va tornar al mateix lloc i van arribar dos cotxes de policia i una ambulància. Un policia va veure a Mark i va fer algunes preguntes. Ell es va portar a casa i la seva mare havia arribat. Marqueu explicar la situació. La trucada de metge, ella explica la situació de Ricky, i van a l'hospital. Rikcy i mare a l'ambulància, i Mark amb la policia. El policia va tornar a fer algunes preguntes. CHAPTER 4: ROY FOLTRIGG Foltrigg recived a call information that Rome has been suicide. Muldanno’s trial for the murder of Senator Boyette it’s supose to be in a month but now will be later. The FBI can have more time to find the corps of the Senator and then accused Muldanno. They think that Jerome kill himself because he was the lawyer of Muldanno and he told him, where is the body because before he died, he don’t put in his not nothing about this. They need more proves. The murder of Boyette was a notice during months. Foltrigg va rebre una informació de trucades que Roma va suïcidar. El judici de Muldanno per l'assassinat del senador Boyette és un mes, però ara serà més tard. El FBI pot tenir més temps per trobar el cos del Senador i després va acusar a Muldanno. Ells pensen que Jerome es va matar a si mateix perquè era l'advocat de Muldanno i li va dir: "On és el cos perquè abans de morir", no posa res al respecte. Necessiten més proves. L'assassinat de Boyette va ser un avís durant mesos.

CHAPTER 5: THE PARTIAL TRUTH They went to the hospital and they are waiting in the waiting room. The mother and Ricky are inside and Mark and the police are waiting. Mark buy a coca-cola and finally he throw it in the rubbish because he finally can enter in the room. Mark explain the rial situation menus that he was inside the car. The doctor say that Ricky can stay in the hospital during 1-2 weeks and he will have compay to prevent

another attack. The inspector say to the police that they found fingerprints inside the car and they suspect that maybe it are from Mark because he is laying. They catch the coca-cola bottle to have the fingerprints from Mark and to compare it. Later, Mark started to cry because he thinks that it is his fault. Mark can’t sleep and he went to the cafetery and he found a target from a lawyer and he thinks that he maybe will need it. Van anar a l'hospital i esperen a la sala d'espera. La mare i Ricky estan dins i Mark i la policia estan esperant. Mark compra una coca-cola i finalment ho llença a les escombraries perquè finalment pot entrar a la sala. Mark explica els menús de la situació del rial que estava dins del cotxe. El metge diu que Ricky pot romandre a l'hospital durant 1-2 setmanes i tindrà compay per evitar un altre atac. L'inspector diu a la policia que han trobat empremtes dactilars a l'interior del cotxe i sospiten que tal vegada sigui de Mark perquè està posat. Agafen l'ampolla de coca-cola per tenir les empremtes dactilars de Mark i comparar-la. Més tard, Mark va començar a plorar perquè creu que és culpa seva. Mark no pot dormir i va anar a la cafeteria i va trobar un blanc d'un advocat i pensa que tal vegada ho necessiti. CHAPTER 6: THE INVESTIGATION CONTINUES. The FBI is investigation the fingerprints that they find in the car and in the gun comparing with Mark’s. In the hospital, the doctor give a newspaper to Dianne because the principal article talks about the suicide. Lately, a FBI agent called to the hospital because he wants to talk with Mark. Dr greenway left the room, the mother reads the article and Mark turned on the TV. L'FBI investiga les empremtes dactilars que troben al cotxe i al fusell en comparació amb Mark's. A l'hospital, el metge li dóna un diari a Dianne perquè l'article principal parla sobre el suïcidi. Últimament, un agent de l'FBI va cridar a l'hospital perquè vol parlar amb Mark. El Dr Greenway va sortir de l'habitació, la mare llegeix l'article i Mark va encendre el televisor CHAPTER 7: MARK’S LAWYER Mark went to the cafeteria and get some sandwiches. In the elevator, mark saw the lawyer’s card and he thinks to talk to her. She is only 4 streets away. His mother and him eat. When he has finished, he tell to his mother that he is going to go for a walk. He promised to don’t leave to the hospital but he did it, and he talk with the lawyer Reggie Love and he explains him the story. Mark don’t tell him where the senator body is burried. Finally, they go to the hospital. Mark va anar a la cafeteria i va aconseguir uns entrepans. A l'ascensor, marca la carta de l'advocat i pensa parlar amb ella. Només té 4 carrers. La seva mare i ell mengen. Quan hagi acabat, li diu a la seva mare que anirà a passejar. Va prometre no deixar-lo a l'hospital, però ho va fer, i va parlar amb l'advocat Reggie Love i li explica la història. Marca no li digui on està enterrat el cos senador. Finalment, van a l'hospital. CHAPTER 8: THE FBI INTERROGATION

Ricky wake up. Mark go to talk with Trumann but before this, Reggie put a small tape recorder in a belt in his belly. He go to the room alone. Trumann started to make questions but Mark know that if he’s without his mother, he isn’t able to make questions. Mark go out the room and lately, Reggie came inside. She explain that if he tried to questioned Mark without his mother, she will send the record to his boss. Ricky es desperta. Mark va a parlar amb Trumann però abans d'això, Reggie va posar una petita gravadora en un cinturó al ventre. Va a l'habitació sol. Trumann va començar a fer preguntes, però Mark sap que si no té la seva mare, no pot fer preguntes. Mark surt a l'habitació i, últimament, Reggie va entrar. Ella explica que si va intentar qüestionar a Mark sense la seva mare, ella enviarà el registre al seu cap. CHAPTER 9: MOST OF THE TRUTH Reggie talk with Trumann, Foltrig and Fink about Mark. They are absolutly convinced that Mark stayed at the car and about Clifford tell Mark where the senator’s body is buried. The FBI agents, think that if they put the Sway family protected about the FBI, they will have the information before. Dianne woke up and Mark explain her and to the Doctor all the story, unless where is the senator’s body. Reggie parla amb Trumann, Foltrig i Fink sobre Mark. Estan absolutament convençuts que Mark s'ha quedat al cotxe i Clifford explica a Mark on està enterrat el cos del senador. Els agents del FBI, pensen que si posen a la família Sway protegida pel FBI, tindran la informació abans. Dianne es va despertar i Mark li va explicar al Doctor tota la història, llevat que fos el cos del senador .

CHAPTER 10: INTIMIDATION Muldanno visited his old friend Paul Gronke and he explained the situation. He wants him to convince Mark to doesn’t tell anything. Mark isn’t able to sleep and he go to the waiting room. He wake up when a nurse bring the Memphis Paper that it is talking about Mark. Mark go to the elevator and Gronke pushed Mark into a corner and helt a knife to his throat. Mark was terrified and he started to run and he go to Reggie’s office. He explain the situation and she says that she will ask the hospital to put security guards in Ricky’s room.

Muldanno va visitar el seu vell amic Paul Gronke i va explicar la situació. Ell vol que convenci a Mark perquè no li digui res. Mark no pot dormir i va a la sala d'espera. Es desperta quan una infermera porta el Llibre de Memphis que parla de Mark. Mark va a l'ascensor i Gronke va empènyer a Mark en una cantonada i va fer un ganivet a la gola. Mark estava espantat i va començar a córrer i va anar a l'oficina de Reggie. Explica la situació i diu que demanarà a l'hospital que posi guàrdies de seguretat a l'habitació de Ricky. CHAPTER 11: THE MOTIVE FOR MURDER Mark called his mother to tell her that he was in Reggie’s office. Ricky woke up, eats and speeaks with the doctor. The phone rang, Reggie answered and Mark went out with Clint. They speak and finally, Mark fall asleep. Clint and Reggie started to read

articles about Senator’s Boyette murder. Mark va cridar a la seva mare per dir-li que estava a l'oficina de Reggie. Ricky es va despertar, va menjar i va parlar amb el metge. El telèfon va sonar, Reggie va respondre i Mark va sortir amb Clint. Parlen i finalment, Mark es queda adormit. Clint i Reggie van començar a llegir articles sobre l'assassinat de Senator Boyette. CHAPTER 12: AN EXPLOSION In the elevator, Reggie held Mark’s hand and when they go out, a lot of reporters where waiting their. They don’t answered nothing and two security guards are waiting he in front of Ricky’s room. Dianne lost her job. Ricky wake up and the doctor asked him some questions about what happen in the woods. At the third question he started to cry and soon he fall asleep again. Gronke drive to Sway’s trailer home and put a box against the door and it exploded. He call to the 911 and the fire destroyed the Sway’s home. A l'ascensor, Reggie va tenir la mà de Mark i, quan sortien, molts reporters on esperaven. No responen a res i dos guàrdies de seguretat esperen davant de l'habitació de Ricky. Dianne va perdre la feina. Ricky es desperta i el metge li va preguntar algunes preguntes sobre el que succeeix al bosc. A la tercera pregunta va començar a plorar i aviat es va tornar a dormir. Gronke va conduir a la casa de remolc de Sway i va posar una caixa contra la porta i va explotar. Va cridar al 911 i el foc va destruir la casa de Sway. CHAPTER 13: IN CUSTODY Foltrigg, Trumann and Fink talk with Judge Harry Roosvelt and they explain him that Mark is obstructing justice and that they think that Mark should be in protective custody because a Muldanno’s men burned his house. Later, Sergent Klickman take Mark to the Juvenile Detention Centre. Foltrigg, Trumann i Fink parlen amb el jutge Harry Roosvelt i li expliquen que Mark està obstruint la justícia i que pensen que Mark ha d'estar sota custòdia protectora perquè els homes de Muldanno van cremar la seva casa. Més tard, el Sergent Klickman pren el lloc al Centre de Detenció de Menors.

CHAPTER 14: IN DETENTION A guard called Doreen brought Mark to his room. It is bigger than Mark expected. Dianne talk to Reggie explaining the situation and she goes to see the judge because is her friend. After this, Mark was in the meeting room and Reggie go up to talk with him. Un guàrdia anomenat Doreen va portar a Mark a la seva habitació. És més gran que Mark esperat. Dianne parla amb Reggie explicant la situació i ella va a veure el jutge perquè és la seva amiga. Després d'això, Mark va estar a la sala de reunions i Reggie va pujar per parlar amb ell. CHAPTER 15: IN COURT

The judge asked Foltrigg, Fink and Trumann why they want to question Mark. He take them to his office and they explain him the protecion plan. Reggie don’t know anything about this. The judge called Reggie and he explains her the plan and says that Mark isn’t able to answer the questions about Boyette or Muldanno. The judge started with the questions and when he started with the Boyette ones, he don’t answer it and he returned to the detention center. They negotiate about the conditions of the Federal witness Protection Programme in details. El jutge va preguntar a Foltrigg, Fink i Trumann per què volen qüestionar a Mark. Els porta a la seva oficina i li expliquen el pla de protecció. Reggie no sap res d'això. El jutge va trucar a Reggie i li explica el pla i diu que Mark no pot respondre a les preguntes sobre Boyette o Muldanno. El jutge va començar amb les preguntes i quan va començar amb els Boyette, no ho va respondre i va tornar al centre de detenció. Negocien sobre les condicions del Programa de protecció del testimoni federal en detalls. CHAPTER 16: DANGER FOR REGGIE Mark wants to scape and he thinks that he will convince Doreen that he was sick and after this, he will have a look for the Senator Boyette’s body. Meanwhile, in the hospital, Dianne and Reggie were talking about the Protection Programme. Two FBI agents followed Muldanno into a small restaurant. He was with Gronke. They talk with Sam and tell him to put a salt shaker on their table because they want to hear their conversation. They want to kill Mark but finally they decided to kill Reggie but Gronke don’t want it and Muldanno says that he will tell the plan to Pirini. The agents contacted to their boss and told him the plan. Trumann decided to visit Reggie to told her the bad news.

Mark vol escapar i ell creu que convencerà a Doreen que estava malalt i després d'això, buscarà el cos del senador Boyette. Mentrestant, a l'hospital, Dianne i Reggie parlaven del Programa de protecció. Dos agents de l'FBI van seguir a Muldanno en un petit restaurant. Estava amb Gronke. Parlen amb Sam i li diuen que posi una saltadora a la taula perquè volen escoltar la seva conversa. Volen matar a Mark, però finalment van decidir matar a Reggie però Gronke no ho vol i Muldanno diu que li dirà el pla a Pirini. Els agents es van contactar amb el seu cap i li van dir el pla. Trumann va decidir visitar Reggie per explicar-li les males notícies CHAPTER 17: BACK IN DETENTION While Reggie was remembering about what thought Trumman’s the previous night, the newspaper was delivered. The phone rang and it was Roosvelt. She explains him the situation. The mom came in to saw Mark, and he explain her what appened in the elevator. In the court, the judge questioned Mark about the body of Boyette. He refused to answer. Mark speak with Doreen and he know what he had to do next.

Mentre que Reggie recordava el que pensava Trumman la nit anterior, el diari va ser lliurat. El telèfon va sonar i va ser Roosvelt. Ella l'explica la situació. La mare va entrar a veure Mark, i li va explicar el que va apagar a l'ascensor. A la cort, el jutge va qüestionar a Mark sobre el cos de Boyette. Es va negar a respondre. Mark parla amb Doreen i ell sap el que va haver de fer després. CHAPTER 18: MARK’S ESCAPE When Doreen returned to Mark’s room, he immediatly fell to the floor. Doreen shouted to the guard to call an ambulance. After he was in a stretcher, the doctors paid no attention to him and he called Reggie because he wants that Reggie take him. Reggie take him in Clint’s car. She enter in the hospital parking and drove it slowly and Mark came in. He wants to go to New Orleans to find the truth about the body. Quan Doreen va tornar a l'habitació de Mark, va caure immediatament a terra. Doreen va cridar al guàrdia per cridar a una ambulància. Després d'estar en una llitera, els metges no van prestar atenció a ell i va cridar a Reggie perquè vol que Reggie ho portés. Reggie el portarà al cotxe de Clint. Va entrar a l'estacionament de l'hospital i la va conduir lentament i va entrar a Mark. Vol anar a Nova Orleans per trobar la veritat sobre el cos. CHAPTER 19: THE SEARCH BEGINS The Chief Ray Trimble called Trumann for the news. After this, he went to the hospital to tell it to Dianne. Dianne with the eyes filled with the tears, lied to the inspector. After this, Trumann got permission to tap the phone in Ricky’s room, was able to listened the phone calls. Clint called to Dianne to explain the news. Reggie called to Clint to explain that they were in New Orleans. Muldanno had a call from Memphis by Pirini saying that the kid disappear. The FBI agent contact to Trumann to tell him that the kid and Reggie were in New Orleans. El cap Ray Trim...

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