The Constellations According to Genesis 10: Chapter-2 Generation of the Heaven God (Astronomy, the Constellations, and Star Mapping Cities) By Dr. John D. Pilkey, 1982 [Editing, Illustrations, Charts, and Annotations by Ross S Marshall, 6-1-2021 PDF

Title The Constellations According to Genesis 10: Chapter-2 Generation of the Heaven God (Astronomy, the Constellations, and Star Mapping Cities) By Dr. John D. Pilkey, 1982 [Editing, Illustrations, Charts, and Annotations by Ross S Marshall, 6-1-2021
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The Constellations According to Genesis 10: Chapter-2 Generation of the Heaven God (Astronomy, the Constellations, and Star Mapping Cities) By Dr. John D. Pilkey, 1982 [Editing, Illustrations, Charts, and Annotations by Ross S Marshall, 6-1-2021] 2/32 - The fixed stars were an inevitable source of c...


The Constellations According to Genesis 10: Chapter-2 Generation of the Heaven God (Astronomy, the Constellations, and Star Mapping Cities) By Dr. John D. Pilkey, 1982 [Editing, Illustrations, Charts, and Annotations by Ross S Marshall, 6-1-2021] 2/32 - The fixed stars were an inevitable source of cosmic meaning to Noah's family. Because the same patterns of stars are observable throughout the world, their imagery transcends the shifting panorama of_earthly experience and suggests the eternal. The constellations have always been a source of monogenetic speculation because remote tribes and nations sometimes interpret the same arbitrarily defined sets of stars with the sane arbitrary motifs, The constellations offer a field of symbolic images comparable to the interior of the Gundestrup panels. Twelve of these constellations lie along the plane of the solar system and constitute the twelve signs of the Zodiac, foundation of the ancient cult of astrology, these regions of stars acting as the pathway for the brighter bodies of the solar system: sun, moon, and planets. But most of the brightest stars lie in constellations either above or below the zodiacal line of the ecliptic. A Noahic interpretation of the Zodiac must also include the non-zodiacal constellations such as Orion, Auriga, Ursa Major, and Cygnus. A major interpretive problem is how many such non-Zodiacal constellations were part of the original Noahic scheme. 2/33 - Because the zodiacal number twelve has universal theocratic significance, we would expect the complementary set of non-zodiacal constellations to total a multiple of twelve. Aside from the recently invented south circumpolar constellations, the handbooks on astronomy suggest totals of thirty-six or fortyeight, including the zodiacal twelve. Thirty-six is generally too low and forty-eight, a little too high without using a few recently invented patches of stars such as Lynx or Camelopardalis in the winter circumpolar region, treating these as ancient stellar regions without name. The figure of forty-eight is just twice the total of twenty-four, the foundation to the urban cults of Sumer. Positive evidence exists for a one-to»one correspondence between Sumerian cities and constellations, for example, between Sippar, cult city of the Sun God, and the faint zodiacal constellation of Cancer. The same logic applies to twenty-four imperial regions of the Near East. Gutium, for example, appears in an inscription as “scorpion of the mountain,” as though it were the designated region of the zodiacal constellation of Scorpius.

[EDITOR: Eight gods with six constellations each. With the primitive Zodiac at six constellations this could infer an original set of eight gods sharing one constellation. With six constellations having two signs each it would give us two gods to each sign, a total of 12 original gods. See also Allen. “Star Names” pp.11-13. Ptolemy 48.]

2/34 - As a multiple of eight, forty-eight proves true to the logic of the exterior panels. Each of the eight gods, in this case, controlled seasonal sets of six constellations each. If the Sippar-Cancer equation holds true, the Sun God of the second council claimed an early spring set of six constellations including Cancer. Similar logic associates the aviary region of Aquila and Cygnus with the Air God of the third council; Taurus, with the bovine imagery of the lunar pantheon of Nanna and Ninhar; Orion and Canis Major, with the War God; the aquatic zone cf Aquarius and Pisces, with the Water God; and the late spring zone of Bootes, with the Shepherd God. Although the constellations appear in eight regional sets of six, it will later be shown that they were introduced in six sets of eight to effect the transition from stellar sextads to terrestrial` octads such as the one claimed by Lugalannemundu. The eight sets or six refer, in effect, to stellar regions, two for each of the stellar seasons. Each constellation was assigned to a single prince; and and each sextads matched one of the divine languages of the conciliar sequence. For this reason, we should indicate, for each prince, an indigenous name characteristic of the governing linguistic stock or associated with it: 2/35 - Eight Regional Stellar Sextads A...Sextad of the Heaven God. Ural Altaic. North Autumn Nucleus. Constellation. Prince. Representative Version. Cassiopeia Aries Triangulum Cepheus Perseus Andromeda

Sheba I Cush Gether Elam Asshur Jerah

Ninhursaga (wife of Suilap) Kara Khan (Dedun) Agathyrsus Suilap (Shulpae) Pyrshak Khan (Ashsnlr 1) Egime (Hera)

B...Sextad of the Sun God. Hamitic. Early Spring Nucleus. Cancer Obal Re Leo Arvad Sekhmet (Nissaba) Hydra Mizraim Min (Mynogan) Corvus Lehab Tefnut (Ninlil) Virgo Pathrus Isis (Don) Crater Arphaxad-II Nefertum C...Sextad of the Air God. Semitic. Late Summer Nucleus. Aquila Ham Anzu Draco Canaan(or Cush) Enlil (Shu) Pegasus Magog Igrish-Halam Cyghus Hamath Anath (Sarasvati) Lyra Javan Ar-Ehmum Sagitta Tubal (Eber) Ebrum B. ..Sextad of the Storm God. Indo-European. Early Summer Nucleus. The Aviary region. Serpens Caput Jebus Zeus Libra Almodad Aphrodite (Ishara Hercules Shem Heracles (Thor) Serpens Cauda Sheleph Aesculapius Ophiochus Peleg Cernunnus (Frey) Scorpius Joktan Odin (Shara) C. ..Sextad of the Moon God. Sino-Tibetan. North Winter Nucleus. The Bovine Region. Canis Minor Sin Bau (Isin) Lynx Zemar Ganga Taurus Diklah Kwan (Ninhar) Gemin Haaoram Yu (Nanna) (Arphaxaa 1) Auriga Uzal Usan (Inanna) Camelopardalis Abimael Yao F...Sextad of the War God. Elamite. South Winter Nucleus. Lepus Japheth (Atab) Laqomal (Lacedaemon-Camulus-Knbu1u) Monoceros Hul Human Eridanus Madai (Mashda) Ahura Mazda (Damu) Orion Seba Nahhunte (Osiris-Shiva) Canis Major Nimrod Inshusninak (Ninurta) (Kalibum) Argo Girgash Gel (Mogalla) (Akurgal) G..Sextad of the Water God. Sumerian. South Autumn Nucleus. The Aquatic Region. Piscis Austrinus Noah Ninazu Cetus Ophir/Havilah Dumuzi-abzu (Tiamat?) (or Capricornus) Fisces Jobab Nanshe Delphinus Gomer Lugalure (L1yr~H1er) Sagittarius Meshech (Salah) Assalluhe (Marduk)




H. Sextad of the Shepherd God. Amerind. Late Spring Nucleus Coma Berenices Havilah I Tlazolteutl (Ninsun) Corona Borealis Uz Itzamna . (Dumuzi the wild Bull) Bootes Phut Quetzalooatl . (Dumuzi the Shepherd) Ursa Major Zud (Tudia) Tupan (Seth) Canes Venatici Anam Anubis Ursa Minor Naphtuh Nephtys [EDITOR: Sumerian account makes Shulpae (Elam-Yamm) father of Mot. Ugaritic myth makes Mot and Yamm brothers with Athtar as #3. Jacobsen Sumerian Account: Biblical NINHURSAGA & Shulpae begat… - s. Ashshirgi x Hazarmaveth - s. Mululil Tr-Il’s son Mot (Tower of Death) - d. Egime (Andromeda) x Jerah (Hera)(Queen of Olympians)] 2/36 - Lapps & Swedes: The north autumn constellations are bound together by Greek mythology, where Andromeda, daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia, is saved from the sea monster Cetus by the hero Perseus. Cepheus is a member of the Libyan genealogy of Sidon and Salah and is, in fact, a son of the Greek version version of Salah-Marduk-Belus, father of Cepheus, Danaus, and Aegyptus. Belus and Cepheus represent a father-son pair often repeated as such in Gentile tradition: Gilgamesh son of Lugalbanda; Yima son of Surya; Jemshid son of Tahumers; Yamm son of Tr ll; and the Ural Altaic Suilap son of Kudai Bai Ilgon. If Belus is the Semite heir Salah, Cepheus is the first Semite vassal of Genesis 10:22, Prince Elam. A peculiarity of the Sumerian pantheon is that the line of Ham, Canaan, and Sidon terminates at Salah, Jacobsen assigning no noteworthy son to Asalluhe. Salah’s son Elam reappears in a separate part of the pantheon as Shulpae husband of the Mongoloid matriarch Ninhursaga. Because the Ural Altaics are one of the two great Mongoloid stocks, we would expect Ninhursaga to account for one of these, complementing Nanna's Sine-Tibetan stock by defining the Ural Altaics. The Sumerian name Shulpae resembles the Tatar Suilap, one of four sons of Kudai Bai Ilgon and the north circumpolar position of the constellation of Cepheus underscores the Arctic destination or two races apparently derived from Suilap: the Ural Altaic Lapps and Indo-European Suiones (Swedes), Caucasoids who deliberately cultivated the Teutonic tongue in order to draw the racial line between themselves and the visibly Mongoloid Lapps. 2/37 - Jacobsen reports that Ninhursaga and Shulpae had at least three children, the sons Ashshirgi and Mululil and the daughter Egime. Mululil, a dying god, answers to Tr Il's son Mot, personified “Death,” the biblical Hazarmaveth “Tower of Death,” one of the three sons of Lady Asherah, the lion rider. Ugaritic mythology treats Mot and Yamm as brothers, together with Athtar: but the Sumerian tradition makes them father and son, by locating the name Elam at the head of the list in Genesis 10:22, the Bible confirms that Elam-Yamm-Shulpae was the head of the family including Prince Asshur; Shulpae‘s son Ashshirgi. The daughter Egime is the logical choice to complete the north autumn system as Andromeda. as she is to complete the female membership of the Joktanite list as Jerah, who appears in a totally separate context as Hera, queen of the Olympians. The constellation of Andromeda is too important to confine to a person as obscure as the one who bears this name in Greek mythology. The connection between Hera and Egime is suggested by a logical chain concerning Shem, feudal lord of Elam and Asshur. The Hellenes identified Shem as the hero Heracles, equivalent to Teutonic Thor. The name Heracles means "Strength of Hera,” a title similar in formation to such Sumerian names as Ur-Nanshe, "Champion of Nanshe," and Ur-Nammu, "Champion of Nammu." If we subject the name Egime to the same process, the Greek name Heracles translates into Sumerian as Ur-Egime, a plausible explanation of Shem's internal Genesis 10 name Rhegma or Raamah. vassal of Cush.

THE FOUR ANTEDILUVIAN MALES 2/38 - For some reason, the four antediluvian males enrolled themselves into Genesis 10 as vassals of Cush, under the names Dedan (Noah), Raamah (Shem), Havilah Il (Ham), and Sheba II (Japheth). This enrollment owed something to the sacred symbol of the ram adopted by Cush and Shem as Dedun and Amon of Nubia and Thebes. An archaic Greek statue of Hermes. Lacedaemonian version of Ham, shows him holding an infant ram,.his firstborn Cush - Prince of Aries the Ram. We have already noted Cush's identity with Kara Khan, "Black Prince," a feudal son of Kudai Bai Ilgon and brother of Tartarian, Suilap. African Cush‘s membership in the Ural Altaic fraternity may seem incongruous; but the incongruity is found positively in the Tatar tradition of Kara Khan. Another son of Kudai Bai Ilgon, Pyrshak Khan, “Prince of Brown Horses,” answers to the hero Perseus, Sumerian Ashshirgi the Semite Asshur, outside the context of the Semitic linguistic stock. The brown horse motif parallels the Donnotauros (“Brown Bull”) panel, Celtic symbol of the Ural Altaic colony at Aratta. A significant geographic fact is that Nuzi lay east of the River Tigris opposite Assyria, on what might be considered the road from Asshur's Assyria to Parthian Aratta; The original name of Nuzi, Gasur, offers an immediate variant to the names Gaur, Gether. And Agathyrsus, all referring to Shem-Heracles' third son in Genesis 10:22. Francisco Jos Badiny affirms that the Agathyrsians, a people of Docia and northern Sarmatia, were Ural Altaics. The constellation of Triangulum or Deltaton symbolizes the three griffins of the Taranis panel of Syrian Mesopotamia: Gether and his brothers Uz and Mash. [EDITOR: NOTES: Wilford’s Essays: On Mt. Caucasus. What race-tribe was symbolized by griffins or used griffins as their mascot / epithet?



CONSTELLATION VIRGO 2/39 - The Egyptians identified the constellation of Virgo with their great goddess Isis, Pathrus, daughter of Mizraim, Celtic Don daughter of Mynogan as the wife of' Gomer (Llyr-Khufu) and mother of Javan (BranMenkaura), this woman was virtually the matriarch of the Memphite dynasty, which created the great pyramids, the cultural heart of Egypt. But she was only one of a series of powerful females in the Egyptian pantheon, Mizraim clan, and early spring sextad. Two of these were blacks, Arvad daughter of Ophir and Lehab daughter of Arvad and Gush. From the lion or cat motif of Ophir-Bast, Arvad derived her lion image as Sekhmet, the goddess who sought vengeance against mankind for disobedience to the Sun God. Although Sekhmet transferred her lion image to Nefertum, her son by Ptah, she remained the chief leonine deity of Egypt, the logical choice to represent the constellation of Leo, adjacent to Virgo. Some believe that the Egyptian sphinx represents Virgo's head on Leo’s body, a compound of Isis and Sekhmet, core of the sextad assigned to the Sun God. CONSTELLATION CANCER 2/40 - We have noted our reason for assigning the sun god Re-Obal to Cancer, the zodiacal constellation which precedes Leo and Virgo at the outset of the spring sky. South of these constellations runs the water

snake Hydra, constellation of Mizraim, nominal patriarch of the Two Egypts. Together Mizraim and Canaan are the two dragons of Panel 90; and Hydra [serpents symbolize the sea-ocean.] is to Draco what the western dragon is to the eastern, both encircling the sky from the south and north. In Greek mythology, Mizraim is the Titan Oceanus, the “encircling sea,” suggestive of the unusual length of Hydra, which commences from the late winter constellation of Canis Minor at the eighth hour of right ascension and extends throughout the entire spring interval to Libra at the fifteenth. Pharaoh Menes must have felt that he was celebrating the motif of Hydra when he carried the Hamites of Hamazi by sea from the Persian Gulf to Upper Egypt, where he erected a statue of Min-Mizraim. The aquatic milieu of Hydra suggests that Mizraim enjoyed a special claim to the Water God of the Sumerian tongue as well as the Sun God of the Hamites and this arrangement is no surprise in View of the high Egyptian rank of the Mesopotamian water god as Ptah of Memphis.

Constellation of Cancer

Crater and Hydra

CONSTELLATIONS CRATER & HYDRA 2/41 As a son of Ptah, Nefertum, appears in the solar sextad as the constellation of Crater, the cup, entangled in the folds of Hydra. This Nefertum. The Arphaxad-II of Genesis 10:22, is one of the most synthetically located of all Noahic princes, enjoying membership in the Hamite sextad; a Sumerian historical identity as Ur-Ningirsu of Lagash; a high ranking Aryan identity as Dagda of the Gaels, father of MiderMithras and three other Adityas; and Genesis 10 status as a primary vassal of Shem. The name Nefertum means “Atum the Younger,” evidence that the name Atum originally referred to Re-Obal’s father Arphaxad-I. East Indian tradition identifies Arphaxad-I and Arphaxad-II as Daksha-I and Daksha-II, as maternal grandparent and grandchild. Egyptian and Indian tradition agree in making Arphaxad-II a son of Sidon, Ptah and Kasyapa. They seem to disagree over his maternity. If Arphaxad-II was a maternal grandson of ArphaxadI, his mother could not have been Arvad-Sekhmet as the Egyptians claim. In fact, the Egyptian maternity is literally correct and the Indian connection between Dahsha I and Daksha II an interpretation. Arpharad II was Salah's quadroon half-brother, a son of Sidon by black Arvad rather than Uzal-lnanna, daughter of Arphaxad-I. Arphaxad-II’s Sumerian name Ur-Ninginsu (Ur-Ningirsu?) "Champion of Nimrod, reflects his Negro blood, which he shared with Nimrod, through the same female channel. For some reason, he, rather than Salah, gained the title Arphaxad II. His character as Dagda of the Gaels and association with Crater suggests that he may have been responsible for the origin of the Gundestrup Caldron or its prototype. The sixth constellation of the Hamitic sextad, Corvus the Crow, belonged to his maternal cousin Lehab-Ninlil, daughter of Arvad, wife of Canaan, and mother of Nimrod. The Egyptians knew Lehab as Tefnut, wife of the air god Shu, the Egyptian version of Canaan-Enlil. [EDITOR: - Celtic Mynogan (Mizraim) > f. of daughter Don (Isis-Pathrus). Egyptian Tradition: The maternity of Arphaxad-II (Daksha-II) - Possible answer: If Arvad is Sekhmet in Egyptian tradition and Parvati in Hindu tradition, then the wife of Kasyapa and mother of Daksha-II (Nerfertum) is Parvati-Devi - for Nerfertum’s mother is Sekhmet. - Who is Nefertum? She was one of three siblings of Ptah. No Egyptian counterparts as yet discovered. Choices: Elishah, Arphaxad-II, and Amor.] THE AIR GOD’S 6 CONSTELLATIONS - AVAIRY REGION

2/42 The sextad of the Air God originated the so-called “Semitic” language, which is more accurately labeled in the Bible the "language of Canaan." None of its members is a vassal of Shem, Aram, or Joktan. Hamath was Shem’s wife both as Anath in the Ugaritic mythology and Sarasvati in the Aryan. Only one of the six, Eber, was a descendant and heir of Shem; and Eber‘s grandson founded the powerful Semitic-speaking empire of Agade. as a compromise between “Semitic” and “Canaanite,” this stock might have been labeled “Hebraic,” after Eber. The term “Hebrew” applied to the Israelite language is unwittingly appropriate for the entire stock, if we View the Akkadians as the most representative early manifestation of it. 2/43 Hamath‘s connection with Cygnus, the Swan, arises from the iconography of Sarasvati, who is accompanied by a swan. More generally she is the Sumerian bird goddess Ninmar, daughter of the fish goddess Nanshe, the white antediluvian assigned to Pisces just beyond Cygnus at the transition from summer to autumn. Thus Hamath and Cygnus serve to unite the Semites and Sumerians, associating both stocks with the fair-skinned race of Aryan Europe; the racial type surviving from the antediluvian world through her mother Nanshe. The alpha star of Cygnus, the swan's tail Deneb, forms the familiar summer triangle with Altair of Aquila, the Eagle, and Vega of Lyra, the Harp. All three belong to the Semitic sphere. As the Eagle of the Myth of Etana, Ham is the Akkadian Eagle Anzu, logical foundation of the constellation of Aquila above the ecliptic at Sagittarius the Zodiacal constellation of the archer Marduk. In position, imagery, and Semite polarity, Sagittarius might have belonged to the Semitic sextad. But the same Semitic-Sumerian dualism apparent in Hamath-Cygnus\drew Prince Salah and the sign of Sagittarius into the aquatic orbit of the Sumerians, where Salah was known as the god Asalluhe and, separately, as the hero Lugalbanda. The`Semitic and Sumerian stocks were as closely related as Enlil and Enki, Canaan and Sidon, father and son. [EDITOR/NOTES:Brahma-Shem’s wife Sarasvati; Ball’s wife Anath, is mother of “Mash-Math.” Eber’s grandson is Reu-Sargon, founder of Agade. Nanshem, the fish goddess, constellation Pisces, is also “Silili.” Hamath and the Swan, constellation Cygnus, the Swan; is Sumerian Bid goddess Ninmar. Brahma sometimes called “a swan” or is mentioned as having one.]

DRACO, the Dragon. 2/44 Canaan‘s own constellation, consistent with the imagery of Panel 90, is Draco, the winding dragon of the summer circumpolar region, accomplishing for the summer sphere of the Semites what southern Hydra accomplishes for the spring sphere of the Hamites. The Christian apocalypse interprets Draco as a sign of satanic power unleashed, a motif consistent with Grosse's interpretation of Dragon Panel 90 and with the apparent tenor of Genesis 9:20-26. But, in the third millennium. Thuban.of Draco was the pole star, as though Canaan, the Sumerian Enlil and Egyptian Shu, were the supreme ruler of the Noahic cosmos.or the astronomical dimension of it. Enlil and Shu seem to have been gods of the atmosphere and, again, we are reminded of the Christian interpretation of Satan as the "prince of the power of the air,” as though demonic hosts were specifically in control of the atmosphere or first heaven? of Pauline conception. In_Genesis 9, Canaan is not a sorcerer or worshipper of Satan but the passive recipient of Noah's curse. But, for a third time, Canaan is associated with Satan, indirectly,...

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